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web server - Borland Technical Publications

web server - Borland Technical Publications


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Setting Properties<br />

into a BLOB. The Container does not do any “smart” mapping on these classes or types;<br />

it just stores the state in binary format. The Container's CMP engine observes the<br />

following rule: the engine serializes as a BLOB all types that are not one of the explicitly<br />

supported types.<br />

In this context, the Container follows the JDBC specification: a BLOB is the type to which<br />

LONGVARBINARY maps. (For Oracle, this is LONG RAW.)<br />

Using SQL keywords<br />

The CMP engine for the <strong>Borland</strong> Container can handle all SQL keywords that comply<br />

with the SQL92 standard. However, you should keep in mind that vendors frequently<br />

add their own keywords. For example, Oracle uses the keyword VARCHAR2. If you want<br />

to ensure that the CMP engine can handle vendor keywords that may differ from the<br />

SQL standard, set up an environment property in the deployment descriptor that maps<br />

the CMP field name to the column name. By using this sort of environment property,<br />

you do not have to modify your code.<br />

For example, suppose you have a CMP field called “select”. You can use the following<br />

environment property to map “select” to a column called “SLCT”, as shown below.<br />

<br />

<br />

Data<br />

<br />

select<br />

SLCT<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Using null values<br />

It is possible that your database values can contain SQL null values. If so, you must<br />

map them to fields whose Java data types are permitted to contain Java null values.<br />

Typically, you do this by using Java types instead of primitive types. Thus, you use a<br />

Java Integer type rather than a primitive int type, or a Java Float type rather than a<br />

primitive float type.<br />

Establishing a database connection<br />

You must specify a DataSource so that the CMP engine can open a database<br />

connection. The DataSource defines the information necessary for establishing a<br />

database connection, such as username and password. Define a DataSource and then<br />

use a resource-ref to refer to the DataSource in the XML deployment descriptor for the<br />

bean. The CMP engine can then use the DataSource to access the database via<br />

JDBC.<br />

At the point in the vendor-specific XML file where you provide the jndi binding for the<br />

resource-ref, add the element<br />

True<br />

For cases where the entity bean declares only one resource-ref, you do not need to<br />

provide the above XML element. When the entity bean has only one resource-ref, the<br />

<strong>Borland</strong> Container knows to automatically choose that one resource as the cmpresource.<br />

Container-created tables<br />

You can instruct the <strong>Borland</strong> EJB Container to automatically create tables for<br />

container-managed entities based on the entity's container-managed fields. Because<br />

table creation and data type mappings vary among vendors, you must specify the<br />

JDBC database dialect in the deployment descriptor to the Container. For all<br />

122 BES Developer’s Guide

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