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element element The user.orb element controls the VisiBroker configuration used for the Partition's user domain ORB. Attribute orb.propstorage use.default.smartagent.port use.default.smartagent.addr Description Path to the Partition's user ORB properties file. Relative paths are relative to the Partition's properties directory (the directory partition.xml is in). This property defines whether the Partition will use the SCU Smart Agent configuration to determine the Smart Agent port value. This property defines whether the Partition will use the SCU Smart Agent configuration to determine the Smart Agent host address value. element The management.orb element controls the VisiBroker configuration for the Partition's management domain ORB. Attribute orb.propstorage required_roles.propstorage runas.propstorage Description Path to the Partition's management domain ORB properties file. Path to the Partition's management domain ORB required roles configuration file. Path to the Partition's management domain ORB runas configuration file. All the paths are relative to the Partition's properties directory (the directory partition.xml is in). element The shutdown element determines the actions taken when a Partition stops. This empty element has no attributes. Attribute dump_threads dump_threads.count delay.1 garbage_collection.1 delay.2 runfinalizersonexit delay.3 garbage_collection.2 delay.4 runfinalization Description Flag that causes the Partition to dump diagnostic information on threads still running late in Partition shutdown. If defined, the value indicates the number of times to dump the thread states during shutdown. It is useful if you are trying to see if some threads are simply taking a long time to quit, but do quit eventually. Reserved for support use. Reserved for support use. Reserved for support use. Reserved for support use. Reserved for support use. Reserved for support use. Reserved for support use. Reserved for support use. Chapter 30: Partition XML reference 327

element element The services element lets you configure the Partition's services. Each Partition service has a service sub-element with its specific configuration, the services element itself has the following attributes: Attribute autostart startorder shutdownorder administer Description List of Partition's services to be started at Partition startup. The value is a space separated list of Partition service names. The startup order to be imposed on the Partition services configured to be started by the autostart attribute. Partition services that are not specified are started after those specified. A valid value is a space separated list of Partition service names in their start order (left to right). The shutdown order to be imposed on the Partition services that are running at Partition shutdown. Partition services that are not specified are stopped before those specified. A valid value is a space separated list of Partition service names in their shutdown order (left to right). List of Partition services that are visible to the user. They appear in the tools when Partition services are listed. The element contains the following sub-element: ■ service element The element provides the configuration for a Partition service. It contains attributes that govern the Partition's management of the service and a properties subelement that contains the service's configuration metadata. Table 30.2 Attribute name version description vendor class in.management.domain startup.synchronization Attributes of the service element startup.service_ready.max_wait startup.delay Description The Partition service's name. The version of the Partition service. The description for the Partition service. The description of the vendor for the Partition service. The class that implements the Partition's service plugin architecture and provides the management and control interface for the service. Flag that indicates if the service runs in the Partition's management domain or in the Partition's user domain. The type of synchronization to be performed when the service is started. Valid values are: ■ service_ready—wait for the service to be ready for up to startup.service_ready.max_wait milliseconds. ■ delay—always wait for startup.delay milliseconds, do not monitor the service for it to become ready. Default is no synchronization. Limits the maximum time, in milliseconds, that the Partition waits for the service to start when the startup.synchronization value is service_ready. A value of 0 (zero) means no time limit is imposed. The default value is 0 (zero). Defines the time, in milliseconds, that the Partition waits in order to give the service a chance to start when the startup.synchronization value is delay. A value of 0 (zero) means wait forever. Default is 0 (zero). 328 BES Developer’s Guide

element<br />

element<br />

The user.orb element controls the VisiBroker configuration used for the Partition's user<br />

domain ORB.<br />

Attribute<br />

orb.propstorage<br />

use.default.smartagent.port<br />

use.default.smartagent.addr<br />

Description<br />

Path to the Partition's user ORB properties file. Relative<br />

paths are relative to the Partition's properties directory (the<br />

directory partition.xml is in).<br />

This property defines whether the Partition will use the SCU<br />

Smart Agent configuration to determine the Smart Agent port<br />

value.<br />

This property defines whether the Partition will use the SCU<br />

Smart Agent configuration to determine the Smart Agent host<br />

address value.<br />

element<br />

The management.orb element controls the VisiBroker configuration for the Partition's<br />

management domain ORB.<br />

Attribute<br />

orb.propstorage<br />

required_roles.propstorage<br />

runas.propstorage<br />

Description<br />

Path to the Partition's management domain ORB properties<br />

file.<br />

Path to the Partition's management domain ORB required<br />

roles configuration file.<br />

Path to the Partition's management domain ORB runas<br />

configuration file.<br />

All the paths are relative to the Partition's properties directory (the directory<br />

partition.xml is in).<br />

element<br />

The shutdown element determines the actions taken when a Partition stops. This empty<br />

element has no attributes.<br />

Attribute<br />

dump_threads<br />

dump_threads.count<br />

delay.1<br />

garbage_collection.1<br />

delay.2<br />

runfinalizersonexit<br />

delay.3<br />

garbage_collection.2<br />

delay.4<br />

runfinalization<br />

Description<br />

Flag that causes the Partition to dump diagnostic information on<br />

threads still running late in Partition shutdown.<br />

If defined, the value indicates the number of times to dump the<br />

thread states during shutdown. It is useful if you are trying to see if<br />

some threads are simply taking a long time to quit, but do quit<br />

eventually.<br />

Reserved for support use.<br />

Reserved for support use.<br />

Reserved for support use.<br />

Reserved for support use.<br />

Reserved for support use.<br />

Reserved for support use.<br />

Reserved for support use.<br />

Reserved for support use.<br />

Chapter 30: Partition XML reference 327

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