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web server - Borland Technical Publications

web server - Borland Technical Publications


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element<br />

element<br />

The services element lets you configure the Partition's services. Each Partition service<br />

has a service sub-element with its specific configuration, the services element itself<br />

has the following attributes:<br />

Attribute<br />

autostart<br />

startorder<br />

shutdownorder<br />

administer<br />

Description<br />

List of Partition's services to be started at Partition startup.<br />

The value is a space separated list of Partition service names.<br />

The startup order to be imposed on the Partition services configured to be<br />

started by the autostart attribute. Partition services that are not specified<br />

are started after those specified.<br />

A valid value is a space separated list of Partition service names in their<br />

start order (left to right).<br />

The shutdown order to be imposed on the Partition services that are<br />

running at Partition shutdown. Partition services that are not specified are<br />

stopped before those specified.<br />

A valid value is a space separated list of Partition service names in their<br />

shutdown order (left to right).<br />

List of Partition services that are visible to the user. They appear in the<br />

tools when Partition services are listed.<br />

The element contains the following sub-element:<br />

■<br />

service<br />

element<br />

The element provides the configuration for a Partition service. It contains<br />

attributes that govern the Partition's management of the service and a properties subelement<br />

that contains the service's configuration metadata.<br />

Table 30.2<br />

Attribute<br />

name<br />

version<br />

description<br />

vendor<br />

class<br />

in.management.domain<br />

startup.synchronization<br />

Attributes of the service element<br />

startup.service_ready.max_wait<br />

startup.delay<br />

Description<br />

The Partition service's name.<br />

The version of the Partition service.<br />

The description for the Partition service.<br />

The description of the vendor for the Partition service.<br />

The class that implements the Partition's service plugin<br />

architecture and provides the management and control<br />

interface for the service.<br />

Flag that indicates if the service runs in the Partition's<br />

management domain or in the Partition's user domain.<br />

The type of synchronization to be performed when the<br />

service is started. Valid values are:<br />

■ service_ready—wait for the service to be ready for up<br />

to startup.service_ready.max_wait milliseconds.<br />

■ delay—always wait for startup.delay milliseconds, do<br />

not monitor the service for it to become ready.<br />

Default is no synchronization.<br />

Limits the maximum time, in milliseconds, that the<br />

Partition waits for the service to start when the<br />

startup.synchronization value is service_ready. A value of<br />

0 (zero) means no time limit is imposed. The default<br />

value is 0 (zero).<br />

Defines the time, in milliseconds, that the Partition waits<br />

in order to give the service a chance to start when the<br />

startup.synchronization value is delay. A value of 0 (zero)<br />

means wait forever. Default is 0 (zero).<br />

328 BES Developer’s Guide

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