today! - Jack Van Impe Ministries

today! - Jack Van Impe Ministries

today! - Jack Van Impe Ministries


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JACK<br />

VAN IMPE<br />


JULY/AUGUST 2010<br />

The single most<br />

electrifying<br />

message he’s<br />

ever preached<br />

Startling Message<br />

Delivered Live by<br />

Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong><br />

Don’t miss what’s inside<br />

A revelation from Dr. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> . . . page 3<br />

From Rexella’s heart . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6<br />

Letters We Love . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 21<br />

Amazing<br />

New DVD!

You have never seen<br />

Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong><br />

like THIS!<br />

Recorded LIVE at World Harvest Church, Columbus, Ohio<br />

The Shocking Truth About Prophetic Events Unfolding<br />

Around the World Today!<br />

Answers to these intriguing questions...<br />

• Who has set in motion a requirement for<br />

everyone to have a microchip implanted under<br />

their skin? What’s the timetable?<br />

• How is the new world government fulfilling the<br />

final prophecy <strong>today</strong>?<br />

• Why has the Club of Rome divided the nations<br />

of the world into 10 sectors? What is the exciting<br />

prophetical significance of this action?<br />

• What is the prophetic plan of God — the<br />

predictions and the necessary preparations?<br />

• What are the six final signs pointing to Christ’s<br />

return?<br />

• How does Israel, and specifically Jerusalem, fit<br />

into Bible prophecy?<br />

• How will Russia, China, and Iran play a part in the<br />

fulfillment of end-of-the-age prophecies?<br />

• What else must happen before Christ returns?<br />

• When will the Lord return?<br />

...and many more!<br />

God’s Prophetic Plan Revealed DVD (DPCV)<br />

Send a gift of $24.95<br />

Running Time: 90 minutes CC<br />

Amazing<br />

New<br />

DVD!<br />

Be there — Experience the power<br />

— Witness this extraordinary<br />

evangelistic event firsthand!<br />

See Dr. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> in his preaching role proclaiming<br />

Christ’s return as he did in 1,053 crusades!

B y D r . J a c k V a n I m p e<br />


Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong><br />

I N P E R S O N<br />

The single most electrifying message he’s ever preached ...<br />

can be YOURS on DVD!<br />

I give all the glory and<br />

honor to my Lord and<br />

Savior Jesus Christ<br />

when I look over the course<br />

of my lifetime in ministry and<br />

realize that, almost certainly, no<br />

one other than Billy Graham<br />

has preached “live” to more<br />

people than this plainspoken<br />

accordion-playing child of an<br />

alcoholic father from Michigan<br />

... a man simply named <strong>Jack</strong> ...<br />

<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>!<br />

This is not a matter of my<br />

being “better” than anyone else;<br />

no way! As the apostle Peter<br />

declares in Acts 10:34-35, “God<br />

is no respecter of persons: But<br />

in every nation he that feareth<br />

him, and worketh righteousness,<br />

is accepted with him.” I have<br />

simply dedicated my entire life<br />

to “working righteousness” for<br />

the sake of being “accepted with<br />

him” — obeying the leading<br />

of the Lord with every ounce<br />

of energy, every fiber of my<br />

being! I have memorized 15,000<br />

verses of the Bible. I have<br />

spent more than 100,000 total<br />

hours of my life in Bible study<br />

(the equivalent of 11 years of<br />

continuous study). I have read<br />

more than 11,000 books. And<br />

using this willing vessel, God<br />

does supernatural work! In my<br />

lifetime I have preached in more<br />

than 800 week-long evangelistic<br />

crusades in various churches. I<br />

have proclaimed the Gospel in<br />

253 city-wide crusade meetings.<br />

The cumulative attendance at all<br />

of these evangelistic outreaches:<br />

10 million people. I praise God

4 | Perhaps Today | July–August 2010<br />

that during my six decades of<br />

ministry, we have witnessed<br />

the salvation of two and a half<br />

million souls!<br />

But <strong>today</strong> — with our<br />

commitment to you, Beloved,<br />

through television, and to lost<br />

souls around the world — it is<br />

impossible for me to preach<br />

“live” and in person week<br />

after week. Production of<br />

the television program takes<br />

an extraordinary amount of<br />

time weekly, but we faithfully<br />

give ourselves to this process<br />

because our television ministry,<br />

which reaches you and millions<br />

upon millions of others, is<br />

simply the most effective and<br />

efficient way to reach so many<br />

people. In fact, I only allow<br />

myself to schedule an in-person<br />

appearance one time in each<br />

calendar year.<br />

I want you to experience that<br />

one amazing “live” ministry<br />

event for 2010 — through video!<br />

I was invited to preach to<br />

the jammed 5,000-seat World<br />

Harvest Church, led by Pastor<br />

Rod Parsley in Columbus,<br />

Ohio. This was an incredible<br />

evening of Holy Spirit anointing<br />

and power! I have truly never<br />

experienced such an electrifying<br />

move of God!<br />

But also — you know how I<br />

love humor. Well, as you will<br />

see on the DVD of this service,<br />

Pastor Parsley and I began the<br />

evening with a rip-roaring 20<br />

minutes of humor together!<br />

And then — for one solid<br />

hour — I proclaimed Christ’s<br />

return. I presented a whirlwind<br />

panoramic view of prophetic<br />

events unfolding all around us!<br />

I want you to experience this<br />

message — but also share it<br />

with unsaved loved ones. In it, I<br />

answer such questions as:<br />

• How can I know I’m ready for the<br />

Rapture?<br />

• How can I know when the Lord<br />

will return?<br />

• How do Israel, Russia, China,<br />

Iran, and the European<br />

Union each fit into the most<br />

monumental upcoming battle in<br />

history?<br />

• How is the new world<br />

government fulfilling prophecy?<br />

• How many verses of the Bible<br />

talk about the return of the Lord?<br />

(This will shock you!)<br />

• What are the 21 judgments?<br />

• What are the six “predicting<br />

signs”?<br />

• What does it mean to be “pretrib”?<br />

• What exactly is the Rapture?<br />

• What happens right after the<br />

Rapture?<br />

• What have scholars predicted<br />

about the latter days we’re living<br />

in <strong>today</strong>?<br />

• What is I Thessalonians 4:16-18<br />

describing when it says, “For the<br />

Lord Himself will descend from<br />

heaven with a shout, with the<br />

voice of an archangel, and with<br />

the trumpet of God. And the<br />

dead in Christ will rise first. Then<br />

we who are alive and remain shall<br />

be caught up together with them<br />

in the clouds to meet the Lord in<br />

the air. And thus we shall always<br />

be with the Lord. Therefore<br />

comfort one another with these<br />

words”?<br />

• What is the “abomination of<br />

desolation”?<br />

• What is the “Club of Rome”? Why<br />

are they creating divisions of<br />

the nations, and how is this<br />

significant in fulfilling prophecy?<br />

• What is the imminent timetable<br />

for implanting a microchip under<br />

the skin of every human being by<br />

law?<br />

• What is the meaning of I<br />

Corinthians 15:51,54? “Behold,<br />

I tell you a mystery: We shall<br />

not all sleep, but we shall<br />

all be changed.... So when<br />

this corruptible has put on<br />

incorruption, and this mortal has<br />

put on immortality, then shall be<br />

brought to pass the saying that is<br />

written: ‘Death is swallowed up<br />

in victory.’”<br />

• What is the next thing on God’s<br />

calendar?<br />

• Which biblical predictions must<br />

happen before the Rapture can<br />

occur?<br />

• Who are the Bilderbergs? How<br />

are they connected to the coming<br />

microchip law?<br />

• Will believers go through the<br />

Tribulation?<br />

• Will I have a new body in<br />

heaven?<br />

• Will the world really end as some<br />

say?<br />

• And many, many more — an<br />

astonishing hour-long torrent of<br />

fascinating prophetic truths!<br />

Your spirit will be stirred as<br />

never before when you view this<br />

astounding event. Please request<br />

it <strong>today</strong> as you give a gift of $25<br />

or more toward<br />

our evangelistic<br />

television<br />

outreach into<br />

your home<br />

and into 247<br />

nations!<br />

Thank you ...<br />

God bless<br />


Here comes the<br />

Mark of the Beast<br />

And here’s how to protect yourself and your family!<br />

Proof-positive — the Mark of the Beast is<br />

coming — you’ll see for yourself in the<br />

extraordinary video Global ID: 666!<br />

This astonishing video by Drs. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> presents<br />

the evidence from <strong>today</strong>’s headlines — and truth from God’s Word —<br />

all brought together by the world’s foremost Bible prophecy teacher!<br />

Fast-paced — amazing discoveries — a wealth of prophecy topics:<br />

• The European Union’s plan for world domination!<br />

• Dr. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> names the companies and organizations<br />

developing a “one world” mentality that will bring the<br />

Antichrist to power!<br />

• How a world religion is forming right now!<br />

• How New-Agers, guided by spiritism, are using politics to usher<br />

in their new world order.<br />

• Two sinister organizations setting the stage — both<br />

headquartered in the same city!<br />

• How the Antichrist will attempt to track every human being on<br />

the planet!<br />

• How close to fruition this entire plan already is!<br />

• And more!<br />

Confused or frightened by the Mark of the Beast?<br />

Now you can have HOPE — faith-filled confidence<br />

to face the future!<br />

Global ID: 666 DVD (DIDV)<br />

Global ID: 666 VHS (VIDV)<br />

Send a gift of $24.95<br />

Running Time: 85 minutes CC

The Shepherd<br />

Perhaps one of the biggest misconceptions a<br />

person can have when he becomes a Christian is that<br />

everything is going to be fine now — sunshine and<br />

roses, a gentle stroll on a smooth, safe road that winds<br />

its way through heaven’s gates.<br />

But the world we live in can be a very hostile place,<br />

and the highway to heaven is often a narrow, uphill<br />

path, filled with rocks and obstacles, beset with<br />

difficulties on every hand.

By Dr. Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong><br />

the rough spots. When I am<br />

unsteady, His hand gives me<br />

support. When I grow weary,<br />

I can lean on Him to make it<br />

to a place of rest. He is always<br />

with me! I am never alone! Let<br />

the searing heat of the sun beat<br />

down, or the howling winds and<br />

the drenching rains of adversity<br />

assail — I am sheltered in the<br />

arms of God!<br />

July–August 2010 | Perhaps Today | 7<br />

Therefore I take pleasure in<br />

infirmities, in reproaches, in<br />

necessities, in persecutions,<br />

in distresses for Christ’s sake:<br />

for when I am weak, then am I<br />

strong (verses 9-10).<br />

In good times and bad times,<br />

when the road is smooth or<br />

rough, the Shepherd is with us,<br />

providing strength for the day<br />

and grace for the journey. <strong>Jack</strong><br />

on a Dangerous Road<br />

Jesus said, Enter ye in at<br />

the strait gate: for wide is the<br />

gate, and broad is the way,<br />

that leadeth to destruction,<br />

and many there be which go<br />

in thereat: because strait is the<br />

gate, and narrow is the way,<br />

which leadeth unto life, and few<br />

there be that find it (Matthew<br />

7:13-14).<br />

Wait a minute — what’s<br />

the deal? I come to Jesus<br />

expecting to be led on an easy<br />

path. Instead I find myself on<br />

a rough trail over treacherous<br />

terrain, with no other road<br />

so dangerous. What benefit<br />

or advantage is mine as a<br />

Christian? Ah, here it is, in<br />

Hebrews 13:5 — for he hath<br />

said, I will never leave thee, nor<br />

forsake thee.<br />

We are never alone<br />

The road may be narrow, but<br />

it is wide enough for Jesus, the<br />

Great Shepherd, to walk along<br />

beside me and guide me gently<br />

over the rugged pathway. When<br />

I feel weak, He lifts me over<br />

There may be times when<br />

I feel as strong and agile as a<br />

mountain goat, bounding up the<br />

pathway, dancing across narrow<br />

ledges over deep crevices. Then<br />

the Shepherd stays with me<br />

step for step, rejoicing in each<br />

victorious move I take. And<br />

when exuberance drives me to<br />

walk too closely to the edge and<br />

deliberately wander into harm’s<br />

way, His staff firmly directs me<br />

back upon the solid rock.<br />

On other days my feet may<br />

be clumsy, stumbling over the<br />

smallest pebble on the roadway,<br />

tripping over the tiniest crack.<br />

And my strength may fail before<br />

the day is half done. But my<br />

companion on the road, the<br />

Great Shepherd, is close at<br />

hand. Can you hear His words<br />

of encouragement? Listen! My<br />

grace is sufficient for thee: for<br />

my strength is made perfect in<br />

weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).<br />

Oh, my soul cries out with<br />

the Apostle Paul, Most gladly<br />

therefore will I rather glory in<br />

my infirmities, that the power<br />

of Christ may rest upon me.<br />

and I receive many letters and<br />

e-mail messages from friends<br />

across this country and literally<br />

from all over the world who<br />

are seeking prayer. The needs<br />

and problems they share are<br />

absolutely overwhelming.<br />

A young man struggles to<br />

overcome his addiction to<br />

drugs ... a single mother tries<br />

to be both mother and father to<br />

her children and earn enough<br />

to keep them fed, clothed,<br />

and sheltered ... a despairing<br />

husband watches his companion<br />

of 40 years being dragged into<br />

the darkness of Alzheimer’s<br />

disease ... many families are<br />

victims of unrelenting financial<br />

pressure.<br />

What can you say to people<br />

with such great hurts and<br />

sufferings? How about: ... with<br />

God all things are possible<br />

(Matthew 19:26). And: ... lo, I am<br />

with you always, even unto the<br />

end of the age (Matthew 28:20).<br />

Truly those are great promises<br />

of faith and strength to hold on<br />

to in times of trouble.<br />

But here’s one that speaks

8 | Perhaps Today | July–August 2010<br />

even more eloquently to the<br />

troubled heart — Now unto him<br />

that is able to keep you from<br />

falling.... (Jude 24). Do you<br />

grasp the profound message of<br />

those simple words?<br />

The Shepherd keeps<br />

us from falling<br />

When hope is gone and<br />

strength has failed, He is able to<br />

keep you from falling.<br />

When sorrow and sadness<br />

have bowed you to despair, and<br />

you are ready to cast yourself<br />

down in the pit — He is able to<br />

keep you from falling.<br />

When you have exhausted all<br />

resources, and the enemy of<br />

your soul is closing in for the kill<br />

— He is able to keep you from<br />

falling!<br />

When the toils and trials of<br />

this world have ground you<br />

down, and you barely have<br />

enough strength left to take one<br />

more step — He is able to keep<br />

you from falling.<br />

The Great Shepherd will not<br />

let you fall! He will assist you,<br />

calm you, support you, protect<br />

you, sustain you, shelter you,<br />

nourish you, and lift you up. Oh,<br />

yes, life ultimately will take you<br />

to the place where you must<br />

walk through the valley of the<br />

shadow of death. There is no<br />

way to avoid that pathway. But<br />

you can walk into the darkness<br />

unafraid, fearing no evil. Why?<br />

Because the Good Shepherd<br />

is with you, comforting you,<br />

anointing you, making a way for<br />

you where there seems to be no<br />

way.<br />

Do you have that kind of<br />

relationship with God, the<br />

Shepherd? Have you ever<br />

exclaimed, with David, But as<br />

for me, my feet were almost<br />

gone; my steps had well nigh<br />

slipped (Psalm 73:2)? Of course,<br />

you have. How did you make it<br />

then, and how will you make it<br />

<strong>today</strong> and tomorrow? My flesh<br />

and my heart faileth: but God<br />

is the strength of my heart, and<br />

my portion for ever (verse 26).<br />

Some people are reluctant to<br />

give their hearts to God because<br />

they are afraid that living for<br />

Him will be too hard. They are<br />

afraid to set out on that narrow<br />

road for fear that they will<br />

stumble and fall. At first it seems<br />

so much easier to walk on the<br />

world’s broad road. But too<br />

soon that thoroughfare leads to<br />

destruction.<br />

When the devil’s easy road<br />

begins breaking up, where do<br />

its sojourners turn for help?<br />

There is no one. When illness<br />

strikes, there is no healer. When<br />

heartache devastates travelers<br />

on Broad Avenue, there is no<br />

comforter, no one to talk to.<br />

When trouble crashes down on<br />

every side, there is no place to<br />

turn for help.<br />

Through the straight gate<br />

and on the narrow road, the<br />

thirsty are led beside still<br />

waters and the despairing<br />

receive restoration for their<br />

souls. And the one who<br />

wanders astray is<br />

rescued by the<br />

Shepherd, who<br />

picks up the lost<br />

and carries him<br />

back to safety.<br />

In our<br />

journeys<br />

to the Holy

Land, and in other parts of<br />

the world as well, <strong>Jack</strong> and I<br />

have had occasion to observe<br />

modern-day shepherds still<br />

performing their age-old duties.<br />

We’ve photographed herds of<br />

sheep grazing peacefully in the<br />

meadows under the watchful<br />

eye of their keeper. We’ve seen a<br />

shepherd, staff in hand, leading<br />

a flock over a high mountain<br />

pass to a hidden field of lush<br />

vegetation on the other side.<br />

And on occasion, approaching<br />

some small village, we’ve had to<br />

stop our vehicle and wait while<br />

a shepherd led his sheep across<br />

the dusty road and up into the<br />

safety of the waiting fields.<br />

I’ve always been impressed<br />

by how much the sheep seemed<br />

to trust the shepherd. They<br />

would stay with him, follow<br />

him, and obey his commands.<br />

They depended on the shepherd<br />

to provide for their needs and<br />

to keep them safe. Experience<br />

soon taught them that the<br />

shepherd always knows the<br />

way to the green grass, the still<br />

waters, and the place of refuge<br />

from the predators of life.<br />

I’ve also noticed that<br />

shepherds are constantly talking<br />

to their sheep. Walking along<br />

the road, they call out words<br />

of encouragement, direction,<br />

sometimes a warning! In quiet<br />

times, they tend to little lambs<br />

or to a sheep with a hurt leg,<br />

speaking quietly and lovingly.<br />

The Bible tells how little David<br />

used to sing to his sheep,<br />

perhaps sharing some of the<br />

beautiful psalms he composed.<br />

The point is that the sheep<br />

soon know and recognize the<br />

voice of their shepherd. Jesus<br />

said that when a shepherd goes<br />

before his flock, the sheep follow<br />

him: for they know his voice<br />

(John 10:4). And He said, I am<br />

the good shepherd (John 10:11).<br />

Do you know His voice? When<br />

He speaks, do you recognize the<br />

tone and timbre of His voice on<br />

those dark nights on the lonely<br />

road of life? For that to happen,<br />

you must be listening to His<br />

voice in the clear light of day ...<br />

every day.<br />

Listen to the Great<br />

Shepherd<br />

How do you recognize God’s<br />

voice? Every time you open the<br />

Bible, God’s Holy Word, He is<br />

speaking to you. Meditating on<br />

what you read<br />

in your daily<br />

devotions is a<br />

means of listening<br />

for His voice.<br />

As you develop<br />

a daily habit of<br />

delving into the<br />

Word of God,<br />

you will begin to<br />

see how the Holy<br />

Spirit guides you<br />

and imparts instruction to you.<br />

Prayer is important, too —<br />

especially when you learn that<br />

prayer isn’t you doing all the<br />

talking, but taking time to listen<br />

as well. Also, I’ve found that<br />

prayer time is enriching when I<br />

talk to God — out loud, for me<br />

— about what I’ve been reading<br />

in His Word. It’s sort of a way<br />

for me to keep “chewing” on the<br />

Word, much as sheep and cattle<br />

stand and chew their cud.<br />

Thy words were found, and I<br />

did eat them; and thy word was<br />

July–August 2010 | Perhaps Today | 9<br />

Rexella,<br />

I’ve watched your show and I am<br />

so blessed to have been able to catch<br />

it one night flipping through the<br />

channels. God bless you and <strong>Jack</strong> for<br />

what you do spreading the Word of<br />

our God and Savior, Jesus Christ. I’ve<br />

received Him as my Savior, thank you.<br />

—L.V.<br />

unto me the joy and rejoicing<br />

of mine heart (Jeremiah 15:16).<br />

If you haven’t discovered this<br />

source of daily blessing, I highly<br />

recommend that you give it a<br />

try!<br />

How’s your journey along<br />

life’s narrow way? Are you well<br />

aware that you are traversing<br />

a dangerous road, depending<br />

on the care and guidance of the<br />

Shepherd? Do you live each day<br />

in “joy and rejoicing” because<br />

of the ministry of God’s Word in<br />

your life? Have you discovered<br />

that come what may, He walks<br />

beside you and His goodness<br />

and mercy are following you all<br />

the days of your life?<br />

The psalmist declared,<br />

Thou shalt guide me with thy<br />

counsel, and afterward receive<br />

me to glory (Psalm 73:24).<br />

There is nothing we need<br />

beyond that!

I n t h e t w i n k l i n g o f a n e y e . . .<br />

RAPTURE!<br />

W h e n w i l l i t h a p p e n ?<br />

The FINAL 7 SIGNS are<br />

happening NOW!<br />

We knew this was coming — Jesus outlined 7 signs that<br />

would preview His coming.<br />

And they’re happening at this moment.<br />

The Rapture? It could take place TODAY.<br />

Learn about and understand all 7 for yourself — in<br />

this incredible video teaching:<br />

• A once-in-a-lifetime experience!<br />

• 3,000 people dedicated their lives to Christ the<br />

night this message was given!<br />

• Share it with your unsaved loved ones!<br />

The Final Seven Signs DVD (DFSV)<br />

The Final Seven Signs VHS (VFSV)<br />

Send a gift of $24.95<br />

Running Time: 50 minutes CC

?<br />

“HATESpeech”<br />

That’s not what I call it<br />

...because that’s not what<br />

God’s Word says!<br />

By Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong><br />

“Hate speech.”<br />

That’s what it will soon be called<br />

when I preach the truth stating:<br />

“Jesus is the way, the truth, and the<br />

life, and that no man comes unto the<br />

Father but by Christ.”<br />

The Bible says it, and I have preached it for<br />

decades.<br />

I will continue to preach it regardless<br />

of any persecution that may come<br />

because of recent threats I have<br />

received.<br />

But Israel My Glory magazine<br />

recently made this disheartening<br />

observation: If present trends<br />

continue, it will soon be<br />

illegal to say that Jesus is<br />

the only way of salvation.<br />

Franklin Graham, Billy’s son,<br />

also reported to America of<br />

the present administration’s<br />

canceling of his speaking<br />

engagement at the Day<br />

of Prayer because of his<br />

outspokenness about<br />

Muslims after the disaster<br />

of 9/11.<br />

It is far more than simply<br />

one magazine’s editorial<br />

opinion. On Newsmax.tv,<br />

and on the Mike Huckabee<br />

program on the Fox

12 | Perhaps Today | July–August 2010<br />

News Channel, where the<br />

Rev. Franklin Graham was<br />

recently interviewed, he stated:<br />

“My invitation to speak on<br />

the National Day of Prayer<br />

was revoked by the Pentagon<br />

because of pressure by anti-<br />

Christian groups.” In USA<br />

Today, the Muslims took credit<br />

for making it happen.<br />

“Oh, no question. It’s coming,”<br />

Graham said. “...When you<br />

preach that Jesus Christ is the<br />

way, the truth, and the life, I<br />

think we’re going to see one day<br />

that people will say, ‘This is hate<br />

speech, because you’re being<br />

so narrow and you’re excluding<br />

other people.’ I believe that, I<br />

think we’re going to see that<br />

come.”<br />

My heart is breaking for my<br />

country. To see America turn her<br />

back on God is devastating.<br />

I wish I could say our leaders<br />

are striving to resist the tide.<br />

But tragically, this turning away<br />

from God is keenly evident at<br />

the highest level of American<br />

government. The awful truth<br />

is revealed in a new book<br />

and DVD combination —<br />

Radical Rulers: The White<br />

House Elites Who Are Pushing<br />

America toward Socialism<br />

plus The Obama White House<br />

Radicals. These resources are<br />

so critically important to every<br />

Christian in North America that<br />

I have arranged for <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong><br />

<strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong> to make them<br />

available — I urge you to request<br />

them <strong>today</strong>. In this volume and<br />

this video presentation, you will<br />

see for yourself what is sadly<br />

unique about the Administration<br />

of Barack Obama compared to<br />

every President in U.S. history:<br />

the sheer number of radical<br />

people he has assembled at very<br />

high levels of decision-making<br />

power. It is not unreasonable<br />

to say that Barack Obama is<br />

actually the most radical leader<br />

ever to sit in the White House.<br />

In less than 18 months in office,<br />

he has surrounded himself with<br />

what can easily be described<br />

as the most radical group of<br />

advisors of any Administration<br />

in American history —<br />

“Hate speech”? No. This<br />

is a message of love and<br />

redemption, of salvation<br />

and peace.

including Communist<br />

sympathizers, pro-abortionists,<br />

pedophile sympathizers,<br />

and socialists. His record<br />

of controversial high-level<br />

appointments is unprecedented<br />

(a number of them deviously<br />

appointed outside the<br />

constitutional system, to avoid<br />

the need for approval by the<br />

Senate) — and these appointees<br />

are poised to radically change<br />

America.<br />

This should come as no<br />

surprise. During the election<br />

campaign, Obama repeatedly<br />

insisted, “We are going to<br />

change this country and change<br />

the world. We need change,<br />

real change, now.” This very<br />

claim is found on almost every<br />

page of Rules for Radicals: A<br />

Pragmatic Primer for Realistic<br />

Radicals by the notorious Saul<br />

Alinsky. Alinsky talked change<br />

but meant revolution — a<br />

socialist communist revolution!<br />

The tragedy unfolding in<br />

America <strong>today</strong> dovetails<br />

precisely with Bible prophecy.<br />

As I have consistently taught,<br />

from the pages of God’s Word,<br />

regarding the signs of the times,<br />

God’s latter-day clock is ticking,<br />

Jesus is coming soon — and one<br />

of the final signs will be this: a<br />

great charismatic leader will<br />

move into position as dictator<br />

of the New World Order.<br />

Now we see some prominent<br />

figures observing that Barack<br />

Obama, from the time he was<br />

a young man, was groomed to<br />

become the leader of a New<br />

World Order. Simultaneously,<br />

we have witnessed, in just in the<br />

past several months, the single<br />

biggest move toward socialism<br />

and globalism in the history<br />

of the United States. Events<br />

are aligning with astonishing<br />

precision — multiple prophecies<br />

being fulfilled simultaneously,<br />

beyond anything that anyone<br />

could engineer, or even imagine!<br />

Free men and women of the<br />

West need to know the truth,<br />

and respond. You need to<br />

understand what is happening<br />

in your world, and in Bible<br />

prophecy, at this moment in<br />

human history. You need to<br />

recognize the power-brokers,<br />

the decision-makers, the worldshapers,<br />

who are guiding events.<br />

This is why I am so passionate<br />

about people requesting Radical<br />

Rulers: The White House Elites<br />

Who Are Pushing America<br />

toward Socialism and its<br />

companion DVD. To me, this<br />

is literally one of the most<br />

powerful books I have ever<br />

read. When combined with the<br />

DVD, I can honestly say that I<br />

personally have never viewed<br />

such explosive, enlightening,<br />

dynamic, and thorough<br />

documentation ever.<br />

There is no question that<br />

America is in trouble. The<br />

work of our ministry is more<br />

important than ever in these<br />

latter days. We must continue to<br />

proclaim the Gospel. We must<br />

speak out. We must call sin<br />

July–August 2010 | Perhaps Today | 13<br />

Dear Dr. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>,<br />

I really love watching you both on<br />

TV. I love the inspiration and insight I<br />

get into God’s working in these last<br />

days, and the Scripture verses read<br />

word for word.<br />

Thank you for caring and loving<br />

people enough to tell them the Truth<br />

and to speak it with urgency and love.<br />

Thank you for your life’s work and the<br />

effort and heart you have put into it.<br />

May God bless you richly.<br />

—J.H.<br />

“sin.” And we must proclaim,<br />

without fail, that Jesus Christ<br />

is the only way to salvation.<br />

This truth is mentioned four<br />

hundred times in the New<br />

Testament.<br />

“Hate speech”? No. This is a<br />

message of love and redemption,<br />

of salvation and peace. But no<br />

matter what accusations may<br />

be thrown at me, I will never<br />

quit. I will never cower. I will<br />

preach, without fear or favor,<br />

concerning the truth about<br />

our Savior from the pages of<br />

Scripture until I draw my last<br />

breath and I go home to be with<br />

the Lord. Please stand with me.<br />

Let us stand together for the<br />

authority of God’s Word.<br />

If you have not yet requested<br />

your copy of this book and<br />

DVD combination, for a gift of<br />

$29.95, please use the enclosed<br />

card and do so now. If you<br />

have requested and received<br />

it, please consider requesting<br />

additional copies to share<br />

with your friends and loved<br />

ones. This message is vitally<br />

important in the light of what<br />

is taking place before our very<br />

eyes in America.

Powerful DVD Reveals Shocking Events Unprecedented in History<br />




RULERS<br />

Get the incredible DVD-andbook<br />

combination!<br />

u In the U.S. government <strong>today</strong> there are radicals, pro-Communists,<br />

abortion advocates, pedophile sympathizers and socialists<br />

u President Obama appointments are the most dangerous ever in a<br />

single Administration<br />

u Meet the radical “diversity czar” — “climate change czar” — “safe<br />

schools czar” and others<br />

u Their goal: advance the radical/liberal global agenda<br />

u Unelected positions — taxpayer-funded — created by the<br />

President — contradicting the Founding Fathers’ values!<br />

u Where are they taking America? Toward...<br />

u socialism<br />

u slaughter of the unborn<br />

u one world government<br />

u national bankruptcy<br />

u legal protection for sexual immorality<br />

u health care rationing for the elderly<br />

u anti-Christian censorship and persecution<br />

Astonishing Book Exposes Leaders’ Agenda

What’s happening<br />

right now in<br />

Washington, D.C. —<br />

here’s the truth!<br />

Get the whole truth — in this extraordinary book/DVD combo!<br />

White House Radicals DVD and<br />

Radical Rulers book combo! (D931P)<br />

Send a gift of $29.95 for both<br />

Running Time: 60 minutes CC

Dr. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> IN PERSON Recorded LIVE at<br />

World Harvest Church, Columbus, Ohio<br />

God’s Prophetic<br />

Plan Revealed:<br />

Startling Message Delivered Live<br />

by Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong><br />

After more than 6 decades of ministry...<br />

After more than 800 week-long crusades<br />

in churches...<br />

After 253 city-wide meetings...<br />

After preaching the Gospel face-to-face to<br />

a total of 10 million people...<br />

After leading 2.5 million people come to<br />

Christ...<br />

Dr. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> delivers his SINGLE<br />

greatest “LIVE AND IN-<br />

PERSON” MESSAGE ... and YOU<br />

can experience it personally!<br />

God’s Prophetic Plan Revealed DVD (DPCV)<br />

Send a gift of $24.95<br />

Running Time: 90 minutes CC

Dr. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> proclaims Christ’s return — astonishing Bible<br />

prophecy insights — for ONE SOLID HOUR<br />

PLUS — 20 hilarious minutes of<br />

humor with Dr. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> and<br />

Pastor Rod Parsley!<br />

This message is a whirlwind panoramic view of prophetic events<br />

unfolding all around us!<br />

• How to know when the Lord will actually return<br />

• What biblical predictions must happen first<br />

• What happens right after the Rapture<br />

• How to use this video to prepare for it<br />

• Why “the end of the world” will never happen<br />

• Israel, Russia, China, Iran, the European Union —<br />

and Armageddon!<br />

• Mark of the Beast microchip-implanting timetable<br />

• And much more!<br />

“The unction and the anointing of the<br />

Spirit were amazing. I never felt such<br />

power — it was electrifying.”<br />

— Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>

“Abundant life”?<br />

Yes — it’s for YOU!<br />

How to get from “where you are” to the place Jesus was talking about when He talked<br />

about “abundant life”? Here are the secrets — for you, or for a friend or loved one.<br />

Rexella will help you take hold of Christ’s joy ... discover how to enjoy life <strong>today</strong>, no<br />

matter your circumstances!<br />

The insights God has given to Dr. Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> will change your life: from<br />

wherever you are right now ... to better ... to best!<br />

Life at Its Best book (BLB)<br />

Send a gift of $14.95<br />


Let confusion END!<br />

Never before has a book dealt in deeply serious issues with such charm and wit.<br />

• Dr. Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’s remarkable volume attacks the myths of our modern age.<br />

• She offers practical help for finding peace within yourself and within your marriage.<br />

• Dealing with depression —<br />

• Striving for positive life change —<br />

• Facing difficult circumstances —<br />

Rexella tackles each of these real-life topics with a down-to-earth yet Bible-based<br />

approach. You’ll enjoy this unusual book ... and you’ll want to share it with someone<br />

you care about who’s going through deep waters.<br />

Baffled, Bewildered, Befuddled book (BBBB)<br />

Send a gift of $19.95

Why would ancient<br />

cultures and modern<br />

technology predict<br />

the same doomsday?<br />

What are the chances all these sources would predict the same year, 2012 — and sometimes<br />

even the same day! — as the end of time?<br />

• Ancient Rome<br />

• A modern financial forecasting computer program<br />

• Native American Hopis<br />

• Ancient Mayan civilization<br />

• Ancient China<br />

• Nostradamus<br />

• And others<br />

In one of their latest bestselling teaching videos, Drs. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> show how<br />

the events which signal the return of the Lord have begun and could be completed by 2012!<br />

Great video teaching for your prophecy library and for anyone caught up in 2012 latter-day<br />

scenarios.<br />

December 21st, 2012: History’s Final Day? DVD (DFDV)<br />

December 21st, 2012: History’s Final Day? VHS (VFDV)<br />

Send a gift of $24.95<br />

Running Time: 100 minutes CC

No movie ever more beautifully shared the precious gift of forgiveness with believers and non-believers....<br />

The Secrets of<br />

Jonathan Sperry<br />

America’s beloved actor GAVIN MCLEOD<br />

(Love Boat, The Mary Tyler Moore Show)<br />

in a tour de force performance<br />

One of the most creative evangelism films ever produced!<br />

V i d e o d r a m a<br />

• I d e a l p r o p h e t i c w i t n e s s i n g r e s o u r c e<br />

Powerful human drama<br />

• Crosses age boundaries — touches<br />

children, adults, seniors<br />

• Offers comfort from the Word of God<br />

for anyone fearing perilous times<br />

(II Timothy 3:1)<br />

• Highlights need to read and memorize Scripture in<br />

these closing days of human history!<br />

• Perfect for the whole family<br />

• Beautiful addition to your library!<br />


Share this film with your friends and family — people of all ages!<br />

It’s the perfect platform for presenting the message of salvation<br />

and Bible prophecy!<br />

It begins as the story of an elderly Christian widower and<br />

the young boy who mows his lawn.... Ultimately, it’s a story<br />

about the importance of forgiveness and surrender to Jesus<br />

Christ. A tremendous film for families to watch together!<br />

From award-winning filmmaker Rich Christiano<br />

Starring Gavin MacLeod and Robert Guillaume<br />

The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry DVD (D571)<br />

Send a gift of $24.95<br />

Running Time: 96 minutes CC

My dearest brother,<br />

In 1972, I listened to the radio and heard your<br />

message, The Coming War with Russia. I gave my<br />

heart to Christ that night. Your voice is needed, so<br />

please, never quit. Your wife and you are a blessed<br />

reminder of God’s grace and of true Christianity and<br />

bravery, to show us who our president really is, an<br />

Obamination.<br />

My respect for you is infinite, and your health is<br />

always in my prayers.<br />


22 | Perhaps Today | July–August 2010<br />

Hello there, and God bless<br />

you both very much. I found<br />

great joy in your program this<br />

evening. Not many preachers<br />

tell us about the latter days or<br />

actually how close we are to the<br />

Rapture of the Church taking<br />

place. Not even the church we<br />

attend talks about it.<br />

I prayed with you both and<br />

turned my life over to Jesus,<br />

because both my girlfriend and I<br />

both want to be in heaven after<br />

the Rapture. We do not want to<br />

face the Tribulation about to<br />

befall us.<br />

Thank you both very much,<br />

and I promise we will watch<br />

your program every week.<br />

—J.S.<br />

I know there is a loving God,<br />

and it is proven each time you<br />

come on the TV. My heart leaps<br />

when I hear the King is coming<br />

soon! If I miss a program, I feel<br />

lost. We all need you to remind<br />

us to LOOK UP — the time is<br />

near.<br />

I am terminally ill … Do I want<br />

to be healed on this earth? No. I<br />

want to see my precious Savior.<br />

I am not afraid, thanks to your<br />

and Rexella’s encouragement.<br />

I have Christian love for all. I<br />

have seen my dad, mother, and<br />

mother-in-law through their time<br />

of need until they went home. I<br />

have adopted my grandchildren<br />

and now they are almost grown.<br />

I had an animal rescue and<br />

saved 265 animals. I don’t want<br />

to be told I have been a good<br />

person, for I am a sinner. We all<br />

sin and come short. Thanks to<br />

God for amazing grace!<br />

I pray for all of you. Thanks<br />

to you and your wife for saving<br />

me out of this stagnant sin pool.<br />

God bless and keep you always.<br />

—C.M.<br />

I watch your program weekly<br />

and looking forward to seeing it<br />

every time.<br />

I used to be addicted to drugs<br />

and alcohol, but by the grace<br />

of God, he delivered me and I<br />

haven’t been back in over a year.<br />

Praise God. He saved me! Your<br />

ministry has helped me so much.<br />

Again, thank you. I’m looking<br />

for Jesus to come back any day<br />

now.<br />

—C.R.<br />

My prayer for you, Dr. <strong>Van</strong><br />

<strong>Impe</strong>, is like a man in Jerusalem<br />

called Simeon, who was<br />

righteous and devout. He was<br />

waiting for the consolation of<br />

Israel. It had been revealed to<br />

him by the Holy Spirit that he<br />

would not die before he had<br />

seen the Lord’s Christ. As God<br />

allowed Simeon to live to see<br />

our blessed hope, Christ Jesus,<br />

maybe, by the grace of God,<br />

you will be allowed to see with<br />

your own eyes the coming of<br />

our Jesus as you meet him in<br />

the clouds. May your health and<br />

blessed work continue until that<br />

time.<br />

—J.B.<br />

Dear <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella,<br />

I just wanted to tell you both<br />


WORDS CAN SAY! My favorite<br />

part of the day is watching your<br />

program and reading your daily<br />

devotions! I used to have a very<br />

close relationship with the Lord<br />

a few years ago, but since then<br />

I have done a lot of backsliding.<br />

In the last year and a half, I have<br />

been blessed with two little<br />

angels — the greatest gift in life!<br />

I have been trying really hard<br />

to be the best mother and wife<br />

that I know I can be, and I know<br />

the only way to do so is to have<br />

GOD in my life. I just wanted to<br />

tell you both thank you so much<br />

— you have helped me greatly in<br />

my journey! When I watch your<br />

program, it’s as if you are talking<br />

directly to me, and I learn so<br />

much from you. Thank you<br />

again, and God bless you both.<br />

You are doing a great service to<br />

MILLIONS!!<br />


Thank you for preaching the<br />

truth and letting so many who<br />

watch your program know<br />

where Obama stands and what<br />

he knows about the Bible (not<br />

very much). I am very sure<br />

that one day soon he will get<br />

an awakening along with many<br />

others.<br />

I am sure glad that you are not<br />

afraid to stand up for the truth.<br />

I love your program and try to<br />

listen every week. May God<br />

bless you!<br />

—J.L.<br />

I just wanted to thank all of<br />

you for your hard work. I have<br />

been watching your program<br />

since I was a child with my<br />

grandfather, who is with the<br />

Lord. I used to feel scared and<br />

resentful of the coming times,<br />

but I am not afraid anymore. I<br />

look forward to the Rapture,<br />

which I learned about from<br />

<strong>Jack</strong> many years ago.<br />

I only wish I could personally<br />

tell you how much you and your<br />

lovely wife have helped me with<br />

my own decision-making, and<br />

the light you brought into my<br />

life. I can hear your words in<br />

my mind motivating me toward<br />

the ways of our Lord. I am<br />

24 years old and am married<br />

because I refused to live out of<br />

wedlock with a woman. That is<br />

just one of many things I was<br />

taught by you.<br />

You are my spiritual leader<br />

and always will be. I will always<br />

lean on anything you preach<br />

because you tell it truthfully<br />

from the Word of God. You<br />

are the most devoted teacher<br />

of God’s Word that I have<br />

ever seen in my short life. I<br />

anxiously await Christ’s return,<br />

and I long to be with Him in<br />

the new world that He will rule<br />

forever and ever. I could go on<br />

and on, so in closing, I love you<br />

all for what you do in the name<br />

of Jesus our Lord.<br />

—K.R.<br />

Thank you for your ministry<br />

and the lives that have been<br />

radically changed by your<br />

words and, without a doubt,<br />

inspired by the Holy Spirit.<br />

After recommitting my life<br />

to Christ 18 months ago, and<br />

struggling with an addiction<br />

to crack cocaine, I realized<br />

through your teaching that we<br />

serve a God who TRULY loves<br />

us. Addiction comes in all walks<br />

of life, not just the poor and<br />

homeless. I can speak from my<br />

heart that wealth and material<br />

things will not keep one from<br />

sin as I personally experienced.<br />

I look forward to your emails<br />

and broadcasts weekly to<br />

inspire me to never look back,<br />

and to realize that God is<br />

calling me to those very people<br />

who struggle with similar<br />

addictions, who have lost hope<br />

for life as I had.<br />

Words cannot express my<br />

thanks for helping me stay on<br />

track with the Lord.<br />

—G.R.<br />

I am truly moved by the Book<br />

of Revelation. After I journeyed<br />

through it, everything became<br />

clear. Now I repented, was<br />

baptized, and received the gift<br />

of the Holy Ghost. However,<br />

I did not receive in-depth<br />

teaching on the Scriptures.<br />

Even so, God always knew<br />

what my heart longed for and<br />

gave it to me through you and<br />

Rexella.<br />

Thank you for opening my<br />

understanding of prophecy.<br />

Now I am more equipped<br />

than ever to help others to<br />

understand. Because of you<br />

two, I no longer have just<br />

pieces of the Bible. I now have<br />

the puzzle in its entirety! Thank<br />

you very much. You are the<br />

ministers after my own heart!<br />


Partner<br />

with Drs. <strong>Jack</strong> &<br />

Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong><br />

starting <strong>today</strong>!

For the sake of souls —<br />

for the sake of bringing the lost to<br />

Christ — Drs. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong><br />

<strong>Impe</strong> want to extend a special<br />

invitation to you <strong>today</strong>:<br />

Take the bold step of becoming<br />

their partner in ministry!<br />

When you do, you’ll receive the<br />


This monthly publication shares in-depth<br />

information with prophetic importance that<br />

we often cannot present on the air, as well as<br />

important news updates which seldom appear in<br />

newspapers.<br />

(It’s not just because we don’t have enough time<br />

to share all this intensive news from all points of<br />

the globe, but rather because, in some cases, we<br />

are not allowed to share it. You and your family<br />

deserve to receive this information!)<br />

Each Briefing contains critical insights you<br />

need to know and casts an important light on<br />

Bible prophecy. This crucial publication will<br />

come to you monthly, when you accept the<br />

invitation to become the <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>s’ soul-winning<br />

partner.<br />

Other partnership benefits include these gifts:<br />

• The <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’s Conflicts & Conquests<br />

DVD/video<br />

• The Perhaps Today Lapel Pin<br />

• The satisfaction of knowing you are<br />

partnering with Drs. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong><br />

<strong>Impe</strong> in life-changing ministry!<br />

Simply use the enclosed form to commit to pray<br />

regularly for Drs. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> and<br />

to give a regular monthly gift, as God leads you.<br />

You’ll become a partner and receive all these<br />


B<br />

The entire acclaimed<br />

video teaching<br />

including Parts I and II<br />

from Drs. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong><br />

Believers and non-believers alike are worried about the end of the world, but this extraordinary teaching from Drs.<br />

<strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> proves without a doubt, from the Scriptures, that this world will not end! As you pursue this<br />

amazing theme with Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>, you’ll receive insight into important issues — including:<br />

• Stupendous signs of the times<br />

• The greatest error ever proclaimed by most denominations <strong>today</strong><br />

• Shocking truth about the USA in prophecy<br />

• The facts about 666<br />

• The Mark of the Beast — how close?<br />

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Running Time: 100 minutes CC

July–August 2010 | Perhaps Today | 27<br />

Netanyahu turns to<br />

Bible in tussle over<br />

Jerusalem<br />

Reuters reports: “Beset by<br />

questions about Jerusalem’s future<br />

in talks with the Palestinians, Israeli<br />

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu<br />

reached for the Bible to stake out the<br />

Jewish state’s contested claim on the<br />

city.<br />

Netanyahu told a parliamentary<br />

session commemorating Israel’s<br />

capture of East Jerusalem from Jordan<br />

in the 1967 war that ‘Jerusalem’<br />

and its alternative Hebrew name<br />

‘Zion’ appear 850 times in the Old<br />

Testament, Judaism’s core canon.<br />

‘As to how many times Jerusalem<br />

is mentioned in the holy scriptures of<br />

other faiths, I recommend you check,’<br />

he said.<br />

Citing such ancestry, Israel<br />

calls all of Jerusalem its ‘eternal and<br />

indivisible’ capital — a designation<br />

not recognized abroad, where many<br />

powers support Arab claims to East<br />

Jerusalem as the capital of a future<br />

Palestinian state.<br />

The dispute is further inflamed by<br />

the fact East Jerusalem houses al-Aqsa<br />

mosque, Islam’s third-holiest shrine,<br />

on a plaza that Jews revere as the<br />

vestige of two biblical Jewish temples.<br />

Heckled by a lawmaker from<br />

Israel’s Arab minority, Netanyahu<br />

offered a lesson in comparative<br />

religion from the lectern.<br />

‘Because you asked: Jerusalem<br />

is mentioned 142 times in the New<br />

Testament, and none of the 16<br />

various Arabic names for Jerusalem<br />

is mentioned in the Koran. But in an<br />

expanded interpretation of the Koran<br />

from the 12th century, one passage is<br />

said to refer to Jerusalem,’ he said.<br />

Responding to Netanyahu’s<br />

citations, Palestinian chief negotiator<br />

Saeb Erekat said: ‘I find it very<br />

distasteful, this use of religion to<br />

incite hatred and fear. East Jerusalem<br />

is an occupied Palestinian town, and<br />

East Jerusalem cannot continue to<br />

be occupied if there is to be peace.’…”<br />

(Prime Minister Netanyahu found<br />

that Jerusalem is mentioned 850<br />

times in the Old Testament. It is<br />

also found 142 times in the New<br />

Testament for a total of 992 times<br />

as he includes Zion, the original<br />

name for Jerusalem. Sad that<br />

President Obama has promised it<br />

to the Muslims whose Koran never<br />

mentions Jerusalem even once.)<br />

Report: Obama<br />

promised Abbas a<br />

Palestinian state<br />

within two years<br />

Haaretz reports: “U.S. President<br />

Barack Obama told Palestinian<br />

leader Mahmoud Abbas that he was<br />

committed to seeing the creation of a<br />

sovereign Palestinian state within two<br />

years, an Egyptian official told the<br />

Arabic-language daily Al-Hayat.<br />

Obama promised Abbas that<br />

the United States would make great<br />

effort to help see that Palestinian goal<br />

achieved, the official told the Londonbased<br />

newspaper.<br />

The official also told Al-Hayat<br />

that Israel had rejected special U.S.<br />

envoy George Mitchell’s proposal to<br />

withdraw Israel Defense Forces troops<br />

from Palestinian-occupied sections of<br />

the West Bank, as it did on the eve of

28 | Perhaps Today | July–August 2010<br />

the Second Intifada in 2000.<br />

According to the report,<br />

Israel told Mitchell that it could<br />

not guarantee such a move before<br />

beginning direct peace negotiations<br />

with the Palestinian Authority.<br />

In place of withdrawing troops,<br />

the official told Al-Hayat, Israel<br />

offered other goodwill gestures,<br />

such as removing checkpoints<br />

and releasing certain Palestinian<br />

prisoners.<br />

Last week, Abbas urged the Obama<br />

administration to impose a solution<br />

to the Middle East conflict that would<br />

give his people an independent state,<br />

and rejected the idea of creating a state<br />

within temporary borders…” (Not<br />

only has President Obama promised<br />

the Palestinian’s a state, he has also<br />

promised that the city of Jerusalem<br />

will be given to them. Who but a<br />

dictator could make such promises<br />

and fulfill them? Daniel 9:27; Isaiah<br />

28:15; Daniel 8:25; I Thessalonians<br />

5:3.)<br />

World Jewish leader<br />

to Obama: Is U.S.<br />

committed to Israel’s<br />

security?<br />

Haaretz reports: “World<br />

Jewish Congress President Ronald<br />

Lauder has publically questioned<br />

U.S. President Barack Obama’s<br />

commitment to Israel’s security, in a<br />

letter he reportedly drafted with the<br />

approval of his close friend Prime<br />

Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.<br />

‘Our great country and the<br />

tiny State of Israel have long shared<br />

the core values of freedom and<br />

democracy,’ wrote Lauder, in a letter<br />

published as an advertisement in The<br />

Washington Post and The Wall Street<br />

Journal.<br />

‘It is a bond much treasured<br />

by the Jewish people. In that spirit<br />

I submit, most respectfully, that<br />

it is time to end our public feud<br />

with Israel and to confront the real<br />

challenges that we face together,’<br />

wrote Lauder.<br />

In his letter, Lauder asks why the<br />

Obama administration has taken such<br />

a critical stance toward Israel amid<br />

efforts to revive stalled Middle East<br />

peace talks.<br />

‘Why does the thrust of this<br />

administration’s Middle East rhetoric<br />

seem to blame Israel for the lack of<br />

movement on peace talks? After all,<br />

it is the Palestinians, not Israel, who<br />

refuse to negotiate,’ wrote Lauder.<br />

‘Can it be true that America is<br />

no longer committed to a final status<br />

agreement that provides defensible<br />

borders for Israel? Is a new course<br />

being charted that would leave Israel<br />

with the indefensible borders that<br />

invited invasion prior to 1967?’…”<br />

(Under numerous presidencies<br />

since Harry Truman, Israel has been<br />

secure. Under Obama, the situation<br />

is in turmoil, the worst in 35 years —<br />

Jeremiah 30:7; II Kings 17:34.)<br />

North Korea warns<br />

it will use nuclear<br />

weapons if invaded<br />

SpaceDaily.com reports: “North<br />

Korea warned it was prepared to use<br />

nuclear weapons if it was invaded by<br />

the United States and South Korea.<br />

The official Korean Central News<br />

Agency (KCNA) carried the remarks<br />

by the North’s Joint Chief, General<br />

Ri Yong-Ho, during a national<br />

meeting on the eve of the birthday<br />

of the communist country’s armed<br />

forces.<br />

‘The revolutionary armed forces<br />

of the DPRK (North Korea) are fully<br />

ready to frustrate any provocation<br />

of the aggressors at a single blow,’ Ri<br />

said.<br />

‘They will mobilise all means<br />

including the nuclear deterrent ...<br />

should the U.S. imperialists and the<br />

south Korean puppet warmongers<br />

dare intrude into the inviolable sky,<br />

land and seas of the DPRK even<br />

0.001mm,’ he said.<br />

He added that ‘a grave<br />

situation is now prevailing on the<br />

Korean Peninsula’ because of the<br />

neighbouring South and its ally the<br />

United States, who he said wanted to<br />

start a war.<br />

The harsh rhetoric comes as<br />

tensions between the two Koreas<br />

are high over the sinking of a South<br />

Korean warship last month near the<br />

disputed sea border in the Yellow<br />

Sea with a loss of 46 lives.<br />

Seoul has been careful not to<br />

point the finger directly at the North<br />

over the incident in the Yellow Sea,<br />

which has stoked already tense ties,<br />

and Pyongyang has denied it was to<br />

blame.<br />

The tensions prompted U.S.<br />

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton<br />

to say she hoped there would be ‘no<br />

miscalculation’ that could spark a new<br />

war between the Koreas…” (North<br />

Korea will probably be one of the<br />

kings of the East invading Israel<br />

during Armageddon — Revelation<br />

16:12; Revelation 9:14-18.)

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