HQ$History - United States Special Operations Command

HQ$History - United States Special Operations Command

HQ$History - United States Special Operations Command


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“extra-judicial killings”<br />

conducted by bands of<br />

murderers who kidnapped,<br />

tortured, and killed people<br />

based on their religious<br />

sect. SOF had always targeted<br />

known kidnappers<br />

and murderers, but after<br />

the rise in sectarian violence<br />

in 2006, death<br />

squads became a primary<br />

target set. In the six<br />

months after the Samarra<br />

mosque bombing, SOF<br />

conducted hundreds of<br />

operations against suspected<br />

murderers, capturing<br />

more than 150 killers,<br />

detaining more than 500<br />

suspects, and killing 150<br />

in combat operations. The<br />

2007 surge of conventional<br />

forces dramatically<br />

reduced sectarian violence allowing Iraqi security<br />

forces to start regaining control of the country.<br />

On 29 August 2007, after a major battle in<br />

Karbala with the Badr Corps, a rival Shiite faction,<br />

Muqtada al-Sadr, leader of the Mahdi<br />

Army, declared a ceasefire in Iraq. Prime<br />

Minister Nuri al-Maliki employed Hillah SWAT,<br />

ERU, and ISOF to bring the city under control.<br />

The Prime Minister relied on his premier SOF<br />

and Iraqi police (IP) units to quell this violence.<br />

These ISOF and IP units were from different<br />

parts of the country. Advised by U.S. SOF units,<br />

the Iraqi security forces were instrumental in<br />

returning peace to Karbala. In<br />

February 2008, Sadr extended<br />

the ceasefire for another six<br />

months.<br />

During a September 2007<br />

visit to Anbar Province in western<br />

Iraq, President George W.<br />

Bush said, “Anbar is a huge<br />

province. It was once written<br />

off as lost. It is now one of the<br />

safest places in Iraq.” The reason<br />

for this turnabout was that<br />

Anbaris “who once fought side<br />

by side with al Qaeda against<br />

PFC Jessica Lynch being rescued.<br />


On 1 April 2003, a joint element, consisting<br />

of NSW, Rangers, Marines,<br />

and SOF aviation, launched a successful<br />

raid to rescue PFC Jessica<br />

Lynch from a hospital in Nasiriyah.<br />

Army and Marine ground forces also<br />

conducted diversionary attacks to<br />

prevent reinforcements from moving<br />

to the hospital during the rescue.<br />

136<br />

coalition troops [are] now<br />

fighting side by side with<br />

coalition troops against al<br />

Qaeda.” The program that<br />

convinced the Anbaris to<br />

support the coalition and<br />

the Iraqi national government<br />

was called “tribal<br />

engagement,” one of the<br />

most successful U.S. programs<br />

implemented in<br />

Iraq. It was so successful<br />

that it was extended to<br />

other provinces, and<br />

through the Concerned<br />

Local Citizens (CLC) program,<br />

which became the<br />

Sons of Iraq program, the<br />

same approach has spread<br />

to areas where tribal loyalties<br />

were weaker than in<br />

Anbar. Tribal engagement<br />

started early in the war,<br />

but did not take hold until SOF started the<br />

“Desert Protector” program in 2005.<br />

The initial vision called for Desert Protectors<br />

to bridge the gap between the Iraqi government’s<br />

forces and the tribal militias by creating<br />

a government-sanctioned tribal force. The<br />

Desert Protectors would provide local intelligence<br />

and additional troops to U.S. and Iraqi<br />

security forces, and would help break the cycle of<br />

violence between the tribes and the U.S. and<br />

Iraqi government forces. Starting near Al Qaim,<br />

the Desert Protectors had a rocky beginning, but<br />

once it got started, other tribes joined the Desert<br />

Protectors.<br />

U.S. Soldiers maintain a perimeter during a CA assessment patrol just blocks<br />

from the Golden Mosque of Samarra 14 February 2006.

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