HQ$History - United States Special Operations Command

HQ$History - United States Special Operations Command

HQ$History - United States Special Operations Command


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1,100 ships, but embargoed goods flowed steadily<br />

into Haiti from the Dominican Republic.<br />

General John M. Shalikashvili, Chairman of the<br />

Joint Chiefs of Staff, approved the PCs conducting<br />

patrols with Dominican Republic ships. On<br />

11 July 1994, SEALs from the Cyclone boarded<br />

and cleared the Vinland Saga, a Danish vessel<br />

carrying a cargo of wheat flour. CJTF 120<br />

directed Cyclone and Tempest to patrol the inner<br />

areas of the coast. These operations provided an<br />

opportunity to check sea traffic and collect information.<br />

USS Hurricane and USS Monsoon<br />

patrol craft replaced the Cyclone and Tempest in<br />

September.<br />

Because of the continuing political repression<br />

in Haiti, the Clinton Administration sought<br />

UN Security Council approval for an invasion<br />

and occupation of Haiti if the sanctions failed to<br />

restore Aristide to the presidency. The council<br />

granted its approval on 31 July 1994. The invasion<br />

plan had two phases: first, a 15,000 multinational<br />

force would invade, restore public<br />

order, and reinstate Aristide; subsequently,<br />

6,000 UN forces would train a new Haitian<br />

police force to maintain order.<br />

Accordingly, Army, Air Force, and Navy SOF<br />

supported the XVIII Airborne Corps in planning<br />

for a full scale invasion of Haiti. The special<br />

operations portion of the plan envisioned the<br />

takedown of key governmental sites followed by<br />

a link-up with conventional forces, similar to<br />

what SOF had done for the invasion of Panama<br />

in 1989. After the main takedown, <strong>Special</strong><br />

Forces teams were to secure the countryside. To<br />

serve as the SOF mobility and launching platform,<br />

an aircraft carrier, USS America, was<br />

added to the force package in spring 1994.<br />

PSYOP played a role in this operation as well.<br />

The 193rd SOW’s EC-130Es transmitted radio<br />

broadcast of recorded programs that covered all<br />

<strong>Special</strong> <strong>Operations</strong> helicopters aboard USS America off the Haitian coast.<br />


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