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Programmatic transaction management using JTA APIs<br />

Under normal circumstances only two attributes, Required and RequiresNew, must be<br />

used. The attributes Supports and NotSupported are strictly for optimization. The use of<br />

Never and Mandatory are not recommended because they affect the composibility of the<br />

bean. In addition, if a bean is concerned about transaction synchronization and<br />

implements the javax.ejb.SessionSynchronization interface, then the Assembler/<br />

Deployer can specify only the attributes Required, RequiresNew, or Mandatory. These<br />

attributes ensure that the container invokes the bean only within a global transaction,<br />

because transaction synchronization can only occur within a global transaction.<br />

Programmatic transaction management using JTA APIs<br />

All transactions use the Java Transaction API (JTA). When transactions are container<br />

managed, the platform handles the demarcation of transaction boundaries and the<br />

container uses the JTA API; you do not need to use this API in your bean code.<br />

A bean that manages its own transactions (bean-managed transaction), however, must<br />

use the JTA javax.transaction.UserTransaction interface. This interface allows a client<br />

or component to demarcate transaction boundaries. Enterprise JavaBeans that use<br />

bean-managed transactions use the method EJBContext.getUserTransaction().<br />

In addition, all transactional clients use JNDI to look up the UserTransaction interface.<br />

This simply involves constructing a JNDI InitialContext using the JNDI naming<br />

service, as shown in the following line of code:<br />

javax.naming.Context context = new javax.naming.InitialContext();<br />

Once the bean has obtained the InitialContext object, it can then use the JNDI<br />

lookup() operation to obtain the UserTransaction interface, as shown in the following<br />

code sample.<br />

javax.transaction.UserTransaction utx = (javax.transaction.UserTransaction)<br />

context.lookup("java:comp/UserTransaction");<br />

Note that an EJB can obtain a reference to the UserTransaction interface from the<br />

EJBContext object. This is because an enterprise bean by default inherits a reference to<br />

the EJBContext object. Thus, the bean can simply use the<br />

EJBContext.getUserTransaction() method rather than having to obtain an<br />

InitialContext object and then using the JNDI lookup() method. However, a<br />

transactional client that is not an enterprise bean must use the JNDI lookup approach.<br />

When the bean or client has the reference to the UserTransaction interface, it can then<br />

initiate its own transactions and manage these transactions. That is, you can use the<br />

UserTransaction interface methods to begin and commit (or rollback) transactions. You<br />

use the begin() method to start the transaction, then the commit() method to commit the<br />

changes to the database. Or, you use the rollback() method to abort all changes<br />

made within the transaction and restore the database to the state it was in prior to the<br />

start of the transaction. Between the begin() and commit() methods, you include code<br />

to carry out the transaction's business.<br />

Chapter 19: Transaction management 177

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