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Features - SETI Institute


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Explorer<br />

Fourth Quarter, 2008<br />

Volume 5, Number 3<br />

<strong>SETI</strong> INSTITUTE

The mission of the <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> is to explore, understand and<br />

explain the origin, nature and prevalence of life in the universe.<br />

We believe we are conducting the most profound search in human history —<br />

to know our beginnings and our place among the stars.<br />


<strong>Features</strong><br />

10 Sorting Out Signals by Yvette Cendes, 2008 REU student<br />

17 Northern Wisconsin Astronomy: A Family Affair by Earl Finkler, Team<strong>SETI</strong> member<br />

22 2008 Summer Students by Cynthia Phillips<br />

Departments<br />

8<br />

7 ATA Tunes in Voyager 1 by Tom Kilsdonk<br />

12 The Teachable Moment by Edna DeVore<br />

20 Protecting Mars from Earthlings by Margaret Race<br />

In Every Issue<br />

3 Letter from the CEO by Thomas Pierson<br />

3 From the Editor’s Desk by Seth Shostak<br />

4 Meet our 2008 Board of Trustees<br />

5 Inside the Board Room<br />

8 The Big Picture by Seth Shostak<br />

15 Plan for Your Future and the Future of Science<br />

11 Why I support the <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong><br />

18 <strong>SETI</strong> and Society by Doug Vakoch<br />

12<br />

20<br />

Explorer<br />

Editor in Chief - Seth Shostak<br />

Designers - Ly Ly and<br />

Sophie Essen<br />

Director, Editorial Board -<br />

Karen Randall<br />

Contributor - Gail Jacobs<br />

Contact us<br />

If you have questions about<br />

Team<strong>SETI</strong>, please contact us at<br />

(866) 616-3617<br />

membership@seti.org<br />

<strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong><br />

515 North Whisman Road<br />

Mountain View, CA 94043<br />

Telephone: (650) 961-6633<br />

FAX: (650) 961-7099<br />

www.seti.org<br />

On the Cover<br />

The Mars Reconnaisance Orbiter<br />

sails above Valles Marineris.<br />

2 <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Explorer | Fourth Quarter 2008

Letter f r o m t h e CEO<br />

Dear <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Friend,<br />

As I write this we are less than two weeks away from electing a<br />

new President of the United States. The world’s economy is looking<br />

very anemic and fragile. Military conflicts still dominate world<br />

news. Far too many families around the globe are worried about<br />

how to educate their children and feed, clothe, and house their<br />

families. These are stressful times for most, and we are all hoping<br />

for a brighter future.<br />

So, one might ask, where does the <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> fit into all of this?<br />

The work of our team, at some level, represents the optimistic<br />

side of what it means to be human. Perhaps our efforts will lead<br />

to an entirely new understanding of how life came to be here<br />

on Earth. Perhaps someday we will confirm the existence of life<br />

beyond our planet. The answers to such fundamental questions,<br />

if we succeed, will certainly enrich all of humanity.<br />

This current issue of Explorer magazine focuses on research related<br />

to Mars. It is a neighboring planet that has fascinated humans<br />

for centuries, and very possibly once harbored emerging life. Perhaps<br />

even today microbial life ekes out an existence somewhere<br />

on the Red Planet. What a privilege it is to be able to examine<br />

these profound possibilities. And, if some future experiment confirms<br />

microbial life on Mars, or elsewhere in our solar system,<br />

imagine the importance of that fact!<br />

The <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> exists to explore, understand, and explain the<br />

origin, nature, and prevalence of life in the universe. We can only<br />

do this with the support of our generous sponsors. We thank you<br />

for giving us the opportunity.<br />

If life’s out there, we’re going to find it!<br />

Very best regards,<br />

Tom Pierson<br />

CEO, <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong><br />

Fr o m t h e<br />

Ed i t o r’s Desk<br />

By Seth Shostak<br />

“Hey, guess what, Seth? I’ve got<br />

the martian weather report: it’s<br />

snowing!”<br />

The aerospace engineer was<br />

clearly excited by news recently<br />

radioed to Earth by NASA’s Phoenix<br />

Lander. White stuff was falling<br />

through Red Planet skies.<br />

True, the snow was unlikely to improve<br />

skiing conditions, as the flakes would surely<br />

sublimate before hitting the Barsoomian slopes.<br />

But precipitation of any kind on Mars is remarkable<br />

because it’s an ordinary phenomenon on a not-soordinary<br />

world. Anything as familiar as a snowstorm<br />

comforts us in the way that the discovery of familiar<br />

behaviors in foreign cultures do. The exotic becomes<br />

comprehensible.<br />

There is, of course, no hope for powdery snowbanks<br />

on Mars. As far as we know, the only long-lived<br />

surface water is the granite-hard ice at the poles.<br />

But a flurry – even of the truncated variety espied<br />

by Phoenix – reminds us that weather on this planet<br />

might once have been more like our own; before a<br />

thinned atmosphere and the end of plate tectonics<br />

made the climate relentlessly bleak and dry.<br />

In 1784, English astronomer Wiliam Herschel, who<br />

had observed that both the length of the martian<br />

day and the tilt of its axis were nearly identical to<br />

Earth’s, concluded that the inhabitants of the Red<br />

Planet “probably enjoy a situation in many respects<br />

similar to ours.”<br />

His martian weather report may seem naïve today,<br />

but a few billion years earlier it might have been<br />

right on target.<br />

<strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Explorer | Fourth Quarter 2008 3

Bo a r d o f Trustees<br />

Meet Ou r 2008 Bo a r d o f Trustees<br />

Da v id Pr at t (Ch a i r m a n o f t h e Bo a r d)<br />

Retired Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Adobe<br />

Systems, Inc. • Former Executive Vice President and Chief Operating<br />

Officer, Logitech, Inc.<br />

Jo h n Gertz (Vi c e Ch a i r m a n)<br />

Founder and CEO of Zorro Productions • Producer: motion pictures,<br />

TV series, stage productions and ancillary programs focused primarily<br />

on the character of Zorro<br />

Gr e g Pa pa d o p o u l o s (Im m e d i at e Pa s t Ch a i r)<br />

Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, Sun Microsystems<br />

• Former Associate Professor of Engineering & Computer Science,<br />

MIT<br />

Th o m a s Pierson (Se c r e ta ry)<br />

Founder and Chief Executive Officer, <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> • Former Associate<br />

Director for Research Administration, San Francisco State University<br />

Foundation<br />

Al a n Ba g l e y<br />

Retired General Manager, with 37 years service, Hewlett-Packard<br />

Company • Former Chairman of the Board, SocialTech, Inc.<br />

Li nd a Be r n a r d i<br />

Executive Vice President • Founder and CEO, ConnecTerra, Inc. •<br />

Emeritus Board Member, the Anita Borg <strong>Institute</strong> • Emeritus Board<br />

Member, Astia<br />

Jo h n Bi l l i ng h a m<br />

Retired Chief, with 38 years of service, NASA Ames Research Center<br />

• Senior Scientist (advisory), <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong><br />

Jo e l Bi r nb a u m<br />

Retired Senior Vice President of Research & Development, and Founding<br />

Director of Computer Research Labs, Hewlett–Packard Company<br />

• Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, <strong>Institute</strong> of Electrical<br />

and Electronics Engineers, California Council on Science & Technology,<br />

and Association for Computing Machinery<br />

Ba r u c h Bl u m b e r g<br />

Senior Advisor to the President, Fox Chase Cancer Center • Former<br />

Director, NASA Astrobiology <strong>Institute</strong> and Senior Advisor to the Administrator<br />

of NASA • Awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine<br />

in 1976 and inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame<br />

in 1993<br />

Gr e g o r y Co y<br />

Certified Public Accountant • Member, American <strong>Institute</strong> of Certified<br />

Public Accountants, Arizona and California Societies of Certified<br />

Public Accountants, and <strong>Institute</strong> of Internal Auditors<br />

Pa u l Elliott<br />

Founding member, Cerent • Distinguished Engineer, Cisco Systems<br />

• Holds 13 patents in frequency generation, system synchronization<br />

and product architecture<br />

An d r e w Fr a k n o i<br />

Chair, Astronomy Department, Foothill College • Director, Project AS-<br />

TRO • Founding Editor, “Astronomy Education Review” • California<br />

Professor of the Year 2007<br />

Da n e Gl a s g o w<br />

Principal, Positronic, Inc • Former Director of Program Management,<br />

Microsoft Live Search Product • Former President, Jump.com<br />

Da v id Lid d l e<br />

General Partner at U.S. Venture Partners • Retired President and CEO<br />

of business incubator Interval Research Corporation<br />

Steven Mo u r n i ng<br />

Partner, Jerold Panas, Linzy and Partners • Director Emeritus and Dean<br />

Emeritus, University of Wisconsin <strong>Institute</strong> for Healthcare Philanthropy<br />

• Former Chief Development Officer, Palo Alto Medical Foundation<br />

William J. We l c h<br />

The Watson and Marilyn Alberts Chair in the Search for Extraterrestrial<br />

Intelligence, and Professor, Graduate School, University of California,<br />

Berkeley • Member, National Academy of Sciences<br />

Fr a n k Dr a k e (Ch a i r m a n Emeritus)<br />

Director, the <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>’s Carl Sagan Center for the Study of Life<br />

In The Universe • Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences •<br />

Member, National Academy of Sciences<br />

Sa n d r a Fa b e r (Trustee Emeritus)<br />

University Professor, University of California • Professor, Astronomy<br />

and Astrophysics, UC Santa Cruz • Member, National Academy of<br />

Sciences<br />

Da v id Na g e l (Trustee Emeritus)<br />

Former President and Chief Executive Officer of PalmSource, Inc. •<br />

Former Chief Technology Officer, AT&T, and President of AT&T Labs<br />

Ch a r l e s To w n e s (Trustee Emeritus)<br />

Professor Emeritus of Physics, University of California at Berkeley •<br />

Awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1964 and the National Medal<br />

of Science 1982 • Member, National Academy of Science, and National<br />

Academy of Engineering • Inventor of the maser, co-inventor<br />

of the laser<br />

4 <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Explorer | Fourth Quarter 2008

Bo a r d o f Trustees<br />

In s i d e t h e Bo a r d Ro o m w i t h<br />

Jo e l Bi r nb a u m<br />

Photo credit: Seth Shostak<br />

“<br />

One of the particularly exciting<br />

things about the work at<br />

the <strong>Institute</strong> is that it attracts<br />

great thinkers ... The people<br />

are here to create a foundation<br />

upon which others can build.<br />

”<br />

When did you become aware of the <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>’s work,<br />

and what about it initially intrigued you?<br />

I became aware of what would become the <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> on<br />

my first day of work at Hewlett-Packard, in January 1981. I had<br />

been hired to replace Barney Oliver, long-time director of HP<br />

Research and Development, who was soon to retire. Barney<br />

told me, in his marvelously interesting way, of the reports he<br />

had co-written that would soon lead to the creation of <strong>SETI</strong>.<br />

He had a very global and noble view of <strong>SETI</strong> as the realization<br />

of the grandest intellectual quest humans could address. I remember<br />

him saying that he could not imagine anything more<br />

stimulating or important to consider than such questions as<br />

“are we alone?” and “where did we come from?” Of course,<br />

along with this are the challenging technology problems:<br />

where should we search? How can we do it most efficiently?<br />

Do we answer if we find something? What kind of electronics,<br />

telescopes, and people do we need? I was hooked.<br />

Since childhood, I’ve been a science fiction addict. As I learned<br />

more about science, I began reading Ray Bradbury, Robert<br />

Heinlein, Arthur C. Clarke, Isaac Asimov, and the other great<br />

science fiction authors somewhat differently. Good science fiction<br />

asks provocative questions about the physics of our world,<br />

and frequently posits interesting options and alternatives. Often<br />

we are asked only to suspend disbelief in a single axiom or<br />

characteristic to reach startling conclusions. The <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>,<br />

which uses leading edge science and technology to try to answer<br />

these questions, appealed to my professional as well as<br />

my personal interests.<br />

You are a highly respected, world-renowned technologist<br />

and visionary. How do you see the research undertaken<br />

at the <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> today aligning with possible scientific<br />

applications in the “real” world so it is relevant and<br />

of value to future generations?<br />

One of the things that is particularly exciting about the work at<br />

the <strong>Institute</strong> is that when you’re pushing the envelope of science<br />

and engineering to measure signals that are more faint,<br />

or that are coming in at a greater rate or that require more<br />

storage or may have a pattern that is not one of the patterns<br />

you’re used to, it forces smart people to think deeply about<br />

whether the techniques they’ve been using are the right ones<br />

for this new class of challenges.<br />

<strong>SETI</strong>@Home was one of the earliest examples of a widely distributed<br />

computer network that was created to attack the is-<br />

<strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Explorer | Fourth Quarter 2008 5

Bo a r d o f Trustees<br />

sue of processing at reasonable cost a mountain of collected<br />

data when we can’t afford to have a stable full of supercomputers.<br />

Ingenious people thinking about that problem specifically<br />

for <strong>SETI</strong> ended up addressing a more general problem.<br />

A real-world result is that the supercomputer industry is basically<br />

almost extinct because people discovered that a lot of<br />

little cooperating computers are much more accessible than<br />

one large one.<br />

Of course, there have been many other contributions in signal<br />

processing: high-speed search algorithms and the electronics<br />

necessary for measuring signals in the most rapid and accurate<br />

way. How can we search more rapidly than with sporadic vigils<br />

on the world’s largest radio telescopes. Was there another<br />

way? That led to the solution now known as the Allen Telescope<br />

Array, which, while created for <strong>SETI</strong>, will most likely help<br />

define the future of all radio astronomy. We’re building very<br />

sensitive antennas and detectors, initially intended to look at<br />

space signals, but who is to say that they will not have other<br />

important applications one day.<br />

These are just a few examples of why the kind of bleeding-edge<br />

science, electronics, algorithms, mathematics, and computer<br />

science that are required to answer the very difficult questions<br />

we’ve asked at the <strong>Institute</strong> are likely to produce results in areas<br />

that have applicability far greater than the problems for<br />

which they were initially posed.<br />

What do your friends say when you tell them you’re<br />

involved with the <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>?<br />

Most people’s first reaction is “Wow, gee, that must be fun…<br />

Really, no kidding… So, you’re involved in that?” I guess they<br />

don’t make the connection to science and technology research<br />

because for most of the non-scientific people, if you talk about<br />

the search for extraterrestrial intelligence they think of little<br />

green men and the Star Wars Hollywood version of space travel.<br />

They think of me and people like me who are supposed to<br />

be the serious science types and they are somewhat surprised.<br />

Then they want to know about the <strong>Institute</strong> and I tell them. I<br />

am aware there are people who question the ethics of spending<br />

money to look for the origins of life when people in the<br />

world are starving, etc. I inform them the <strong>Institute</strong> is primarily<br />

privately funded, and that we must feed our intellects as<br />

well as our bodies. Personally, I believe the government should<br />

sponsor this type of scientific research, just as it sponsors music<br />

and art.<br />

If money were no object, what would you hope the <strong>Institute</strong><br />

could accomplish?<br />

I think the current goals are great, and I wouldn’t change<br />

them. However, more money would enable the <strong>Institute</strong> to<br />

pursue their current goals more vigorously. I very much like the<br />

part of the <strong>Institute</strong> that is concerned with the origins of life<br />

in the universe and am in awe of the people who dive under<br />

icebergs and climb to the top of volcanoes to understand it<br />

better. If money were no object, we could do more of this kind<br />

of exploration and perhaps gain increased insights as to where<br />

else to look for microbial and other early forms of life. I’d also<br />

love to see our top scientists spend less time fundraising so<br />

they could devote most of their time to pursuing their craft.<br />

This is only possible if we could get enough money to form<br />

some type of endowment that would stabilize the <strong>Institute</strong>’s<br />

financial future.<br />

How do you believe the <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>’s work will inspire<br />

the next generation?<br />

One of the particularly exciting things about the work at the<br />

<strong>Institute</strong> is that it attracts great thinkers. <strong>SETI</strong> is a long-term<br />

project. The people at the <strong>Institute</strong> are here to create a foundation<br />

upon which others can build. Some things will inevitably<br />

be rethought and redone in the face of new science and<br />

technology discoveries and inventions, but the key idea here is<br />

that these are long-term quests of immense importance and<br />

everyone knows they’re long-term.<br />

<strong>SETI</strong>, properly endowed and funded, will have the luxury of<br />

time, and it can take its time and do the job right. It can’t take<br />

forever, because some people will lose interest, so it will need<br />

to demonstrate progress along the way. I find that type of<br />

dedication inspiring. Future generations will also include great<br />

thinkers – scientists like Barney Oliver, Jill Tarter, and Frank<br />

Drake – who envision a universe of possibilities and want to<br />

devote their lives to answering these very difficult yet very important<br />

questions. I’d like the <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> to be the destination<br />

for those who follow and thrive on searching for answers<br />

to very abstract questions. Because they are so abstract and<br />

intrinsically difficult, these questions are the most interesting,<br />

and discoveries made could very much change the way we<br />

think about our universe. I find that very inspirational.<br />

Read the complete interview with Joel Birnbaum at<br />

http://www.seti.org/Birnbaum<br />

6 <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Explorer | Fourth Quarter 2008

Cen t e r fo r <strong>SETI</strong> Re s e a r c h<br />

Figure 1. Waterfall plot showing the signal received from Voyager 1, located between the green guidelines. The horizontal axis is frequency,<br />

and the vertical axis is time.<br />

ATA Tunes In Voyager 1<br />

By Tom Kilsdonk<br />

On July 12, 2008 the ATA/Prelude system achieved<br />

a significant milestone by detecting the faint signal<br />

from the Voyager 1 spacecraft for the first<br />

time. Voyager 1 was launched in 1977 and is<br />

rapidly leaving the Solar System. At the time<br />

of the detection, it was nearly 10 billion miles away, or over<br />

106 Astronomical Units. (1 AU is the mean distance from<br />

the Earth to the Sun.) That’s more than twice as far as Pluto.<br />

In order to gain enough sensitivity to hear this distant transmitter,<br />

twelve of the 6.1 meter ATA antennas were combined electronically<br />

into a single virtual telescope using the ATA beamformer.<br />

The 8.4 GHz Voyager signal was then processed by the <strong>SETI</strong><br />

Prelude instrument, where the detection took place. One of the<br />

resulting data products is shown in Figure 1. This “waterfall”<br />

plot shows approximately 700 Hz of spectrum along the x-axis,<br />

and 195 seconds of time along the y-axis. The Voyager signal<br />

can be seen as a very faint diagonal trace running between,<br />

and parallel to, the two green guide lines. Note that the power<br />

of Voyager’s transmitter is roughly that of a refrigerator light.<br />

Figure 2 shows another view of the same data but integrated<br />

over time, and with the signal’s -0.75 Hz/sec frequency drift<br />

removed. The spacecraft transmission is clearly seen as a large<br />

peak within the plot.<br />

Figure 2. An integrated spectrum of the Voyager signal. (Credit:<br />

William C. Barott, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University)<br />

The Voyager 1 spacecraft provides an excellent test signal for<br />

confirming the effectiveness of the ATA dishes and beamformer,<br />

and the correct functioning of the Prelude signal detection<br />

system. It’s the next best thing to finding an extraterrestrial<br />

intelligence.<br />

Kilsdonk is a software engineer at the <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>.<br />

<strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Explorer | Fourth Quarter 2008 7

The Big Picture Seth Sh o s ta k<br />

THE BIG PICTURE Seth Sh o s ta k<br />

No Pa n ic in t h e Streets<br />

One of the most intriguing aspects of the <strong>SETI</strong><br />

enterprise is considering what would happen<br />

should the experiment succeed. What occurs if,<br />

sometime next week, our multichannel receivers<br />

light up with a narrowband signal coming from a<br />

fixed spot on the sky?<br />

This question has been often addressed – indeed, whole<br />

conferences have been given over to the puzzle it poses.<br />

A frequent approach to divining the answer has been to<br />

consider historical analogs. An obvious one would be the discovery<br />

of the New World. Then again, perhaps reaction<br />

to a <strong>SETI</strong> discovery would be similar to the small<br />

brouhaha that followed publication<br />

of Copernicus’ work on an<br />

Earth-centered cosmos. Or<br />

maybe the correct model is<br />

the more durable dust-up ignited<br />

by Darwin’s “Origin of<br />

Species.”<br />

These historical precedents are<br />

surely instructive. But it seems to<br />

me that better analogs have come<br />

from our investigations of Mars.<br />

This nearby world has, for more<br />

than a century , been the centerpiece<br />

for repeated claims of habitation.<br />

The first and most famous of these, and one that was endorsed<br />

by scientists for three decades and more, was that a<br />

vast, canal-building civilization was busily furrowing the Red<br />

Planet. The earliest proclamations to this effect came from<br />

Giovanni Schiaparelli, who in 1877 wielded an 8-inch refractor<br />

at Milan’s Brera Observatory in an extended examination of<br />

this world’s scratchy physiognomy. Schiaparelli was equivocal<br />

about whether the straight features he saw lacing the martian<br />

landscape were truly deliberate constructions or merely<br />

natural geographic features. The Italian astronomer seemed<br />

to change his mind depending on when you asked.<br />

No matter: to American astronomer Percival Lowell, the canals’<br />

most ardent and articulate promoter, there was no doubt as<br />

to their origin. He argued that the slow desiccation of Mars<br />

had compelled its inhabitants to irrigate their world by building<br />

surface aqueducts visible from 35 million miles and more.<br />

You would rightfully think that news of manifestly intelligent<br />

life on the next rock out from the Sun – promoted and believed<br />

by credentialed scientists – would generate a bit of parlor conversation.<br />

Undoubtedly it did, but one thing it didn’t do is<br />

either cause rioting in the streets or foment a crisis for organized<br />

religion. It was mildly interesting to know that Mars was<br />

littered with critters, but that news didn’t seem to be a noticeably<br />

big page in the diaries of most of the citizenry. Scientists<br />

tell us that another<br />

planet sports thinking beings?<br />

Pass the salt.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Front Porch<br />

paid greater attention to<br />

H. G. Wells’ 1898 fictional<br />

account of the Martians<br />

dropping their shovels<br />

to make a trek to<br />

Earth and take over<br />

our water-logged<br />

world: “The War of<br />

the Worlds.” (It’s<br />

unclear to what<br />

extent Wells was<br />

directly influenced by Lowell,<br />

but presumably the former knew<br />

of the latter’s work.) As it was, the man in the<br />

street wasn’t overly exercised by Wells’ book; rather, he was<br />

wound up by its spin-off.<br />

The New York Times carries the story of Welles’ broadcast at the top<br />

of the front page.<br />

For four decades, Wells’ sci-fi novel had been just another<br />

piece of Victorian literature. Then Howard Koch rewrote it<br />

as a radio play for Orson Welles’ Mercury Theater. The radio<br />

drama was broadcast on Halloween, 1938 (when Europe was<br />

tensing up for war) and caused more audience reaction than<br />

most. The New York Times reported that “Thousands of persons<br />

called the police, newspapers and radio stations here and<br />

in other cities of the United States and Canada seeking advice<br />

on protective measures against the raids.” The paper also noted<br />

that a score of people were treated for shock and hysteria.<br />

Some New Yorkers even started moving furniture out of their<br />

houses, although it’s unclear why that would help.<br />

Mind you, this was rather a different situation than the claim<br />

by astronomers that unseen beings were grooving the Red<br />

Planet. In Koch’s fictional story, the Martians were getting personal,<br />

forsaking their home turf and invading ours (New Jersey,<br />

no less). But even so, the most significant reaction to the radio<br />

8 <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Explorer | Fourth Quarter 2008

“<br />

The bottom line from more than a<br />

century of such experience is simple:<br />

the public has repeatedly been told<br />

of extraterrestrial life – not from lightyears<br />

away, but from light-minutes.<br />

”<br />

Orson Welles scares listeners during his 1938 “War of the Worlds’<br />

broadcast.<br />

One of Giovanni Schiaparelli’s maps of Mars, sketched through an<br />

8-inch refractor in 1877.<br />

play may be that multimillion-dollar lawsuits were filed against<br />

the Columbia Broadcasting Company and the Mercury Theater.<br />

None was successful.<br />

So despite the widespread perception that the American citizenry<br />

went nuts upon hearing Welles’ broadcast, the facts are<br />

that the popular disequilibrium was mild.<br />

The next opportunity for Mars to scare the good people of<br />

Earth was more than a half-century later (1996) when scientists<br />

announced that Red Planet residents had landed in Antarctica.<br />

You may recall that in “The War of the Worlds,” the<br />

incursion was repulsed – not by military action, but by bacteria.<br />

The marauders from Mars were “slain, after all man’s defenses<br />

had failed, by the humblest thing that God in His wisdom put<br />

upon this earth.” In 1996, there was no need to rely upon<br />

microbes for defense: the invaders were microbes, and they<br />

were already dead.<br />

NASA researchers made headlines for several days with their<br />

claim that microscopic martian fossils were baked into a meteorite<br />

named ALH 84001, a piece of Red Planet rock that was<br />

more than 3 billion years old. Once again, the public reacted<br />

with interest. But there was not a scintilla of panic or alarm.<br />

Mind you, the visiting Martians were tiny – but was that reason<br />

for complacency? Microbes from another world might unleash<br />

who-knows-what sort of Andromeda strain pandemic?<br />

And sure, the putative Martians were long dead. But their<br />

descendants might still be in situ and infectious just a rocket<br />

ride away. No one seemed overly worried.<br />

The bottom line from more than a century of such experience<br />

is simple: the public has repeatedly been told of extraterrestrial<br />

life – not from light-years away, but from light-minutes. The<br />

amount of disquiet attendant upon this news has been less<br />

than imposing. Indeed, even the minimal panic of 1938 occurred<br />

only because the aliens were thought to be aggressively<br />

campaigning for control of the planet a mere 50 miles from<br />

Manhattan.<br />

For those who think that a <strong>SETI</strong> detection would provoke rioting<br />

in the streets or a prophylactic government cover-up,<br />

there’s a lesson to be learned. The public will be interested,<br />

but it’s hard to argue that they’ll be moving the furniture out<br />

of their homes.<br />

Shostak is Senior Astronomer at the <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> and<br />

host of the <strong>Institute</strong>’s science radio program, “Are We<br />

Alone?”<br />

<strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Explorer | Fourth Quarter 2008 9

Yvette Cendes and Billy Barott wield a signal analyzer in their hunt for RFI.<br />

Sorting Out Signals<br />

By Yvette Cendes<br />

(photo: Yvette Cendes)<br />

It’s late in the evening of a northern California night, and<br />

the Allen Telescope Array has just detected an artificial<br />

signal.<br />

“Will you look at that,” murmurs Billy Barott, an ATA telescope<br />

operator, as he points to a tall spike in the data just collected.<br />

“It almost looks like … hey, what’s the allocation in this<br />

part of the spectrum?”<br />

I look up the frequency of the signal in a telephone-book sized<br />

volume, and show him the entry: “Band reserved for aeronautical<br />

navigation.” It was just another frequency rendered unusable<br />

for radio astronomy by human-generated interference.<br />

Soon, the Allen Telescope Array will begin its search for radio<br />

signals of extraterrestrial origin. But virtually everything detected<br />

by the radio telescopes will prove to have a much less<br />

exciting source: artificial signals that are the hallmark of our<br />

own civilization. While the ATA is located in a secluded valley<br />

to block out broadcasts from radio and TV towers, things like<br />

satellite radio, airplane beacons, and cell phones are easily detected<br />

by the telescopes. They constitute what is called radio<br />

frequency interference, or RFI for short.<br />

“There was a student up here last year who saw something<br />

odd in his data, and tracked it down to a BBC crewman’s cell<br />

phone who was on site at the time,” explains Jill Tarter, my<br />

mentor for the summer Research Experience for Undergraduates<br />

(REU) program in which I was participating. She assigned<br />

me to work on the RFI problem because, as she said, “One cell<br />

phone is enough to shut down this array.”<br />

Radio telescopes often have a large fraction of their spectral<br />

coverage compromised due to this unwanted noise, and researchers<br />

frequently have to throw out data from some radio<br />

frequencies due to interference. For example, Arecibo,<br />

the large radio dish in Puerto Rico, picks up interference every<br />

twelve seconds from the airport radar in nearby San Juan. A<br />

special system is in place to ignore data received on particular<br />

frequencies.<br />

“RFI is the gremlin of radio astronomy,” Billy explained. “It can<br />

cause all kinds of problems.”<br />

At the ATA, the exact extent of radio frequency interference still<br />

hasn’t been fully determined. A big problem is the unknown<br />

nature of the on-site local interference: the radio control room<br />

is filled with digital processors, each giving off radiation at specific<br />

clock frequencies. Multiples of these clock frequencies –<br />

known as harmonics – are also emitted, which is noise that can<br />

easily leak out to be detected by the antennas of the Array.<br />

Figuring out what sort of RFI is troublesome at the ATA requires<br />

taking data over a very broad spectrum, covering several gigahertz.<br />

While obtaining such data from the radio telescopes<br />

themselves is straightforward, collecting data from within the<br />

control room itself isn’t so simple. Our first attempt to do so<br />

involved using a spectrum analyzer – a handheld device that<br />

10 <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Explorer | Fourth Quarter 2008

could pass for a ray gun in an old science fiction movie – which<br />

is capable of checking signal intensities over a large frequency<br />

range. However we ran into a problem with sensitivity, which<br />

culminated in Jill burning out her microwave oven in an attempt<br />

to see a signal on the spectrum analyzer. That did not<br />

bode well for our prospects. We ended up solving this problem<br />

by taking a copper antenna and feeding the signal into an<br />

unused antenna input where the spectrum could be analyzed<br />

on a computer just like the other signals.<br />

When looking at the full spectrum of data, the resulting information<br />

is similar to a complicated forensics problem from CSI.<br />

Each tall, thin spike at a given frequency is from an RFI source,<br />

but how do you know what is responsible for each peak and<br />

how are these various signals related? Is the signal from the<br />

control room or somewhere off the array site? There is little<br />

alternative to simply combing through the data for clues: is a<br />

signal in a well-known broadcast band, or is the frequency a<br />

harmonic of one of the computer clocks? Frequency analysis is<br />

a task requiring a modicum of curiosity and a lot of patience.<br />

The final plans for the Allen Telescope Array, when completed,<br />

will require that a new control room be constructed: one that<br />

is essentially an underground bunker that will significantly<br />

shield the telescopes from radio frequency interference. Radio<br />

astronomers will always grapple with unwanted signals from<br />

our civilization however, and care has to be taken to ensure<br />

that the next artificial signal detected isn’t merely one originating<br />

from here at home.<br />

Cendes is a physics major at Case Western Reserve University<br />

and participated in the 2008 <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> REU<br />

program<br />

Why<br />

I Support<br />

The <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong><br />

Kim Allender and his wife, Pam.<br />

I remember reading a childrens book called By<br />

Space Ship To The Moon in the early 1950s, and I<br />

recall a drawing of a circular space station which<br />

would be the platform for further space exploration.<br />

In high school and college in the 60s, I<br />

watched every space launch on television, often<br />

getting up at 3 a.m. to do so.<br />

As a recently retired 5th grade teacher, I’ve always<br />

loved teaching space science. I believe<br />

<strong>SETI</strong> is an essential effort to enrich our scientific<br />

knowledge of the universe and of ourselves.<br />

I’m pleased to have recently become a Team<strong>SETI</strong><br />

member and in so doing, support the research of<br />

the <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>.<br />

Yvette participated in the <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>’s undergraduate summer<br />

research program.<br />

(photo: Seth Shostak)<br />

Kim and Pam Allender joined Team<strong>SETI</strong> in<br />

June, 2008<br />

<strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Explorer | Fourth Quarter 2008 11

Cen t e r fo r Ed u c at i o n & Pu b l i c Ou t r e a c h<br />

Th e Te a c h a b l e Mo m e n t : Th e Fa c e o n Ma r s<br />

By Edna DeVore<br />

Mars has been invaded<br />

by alien robots built by<br />

Earthlings.<br />

On the ground, the Spirit<br />

and Opportunity rovers are still churning<br />

across the landscape, and the Phoenix<br />

Lander is testing arctic soils. Overhead,<br />

NASA and ESA orbiters are imaging the<br />

surface in exquisite detail. It’s all part of<br />

the search for life on the Red Planet.<br />

This makes Mars the logical focus for<br />

teaching science as a part of current<br />

events, and for using pseudoscientific<br />

claims about Mars to foster critical thinking.<br />

For example, the “Face on Mars”<br />

presents an opportunity to generate the<br />

teachable moment in classrooms.<br />

A few years ago, I had a long conversation<br />

with a high school science teacher<br />

at the National Science Teachers Association’s<br />

national conference about<br />

education in a world where students are<br />

continually exposed to pseudoscience or<br />

even phony science – stuff they’ve heard<br />

while watching television and reading<br />

the tabloids. What do they believe is<br />

real? The Face on Mars, alien autopsies,<br />

Area 51 in the Nevada desert as<br />

an alien storage area, the non-landings<br />

on the moon, UFOs, alien kidnappings<br />

– these are all grist for story telling and<br />

speculation in the media. It’s easy for<br />

uncritical kids (and adults) to believe the<br />

“evidence” of alien beings and encounters<br />

when it’s carefully gift-wrapped by<br />

creative television producers who crank<br />

out dramatic programs depicting these<br />

events with well-trained actors and elaborate<br />

sets.<br />

The pseudoscience accounts are carefully<br />

filmed and professionally narrated<br />

as “documentaries” about mysteries, or<br />

unexplained events. They aim to convince<br />

the public that aliens have been<br />

here or nearby on the moon or Mars,<br />

and that the evidence is being covered<br />

up by a grand conspiracy of seriously unfun<br />

people in the government, universities,<br />

and research organizations. Folks<br />

like me. Any denials, alternative explanations,<br />

or criticism of the evidence simply<br />

prove that there’s a cover-up. But I think<br />

your average high school student is too<br />

smart to fall for this when provided genuine<br />

evidence.<br />

12 <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Explorer | Fourth Quarter 2008

Cen t e r fo r Ed u c at i o n & Pu b l i c Ou t r e a c h<br />

Take the Face on Mars. The first photograph<br />

of this bumpy mesa was snapped<br />

by NASA’s Viking Orbiter and released to<br />

the public on July 31, 1976.<br />

It is an intriguing image, and certainly<br />

does look like a face. In fact, this Face on<br />

Mars has inspired a whole library shelf of<br />

books. True believers now find evidence<br />

of a Pyramid and an Incan City as well.<br />

All of this, of course, was photographed<br />

by Viking but covered up by NASA officials.<br />

I like to note that these pseudoscience<br />

publications help to put bread on<br />

the table and pay the rent for the creative<br />

folks churning out books, articles,<br />

and tabloid stories about the Face.<br />

Imagine being a science teacher presenting<br />

a unit on space and astronomy with<br />

a classroom full of 15-year old students<br />

who believe the television accounts of<br />

the Face on Mars, cities on the moon,<br />

alien autopsies, etc. You might give<br />

them an overview of the characteristics<br />

of the planets and their moons: the circumstance<br />

that Jupiter’s red spot would<br />

hold at least three Earths, for example.<br />

That’s a cool factoid, but it isn’t likely to<br />

grab them. The Face on Mars will. And<br />

this was what I discussed with the science<br />

teacher at NSTA.<br />

The Face on Mars is a teachable moment<br />

that can turn students into scientists if<br />

you present the evidence. There is the<br />

Viking photograph, taken in 1976 and<br />

the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) and the<br />

Mars Express (ME) photographs taken<br />

decades later. Ask the students what they<br />

see in the first photograph: like everyone<br />

else, they will see a face. I see a face in<br />

that photograph too. Humans interact<br />

with the natural world by organizing<br />

perception into recognizable form. Who<br />

has not watched clouds on a summer<br />

day, and seen horses, dragons, beautiful<br />

people, or ships floating overhead? In<br />

the early part of the last century, astronomer<br />

Percival Lowell was convinced he<br />

saw canals on Mars through his Arizona<br />

telescope. Subsequently, other observers<br />

and photography proved that his vision<br />

was connecting broken features into<br />

Top right: This picture is one of many taken in the northern<br />

latitudes of Mars by the Viking 1 Orbiter in 1976 while<br />

searching for a landing site for Viking 2.<br />

The picture shows eroded mesa-like landforms. The huge<br />

rock formation in the center, which resembles a human<br />

head, is formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes,<br />

nose and mouth. The feature is 1.5 kilometers (one mile)<br />

across, with the sun angle at approximately 20 degrees.<br />

The speckled appearance of the image is due to bit errors,<br />

emphasized by enlargement of the photo. The picture<br />

was taken on July 25 from a range of 1873 kilometers<br />

(1162) miles).<br />

Opposite and bottom right: images of face on Mars mesa<br />

from MGS and ME.<br />

<strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Explorer | Fourth Quarter 2008 13

Cen t e r fo r Ed u c at i o n & Pu b l i c Ou t r e a c h<br />

lines. That civil engineering project was<br />

all in Lowell’s mind, not on Mars.<br />

We humans are pattern seekers, and<br />

seeing familiar forms in strange places<br />

helps us to organize our perceptions of<br />

the natural world. There was a rock formation<br />

near my childhood home in the<br />

Sierra Nevada mountains that looked<br />

like a bear. I never assumed that it was<br />

carved by some unknown being to make<br />

me ponder bears or believe in unknown<br />

beings. I understood that it was jagged<br />

granite, and the fact that it looked like<br />

a bear was a coincidence. I also had to<br />

stand in the right place to see the bear;<br />

otherwise, it just looked like a mountain<br />

peak. Like the bear, to see the Face on<br />

Mars, you have to “stand” in the right<br />

place, and at the right time of day, to get<br />

the angle and lighting for the light and<br />

shadows to make a face.<br />

Move forward a couple of decades.<br />

We’ve returned to Mars. We have new,<br />

higher resolution photographs of the<br />

same mesa taken by MGS and ME, including<br />

views from different places at<br />

different times of the day. The raw data<br />

from MGS and ME are processed to<br />

bring out the details on the mesa, and<br />

a clear explanation for how scientists accomplish<br />

this work helps students to understand<br />

that there’s not a cover-up. It’s<br />

more like an un-covering to convert raw<br />

data to images. There are movies that allow<br />

you to fly around the Face and check<br />

out the terrain for yourself. http://www.<br />

esa.int/esa-mmg/mmg.pl?b=b&keyword<br />

=face&single=y&start=6&size=b<br />

That’s the new, better evidence. What<br />

does the mesa look like when seen more<br />

clearly?<br />

The images taken by MGS and ME reveal<br />

the Face to be a rocky mesa, one of<br />

many in the Cydonia region of Mars. It<br />

looks a lot like mesas in the western region<br />

of the United States. In fact, it looks<br />

a lot like other mesas in that same region<br />

on Mars – similar in size, dimension, and<br />

height. It’s an ordinary feature on Mars,<br />

not a gargantuan piece of artwork left<br />

to make us ponder whether alien artists<br />

had visited Mars and sculpted on a<br />

grand scale.<br />

Don’t ask students to “believe” in science.<br />

Provide the evidence, and allow<br />

them to critically consider what we now<br />

know about the Face. Give them the<br />

same opportunity granted the space scientists<br />

who analyzed the images taken<br />

by cameras on orbiting spacecraft.<br />

Finally, ask your students how much<br />

money people made and continue to<br />

make from selling pseudoscientific books<br />

and films to the gullible public. That discussion<br />

might reveal why the Face on<br />

Mars is so persistent. Caveat emptor.<br />

DeVore is the <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>’s Director<br />

of Education and Outreach<br />

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14 <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Explorer | Fourth Quarter 2008

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<strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Explorer | Fourth Quarter 2008 15

Northern Wisconsin As t r o n o m y: A Fa m ily Af fa i r<br />

by Earl Finkler, Team<strong>SETI</strong> member<br />

Astronomy can be kind of a<br />

cold, lonely activity –staying<br />

up outdoors into the early<br />

morning –looking for a faint<br />

planet or star, or an especially<br />

clear view of Mars. But Saturday<br />

night, August 23 was very special: it was<br />

a warm summer night in Medford, Wisconsin<br />

and I had some great companions.<br />

My trusty Unitron 2.4-inch refractor<br />

telescope had been working well in the<br />

warmth, and early in the day I told my<br />

wife Chris that I was going star gazing<br />

around sunset if the sky remained clear.<br />

She offered all kinds of support, promising<br />

to bring our two huskies out to provide<br />

company, not to mention a chicken<br />

dinner. Even better, she brought along<br />

a box of homemade chocolate cookies<br />

– just about the best thing for a night of<br />

stargazing.<br />

Chris has always been supportive of my<br />

astronomy efforts, even on very chilly<br />

nights in my former home, Barrow,<br />

Alaska. I’ll always remember the winter<br />

night when amateur astronomer Craig<br />

George and I spread out in the snow and<br />

looked up at Comet Hale Bopp. Soon<br />

Chris came out and brought us some hot<br />

chocolate. Great at 25 below.<br />

I hauled the Unitron over to a small<br />

neighborhood park, and got it set up.<br />

Chris and the dogs showed up as it<br />

turned dark. The mighty planet Jupiter<br />

was bright at sunset and it got a whole<br />

lot brighter as time went on. I swung<br />

the Unitron its way and got a spectacular<br />

view: even in my relatively small scope, it<br />

was easy to see the disc and atmospheric<br />

bands, as well as its four inner moons,<br />

two on each side.<br />

Chris came for a look and was equally<br />

amazed.<br />

“What’s next?” she asked. I swung the<br />

scope toward the Big Dipper. “Let’s look<br />

at the second star in from the edge of<br />

Earl Finkler and husky Nuna checking out the Unitron telescope prior to a warm summer<br />

night of sky watching in Wisconsin. [Photo: Chris Finkler]<br />

the handle,” I said. “It’s really a double<br />

star.”<br />

It was the star Mizar, but I didn’t have my<br />

diagonal attachment along, so looking<br />

at something that high in the sky meant<br />

that Chris and I had to almost lie on the<br />

ground and look up into the eyepiece. I<br />

was having trouble even finding that star<br />

in my wide-angle finder. But Chris was<br />

able to bend down and swing the big<br />

Unitron directly to Mizar.<br />

We could both see Mizar and its companion<br />

Alcor. “Amateur astronomers<br />

like to do that sometimes,” I explained<br />

to Chris, “split a double star with their<br />

telescope.”<br />

We also checked out a bright object<br />

about halfway between Jupiter and the<br />

Big Dipper. Possibly Venus, which sets<br />

pretty early, or even Mars But it did not<br />

seem to have a red color. “I’m going<br />

to check further on that when we get<br />

home,” I said.<br />

Chris and I managed to get up from our<br />

cramped position at the bottom of the<br />

scope. We pulled out a flashlight, found<br />

the dogs and all our stuff and headed<br />

home. Not a great many objects to see<br />

this fine night in Wisconsin, but the warm<br />

weather and good company made it an<br />

astronomy night we won’t soon forget.<br />

Finkler is a long-standing Team<strong>SETI</strong><br />

member, and a former resident (and<br />

radio personality) in Barrow, Alaska<br />

16 <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Explorer | Fourth Quarter 2008

Bo a r d o f Trustees<br />

Are We Alone?<br />

Science Radio for Thinking Species<br />

Photo credit: Seth Shostak<br />

Searching for life as we don’t know it begins with understanding life as we do.<br />

From amoebas to zebras, from androids to antimatter, Are We Alone?<br />

explores the science that makes life possible.<br />

This weekly hour-long radio program features top scientists<br />

talking about the latest in genetics, paleontology, technology,<br />

physics, and evolutionary biology - as well as cosmology and<br />

astronomy. Find out how to extract DNA from a banana, what<br />

size wrench you need to build a time machine, and whether<br />

dark energy can be bottled (yes).<br />

If you’re a doubting Thomas, you’ll have plenty of company<br />

when we separate science from pseudoscience on “Skeptical<br />

Sunday” each month. Hear from people who investigate alien<br />

abduction, psychics, ghosts, or the Shroud of Turin, and find<br />

out how they sort out the facts from the phony. It’s the world<br />

of skepticism. But don’t take our word for it ...<br />

Are We Alone? is produced by the <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>. It is podcast<br />

every week and can be found via iTunes, Juice, and other<br />

podcast sites. Current and past shows are also available for<br />

immediate download and listening in both Windows Media<br />

(.wma) and .mp3 formats on http://radio.seti.org. The show is<br />

available to radio stations for broadcast from the Public Radio<br />

Satellite System (PRSS) and the Public Radio Exchange (PRX)<br />

services. To check if a station in your area is broadcasting the<br />

show, visit http://radio.seti.org/listening-options.php<br />

For more information about the show, or how you<br />

can help get it on more radio stations, email us at<br />

arewealone@seti.org, or call 650-960-4531.<br />

Original music provided by Bruce Lebovitz. Are We Alone? is<br />

supported in part by a grant from the NASA Astrobiology <strong>Institute</strong>.<br />

“Skeptical Sunday” is funded with a generous donation<br />

from the Trimberger Family Foundation.<br />

<strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Explorer | Fourth Quarter 2008 17

<strong>SETI</strong> & SOCIETY Do u g l a s Va k o c h<br />

St i tc h i n g Together a Ma r t i a n Me s s a g e<br />

Though we typically think of <strong>SETI</strong> as attempting contact<br />

with the denizens of other star systems, our<br />

modern-day search had precursors – at least at the<br />

level of theory – as far back as the early nineteenth<br />

century. At that time, long before the kinetic theory<br />

of gases had proven that the moon was too small to sustain a<br />

substantial atmosphere, serious scientists thought that Earth’s<br />

only natural satellite might well be a habitable abode. But<br />

even if these scientists had been right, and the moon were<br />

populated, how would Earthlings have made meaningful contact<br />

with lunar extraterrestrials long before the Apollo era?<br />

Nineteenth-century scientists seeking signs of intelligence beyond<br />

Earth proposed a strategy still used by <strong>SETI</strong> scientists today:<br />

start with the closest plausible targets. While that means<br />

looking at stars in our galactic neighborhood for our twentyfirst<br />

century searches, at the dawn of the nineteenth century<br />

the neighborhood seemed much smaller. No less a mathematician<br />

than Karl Friedrich Gauss is said to have developed a<br />

scheme for letting Lunarians know that Earth was the home of<br />

ambitious engineers. Because the moon is so close to the Earth,<br />

Gauss reasoned, Selenites (another name for Moonfolk) would<br />

be able to see large-scale landscaping on the Earth’s surface.<br />

Gauss’s favored topic of conversation with the Lunarians, in<br />

keeping with his profession, was mathematics. He suggested<br />

chopping down vast expanses of Siberian forest, then planting<br />

fields of wheat in their place – all according to the precise<br />

formulations of the Pythagorean theorem. The beauty of this<br />

plan, had there actually been any intelligent life on the moon,<br />

is that such gargantuan diagrams could be seen directly with<br />

a modest telescope, or perhaps even with the naked eye, depending<br />

on how ambitious the Russian lumberjacks were.<br />

Changing Probabilities<br />

As the decades passed, and it became increasingly clear that the<br />

moon was an inhospitable place, scientists looking for signs of<br />

intelligent life shifted their attention to Mars. One such seeker<br />

was Sir Francis Galton, a half-cousin of Charles Darwin, who<br />

was eminent in his own right as one of the founders of modern<br />

statistics. Prompted by the opposition of Mars – the point<br />

18 <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Explorer | Fourth Quarter 2008

when the Earth and Mars are closest to one another as they<br />

orbit the Sun – Galton pondered how we might communicate<br />

with any beings on the Red Planet. In particular, he wanted<br />

to demonstrate how we could convey information to these<br />

beings, even if the Martians were too far away to see designs<br />

sketched on the surface of the Earth.<br />

Like many innovators, Galton combined ideas from several different<br />

settings when tackling a new problem. For example,<br />

Galton’s scheme for communicating with Martians was in large<br />

part inspired by his study of visual perception, combined with<br />

enhanced capabilities of then-new communication technologies.<br />

In a lecture he delivered in 1893, Galton demonstrated<br />

how one could create images by tracing the outlines of object<br />

in a manner reminiscent of a “dot-to-dot” puzzle. But better<br />

than simply casually connecting<br />

the dots, he said<br />

one could describe the precise<br />

path from one dot to<br />

the next simply by measuring<br />

the length and angle<br />

between the dots.<br />

“At first sight it may seem<br />

to be a silly waste of time<br />

and trouble to translate a<br />

drawing into a formula,”<br />

Galton said, “but further<br />

reflection shows that the<br />

process may be of much<br />

practical utility.”<br />

Francis Galton<br />

At the time, he was imagining using this technique to communicate<br />

pictures using a telegraph for terrestrial-bound audiences:<br />

“Important local events frequently occur in far-off regions<br />

of which no description can give an exact idea without<br />

the help of pictorial illustration; some catastrophe, or site of<br />

a battle,or an exploration, or it may be some design or even<br />

some portrait. There is therefore reason to expect a demand<br />

for such drawings as these by telegraph …”<br />

A Ray of Hope<br />

Ideas similar to those proposed in the nineteenth century were<br />

independently espoused by scientists and engineers working<br />

in the 1960s on what had become proposals for interstellar (as<br />

opposed to interplanetary) communication. With diminished<br />

estimates of the likelihood of intelligent civilizations elsewhere<br />

in our Solar System, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence<br />

moved to other stars. For example, early <strong>SETI</strong> pioneer Bernard<br />

M. Oliver constructed a hypothetical interstellar message as a<br />

two-dimensional array, which could be sent as a string of dots<br />

and dashes. Using Oliver’s scheme, there would be no need for<br />

the recipients to understand the angle and length of the lines<br />

used to picture objects, as long as they recognized the pulses<br />

could be lined up in a series of rows, one on top of the other.<br />

In fact, one of Galton’s ideas even made it onboard the Voyager<br />

interstellar recording. If we want to let Martians know how<br />

we see, Galton explained, we need to explain the concept of<br />

color. By sketching a diagram of white light traveling through a<br />

prism, then separating into the colors of the spectrum, Galton<br />

anticipated the Voyager image that provided a clue to interpreting<br />

the handful of color photos included in that recording.<br />

Even though there is no guarantee the recipients will be<br />

capable of interpreting these messages clearly enough to gain<br />

deep insights into the senders, the symbolism of including an<br />

artificial rainbow is fitting, given our hope that someday we<br />

may make contact with beings from another world.<br />

Vakoch’s work is supported through the Adopt A Scientist<br />

program by Jamie Baswell. Vakoch is Director of<br />

Interstellar Message Composition at the <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>.<br />

By 1896 Galton had adapted his system for signaling by “dots<br />

and dashes” of precise durations with beings on Mars, or even<br />

beyond, as suggested by the title of his paper: “Intelligible Signals<br />

between Neighbouring Stars.” He compared this interplanetary<br />

“picture-writing” to embroidery in which each stitch<br />

composing the outline of an object would be defined in terms<br />

of its length and direction. Unlike Gauss’s plan, where the notion<br />

that a 2 + b 2 = c 2 is laid out for the viewer to see directly,<br />

Galton’s scheme depends on the recipients being able to crack<br />

the code of the message’s format.<br />

Photo credit: Seth Shostak<br />

<strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Explorer | Fourth Quarter 2008 19

Car l Sa g a n Ce n t e r<br />

Protecting Ma r s f r o m Ea r t h l i n g s, a n d Vi c e Ve r s a<br />

by Margaret Race<br />

For nearly 20 years, a succession of <strong>SETI</strong> researchers<br />

has been involved in the field of planetary protection<br />

– pondering the science, technology and policy issues<br />

associated with research and space exploration missions.<br />

This coming February, the <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> will host a special workshop<br />

to develop an Astrobiology Roadmap of Societal Issues.<br />

Funded by the NASA Astrobiology <strong>Institute</strong>’s director’s office,<br />

the three-day workshop will examine the broad range of nonscience<br />

issues that are associated with the field of astrobiology.<br />

What would it mean if we discover extraterrestrial life? What<br />

ethical or theological questions, if any, would be raised by finding<br />

martian microbes? What considerations should apply to<br />

the environmental management of other planetary bodies?<br />

What legal or policy questions might be raised by private sector<br />

missions, and who should be involved if regulatory guidelines<br />

need to be developed?<br />

While the questions may seem farfetched to the armchair adventurer,<br />

they are serious considerations for NASA and other<br />

space agencies. For over four decades, the U.N. Outer Space<br />

Treaty has guided spacefaring nations in their exploration of<br />

the Solar System. The Treaty, passed in 1967, requires that<br />

outer space missions be conducted in ways that prevent harmful<br />

contamination to other planets and celestial bodies, and<br />

avoid adverse changes to Earth that might be caused by the<br />

introduction of extraterrestrial matter.<br />

These planetary protection concerns focus on both forward<br />

contamination, and back contamination, respectively, the<br />

transport of hitchhiker microbes or biological contaminants<br />

on spacecraft and equipment launched from Earth, and the<br />

return to Earth of extraterrestrial microbes or materials that<br />

could be hazardous to our planet and its biota. Even though<br />

we are uncertain whether extraterrestrial life might exist in locations<br />

where spacecraft visit, planetary protection policy takes<br />

a deliberately conservative approach, aiming to ensure that the<br />

very act of exploring such locations does not disrupt environments<br />

and possible life elsewhere, or cause adverse effects on<br />

Earth upon return<br />

All of the Time<br />

Forward and back contamination controls are a way of life for<br />

all NASA missions. In fact, the informal motto of the NASA<br />

Planetary Protection Office is “All of the Planets, All of the<br />

Time.” Every proposed mission is assigned to a planetary protection<br />

category that stipulates how much special cleaning,<br />

Photo credit: NASA<br />

An artist’s impression of a NASA Mars sample return mission.<br />

sterilization, and microbial monitoring must be done to safeguard<br />

all phases of the mission. These categories have been<br />

designated by the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR),<br />

the international scientific body responsible for setting planetary<br />

protection policies based on the Outer Space Treaty.<br />

The five categories currently in use are based on concerns about<br />

biological potential – the likelihood that a body could harbor<br />

life, now or in the past – as well as its importance to scientific<br />

studies on the origin of life and its chemical evolution. In general,<br />

outbound spacecraft are treated prior to launch to reduce<br />

the bioload or number of ‘hitchhiker’ microbes that could be<br />

transported from Earth. Sample return missions from bodies<br />

with biological potential require additional strict controls and<br />

quarantine to safeguard Earth from potentially biohazardous<br />

materials that might be returned with samples.<br />

Not all missions require planetary protection (PP) controls. For<br />

example, missions to the Moon and some asteroids, which<br />

have no direct interest for studies of life or chemical evolution,<br />

are designated as Category I, and have no special PP requirements.<br />

Missions to bodies like Mars or Europa, which have<br />

indications of liquid water and conditions amenable to life, are<br />

assigned to Category III or IV, and have increasingly stringent<br />

20 <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Explorer | Fourth Quarter 2008

Car l Sa g a n Ce n t e r<br />

Photo credit: Seth Shostak<br />

Margaret Race, with the landscape of Mars in the background.<br />

requirements to minimize the possibility of contamination from<br />

visiting spacecraft. Sample return missions from Mars or other<br />

bodies with biological potential (e.g., Europa) are assigned to<br />

Category V, and require additional controls and quarantine to<br />

safeguard Earth from potentially biohazardous materials that<br />

might be returned.<br />

Over the years, the types and stringency of planetary protection<br />

requirements have been modified to reflect changes in our<br />

scientific understanding about both planetary environments<br />

and microbes. At this point, it appears increasingly likely that<br />

there are extraterrestrial environments and conditions that<br />

could support Earth organisms delivered by spacecraft. Just as<br />

important, there may be environments in the solar system that<br />

support their own indigenous biota. The possible discovery of<br />

a truly extraterrestrial life form during exploration has raised<br />

greater concern about the implications of introducing Earth<br />

microbes on arriving spacecraft; it has also raised questions<br />

about the meaning of truly extraterrestrial life and the associated<br />

ethical implications.<br />

Ethical Considerations<br />

In recognition of the increasing prospect for ET life and questions<br />

about the effectiveness of standard planetary protection<br />

controls, a 2006 report by the National Research Council<br />

(NRC), Preventing the Forward Contamination of Mars, recommended<br />

that NASA undertake a major overhaul of methods<br />

and requirements for future missions to Mars. Already, many<br />

of these changes are underway. The report also took an unusual<br />

step, breaking new ground beyond the typical science<br />

and technology realms. It recommended that NASA reconsider<br />

planetary protection policy itself to determine whether ethical<br />

considerations should also be taken into account. Specifically,<br />

the report recommended that NASA should work with COSPAR<br />

and other institutions to organize an international workshop<br />

“to consider whether biological planetary protection measures<br />

and other current practices intending to preserve planetary environments<br />

should be extended within a broader ethical and<br />

practical framework.”<br />

This unusual recommendation was accepted and approved by<br />

NASA’s Planetary Protection Subcommittee in 2007 and subsequently<br />

endorsed by COSPAR’s Planetary Protection Panel<br />

in early 2008. In summer 2008, the recommendation was officially<br />

approved by the COSPAR Bureau at its international Assembly<br />

in Montreal.<br />

To be sure, changes to treaty-based policies don’t occur very<br />

often, nor do they happen overnight. As NASA and other<br />

space faring entities take increasingly bold steps into the next<br />

50 years of exploration, it’s exciting to think about the potential<br />

discoveries and far-reaching human activities ahead. It’s<br />

also reassuring to know that we are pausing together with<br />

the international community to consider the broad societal implications<br />

of our activities on planetary environments and life<br />

itself – both here and beyond. Clearly, it takes more than just<br />

rocket scientists to plan the path forward.<br />

Race is a Principal Investigator at the <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong><br />

<strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Explorer | Fourth Quarter 2008 21

Cen t e r fo r Ed u c at i o n & Pu b l i c Ou t r e a c h<br />

From left to right, top row: Elena Amador, Yvette Cendes, Matthew Finch, Robert Jacobsen, Matthew Levit, Rosie Malsberger;<br />

middle row: Alicia Muirhead, Zachary Nadler, Manuel Olmedo, Efrosini Proios, Danica Roth, Aaron Slodov;<br />

bottom row: Heather Stewart, William Swearson, Claire Webb, Kimberley Wendell, Shicong Xie<br />

2008 Summer<br />

Students<br />

by Cynthia Phillips<br />

The 2008 Research Experience for Undergraduates<br />

program in astrobiology at the <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> recently<br />

concluded, and once again was a great success for<br />

the students and scientists involved.<br />

The program brings college undergraduates<br />

from around the country to the <strong>Institute</strong> for 10 weeks<br />

over the summer. The students live in dorms at NASA<br />

Ames Research Center, and work closely with mentor<br />

scientists either at the <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> or at NASA<br />

Ames. The students all participate in a week-long<br />

field trip to northern California, where they live in<br />

dorms at the Hat Creek Radio Astronomy Observatory<br />

and get to use the Allen Telescope Array. This portion of<br />

the field trip is led by Jill Tarter. The students also spend two<br />

days at Lassen Volcanic National Park studying extremophiles<br />

and geology, an expedition organized by Rocco Mancinelli.<br />

Other field trips throughout the summer include a trip to Lick<br />

Observatory led by Frank Drake, and a Perseid meteor shower<br />

observing trip to Fremont Peak Observatory led by Peter Jenniskens.<br />

Students attend lectures on topics in astrobiology<br />

throughout the summer, and give final presentation talks on<br />

their research projects. As selected by their mentors, some<br />

students will submit their results for presentation at national<br />

conferences such as the American Geophysical Union meeting,<br />

the American Astronomical Society meeting, and the Lunar<br />

and Planetary Science Conference.<br />

The REU program is funded by a grant from the National Science<br />

Foundation, with supplementary funding from the<br />

NASA Astrobiology <strong>Institute</strong>, the NASA Education and<br />

Public Outreach Supplemental Grants Program, and<br />

the <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>. The Principal Investigator of the<br />

program is Cynthia Phillips, with the assistance of<br />

Edna DeVore, Sue Lehr, Cynthia Ramseyer, and the<br />

many other staff members and scientists at the <strong>SETI</strong><br />

<strong>Institute</strong> who participate.<br />

The 17 student participants in the 2008 REU program came<br />

from around the country, from as close as Palo Alto to as far<br />

as New York. We had students from North Dakota, Montana,<br />

Georgia, Iowa, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Colorado, and California.<br />

22 <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Explorer | Fourth Quarter 2008

Cen t e r fo r Ed u c at i o n & Pu b l i c Ou t r e a c h<br />

Of the 17 students, 10 were female, 3<br />

were Hispanic, and 2 were Asian. We<br />

have applied for a renewal of the REU<br />

grant, and hope to offer the <strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong><br />

Astrobiology REU program again<br />

in 2009. Keep an eye on the website<br />

at http://www.seti.org/reu for more details!<br />

Read on to see the 2008 REU students<br />

in action, and find out more about<br />

their backgrounds and projects.<br />

Elena Amador<br />

Earth Science with concentration in<br />

Planetary Science, UC Santa Cruz, California.<br />

Mentor: Janice Bishop<br />

Elena worked with Janice Bishop doing<br />

mineralogical research in Mawrth Vallis,<br />

Mars, using CRISM images and making<br />

laboratory mixtures.<br />

Yvette Cendes<br />

Physics B.S., Case Western Reserve Univ,<br />

Ohio<br />

Mentor: Jill Tarter<br />

Yvette worked to determine whether<br />

stray signals from the control room<br />

computers and processors at the Allen<br />

Telescope Array are detected by the telescopes<br />

themselves<br />

Matthew Finch<br />

Chemistry, College of San Mateo, California<br />

Mentor: Richard Quinn, Cindy Taylor<br />

Matthew used electrochemical methods<br />

to characterize and identify signals pertinent<br />

to the Phoenix Mars Lander MECA-<br />

WCL data<br />

Robert Jacobsen<br />

Geology, Colorado College, Colorado<br />

Mentor: Devon Burr<br />

Robert mapped features on Saturn’s<br />

moon Titan created by the flow of liquid<br />

methane<br />

Matthew Levit<br />

Biology, La Salle University, Pennsylvania<br />

Mentors: Scott Sandford, Stephanie Milam<br />

Matt worked on the synthesis of nucleobases,<br />

the building blocks of DNA/RNA,<br />

from the ultraviolet photolysis of astrophysically<br />

relevant ice mixtures at the<br />

NASA Ames astrochemistry laboratory.<br />

Rosie Malsberger<br />

Physics, Grinnell College, Iowa<br />

Mentor: Jean Chiar<br />

Rosie worked with data from the Spitzer<br />

Space Telescope to study a 6.2 micron<br />

hydrocarbon absorption feature from<br />

potential intergalactic stellar sources<br />

Alicia Muirhead<br />

Earth Sciences, UC Santa Cruz, California<br />

Mentor: Janice Bishop<br />

Alicia used MRO CRISM data and lab<br />

work to better understand the presence<br />

of iron oxides on Mars<br />

Zachary Nadler<br />

Physics/Mathematics, Emory University,<br />

Georgia<br />

Mentor: Gerry Harp<br />

Zach used holography to characterize<br />

the dishes of the Allen Telescope Array<br />

Manuel Olmedo<br />

Physics, UC Santa Barbara, California<br />

Mentor: Alessandra Ricca<br />

Manuel assisted in a study of photo-irradiated<br />

polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons<br />

(PAHs) in mixed molecular ice.<br />

Efrosini Proios<br />

Molecular and Cell Biology, College of<br />

San Mateo, California<br />

Mentor: Rocco Mancinelli<br />

Efrosini studied the effect of potassium<br />

chloride on the resistance of halophilic<br />

DNA to UV light<br />

Danica Roth<br />

Astrophysics/Physics double major, UC<br />

Berkeley, California<br />

Mentor: Cynthia Phillips<br />

Danica studied the mapping and morphology<br />

of Titan’s channels<br />

Aaron Slodov<br />

Physics/Math, Kent State University,<br />

Ohio<br />

Mentor: Peter Backus<br />

Aaron developed a new habitable star<br />

catalog for expanded <strong>SETI</strong> searches<br />

Heather Stewart<br />

Astronomy and Astrophysics, Villanova<br />

University, Pennsylvania<br />

Mentor: Josh Emery, Franck Marchis<br />

Heather analyzed IR data from the Spitzer<br />

Space Telescope on Trojan asteroids in<br />

conjunction with observing and reducing<br />

light curves for Trojan, main belt, binary,<br />

and near-Earth asteroids<br />

William Swearson<br />

Anthropology, University of North Dakota<br />

Mentor: Hector D’Antoni, Jay Skiles<br />

Project Description: Used South America<br />

as an analog to hindcast climate change<br />

Claire Webb<br />

Astronomy, Vassar College, New York<br />

Mentor: Peter Jenniskens<br />

Claire worked on a novel application of<br />

tungsten halogen light sources for the<br />

calibration of STARDUST sample return<br />

capsule entry observations<br />

Kimberley Wendell<br />

Geology, Paleontology, and Spanish,<br />

Montana State University<br />

Mentor: Devon Burr<br />

Kim studied sinuous ridges on Mars<br />

(possible inverted fluvial channels), and<br />

calculated the paleodischarge, in order<br />

to better understand past climate conditions<br />

on that planet<br />

Shicong Xie<br />

Major: Physics, UC Berkeley, California<br />

Mentor: Friedemann Freund<br />

Shicong investigated the effect of the<br />

physical chemistry of rocks on the oxidation<br />

of water<br />

<strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Explorer | Fourth Quarter 2008 23

Next Issue<br />

Kepler Mission<br />

Image: NASA<br />

<strong>SETI</strong> <strong>Institute</strong><br />

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