Midstream Newsletter DRAFT March 2013.pub - Claremont Yacht Club

Midstream Newsletter DRAFT March 2013.pub - Claremont Yacht Club

Midstream Newsletter DRAFT March 2013.pub - Claremont Yacht Club


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The Official Publicaon of <strong>Claremont</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong> (Inc.)<br />

MARCH 2013<br />

Sail Courses New Member Report A word from Col<br />

New Courses here at CYC p25 Welcoming the new members to CYC p14 A sad goodbye from the Chef p27

Every Sunday morning from 8 - 11:30am in the Deepdene<br />

For a relaxing start to your day,<br />

come down and enjoy the<br />

sweeping views of Freshwater Bay<br />

while you sip on a Barista coffee or<br />

a variety of loose leaf teas.<br />

Breakfast Menu<br />

Bacon and Egg Roll<br />

$7.50<br />

Toasted Dried Fruit Muesli<br />

with greek yoghurt, fresh honeycomb and seasonal berries<br />

$8.00<br />

Eggs any way you like<br />

on toasted italian loaf<br />

$9.00<br />

Bacon and Eggs<br />

eggs any way you like on toasted italian loaf<br />

$13.50<br />

Extras<br />

Bacon $3.50<br />

Sausages $3.50<br />

Eggs (2) $2.50<br />

Mushrooms $2.50<br />

Roma Tomatoes $2.50<br />

Spinach w’ feta Cheese $2.50<br />

Toasted Italian loaf $2.50<br />

*Gluten free bread available on request<br />

Front Page: ‘Andalusia’ - Skipper Chris Cochrane. Commodore’s Cup 2011

<strong>Club</strong> Trading Hours<br />

Office<br />

Monday - Friday<br />

9am to 5pm<br />

Members Bar<br />

Monday/Tuesday/Thursday<br />

4pm - 8pm<br />

Wednesday and Friday<br />

4pm onwards<br />

Saturday and Sunday<br />

11.30am- 8pm<br />

Restaurant Hours<br />

Wednesday Twilight Buffet<br />

7pm onwards<br />

Friday Night Veranda Menu<br />

6:30pm onwards<br />

Saturday Lunch Veranda Menu<br />

11:30am onwards<br />

Contact Us<br />

4 Victoria Avenue, <strong>Claremont</strong> WA 6010<br />

PO Box 11, <strong>Claremont</strong> WA 6910<br />

Phone: (08) 9384 8226 Fax: (08) 9384 9990<br />

Email: recepon@claremontyachtclub.org.au<br />

Website: www.claremontyachtclub.org.au<br />


15 Broome Billfish Classic<br />

16 Environmental Management<br />

17 Ecoceans Alive 2013<br />

27 Colin Cameron’s Goodbye<br />


4-6 Commodore’s Report<br />

8-9 Vice Commodore’s Vice Column<br />

10 Funcons Corner<br />

12-13 A Word from the Manager<br />

14 Membership Report<br />

18-19 Out and About<br />

Laser State Championships 2013<br />

20-21 Power Secon<br />

22-23 Blowin in the wind Recap<br />

24 Sail Report<br />

25 Current Sail Courses<br />

26 Dinghy Report<br />

28-29 The Archive Crew<br />

30-31 Member’s Services Directory


Dominic Papaluca reports:<br />

My fellow members,<br />

On behalf of the General Commiee I hereby present my Annual Report.<br />

Before I begin, I’d like to refer back to the 10 year plan released back in July 2003; it is interesng to note that many<br />

of the topics covered back in 2003 are sll on the agenda for 2013. Namely;<br />

• the desire to increase external and internal club hospitality events to help boost the surplus funds available to<br />

the club; (I’m pleased to report that External Funcons are contribung to the club surpluses now – see Treasurer’s<br />

report)<br />

• use these ancipated surpluses to increase member benefits; upgrade of clubhouse facilies; (we have a program<br />

of scheduled maintenance now – to which we allocate $100,000 per annum – see the Capex report below)<br />

• increased membership via increased markeng acvies to our target market – through brochures, flyers and<br />

website etc.; (we haven’t done a lot in this area yet, but we have plans to increase membership via training courses,<br />

new pens and more “fun” events to keep exisng members interested and aract new members. The Website was a<br />

long me in the making, but it is helping in this regard)<br />

•invest in the personnel to enable us to make all of this happen (the appointments we have made in the last few<br />

years of General Manager, Accountant and Funcons Manager are starng to pay dividends now)<br />

During this me, the old chestnuts of (a) parcipaon in club on-water events and also (b) members not availing<br />

themselves (to the level that the commiee desires) of our dining facilies – for example; Friday night dining, Sunday<br />

breakfasts and big events, such as the annual Commodore’s Ball. Our approach to these two issues is to increase the<br />

membership base (via new pens and more social members) and to add more training and interesng events during<br />

the respecve summer and winter seasons to bring people back to the club. We understand that there are a number<br />

of compeng interests on weekends these days…and we are trying to tailor our programs to be short, sharp and<br />

interesng – something that was borne out of the Gemba report produced by Yachng Australia. Whilst this report<br />

talks about Sailing – I believe it can be equally applied to Power-Boang as well. You can find this report at:<br />

hp://www.yachng.org.au/site/yachng/ayf/downloads/SportDev/YA%20Gemba%20Summary%20clubs.pdf<br />

I will elaborate further in the Sailing and Power secons of this report.<br />

Finance<br />

As reported in last month’s <strong>Midstream</strong> newsleer, we<br />

actually hit $1M in the bank during January. Whilst we will dip<br />

below this figure in the run down to June (before our next Moiety) the General Commiee is confident that we have a<br />

firm grip on the operaons of the club – and are building a nest-egg to carry us through some of the major expenditure<br />

projects we have coming up. We will be able to add to this nest egg unl we start spending money on H Jey building<br />

(see below). Note that $450,000 of this nest egg relates to our savings for A-West Jey refurbishment.<br />

As I have reported previously, the General Commiee works on a rule of thumb that the club generates $300,000+ of<br />

real cash each year. We allocate $100,000 of this to the<br />

schedule of programmed maintenance (see Capex lisng below)<br />

and a further $150,000 to the A-West refurbishment fund per annum. Any addional savings are held for<br />

“emergencies” but if there is no call on these funds, we transfer them into term deposits or a cash management account.<br />

We are trying to put as much away as possible at the moment because A-West looks like it may cost more than<br />

we think, and there will be some up-front payments to do with H-Jey (as soon as it is approved).

Capital Works Program<br />

As menoned in the <strong>Midstream</strong> newsleer, some of the smaller projects will be commenced in the next few months,<br />

namely: the ladies toilets upstairs; the downstairs toilets/change rooms etc. We have heard back from the Swan River<br />

Trust regarding our H Jey submission, and responded to their queries. We will let you know once final approval is<br />

received…it will take some me yet.<br />

Here is the table of projects that we have in the pipeline – ranked accordingly.<br />

Table of Projects under consideraon<br />

No Project Comment Value Funding OH&S Fin.<br />

Memb<br />

Maint<br />

Aesthec<br />

Contr.<br />

Benefit<br />


1 H Jey Applicaon<br />

2012<br />

6 H Jey Building<br />

Program<br />

2012<br />

Applicaon submied Dec<br />

2012<br />

Pending acquial of<br />

requirements (yet to be<br />

advised) by SRT<br />

8 Carpark Stage 2 May be required to sasfy<br />

11 A West Jey<br />

2017<br />

SRT<br />

2007 Stabilisaon should<br />

hold unl 2017. Increased<br />

the cost esmate to $1.2M<br />

$50K Internal<br />

$3.5M<br />

Funding<br />

Mix of<br />

internal<br />

and<br />

external<br />

TBA Internal X X X X<br />

$1.2M Internal X X X X<br />

X<br />

X<br />

X<br />

X<br />


2 Mens Change<br />

Rooms<br />

Create some extra room<br />

(which was reduced by<br />

office upgrade)<br />

Under<br />

$10K<br />

inallly<br />

Internal X X X X<br />

3 Coage Demo &<br />

site rehab<br />

4 Upper Ladies Toilets<br />

Council paperwork needs to<br />

be re-wrien (their fault not<br />

ours) then can go ahead<br />

Embarrassing Condion<br />

compared to mens’<br />

$20K Internal X X<br />

TBA Internal X X X X<br />

5 Lower Toilets Poor Condion TBA Internal X X X X<br />

7 Carpark Stage 1 Reclaim Slipway and resurface<br />

that area<br />

9 Security Gate Quotes in hand. Timing is<br />

the issue, carpark refurb etc<br />

10 Enclosed Staircase Cost greater than benefits<br />

unless membership increases<br />

first. There may be a<br />

beer way of doing this as<br />

part of upstairs upgrade.<br />

TBA Internal X X<br />

$18K Internal X X<br />

TBA Internal X X X X<br />

Constuon<br />

The amendments to the constuon that were voted on at the Special Meeng of Members have been approved retrospecvely<br />

by the Department of Consumer Affairs. My thanks go to the Constuon Review Commiee. We have some<br />

small wording amendments to vote on tonight.<br />

Connue over the page...


Management, Administraon and Governance<br />

The employment of a General Manager has been a great help to me and I believe has also stabilized the staff turnover<br />

occurring in the office. Doug Hannaford is seling into his role now and is contribung to our success. I would like to<br />

commend Doug on the excellent relaonships he has managed to engender with our near neighbours (including<br />

residents and also Bethesda and Christ Church Grammar School), the Town of <strong>Claremont</strong> and also the Swan River Trust.<br />

The work that Doug has been doing in this area will pay us back many-mes-over in the next few years. I’d like to make<br />

special menon of Colin Mellows our Accountant – his role has become a full-me one, however we are very fortunate<br />

to have somebody like Colin who is passionate about our numbers and also can find out the niy-griy detail whenever<br />

it is asked of him. He has been instrumental in pung together all the reports you see tonight.<br />

Funcon Centre<br />

Jennifer Trollip has been bringing in many funcons. Jennifer is very proacve – and a good “seller of funcons”. She<br />

has proven this by aracng events during our tradional “slow mes”. At rate Jennifer is going, there will not be a<br />

“slow period” in future. This is significant for the club on a number of levels; (a) the funcons book is relavely full all<br />

year; and (b) the<br />

funcons are profitable. This is a great help to the overall financial stability of the club. The results<br />

speak for themselves – see Treasurers report.<br />

Sail Commiee<br />

Dean has submied his own report this year, so I will not say too much other than to thank him for his efforts and to<br />

reiterate that I am very pleased with the approach that he is taking to “rebuild Sailing from the ground-up).<br />

Parcipaon rates have dropped off over the last couple of years. The Sail Commiee has gone back to the drawing<br />

board, spoken to the sailors and will tailor their future programs to fit what people are looking for. As menoned, the<br />

Gemba report has been illuminang in this respect, and I think that the Sail Commiee is on the right track. We will see<br />

the results of this in the next couple of seasons. We will be looking for a new Rear Commodore of Sail and also a Sail<br />

Captain this year – sailing members…put your hand up.<br />

Dinghy Commiee<br />

John Rasmussen has been a revelaon to us all since taking over from Max Brown. The Dinghy secon is in good hands.<br />

We hosted the Laser State Titles and also the Laser Metro State tles this year. This has been a real feather in CYC’s cap.<br />

Aer doing such a good job of the Metro series, we were asked to do the State Championships as well. The Laser fleet at<br />

our club is sll going from strength to strength, and I think with Dean Caple’s input – the Tackers program and Dinghy<br />

training courses will bring more new members to CYC. If you have children that are interested in learning (or know<br />

somebody who does) – get them into the Tackers program…it is fantasc.<br />

Power Commiee<br />

Peter Wilkinson has hit the ground running since he took over as Rear Commodore Power. The events calendar has<br />

been changed and he has also worked with other clubs to ensure that Time-Trialling is varied and interesng next<br />

season. In addion to this, he has been responsible for the Parents Day, run to Rockingham, and we have the fishing<br />

compleon and more to come. I think that the Power Division is in good hands. Again, I think this change in approach<br />

will pay dividends in the next couple of seasons.<br />

Summary<br />

The club is in a sound financial posion. We are in a posion to tackle H-Jey (when it is approved) and the future is<br />

looking bright for CYC. Thank you all for your support and thanks to our many volunteers, sponsors and Staff who all<br />

contribute to making CYC what it is today.<br />

Dominic Papaluca<br />



PETER MAYHEW reports:<br />

Hi again!<br />

There has been lots happening around the club recently, and it’s nearly six months since I took on this<br />

role!<br />

I was having a breakfast roll in the Deepdeen the other weekend (new breakfast weekend menu) and I<br />

could not believe how busy the club has been recently.<br />

Over the past weeks we have had the Parkerville night for underprivileged children (organized by Clive<br />

Annear and the Power Commiee) the Jey commiee have been working hard on the new H Jey system,<br />

Peter Tate organized the river clean up and we have just had the State Laser Championships. (I’m<br />

sure John or Comm Dom will menon more on this later)<br />

It is amazing how much work goes into these events and the feedback that we have had has been<br />

excellent, all of which really helps to put CYC on the map.<br />

Last Friday evening saw the Penfolds 2013 wine release night and I would like to take this opportunity to<br />

thank everybody involved for pung on such a great event.<br />

The next big event on our club calendar is the Commodores Cup and the Half Yearly Meeng and I look<br />

forward to catching up with you all then!<br />

Well we had two winners last month!<br />

Congratulaons to Ross Campbell and Rob the Boson!<br />

They both idenfied correctly the vacuum cleaner hose connector on a RYOBI upright cleaner!<br />

Come into the club Ross and claim your bole of wine!


So here is this month’s photograph, a very cool and common item!<br />

If you think you know what it might be, please send your answers by email to Cass:<br />

recepon@claremontyachtclub.org.au …… and we will publish the answer and winner next month!<br />

A ships engineer brought his young son along on a cruise upriver one day to show him what he does for a<br />

living.<br />

All the kid wanted to do was steer the boat and aer several hours of insisng that he knew how to<br />

handle the job, his father agreed and brought his son to see the Captain.<br />

"Okay", said the Captain, “you can steer the boat, but you must pass a small test first”.<br />

The Captain asked the boy, “If I asked you to turn to the le, what naucal term should I use?"<br />

"Turn to Port", said the boy. "Correct", said the Captain.<br />

"If I wanted you to turn the boat to the right, what direcon would that be?"<br />

"Starboard", said boy grinning from ear to ear. "Good for you", said the Captain.<br />

"And straight?" asked the Captain, the boy quickly replied, "Without ice sir!"


JENIFFER TROLLIP reports:<br />

Hi Everyone,<br />

Well Summer is now officially over, and it is time to start welcoming the start of the Power Time Trial<br />

Season as well as those Frostbites!<br />

Here's a little about what is upcoming here at the club:<br />

Parkerville Twilight<br />

Thank you to Clive for his assistance with organising this amazing event as well as all the members<br />

who assisted on the day, we received some great praise from the carers and the children had<br />

an amazing time. We are looking forward to more events like these in the near future.<br />

Valentines Week<br />

With love blooming during that week, it was such a successful event, we were fully booked on<br />

the Wednesday and was blessed on both days with Chelsea Gibson,<br />

Thank you so much for all your support.<br />

Volunteers Dinner<br />

Was a great success, thank you again for all the volunteers, we do hope you had an amazing<br />

evening with us, we certainly appreciate your tireless efforts throughout the year.<br />

Yoga on Friday Mornings<br />

$15/adult $10/student per session<br />

Yoga at <strong>Claremont</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong>! Helen Heppingstone will be presenting a<br />

Yoga session, Friday mornings 6am-7am, commencing 1st <strong>March</strong> in the<br />

Deepdene room (weather permitting we may move to the grass area to<br />

make the most of the morning atmosphere).<br />

Helen is a qualified Yoga instructor with Yoga Australia, bringing with her<br />

up to 30 years in the fitness industry, teaching Yoga exclusively for the past<br />

3.5 years. Her style is Vinyasa, a flowing sequence to squeeze and soak the<br />

whole body, with the focus on maintaining a calm and steady breath<br />

throughout the practice. An incredible way to start the day; your body<br />

and mind will feel centred, balanced and harmonious.<br />

To participate you will need a mat and comfortable clothing. Yoga is<br />

practiced with bare feet.<br />

Please contact Helen on 0429334336 prior to commencing if you have any questions or specific<br />

needs.<br />

The Annual Commodore's Cup<br />

Don’t forget that Sunday, 17th <strong>March</strong> is the Commodore’s Cup!! The Members Bar will be open<br />

from 11am and the Race commences at 2pm. A wonderful day not-to-be-missed! Come down<br />

and enjoy a few relaxing drinks while you watch the sail past! Presentations and Prizes at 5:30pm.


DOUG HANNAFORD reports:<br />

A Glorious Start<br />

This month began with a unique event, a record field of 100 Lasers heading to <strong>Claremont</strong> for the state<br />

championships. In a field studded with world champion sand Olympic team members and contenders, the club was<br />

complimented greatly for its warm and friendly welcome; the tangible connecon between the river and the<br />

Deepdene hospitality and the remarkable logiscs in such a relavely small seng. Please excuse me from<br />

lisng the list of generous supporters again here but suffice it to say that the club, through its hearty volunteers,<br />

did us all proud.<br />

Wine Mecca<br />

The epics connue this month, with the introducon of Vince<br />

Salpietro as Wine Sommelier to <strong>Claremont</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong>. Not only<br />

does Vince bring his wealth of experience and sense of what goes<br />

and when, he also brings his buying power as Managing Director of<br />

Grand Cru, one of Perth’s most respected wine cellars.<br />

With Vince joining our ranks, I look forward to presenng a new<br />

broader wine list, with the emphasis on educaon, adventure and<br />

food matching. Tasng notes will appear against each of the wines<br />

on offer as Vince leads you on his – and maybe your own -<br />

favourite new journey.<br />

For 75 successful applicants in just one week, the journey began<br />

last Friday with the Penfolds Bin Release for 2013 - said to be the<br />

most ancipated release in 30 years. Several of the reds were<br />

accompanied by 1996 and 1998 vintages of the same drop to<br />

demonstrate their potenal for maturaon.<br />

Half Yearly Meeng<br />

Please note that the annual Half Yearly Meeng of Members will take place in the <strong>Club</strong>house on <strong>March</strong> 21 at<br />


Insurance for Contractors<br />

The club is currently assessing all of its insurance risks and covers. One<br />

alarming finding is the frequency with which private owner’s contract boat<br />

tradesmen to work on their boats without appropriate trades insurance<br />

cover. There are occasions that the tradesmen don’t have insurance cover<br />

in place or more commonly have a standard Public Liability policy that<br />

excludes cover when the vessel is over 8 metres & oen has a limit for<br />

vessels is possession of $100,000.<br />

For your reference, the clubs insurance provider has developed a<br />

specialist product for marine contractors named Marine Combined<br />

Liability that addresses these restricons and also includes many other<br />

benefits. Details are available from the office.<br />

Breakfast<br />

Fed up with the fumes and noise at so many of Perth’s bizarre culture<br />

of street-side cafes and restaurants? Consider starng your<br />

Sunday mornings with breakfast and a newspaper at the place<br />

where the river meets the clubhouse, The Deepdene.<br />

Build your own scrumpous breakfast menu from Bircher Muesli to<br />

eggs-as-you-like-them on Italian toast with side servings of bacon,<br />

sausages, mushrooms, spinach or tomatoes all with loose leaf teas<br />

and barista coffee. Breakfast/brunch is on Sunday mornings from<br />

8.00 unl 11.30.<br />

It is most important for all concerned that all trades etc working on boats at the club sign on at the office and show<br />

evidence that they have appropriate insurance in place to<br />

avoid potenal problems.<br />

Passing Through<br />

Ireland’s favourite singer musician Finbar Furey visited CYC<br />

last week at the start of a month long Australian Tour. A<br />

regular face on the Australian stage, Finbar, ex member of<br />

The Fureys and the Clancy Brothers arrived with tour<br />

manager and ex Jesus Christ Superstar performer Marc<br />

Wilkinson (right).<br />

Abrolhos Season<br />

With “Abrolhos season” looming may I remind you that<br />

there may be a number of pens vacant for a period of me,<br />

from weeks to months. Please contact the office to discuss the rate for temporary use of these pens during that me.<br />

Clean Marina Thanks<br />

Thanks to very much to Peter Tate and his diving and shore teams who cleaned up a build-up of lier underwater and<br />

on the beach.<br />

Tender Dinghies<br />

Thank you to all owners of tender dinghies on the beach who have already marked their dinghies, registered them with<br />

the office and chained them down. To all others please note this last warning that unsecured dinghies may be<br />

disposed of in the near future.<br />

Social Commiee<br />

Expressions of interest are sought from Members who would like to join a social commiee or give advice from me to<br />

me.<br />

Thank you and have a lovely month!


<strong>Claremont</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong> would like to say a big welcome to our new Members of the club for February !<br />

We hope you enjoy our facilies and relaxed atmosphere.<br />

Note:<br />

Please ensure you put<br />

the date on your Ice<br />

Chits so we can charge<br />

your membership<br />

account correctly<br />

Thanks!<br />

Congratulaons to<br />

Ross Campbell<br />

Who was the winner for February’s<br />

Vice Commodore Naucal Quiz<br />

The correct answer was: a Vacuum Cleaner<br />

Hose<br />

Come to the Office Ross and collect your<br />


CYC Environmental Management<br />

Requirements<br />

The Swan River Trust has recently updated the requirements of the Environmental Management System (EMS) under<br />

which the <strong>Club</strong>, and its member, operate. As at November 2010, the <strong>Claremont</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong> has commied to implement<br />

Operaonal Controls for Risks idenfied within the EMS. Several risks which require acon and cooperaon of Members<br />

are detailed below.<br />

Vessel refuelling<br />

• Bowsers are fied with variable rate delivery nozzles with auto-shut. The diesel pump also has a high low rate<br />

pump for rapid filling of vessels with large capacity tanks.<br />

• Members are encouraged to have fuel/air separators devices in fuel tank breather lines to prevent fuel from escaping<br />

vents.<br />

• The <strong>Club</strong> has provided spill response kits at the bowsers and outside the office (yellow bins).<br />

• Members should ensure they are familiar with the <strong>Club</strong>’s preferred refuelling procedure (contact the office if you<br />

require details).<br />

Only <strong>Club</strong> members are to use the refuelling bowser.<br />

No Discharge from Vessels<br />

• Members are to have oil absorpon “pillows” in bilges of vessels, parcularly those that are fied with automac<br />

bilge pumps. Oil absorbent pillows are readily available at marine chandlers.<br />

• Members are responsible for proper disposal of their used bilge pillows.<br />

Members are to ensure that bilge water contaminated with other substances (eg detergents, degreaser) is removed and<br />

appropriately disposed, not discharged into the river.<br />

Cleaning and Maintenance of Vessels in Water<br />

• No abrasive cleaning or scraping of hulls that results in hull coang (anfoul or other) being released into the river.<br />

• No discharge of cleaning products or effluent to river.<br />

• Contain, and appropriately dispose of, any dust or liquid waste arising from maintenance works on members’ vessels<br />

in the marina.<br />

• Do not use angle grinders in the marina.<br />

The <strong>Club</strong> has negoated a concessional fee for members to use of liing and hard-stand facilies at Royal Perth <strong>Yacht</strong><br />

<strong>Club</strong><br />

Noise Management<br />

Noise producing acvies, including boat maintenance, to occur only between the hours of 0700 and 1900 (between<br />

0900 and 1900 on Sundays and public holidays).<br />

Remember, the <strong>Club</strong> belongs to all members and their families, so we all need to work together and with regulatory<br />

bodies, including local government and government instrumentalies, to achieve the ongoing success and growth of the<br />

<strong>Club</strong>. There will be adverse consequences for the <strong>Club</strong> if members do not observe these environmental requirements,<br />

therefore, the <strong>Club</strong> may take acon against members responsible for any breaches of these requirements.

Guess What?!<br />

Fawlty Towers is coming to <strong>Claremont</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong>!!<br />

Saturday 11th of May<br />

A not-to-be-missed event!!


2013 Laser State Championships at <strong>Claremont</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong>


Peter Wilkinson reports:<br />

The weekend of February 16th and 17th saw 35 people in 11 boats join in and take the<br />

cruise to Rockingham. Members headed off in their boats from CYC at their leisure on the 1<br />

hour trip down to The Cruising <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong> of Rockingham. Once we arrived we were all<br />

able to e up to the club moorings and enjoy the relaxing atmosphere. Some chose to<br />

head ashore for a coffee, while others enjoyed a quite drink on the back of their boats just<br />

taking in the surroundings, before a planned 5.30pm social get together at TCYC before<br />

dinner.<br />

Manning the tender boats we headed ashore to<br />

enjoy the hospitality of The Cruising yacht club.<br />

Due to a large number of the Rockingham club<br />

members compeng in a yacht race with the<br />

South Fremantle <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong> and the fact that it<br />

finished in Fremantle late that aernoon, we<br />

prey much had the club to ourselves. They made<br />

us feel very welcome and provided a very<br />

enjoyable buffet dinner especially for us.

David, a past Commodore of The Cruising <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong> welcomed our members and<br />

commented that <strong>Claremont</strong> and Rockingham clubs had something in common other than<br />

sailing in relaon to the fact that they were the only two yacht clubs to own their<br />

properes. Aer dinner and much conversaon members returned to their boats.<br />

The next morning 20 members took up the opon of returning ashore for a catered buffet<br />

breakfast. Some took an early morning swim, while others headed back early. There was<br />

no pressure, you could just relax and do whatever you wanted to. The feedback from<br />

members was very posive with the request for more events of a similar nature.<br />

Can I close with a thank you to all those members who parcipated and made this an<br />

enjoyable weekend. A special thankyou to Clive & Jan Annear who drove down to meet<br />

with us for dinner.


“From the Start Box” - Saturday 2nd February 2013<br />

A persistent 8 knot Westerly greeted the skippers of 13 yachts this aernoon. (There was an earnest argument by<br />

several members about where West was located, in the Bar over lunch).<br />

A good start by the super-quick ‘Warlord’ & ‘Wild Bull’ saw them well ahead of the Rear Commodore’s Flying Fieen<br />

‘Touch Wood’, then returning ‘Angazi’ and the new member Greg Simpson on his Randall 32 ‘Altercaon’.<br />

An OOPS by the Commodore saw him and his shadow Peter Robertson fail to complete their assigned course and give<br />

the FIRST ACROSS THE LINE to Dean Caple. But it was Peter Hibberd on his Naturalist 27 who won the Handicap race.<br />

In the Division 3 and 4 it was basically a two horse race between ‘Tehani’ and ‘Annie Lee II’, with Kingsley arriving home<br />

first and Dirk taking home the First place on corrected me.<br />

In the Space Sailor 22s, another match-up was played out. Kevin Kiddey’s ‘Krista’ led the fleet most of the day but<br />

Arthur Poland on ‘Beaujolais’ sailed steady race. He overtook ‘Andalusia’ then on the final rounding of Burnside he<br />

passed ‘Krista’ only to encounter spinnaker problems in front of the club and have Kevin sail back into the lead.<br />

Dinghies 3 rd February 2013<br />

It was another beauful sunny day, with a clear blue sky and a gentle breeze to start the day. Aer a bit of confusion,<br />

at least for me, on where the race was going to start, we got going.<br />

For a change, I had a decent start and was even in the mid field unl the first mark. It was really excing to be in<br />

between all the other boats – instead of just trying to follow and guess which way to go – and really useful for learning<br />

from everyone else. The downside is that it is easier to be in the wrong place and hit some of the other boats – sorry.<br />

Had the race lasted a bit longer, I would have probably been le behind, but I just about managed to stay with the back<br />

markers. On the last length, I even managed to catch up with Walter and had a really close finish. From the official<br />

results, it turns out I was in front by 1 second!<br />

And so with the handicap system, I went from 18 th to 1 st . Not bad. The real winners were Mal on the full rig and Wendy<br />

on the Radial. Well done!<br />

Thanks for another very well organized day!<br />

Carlos Sicilia<br />

ON WATER REPORT - Saturday 9 th February<br />

Well today was programmed for a River Start for a Heat of the <strong>Club</strong> Championships and so all the 22s were very focused<br />

on pung up the right sail to help with the light winds that were forecast.<br />

Chris Cochrane was so serious about it that when I got down to the boat he was under his boat (Andalusia) cleaning his<br />

hull, and hopefully not pung a bucket under the compeon!!<br />

So off we went and waited for our start me. We had a reasonably good start but Krista and Hydrowitch had a beer<br />

start. We headed towards the bank and Andalusia headed into the mooring area in the bay, which proved to be the right<br />

move as he rounded College Buoy first followed by Hydrowitch and then Krista, Beaujolais and bring up the rear Shea Rua<br />

(with his crew of young ladies).<br />

We sailed most of the rest of the race with Hydrowitch including a close call going past Point Walter Spit. When we sailed<br />

down to Burnside we were very conscious of looking to see if they had signaled a shortened course-which they had!! The<br />

last me they shortened the course we almost missed seeing it and almost sailed past the finish line before we realized.<br />

We couldn’t see Andalusia and so he must have finished well ahead of us.<br />

Well it obviously was worthwhile cleaning under the boat wasn’t it Chris? Great Job Chris, you sailed well. Maybe next<br />

me we’ll beat you??

SUNDAY DINGHIES - 10 th February 2013<br />

Thirteen lasers took on the gusty condions on Sunday morning, connuing the strong fleet numbers which have been seen<br />

at the <strong>Club</strong> this season. Unlike other weeks where the breeze has struggled to get over 10 knots the fleet had a chance this<br />

week to pracce in more challenging condions ahead of the state championships<br />

The race saw a number of capsizes with even the leading full rigs taking a few swims. I learnt the importance of picking your<br />

me when gybing at the wing mark and took a swim in the first downwind leg.<br />

The full rigs saw some close racing with the first four boats finishing within close to a minute of each other with Mal<br />

McKercher taking the win ahead of Travis Lithgo and Max Brown.<br />

The radials saw mulple lead changes during the race as has been the trend with three different winners over the last three<br />

weeks. The close racing is certainly enjoyable and I have been crossing tacks with Will Nunn over the last few weeks, making<br />

the need to pick the wind shis crical. Will looked to have the win in the bag before he had an unlucky capsize on the final<br />

windward leg allowing me to get the win ahead of John Rasmussen in third and Gaye Ryan in fourth in the radial fleet.<br />

Evan Schmedje<br />

THE VIEW FROM INSATIABLE - Saturday 16 th February<br />

I took out a second mortgage during the week to buy a new red spinnaker and was keen to try it out. The course was a<br />

lile on the short side which didn’t please CommDom because it gave the pesky SS22s and dastardly Red Witches a chance<br />

to lord it over the baleships in Division 1.<br />

Arthur and Kevin jumped away quickly and Chris beat us to the start line so we returned the favour by calling water on him<br />

at the first mark. We snuck inside Tehani with a cheeky tack at Point Walter buoy and up went the kite accompanied by<br />

the usual yelling that takes the place of conversaon in Insaable’s cockpit on race day.<br />

Back up past Freshie when a jammed winch saw Pete pull out the knife and cut the jib sheet free to allow us to tack.<br />

Shades of Shackleton! All the while Georgie, the twins Avaganda and Kiwi Express and a hungry Wild Bull were looming.<br />

Once we were off the wind again the mighty red balloon flew us home. Dale II took advantage of Arthur’s kite trouble to<br />

grab third behind the fast finishing Andalusia.<br />

When you think about it, SS22s and Red Witches are the business. Cheap to buy, don’t need many crew, close racing, fast<br />

as a fox if you point them in the right direcon and you can clean the hull yourself (if you can’t persuade your children to<br />

do it for you).<br />

Sailing condions are excellent at the moment and it is a treat to be out on the water and enjoying compeve racing.<br />

James<br />

DINGHIES - Sunday 24 t h February 2013<br />

Sunday 24 th February was Heat 5 of the <strong>Club</strong> Championship, with a fleet of 18 boats, 10 radial, and 8 full rigs.<br />

John Fussell won it hands down and took off with great boat speed and trim to round the top mark clear in front. Unfortunately<br />

he gave his center-board the Liverpool Kiss (don’t ask me how) and had to rere semi-concussed. We trust you are<br />

on the improve John and are now in good health. Speaking of which he is one of ten sailors who have nominated to sail in<br />

the state championship this weekend. Great to see such enthusiasm from Team C.Y.C.<br />

While on the topic of the states Graham Lithgo went to a lot of trouble to set and reset a course which was of similar length<br />

to the one we will sail next week. Thanks Graham you did a brilliant job, considering the severe wind shis.<br />

Thanks also to Rob Treeby who was kept busy supervising the numerous capsized boats. Sco Francis also managed a clean<br />

boat end start to take fastest me in the radials with Will Nunn not too far behind. He was closely followed home by Andrew<br />

Howell in third place.<br />

The full rigs was a close fought bale between Nigel Paul and yours truly with a rogue wave acon causing Nigel to infringe<br />

thus cosng him a crack at first place and Travis Lithgo claimed third place with John Ryan not to far adri in fourth.<br />

Good Luck to all those compeng next weekend.<br />

Mal McKercher


Dean Caple reports:<br />

Sailing sll seems to be busier than ever and we don’t seem<br />

to have enough hours in the day. We in the sailing circles<br />

have reached a few important milestones in the past month<br />

and I would like to address each one individually.<br />

Training is back at CYC. CYC has reintroduced sailing into<br />

the club program; this training is open to all members and<br />

the general public. At present we are only delivering Start<br />

Sailing 1 courses over a 12 hour syllabus delivered over 3<br />

Saturday mornings at a cost of $175.00 per person. This<br />

acvity has injected new crew in to the keel boats and<br />

dinghy secon which has also brought new people to the<br />

club and sailing. Long term it is planned to introduce the<br />

Yachng Australia Keel Boat program into the club to be<br />

delivered to the general public. We have purchased 3<br />

second hand 420 sailing boats to conduct this training at a<br />

total cost of $3000.00. We have also trained 2 members as<br />

Yachng Australia Dinghy Sailing Instructors to deliver this<br />

training at club level. Rob Boyco and Richard Regan are<br />

our new club instructors in the dinghy program. Our next<br />

Adult Learn to Sail Course at <strong>Claremont</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong> starts on<br />

the 6 th April. Please visit the YWA website to enrol.<br />

Tacker Kids Sailing: It was decided that CYC would adopt<br />

the Tackers junior sailing parcipaon program to bring<br />

back junior sailing and family parcipaon to the club, an<br />

area which has been lacking for a number of years. 6 Ozi<br />

Op boats were purchased new at a cost of $13063.64,<br />

There are 3 levels of tackers course and each course is<br />

delivered over 20 hours each, the price of a Tackers course<br />

is approx $300.00. Tackers is a program that is an off the<br />

shelf course delivered to a set program and parcipants<br />

receive merchandise such as shirts etc. There are only 4<br />

clubs delivering Tackers in Perth, I see this as a great<br />

opportunity to establish the club as the Tackers Training<br />

Centre in the area. We will run a free try before you buy<br />

session on Sunday the 17 th and 4 th <strong>March</strong>, so if you know<br />

of families and young kids wanng to get into sailing send<br />

them down for free sail. Mum and dad can have breakfast<br />

and a coffee on Sunday morning while we entertain the<br />

kids. If you want to find out more info on Tackers go to the<br />

following link :<br />

hp://www.discoversailing.org.au/default.asp?MenuID=Tac<br />

kers/c24407/60798<br />

Laser State Regaa: What a success this was. All thanks go<br />

to John Rasmussen and his commiee for a great event and<br />

very well organised. We had 100 sailors sail at CYC over 3<br />

days, there were families playing on the beach, people<br />

having breakfast and lunches in the club, a beach full of<br />

boats and sailors and a great atmosphere each day aer<br />

sailing. Com Dom stood on the top steps of the club and<br />

looked over the beach and water and proudly declared<br />

“Now this place really feels like a yacht club”. Thanks also<br />

go to all CYC members for assisng with the parking issues<br />

and the small inconvenience suffered if you had to walk an<br />

extra 200m to your boat. I would also like to thank the Laser<br />

Associaon, Hillarys <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong> Race Management Team,<br />

Chris Kelly and the many club volunteers who lent a hand,<br />

Anne Caddick, Andrew Caddick, Richard Reagan, Ian<br />

Howell, Rob Treeby, Max Brown. Jim Murray, Will Nunn,<br />

Rebecca Mayes, Rob Jeffery, and Chas Milner and a big<br />

thanks to our CYC staff for a well hosted event. A big thanks<br />

go to John Steinhart who at short noce was able to make<br />

both himself and his boat available as a start boat for the<br />

regaa when the planned start boat broke down.<br />

Unfortunately due to the short noce our new powerboat<br />

members didn’t get an opportunity to step forward to<br />

assist the club, but I’m sure they will have a chance to help<br />

out on open day. For us as a club we gained valuable<br />

experience in race management and running such an event,<br />

new members and introduced many sailors and people who<br />

never knew CYC existed or did dinghy sailing.<br />

Keel Boat Sailing: With some great feedback from you<br />

sailors we will change the next season schedule to cater for<br />

all sailing tastes, we will see a few more handicap races,<br />

some short course racing, a few social/cruising type events<br />

included in to the sailing program. We understand that<br />

sailing is a me consuming acvity and requires some boats<br />

to get a lot of crew ready for an event, we would like to be<br />

more inclusive in our sailing acvies in addion to our<br />

tradional club sailing.<br />

Volunteers: At present the sailing at CYC is held together<br />

by approx 10 people who do it all, and they have been doing<br />

it for a long me. We really need to get some new people<br />

involved in the commiee and helping us out with rescue<br />

boats and the behind the scenes stuff. If you can spare any<br />

me or your feel you can make a posive contribuon to<br />

what we do please put your hand up we would love to see<br />

your involvement. We are desperate for a Sailing Captain to<br />

assist the commiee. My final point on volunteers is we will<br />

soon need a new Rear Commodore of Sailing, my 3 year<br />

term is now coming to an end, If this is a job you would be<br />

interested in talk to Dom or me. It’s not all hard work and<br />

gra, and there are a lot of rewards. My plan is to set you<br />

up for the first year and the sail commiee will assist you at<br />

every opportunity, and you will never have to look for a car<br />

park again as you get one in front of the office!<br />

Don’t forget the Commodores Cup on Sunday 17 th <strong>March</strong>,<br />

this is a big club event and we need every boat we can get<br />

out on the water for this day !!


<strong>Claremont</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong><br />

Adult Learn to Sail Course<br />

Next course begins Saturday 06 th April<br />

This course is an accredited Yachng Australia Learn to Sail Course and is open to adults and<br />

teenagers from 14 years of age and up. Each parcipant will receive a log book, text book and<br />

a crew membership with the club for the duraon of the course. Lunch is provided each day.<br />

Training is delivered by qualified instructors in our fleet of 2 training dinghies.<br />

If you have never sailed and want to learn this is the ideal opportunity, you will get wet but<br />

you will have a lot of fun doing it. By the end of the course you will have the skills and confidence<br />

to rig a small sailing boat, sail a course and understand the safety measures required to<br />

be safe on the water and enjoying sailing.<br />

When: Saturday mornings 0800h TO 1200h<br />

What to Bring: Hat, Sunscreen, Bathers, long sleeve top/rash vest, water bole, towel and a<br />

change of clothes<br />

Where: <strong>Claremont</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong> - 4 Victoria Ave, <strong>Claremont</strong><br />

How much: $175.00 for a 12 hour course delivered over 3 Saturday mornings in 4 hour sessions.<br />

How do I book in to the course? : Go to our website, and under the Sailing Course secon<br />

there is a link to register and pay online.<br />

Alternavely you can visit www.wa.yachng.org.au and under the Future Training secon, locate<br />

the Adult Learn to Sail Course at <strong>Claremont</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong> and register online.


John Rasmussen reports:<br />

Aer 6 months of ancipaon, trepidaon and<br />

steady preparaon, the 2013 Laser State<br />

Championships kicked off on Saturday <strong>March</strong> 2nd<br />

at CYC. By Friday, preparaons were almost<br />

complete but there were sll a few things to sort<br />

out - a broken start boat in Mandurah, a<br />

mysterious super cruiser next to Karrakaa Bank<br />

where we'd be racing and (perhaps most<br />

concerning) a forecast for very light to<br />

non-existent winds over much of the weekend.<br />

Thank you all very much. Special thanks to Doug<br />

Hannaford and the office and funcons staff. In<br />

the space of 24 hrs, they managed with<br />

great success a wake, a wedding and the first day<br />

of the Championships. The event concluded with a<br />

superb presentaon lunch in the ballroom (with<br />

more humour from Chris and Dom) followed by a<br />

sigh of relief knowing that the hard work of so<br />

many had paid off.<br />

All of our concerns were resolved in the next 24<br />

hours before the event. John Steinhardt kindly<br />

offered his boat as a start vessel for the weekend<br />

and the super cruiser shied off the bank. The wind<br />

steadily built from the south west just before racing<br />

commenced. Commodore Papaluca and Chris Kelly<br />

(WALA President) helped calm any pre race nerves<br />

with their typical humour in the welcome address<br />

(several members of the crowd thought Dominic's<br />

unofficial 'Comm Dom' tle was hilarious).<br />

The next 48 hours saw very compeve racing<br />

amongst the 100 Lasers in 10 - 15 knot winds from<br />

the NW to SW. No doubt there hadn't been so<br />

many boats racing on Freshwater Bay at once for<br />

quite a while. In the Standard Rig fleet, races were a<br />

trapezoid typically lasng 30 - 40 minutes. Finishing<br />

on a reach was a lot of fun but gave lile possibility<br />

of catching boats in front before the finish line.<br />

Nigel Paul was the best placed CYC Standard rig<br />

sailor in 7th place while Sco Francis was the best<br />

placed Radial rig sailor in 15th posion. Wendy<br />

Campbell was the only 4.7 rig CYC sailor, who<br />

finished in 15th posion ahead of Jessica Watson<br />

(we'll pretend it was the esteemed ocean sailor by<br />

the same name!). Congratulaons to the tle<br />

winners and all who entered.<br />

The event would not have run nearly as well<br />

without the support and assistance of so many -<br />

those who volunteered on and off the water, the<br />

Race Commiee, members who lent their vessels<br />

for the weekend (in parcular John Steinhardt), the<br />

Sail and Dinghy Commiees, CYC Flag Officers, the<br />

WA Laser Associaon and all sailors who entered.

The Archive Crew<br />

The Old Salts Group meet at CYC on the<br />

first Thursday morning of each month,<br />

where they volunteer their time to assist<br />

with maintenance duties around the<br />

<strong>Club</strong>. Scrumptious morning tea is<br />

provided . If you are interested in joining,<br />

please call the Office!<br />

The Archive Crew are looking for willing<br />

hands to assist with cataloguing, sorng,<br />

filing and preserving of records, memorabilia<br />

and artefacts. We also need someone<br />

with computer skills for entry of informaon<br />

into our database.<br />

If you are interested in assisng with this<br />

project please contact recepon and leave a<br />

message for us.<br />

Otherwise join us at the next “Old Salts”<br />

morning tea which is held in the Deepdene<br />

Room at the <strong>Club</strong> on the first Thursday of<br />

each month.<br />

Our next meeng will be held on<br />

Thursday 4th April at 10:30am<br />

Dear club members<br />

It has come me to leave the club as I need to<br />

cut back my workload due to family and<br />

health issues. I would like to thank all the club<br />

members and staff for their support over the<br />

past two and a half years. It has been a<br />

pleasure and honour to work at the<br />

<strong>Claremont</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong> and I have enjoyed<br />

meeng many fantasc members past and<br />

present, too many to name.<br />

I wish the club every success in the future with all of the excing things<br />

coming up this year.<br />

Best wishes,<br />

Colin the Chef


Archives@claremontyachtclub.org.au<br />

<strong>March</strong> 2013<br />

Checkpoint -<br />

◊<br />

We are looking for a photograph, sketch or painting of the original ‘Deepdene’. The original<br />

building was ‘transformed’ in the early 1950’s into the two storied building we have today.<br />

◊<br />

A call has been made by us for some assistance with ongoing help to sort and maintain our invaluable<br />

archival collection.<br />

Please contact us through the office or our email address: Archives@claremonttyacht.org.au<br />

The Archive Crew<br />

The Spar and Canvas Trophy<br />

“Special Member Steve Scott donated the Spar and Canvas Trophy to the <strong>Club</strong> some years ago. His late<br />

father, Bill Scott, was a member of <strong>Claremont</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong> just after<br />

the Second World War and won the trophy in his 12 Square Metre<br />

(Heavyweight) Sharpie “Tradewinds”. Bill built the Sharpie<br />

around 1946 and sailed it out of <strong>Claremont</strong> until the early 1950’s<br />

when he built himself a carvel jarrah planked displacement launch<br />

which he kept on the river at Blackwall Reach before building a<br />

cottage in Careening Bay at Garden Island and moving the boat to<br />

Point Peron. My mother, Dorothy, remembers the construction<br />

‘Tradewinds’ Aground<br />

with some regret as the cost and the time my father put into it<br />

delayed their wedding for a year: Dad had his own priorities! My father won the Spar and Canvas Trophy,<br />

but my Mother cannot remember for what and whether it was<br />

for a particular race or a series.<br />

The 12 Square Metre Sharpie was 19 ft 7 in LOA with a 4 ft. 8 in beam that was<br />

designed in Germany in 1931. The hull was of hard chine carvel construction with a<br />

Gunter rig. The class had a minimum weight of 230 kg: somewhat heavier than its<br />

offspring, the Australian (Lightweight) Sharpie, with a minimum weight of 90kg.<br />

Australia won its first Olympic Sailing medals in the 1956 Melbourne Games with a<br />

silver in the 12 Square Metre Sharpie class and a bronze in the 5.5 Metre keelboat<br />

Spar and Canvas Trophy<br />

1949<br />

class. My uncle Malcolm (Huck) Scott crewed for Roly Tasker in the Sharpie.<br />

<strong>Claremont</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong> had a strong fleet of Heavyweight Sharpies.

<strong>March</strong> 2013<br />

The Spar and Canvas Trophy<br />

The Heavyweight Sharpie fleet at <strong>Claremont</strong> was not used solely for racing. My<br />

mother remembers many a picnic cruise to Chidley Point that I think had an<br />

unofficial name of Doughboy Point. In my infancy, I had my harness attached<br />

to the mast and then to the solitary Peppermint tree located in the sand near the<br />

end of the Point. The class was fairly robust and apparently could carry a small<br />

keg balanced on the king plank. Picnic runs to Garden Island were also<br />

popular.”<br />

‘Tradewinds in Shallows’<br />

The late Dex Hammond who crewed<br />

for my father and his wife Gwen.<br />

‘Tradewinds’ sailing somewhere between.<br />

Point Resoluon and Blackwall Reach.<br />

These were the steps from Victoria Avenue to the<br />

old clubhouse. They were located on the eastern<br />

boundary of the <strong>Club</strong>. My late father Bill Scott is on<br />

the right.<br />

Thank you to Steve Scott and his mother Dorothy for<br />

this contribution to <strong>Midstream</strong>, providing the photos<br />

for the article. The Scott family have been continuous<br />

active members of <strong>Claremont</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong> since 1946.


Keeping you in the loop here at CYC<br />

Company<br />

A1 Marine<br />

Contact Details<br />

Brian Rynhoud<br />

0417 982 084<br />

AJ Auto and Marine Upholstery<br />

Tony or Laurie Maers<br />

9381 5881<br />

Blue Water Boat Cleaning<br />

David Howe<br />

0408 952 176<br />

Bluewater Marine Refrigeraon<br />

John Holligan<br />

0418 921 561<br />

The Boatmen<br />

John Arnold<br />

0412 167 524<br />

Ches Diesel and Marine<br />

Glen Roberts<br />

9335 9211<br />

CJW Marine Maintenance<br />

Chris Woodward<br />

0418 943 367<br />

David Morse 9339 4089<br />

East-West Marine WA<br />

Gordon Bruce<br />

9490 2126<br />

Exclusive Design Upholstery<br />

Julian Iuliano<br />

0419 831 223

Marime Electronic Services<br />

Peter Turner<br />

0401 039 432<br />

Mason Marine Trimmers<br />

Craig Mason<br />

0418 923 787<br />

Mach Marine<br />

Shay Mach<br />

9339 7722<br />

Mel Taylor Marine Trimmers<br />

Alex Swadling<br />

0418 959 855<br />

Motor and Marine Engineering<br />

John Becker<br />

9457 1760<br />

Pleasure Marine Maintenance<br />

Damon Johns<br />

0403 740 001<br />

Presge Marine<br />

Darren Grose<br />

0439 977 353<br />

Ridgeback Mobile Mechanical Marine<br />

Richard Hanekom<br />

0401 580 152<br />

R Marine Perth<br />

Tim Wright<br />

0418 774 798<br />

Stem 2 Stern Marine<br />

Andrew Wright<br />

0422 017 324<br />

Tony Milne 0412 910 127<br />

Universal Marine and Automove Upholstery<br />

Vito Palimeno<br />

0419 913 692

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