2007-2008 Catalog (PDF) - Colorado State University-Pueblo

2007-2008 Catalog (PDF) - Colorado State University-Pueblo 2007-2008 Catalog (PDF) - Colorado State University-Pueblo

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CSU-Pueblo ED 521 Classroom Integration of Internet 2(2-0) Methods to effectively and legally integrate the Internet into the classroom as a communication and instructional tool. Prerequisites: ED 280/520, admission to Education, completion of a teaching program, or instructor approval, graduate standing. (F,S) ED 522 Issues in Education 2(2-0) Contemporary problems in education, their historical development and philosophical implications. Prerequisite: graduate standing. (*) Repeatable ED 523 Teaching and Managing Technology 2(2-0) Strategies, processes, and procedures for managing technology in K-12, including efficient use of emerging pedagogies. Field experience required. Prerequisites: ED 280/520, admission to Education, completion of a teaching program, or instructor approval, graduate standing. (F,S) ED 524 Advanced Techniques of Teaching Elementary Social Studies 2(2-0) Analysis of techniques for conceptual approaches to teaching socialization skills, critical thinking and inquiry skills; and helping children develop healthy attitudes and values. Prerequisite: graduate standing. (*) ED 525 Advanced Techniques of Teaching Elementary Science and Health 2(2-0) Emphasis on the newest concepts, techniques and materials for teaching elementary school science and health. Prerequisite: graduate standing. (*) ED 526 School Health Curriculum 2(2-0) Training (by grade level) in the use of by “Growing Healthy” -the Primary Grades Health Curriculum Project and the School Health Curriculum Project. This is lateral spread training only, by agreement with the Rocky Mountain Regional Training Center. Prerequisite: graduate standing. (*) ED 527 Productivity Tools for Classroom 1(1-0) Applications of Microsoft Office as a productivity tool, including integration of use in classroom. Field experience required. Prerequisites: ED 280/520, admission to Education, completion of a teaching program, or instructor approval, graduate standing. (F,S) ED 528 Integration of Educational Software 1(1-0) Familiarity with and criteria for selecting evaluating, and using quality educational software. Field experience required. Prerequisites: ED 280/520, admission to Education, completion of a teaching program, or instructor approval, graduate standing. (F,S) ED 529 Literacy & Technology 2(2-0) Methods for using technology to assess and teach literacy. Field experience required. Prerequisites: ED 280/520, admission to Education, completion of a teaching program, or instructor approval, graduate standing. (F,S) ED 530 Instructional Programming 2(2-0) Principles of curriculum design, educational goals, instructional objectives, and developing long- middle- and short-range plans. For elementary and secondary teachers. Prerequisite: graduate standing. (*) ED 531 Diverse Learners & Technology 3(3-0) Strategies for using technology to enhance learning for all students, with emphasis on the relationship between technology and equity. Field experience required. Prerequisites; ED 280/520, admission to Education, completion of a teaching program, or instructor permission, graduate standing. (F,S) ED 532 Hardware & Networking for Educators 3(3-0) Pedagogical and practical considerations in using networking and hardware in schools. Prerequisites: ED 280/520, graduate standing. (SS) ED 533 Instructional Theory & Tech Design 3(3-0) Instructional system design theories and models and their adaptation to plan and use technology effectively in the classroom. Field experience required. Prerequisites: ED 280/520, admission to Education, completion of a teaching program, or instructor permission, graduate standing. (F,S) ED 534 Multimedia Design 3(3-0) Methods and tools for creating multimedia learning objects for K-12 classrooms. Field experience required. Prerequisites: ED 280/520, admission to Education, completion of a teaching program, or instructor approval, graduate standing. (SS) ED 542 Contemporary Techniques of Classroom Management 2(2-0) What research and professional practice say about organizing students, space, information, and resources; motivating, goal setting, communicating, and problem solving with student; and handling disruption and behavior problems. (*) ED 544 Teaching Secondary Science 3(3-0) Focuses on teaching methods, materials, and assessment strategies necessary to prepare students to teach in secondary standards-based science classrooms. Prerequisite: graduate standing. (F) ED 545 Applied Educational Assessment & Instruction K-12 2(2-0) Familiarization with concepts and issues in K-12 educational assessment including planning, constructing, analyzing and applying assessment principles in a standards based curriculum. Prerequisite: admission to Teacher Education Program. (F,S,SS) ED 546 Teaching K-12 Art 3(3-0) Focuses on Art curriculum, methods, and assessment to prepare art educators to successfully teach in K-12 standards-based art classrooms. Prerequisite: graduate standing. (F) ED 547 Teaching English in Secondary Schools 3(3-0) Familiarizes students with Colorado Language Arts Standards, standards-based lesson and unit planning and authentic assessment. Prerequisite: graduate standing. (F) ED 548 Teaching Foreign Language 3(3-0) Familiarizes students with Colorado Foreign Language Standards, standards-based lesson and unit planning and authentic assessment. Prerequisite: graduate standing. (F) ED 550 K-12 Music Methods 3(3-0) Familiarization with the Colorado Music Content Standards. Standards based lesson and unit planning and strategies for general, instrumental, and vocal music will be emphasized. Prerequisite: graduate standing. (F) ED 551 Teaching Secondary Social Studies 3(3-0) Familiarizes students with Colorado Social Studies Content Standards, standards-based lesson and unit planning strategies and authentic assessment. Prerequisite: graduate standing. (F) 212

Course Descriptions ED 555 Foundations of Learning Disorders 3(3-0) Exceptionalities: emphasis on high-incidence handicaps. Includes recent legislation and identification, referral, staffing and placement procedures. Major intervention strategies examined. Prerequisite: graduate standing. (*) ED 560 Professional Development in Curriculum and Instruction (1-3 VAR) Stresses skill-building in classroom instruction, including curriculum development and student assessment. Current innovations in public education are also addressed. Prerequisite: graduate standing. (*) ED 561 Atypical Students in the Secondary School 3(2-2) Individual differences as they affect the learning process. Instructional alternatives for meeting individual needs including handicapped and gifted. Emphasis on mainstreamed students. Graduate project required. Prerequisites: graduate standing plus PSYCH 351 or ED 555. (F,S) ED 580 Integrated Methods 3(3-0) Prepares elementary teachers to teach Social Studies, with emphasis on integration of the expressive arts and PE. Prerequisite: graduate standing. (*) ED 581 Practicum & Seminar in Education (3-6 VAR) Supervised practicum and seminar in second teaching or endorsement area. Prerequisites: admission to Education, graduate standing. (F,S,SS) Repeatable ED 591 Special Topics (1-3 VAR) Prerequisite: graduate standing. (*) Repeatable ED 592 Research (1-3 VAR) Prerequisites: graduate standing and permission of graduate adviser. (*) Repeatable ED 593 Seminar 3(3-0) Prerequisite: graduate standing. (*) Repeatable ED 594 Field Experience (1-3 VAR) Field experience in an educational setting. Prerequisite: graduate standing. (F,S,SS) Repeatable ED 595 Independent Study (1-2 VAR) Prerequisite: graduate standing and permission of graduate adviser. (*) Repeatable ED 599 Thesis Research (1-6 VAR) (*) Repeatable ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (EE) UNDERGRADUATE COURSES EE 100 Electrical Engineering Fundamentals 3(3-0) Electrical engineering fundamentals and problem solving using design and visualization tools. (F) EE 102 Digital Circuit Logic 4(3-2) Boolean algebra, Karnaugh maps, multiplexers, decoders, ROMs, PLAs, flip-flops, counters, sequential networks, state tables. Prerequisite: High school physics. (S) EE 201 Circuit Theory 3(2-2) Basic circuit analysis techniques and applications to engineering design problems. Corequisite: MATH 224, PHYS 222. (F) EE 202 Circuit Theory Applications 4(3-3) Step and Sinusoidal Response of networks; modeling of active devices. Prerequisite: EE 201. (S) EE 251 Introduction to Microprocessors 4(3-3) Microprocessor organization assembly language, I/O techniques, real time interfaces, applications, hardware/ software. Prerequisite: EE 102. (S) ENGINEERING (EN) UNDERGRADUATE COURSES EN 101 Problem Solving for Engineers 3(2-2) Writing computer programs to solve real-world problems in engineering and science. Prerequisite: equivalent of 2 years of high school algebra. (F) EN 103 Introduction to Engineering 2(2-0) Introduction to engineering curriculum and careers. Problem solving and creativity. Spreadsheets, word processing and other computer skills. (F) EN 107 Engineering Graphics 2(1-2) Introduction to the preparation of engineering drawings using freehand sketching and computer graphics software. (S) EN 187 Success in Engineering and Science 1(1-0) Introduction to study skills needed to succeed in engineering and science classes and to careers in engineering and science. (SS) EN 211 Engineering Mechanics I 3(3-0) Introduction to the relationship between forces and moments acting on an object that is in equilibrium (statics). Prerequisites: PHYS 221, EN 101. Corequisite: MATH 207. (F) EN 212 Engineering Mechanics II 3(3-0) Introduction to the relationship between forces and moments acting on rigid objects and the motion of objects (dynamics). Prerequisite: EN 211. (S) EN 215 Introduction to Industrial and Systems Engineering 3(3-0) Engineering viewpoints of the principles of organization for production and the operations applicable to accomplishing organizational responsibilities. Prerequisite: precompletion of Quantitative Skills Component. (F) EN 231 Circuit Analysis I 4(4-0) Circuit concepts, conventions and network equations. Initial conditions and classical methods of obtaining transient and steady-state solutions. Prerequisite: MATH 224. Corequisites: EN 231L, PHYS 222, and MATH 207. (F) EN 231L Circuit Analysis I Lab 1(0-2) Observation and analysis of electrical circuits involving resistance, inductance and capacitance. Corequisite: EN 231. (F) EN 232 Circuit Analysis II 4(4-0) Continuation of EN 231 including waveform synthesis, network theorems, Fourier series, pole-zero diagrams and two-port network theory. Introduction to Laplace transforms. Prerequisite: EN 231. (*) EN 260 Basic Electronics 2(2-0) Characteristics, operation, and basic circuits of solid-state devices. Operational amplifiers with typical applications are also introduced. Prerequisite: EN 231. (S) EN 263 Electromechanical Devices 3(3-0) DC and AC motors and generators, transformers, stepper motors, servomotors and various sensors: theory, device characteristics, applications and controls. Prerequisites: EN 101, EN 231. Corequisites: EN 212, EN 260. (S) 213

Course Descriptions<br />

ED 555 Foundations of Learning Disorders 3(3-0)<br />

Exceptionalities: emphasis on high-incidence handicaps.<br />

Includes recent legislation and identification, referral,<br />

staffing and placement procedures. Major intervention<br />

strategies examined. Prerequisite: graduate standing. (*)<br />

ED 560 Professional Development in Curriculum and<br />

Instruction (1-3 VAR)<br />

Stresses skill-building in classroom instruction, including<br />

curriculum development and student assessment. Current<br />

innovations in public education are also addressed.<br />

Prerequisite: graduate standing. (*)<br />

ED 561 Atypical Students in the Secondary School<br />

3(2-2)<br />

Individual differences as they affect the learning process.<br />

Instructional alternatives for meeting individual needs<br />

including handicapped and gifted. Emphasis on mainstreamed<br />

students. Graduate project required. Prerequisites:<br />

graduate standing plus PSYCH 351 or ED 555.<br />

(F,S)<br />

ED 580 Integrated Methods 3(3-0)<br />

Prepares elementary teachers to teach Social Studies,<br />

with emphasis on integration of the expressive arts and<br />

PE. Prerequisite: graduate standing. (*)<br />

ED 581 Practicum & Seminar in Education (3-6 VAR)<br />

Supervised practicum and seminar in second teaching or<br />

endorsement area. Prerequisites: admission to Education,<br />

graduate standing. (F,S,SS) Repeatable<br />

ED 591 Special Topics (1-3 VAR)<br />

Prerequisite: graduate standing. (*) Repeatable<br />

ED 592 Research (1-3 VAR)<br />

Prerequisites: graduate standing and permission of<br />

graduate adviser. (*) Repeatable<br />

ED 593 Seminar 3(3-0)<br />

Prerequisite: graduate standing. (*) Repeatable<br />

ED 594 Field Experience (1-3 VAR)<br />

Field experience in an educational setting. Prerequisite:<br />

graduate standing. (F,S,SS) Repeatable<br />

ED 595 Independent Study (1-2 VAR)<br />

Prerequisite: graduate standing and permission of<br />

graduate adviser. (*) Repeatable<br />

ED 599 Thesis Research (1-6 VAR) (*) Repeatable<br />



EE 100 Electrical Engineering Fundamentals 3(3-0)<br />

Electrical engineering fundamentals and problem solving<br />

using design and visualization tools. (F)<br />

EE 102 Digital Circuit Logic 4(3-2)<br />

Boolean algebra, Karnaugh maps, multiplexers, decoders,<br />

ROMs, PLAs, flip-flops, counters, sequential networks,<br />

state tables. Prerequisite: High school physics. (S)<br />

EE 201 Circuit Theory 3(2-2)<br />

Basic circuit analysis techniques and applications to<br />

engineering design problems. Corequisite: MATH 224,<br />

PHYS 222. (F)<br />

EE 202 Circuit Theory Applications 4(3-3)<br />

Step and Sinusoidal Response of networks; modeling of<br />

active devices. Prerequisite: EE 201. (S)<br />

EE 251 Introduction to Microprocessors 4(3-3)<br />

Microprocessor organization assembly language, I/O<br />

techniques, real time interfaces, applications, hardware/<br />

software. Prerequisite: EE 102. (S)<br />



EN 101 Problem Solving for Engineers 3(2-2)<br />

Writing computer programs to solve real-world problems<br />

in engineering and science. Prerequisite: equivalent of 2<br />

years of high school algebra. (F)<br />

EN 103 Introduction to Engineering 2(2-0)<br />

Introduction to engineering curriculum and careers.<br />

Problem solving and creativity. Spreadsheets, word<br />

processing and other computer skills. (F)<br />

EN 107 Engineering Graphics 2(1-2)<br />

Introduction to the preparation of engineering drawings<br />

using freehand sketching and computer graphics<br />

software. (S)<br />

EN 187 Success in Engineering and Science 1(1-0)<br />

Introduction to study skills needed to succeed in engineering<br />

and science classes and to careers in engineering and<br />

science. (SS)<br />

EN 211 Engineering Mechanics I 3(3-0)<br />

Introduction to the relationship between forces and<br />

moments acting on an object that is in equilibrium<br />

(statics). Prerequisites: PHYS 221, EN 101. Corequisite:<br />

MATH 207. (F)<br />

EN 212 Engineering Mechanics II 3(3-0)<br />

Introduction to the relationship between forces and<br />

moments acting on rigid objects and the motion of objects<br />

(dynamics). Prerequisite: EN 211. (S)<br />

EN 215 Introduction to Industrial and Systems<br />

Engineering 3(3-0)<br />

Engineering viewpoints of the principles of organization<br />

for production and the operations applicable to accomplishing<br />

organizational responsibilities. Prerequisite: precompletion<br />

of Quantitative Skills Component. (F)<br />

EN 231 Circuit Analysis I 4(4-0)<br />

Circuit concepts, conventions and network equations. Initial<br />

conditions and classical methods of obtaining transient and<br />

steady-state solutions. Prerequisite: MATH 224.<br />

Corequisites: EN 231L, PHYS 222, and MATH 207. (F)<br />

EN 231L Circuit Analysis I Lab 1(0-2)<br />

Observation and analysis of electrical circuits involving<br />

resistance, inductance and capacitance. Corequisite: EN<br />

231. (F)<br />

EN 232 Circuit Analysis II 4(4-0)<br />

Continuation of EN 231 including waveform synthesis,<br />

network theorems, Fourier series, pole-zero diagrams and<br />

two-port network theory. Introduction to Laplace transforms.<br />

Prerequisite: EN 231. (*)<br />

EN 260 Basic Electronics 2(2-0)<br />

Characteristics, operation, and basic circuits of solid-state<br />

devices. Operational amplifiers with typical applications<br />

are also introduced. Prerequisite: EN 231. (S)<br />

EN 263 Electromechanical Devices 3(3-0)<br />

DC and AC motors and generators, transformers, stepper<br />

motors, servomotors and various sensors: theory, device<br />

characteristics, applications and controls. Prerequisites:<br />

EN 101, EN 231. Corequisites: EN 212, EN 260. (S)<br />


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