HQ$History - United States Special Operations Command

HQ$History - United States Special Operations Command

HQ$History - United States Special Operations Command


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1. Take care of SOF Soldiers,<br />

Sailors, Airmen, and Marines;<br />

DOD civilians; and their<br />

families.<br />

2. Synchronize the GWOT.<br />

3. Manage SOF capabilities<br />

for 7500.<br />

4. Implement QDR and programmed<br />

resources for FY07.<br />

5. Improve joint SOF interoperability.<br />

6. Ensure continued health<br />

of the SOF Force.<br />

7. Immediately implement<br />

SOCOM’s Information<br />

Strategy.<br />

8. Reduce SOCOM bureaucracy<br />

by streamlining staffing<br />

processes and rapidly staffing<br />

actionable items to the<br />

appropriate decision maker.<br />

Brown captured the new vision in USSOCOM’s<br />

Global SOF Deployment Posture. The first<br />

annual Global SOF Deployment Order<br />

(DEPORD) was published in 2006 and covered<br />

FY 2007, but only addressed GWOT and named<br />

operations. The FY 2008 DEPORD was expanded<br />

to cover all SOF deployments overseas, both<br />

operations and training missions. The GCCs<br />

could still submit RFFs to meet operational<br />

requirements.<br />

By 2007, USSOCOM had the authority and<br />

plan to fight and win the<br />

GWOT and was “growing”<br />

the force structure to<br />

do so. However, Admiral<br />

Olson and the rest of<br />

USSOCOM knew that as<br />

the <strong>United</strong> <strong>States</strong> continued<br />

to fight an adaptive<br />

30<br />

enemy in a world full of uncertainty, requirements<br />

would change. The SOF community<br />

would have to remain flexible and prepared to<br />

change plans and force structure as new challenges<br />

appeared.<br />

The IW JOC and its Implications<br />

for USSOCOM<br />

The 2006 Quadrennial Defense Review<br />

(QDR) identified Irregular Warfare (IW) as<br />

one of the main threats facing the <strong>United</strong><br />

<strong>States</strong> in the twenty-first century.<br />

Secretary Rumsfeld assigned USSOCOM<br />

the lead in crafting DOD’s response to the<br />

IW threat. Within USSOCOM, <strong>Special</strong><br />

<strong>Operations</strong> Knowledge and Futures (SOKF)<br />

took the lead in developing IW concepts.<br />

In conjunction with the services, USSO-<br />

COM authored an IW Joint Operating<br />

Concept (IW JOC), and Secretary of Defense<br />

Robert Gates signed it in September 2007.<br />

The central idea of the IW JOC was that<br />

U.S. military forces, in conjunction with<br />

other instruments of national and international<br />

power and influence, woul conduct IW<br />

operations in protracted regional and global<br />

campaigns designed to subvert, attrite, and<br />

exhaust an adversary rather than defeat<br />

through direct conventional military confrontation.<br />

The IW JOC also provided a<br />

basis for force development guidance for doctrine,<br />

organization, training, materiel, leadership<br />

and education, personnel, facilities,<br />

and policy changes.<br />

Using the IW JOC as a framework, an<br />

IW capability-based assessment was underway<br />

to determine the ability of both SOF<br />

and the general purpose forces to execute<br />

long-term IW operations, and identify gaps<br />

in IW capability and capacity. Additionally,<br />

SOKF was developing a Joint Integrating<br />

Concept for Defeating Terrorist Networks<br />

IW is a violent struggle between state and<br />

non-state actors for legitimacy and influence<br />

over the relevant populations. IW favors indirect<br />

and asymmetric approaches, though it<br />

may employ the full range of military and<br />

other capabilities, in order to erode an adversary’s<br />

power, influence and will.<br />

(DTN JIC) that<br />

would be subordinate<br />

to the IW JOC<br />

and could provide<br />

guiding principles<br />

to joint force commanders.

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