(best examples and good practices) on household organic waste ...

(best examples and good practices) on household organic waste ... (best examples and good practices) on household organic waste ...


45 incinerators. Nowadays the main sources of these emissions are still the waste incinerators with the difference that those emissions have been decreased in volume substantially. National differences between countries still remain mainly due to the existence of older installations. (Bontoux.,1999) There are 3 types of dioxins ong>andong> furans emitted in the atmosphere ong>andong> they come from different sources. First, they can be present in the waste which escaped destruction due to insufficient incineration temperatures (

46 Heavy metals can be grouped into various classes, each with its specific issues. Metals such as cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), mercury (Hg) or lead (Pb) can be highly toxic. However, while Cd ong>andong> Cr recovery can be interesting in metallurgy, uses for Hg ong>andong> Pb are decreasing fast. For Hg, uses in thermometers ong>andong> batteries are disappearing ong>andong> will hopefully result in lower concentrations in waste in the long-term. For Pb, uses in pipes ong>andong> gasoline are ending while use in accumulators is likely to decrease dramatically in the next few years thanks to emerging battery technologies. Copper (Cu) ong>andong> nickel (Ni) tend to be less toxic than Cd, Hg or Pb, but they are potent catalysts ong>andong> contribute to a complex organic chemistry in the flue gases of combustion plants. In particular, they can contribute to the postformation of dioxins in the flue gases. In terms of recovery, Cu is undesirable in steel making but, along with Ni, it is potentially worth being recovered for use in the non-ferrous metals industry. Iron (Fe) ong>andong> aluminum (Al) are less toxic ong>andong> can also act as catalysts. However, they are essential elements for cement making ong>andong> get captured in the clinker, contributing as raw material. In general, studies have shown that leaching of metals from cement mortar is very limited ong>andong> does not appear to be a cause of concern during service life, but some controversy goes on. This list is far from being exhaustive but illustrates the diversity of issues raised by the various metals present in wastes (ong>andong> other materials such as coal, minerals, etc) ong>andong> the possibilities to match specific wastes with certain combustion facilities for an optimum result (e.g. high Ni waste to blast furnaces, high Fe ong>andong> Al to cement kilns,…). Metals are present in relatively high concentrations in ashes ong>andong> slags, but this is insufficient to make them attractive for metal recovery because they are often in undesirable chemical forms ong>andong> because they are mixed. (Bontoux.,1999) CO2 emissions ong>andong> global warming The incineration of waste generates CO2. This gas is one of the most important greenhouse gases but the contribution of incineration to this phenomenon is something to be discussed in the future. One thing is for sure that these emissions should be controlled in the future in order not to cause the phenomena which only untreated waste can cause such as global warming NOx, SOx, other emissions ong>andong> emission control It has been observed during all these years this technology operates in the field of waste treatment, that combustion conditions influence the type of emissions

45<br />

incinerators. Nowadays the main sources of these emissi<strong>on</strong>s are still the <strong>waste</strong><br />

incinerators with the difference that those emissi<strong>on</strong>s have been decreased in<br />

volume substantially. Nati<strong>on</strong>al differences between countries still remain<br />

mainly due to the existence of older installati<strong>on</strong>s. (B<strong>on</strong>toux.,1999)<br />

There are 3 types of dioxins <str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g> furans emitted in the atmosphere <str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g> they<br />

come from different sources. First, they can be present in the <strong>waste</strong> which<br />

escaped destructi<strong>on</strong> due to insufficient incinerati<strong>on</strong> temperatures (

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