(best examples and good practices) on household organic waste ...

(best examples and good practices) on household organic waste ... (best examples and good practices) on household organic waste ...



196 11. Greece The Greeks Strategy Waste management on Greece seems to be one of the most difficult problems to be solved. Greece has been condemned several times by the European Court of Justice for failing to follow the European Waste Management framework including a judgment under Article 228(2)(b) EC1. More than 1000 unauthorized dumping keep existing within the mainlong>andong> while 2 years ago more than 3000 existed. The method used in Greece today for waste treatment is unfortunately long>andong>fill. More than 90% of the MSW is still long>andong>filled or thrown away in illegal dumps. In comparison to all the other countries mentioned before (Sweden, Netherlong>andong>s, Germany, Uk,etc) Greece seems to be unable to comply with the EU official waste policy which is diverting waste from been long>andong>filled. Even worse is it estimated that the existing authorized ong>andong> controlled long>andong>fill sites cover only almost 60% of the total population while the other 40% is covered by unauthorized long>andong>fill sites currently in operation in Greece. Even worse there are more than 1000 abong>andong>oned illegal waste tips all over the Country. The negative impacts of this kind of policy are severe for Greece’s environment ong>andong> public health. Fortunately Greece existence in the EU quaranties the change in policy which shall be followed by a rapid development in waste management ong>andong> treatment. 11.1. Greek framework directive The basic legal instruments on waste management in Greece are the following: ‣ Article 12 of Law 1650/1986 on the Environment which lays down the principal obligations in relation to waste management. ‣ Joint Ministerial Decision 50910/2727/2003 on the management of waste - which transposes the Directive into national law ong>andong> includes the National Waste Management Plan - introduces the


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