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Policy Paper: Assessing prerequisites for market-based REDD+ activities 37 Vatn, Arild and Paul Vedele (2011): Getting Ready! A Study of the National Governance Structures for REDD+. Department of International Environment and Development Studies Noragric. Available at: http://www.umb.no/statisk/noragric/noragric_report_no._59.pdf [Accessed 5 September 2011]. Wertz-Kanounnikoff, Sheila and Arild Angelsen (2009): Global and national REDD+ architecture - linking institutions and actions. In A. Angelsen (Ed.), Realising REDD+ National Strategies and Policy Options. Bogor: CIFOR (Center for International Forestry Research). Available at: http://www.forestsclimatechange.org/fileadmin/downloads/realisingredd2.pdf [Accessed 14 April 2010]. Wunder, Sven (2009): Can payments for envrionmental services reduce deforestation and forest degradation? In A. Angelsen (Ed.), Realising REDD+ National Strategies and Policy Options (pp. 213–224). Bogor: CIFOR (Center for International Forestry Research). The positions expressed in this policy paper are strictly those of the authors and represent neither the opinion of the Wuppertal Institute nor of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. Contact: Nicolas Kreibich Tel. +49­(0)202 2492­194 E­Mail: nico.kreibich@wupperinst.org Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy ppersberg 19 ­ 42103 Wuppertal ­ Germany The Wuppertal Institute is carrying out the “JIKO”­project on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. Internet: www.jiko­bmu.de Nicolas Kreibich, Christof Arens and Wolfgang Sterk Wuppertal Institute

Policy Paper: Assessing prerequisites for market-based REDD+ activities 37<br />

Vatn, Arild and Paul Vedele (2011): Getting Ready! A Study of the National Governance Structures for REDD+. Department of<br />

International Environment and Development Studies Noragric. Available at:<br />

http://www.umb.no/statisk/noragric/noragric_report_no._59.<strong>pdf</strong> [Accessed 5 September 2011].<br />

Wertz-Kanounnikoff, Sheila and Arild Angelsen (2009): Global and national REDD+ architecture - linking institutions and actions.<br />

In A. Angelsen (Ed.), Realising REDD+ National Strategies and Policy Options. Bogor: CIFOR (Center for International Forestry<br />

Research). Available at: http://www.forestsclimatechange.org/fileadmin/downloads/realisingredd2.<strong>pdf</strong> [Accessed 14 April 2010].<br />

Wunder, Sven (2009): Can payments for envrionmental services reduce deforestation and forest degradation? In A. Angelsen (Ed.),<br />

Realising REDD+ National Strategies and Policy Options (pp. 213–224). Bogor: CIFOR (Center for International Forestry Research).<br />

The positions expressed in this policy paper are<br />

strictly those of the authors and represent neither<br />

the opinion of the Wuppertal Institute nor of the German<br />

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature<br />

Conservation and Nuclear Safety.<br />

Contact:<br />

Nicolas Kreibich<br />

Tel. +49­(0)202 2492­194<br />

E­Mail: nico.kreibich@wupperinst.org<br />

Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and<br />

Energy<br />

ppersberg 19 ­ 42103 Wuppertal ­ Germany<br />

The Wuppertal Institute is carrying out the<br />

“<strong>JIKO</strong>”­project on behalf of the German Federal Ministry<br />

for the Environment, Nature Conservation and<br />

Nuclear Safety.<br />

Internet: www.jiko­bmu.de<br />

Nicolas Kreibich, Christof Arens and Wolfgang Sterk<br />

Wuppertal Institute

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