Presentation - North Carolina Quality Center

Presentation - North Carolina Quality Center

Presentation - North Carolina Quality Center


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NoCVA HAI Learning Network:<br />

A Hospital Engagement Network<br />

Project<br />

February 13, 2013<br />


Some Background<br />

• Partnership for Patients<br />

• Hospital Engagement Networks<br />

• Your hospital<br />


3<br />

What’s It All About?<br />


What does this mean?<br />

• Your facility has pledged 40/20 to CMS<br />

• CMS is not dictating how you do this.<br />

• Role of HENs.<br />

• HAI Learning Network is one of the NoCVA HEN models to<br />

help achieve the goal of reducing HAI-related HACs by 40%.<br />

• Even if you decide not to participate in this HEN project,<br />

the commitment to reduce these HAIs by 40% still<br />

exists.<br />

• The pledge taken was to CMS, not to NoCVA HEN.<br />


So…<br />

• Review this Pledge with your Leadership<br />

• Participation in the Learning Network will provide important<br />

information from experts and colleagues about HAI<br />

prevention<br />

• Essential to have specific, coordinated work going on in your<br />

facility to put learning into practice<br />


HAI Learning Network Background<br />

• All of the HAI HACs were “bundled” together under one “HAI<br />

Learning Network” for 2013--CLABSI, CAUTI, VAE, and SSI<br />

• Allows efficiencies for the participants and NoCVA Leadership<br />

team.<br />

• Allows participants to take advantage of multiple types of learning<br />

opportunities<br />

• SSI prevention content will continue in the Safe Surgery<br />

Collaborative<br />

o 2 groups will share SSI prevention offerings from both projects where<br />

feasible.<br />


NoCVA HAI Partners<br />

• Association for Professionals in Infection Control and<br />

Epidemiology, NC and VA Chapters (APIC-NC and<br />

APIC-VA)<br />

• NC and VA Divisions of Public Health (NC and VA DPH)<br />

• The <strong>Carolina</strong>s <strong>Center</strong> for Medical Excellence (CCME)<br />

• Virginia Health <strong>Quality</strong> <strong>Center</strong> (VHQC)<br />

• NC Statewide Program for Infection Control and<br />

Epidemiology (NC SPICE)<br />


Leadership Team and Expert Panelists<br />

Name Title Organization<br />

Dr. Zack Moore Medical Epidemiologist NC DPH<br />

Jayne Lee President, APIC-NC APIC-NC<br />

Millie Lavaway 2012 President, APIC-VA APIC-VA<br />

Andrea Alvarez HAI Program Coordinator VA DPH<br />

Connie Jones HAI Program Coordinator NC DPH<br />

Chrystal Adams Care Improvement Specialist CCME<br />

Thelma Baker VP, Care Integration VHQC<br />

Deb Smith Area Manager VHQC<br />

Betsy Albee<br />

2011 President, Current Board Member,<br />

APIC-VA<br />

APIC-VA<br />

Kirk Huslage Associate Director, NC SPICE NC-SPICE<br />

Dr. Carol Koeble Executive Director, NCQC NCQC<br />


So, what’s it all about?<br />

• GOAL: Reduce SIR or rate by 40% by<br />

December 31, 2013<br />

• Four prevention focus areas: CLABSI, CAUTI,<br />

VAE, and SSI<br />

o Vertical prevention strategies<br />

o Horizontal prevention strategies<br />

o Sharing of innovative work<br />

• Adaptive focus: CUSP<br />


Planned Activities<br />

• Three regional CUSP Boot Camps (each facility is asked to<br />

send at least one representative to one of the Boot Camps)<br />

Two in NC<br />

‣March 20 th in Winston-Salem, NC<br />

‣April 11 th in Fayetteville/southeastern Piedmont, NC<br />

One in Richmond, VA – April 16 th at VHHA<br />

• Four-to-five webinars or networking conference calls<br />

(depends on need and requests)<br />

• One in-person conference at end of 2013<br />


Time Line<br />

Timeframe<br />

January and February 2013<br />

March 20 (NC) and April 11 (NC) & 16 (VA)<br />

Activity<br />

Recruitment & Orientation webinars<br />

Three regional CUSP Boot Camps<br />

Action Period March – December 2013<br />

Quarterly<br />

May-November 2013<br />

December 2013<br />

January – June 2014<br />

Data submission<br />

Virtual learning sessions/networking<br />

calls<br />

In-person learning session<br />

Sustainability monitoring<br />


What are “Vertical” and “Horizontal”<br />

Prevention Strategies?<br />


CUSP: Comprehensive Unit-based<br />

Safety Program<br />

15<br />


HAI Learning Network Metrics<br />

HAI Outcome Measure Process Measure<br />

CAUTI<br />

CAUTI rate/SIR (NHSN definition) SCIP INF9*<br />

CLABSI<br />

CLABSI rate/SIR (NHSN<br />

definition)<br />

Daily review for necessity of central<br />

line. (Report through QDS only)<br />

VAE or VAP<br />

VAE or VAP rate (NHSN<br />

definition)<br />

Daily assessment for readiness to<br />

wean. (Report through QDS only)<br />

SSI<br />

COLO and HYST rate/SIR<br />

(NHSN definition)<br />

SCIP measures*<br />

*No additional data collection required. Data obtained from SCIP data already submitted by your facility to CMS.<br />


Measurement<br />

• May report via NHSN or QDS (<strong>Quality</strong> Data System)<br />

• Request is for all metrics unless service does not apply to<br />

your facility.<br />

o You may concentrate prevention efforts on one or more of<br />

the HAIs.<br />

o Data submission on all is requested unless not<br />

possible/feasible: E.g. your risk assessment has identified<br />

CAUTI as the HAI you most need to work on and you do<br />

extremely low volumes of surgical procedures (

Data Timeframe Measure Due Date* Where to Submit<br />

Baseline Data:<br />

Oct-Dec’12<br />

Jan-Mar’13<br />

Apr-Jun’13<br />







March 5, 2013<br />

June 5, 2013<br />

September 6,<br />

2013<br />

NHSN preferred for outcome<br />

measures. QDS may be used<br />

instead for outcome measures.<br />

QDS is to be used for process<br />

measures that are not SCIP<br />

measures. (All of the SCIP<br />

measures will be pulled from<br />

the state QIOs.)<br />

Jul-Sep’13<br />

Oct-Dec’13<br />

Jan-Mar’14<br />

Apr-Jun’14<br />









December 6,<br />

2013<br />

March 7, 2014<br />

June 2, 2014<br />

September 5,<br />

2014<br />

*If you follow your state’s DPH data submission timeframe, you will be compliant with this one.<br />


Hospital Commitment<br />

• Set goal to reduce HAIs by 40% by 12/31/13 (or to zero<br />

if rates already very low) compared to 2010 data.<br />

• Participate in Learning Network Activities:<br />

o Learning sessions<br />

o Implementation of HAI prevention strategies<br />

o Share learning from sessions internally at your facility<br />

o Share what your facility is doing to prevent HAIs with other<br />

LN participants<br />

• Actively work on HAI prevention at your facility<br />


NoCVA Leadership Commitment<br />

Provide:<br />

• Expert Faculty<br />

o to share knowledge and experience during planned learning<br />

sessions<br />

• Vertical and horizontal HAI prevention educational<br />

content<br />

o virtual and in-person learning sessions (technical component)<br />

• Education and training in adaptive strategies such as the<br />

CUSP model<br />

• Opportunities to network and share among participants<br />

• Routine Feedback on Learning Network measures<br />


How do we sign up?<br />

• If not already done, let your primary NoCVA HEN hospital<br />

contact know that you want to participate in this LN. (That<br />

person is coordinating HEN project participation and getting<br />

the data use agreement signed.)<br />

• Select a project Primary Contact, someone who:<br />

o Knows what’s going on with HAI projects in your facility<br />

o Can ensure metrics are submitted on time and appropriately<br />

o Is willing to push LN information out to facility stakeholders<br />

o Will act as the key “go-to” person for NoCVA staff about this<br />

project<br />


Frequently Asked Questions<br />

1. Do we have to enroll a specific unit and submit teammember<br />

names?<br />

o No – but remember, you do need active HAI prevention work going<br />

on in your hospital!<br />

o Anyone you wish to be on the LN’s listserv would need to have their<br />

information submitted<br />

o We do ask that at least one person in the organization be identified<br />

as a Primary Contact who has knowledge of the work being done to<br />

prevent HAIs. (This does NOT have to be the IP.)<br />

2. Do we have to take a patient safety survey for<br />

participation?<br />

o No<br />


FAQs - continued<br />

3. Is there a limit to the number of people we can send to the<br />

in-person CUSP Boot Camps or in-person conference?<br />

o No, although a limit may need to be set if sessions become full<br />

quickly, so register early.<br />

4. Is there a cost to us to participate in the HAI Learning<br />

Network?<br />

o The only cost to your organization is limited to travel expenses<br />

attendees from your facility will incur as a result of participating in the<br />

in-person learning sessions such as mileage, meals and overnight<br />

stay if necessary.<br />


FAQs…<br />

5. What if I’m already participating in my QIO<br />

collaborative for one of these HAIs? (CCME or VHQC)<br />

Because both of the states’ QIOs are partners in this LN, we<br />

are coordinating activities to ensure participants have access<br />

to all LN and QIO offerings when feasible. Even if you are<br />

already enrolled in one of the QIO collaboratives, we do ask<br />

you sign up for the LN and provide to us a Primary Contact<br />

person to ensure you get all of the notifications from the LN<br />

and because we have to track all participating hospitals as<br />

part of our contract agreement with CMS.<br />


One more FAQ…<br />

6. I’m concerned about sharing my hospital’s data<br />

transparently within the LN. Our denominators are so<br />

small that even one HAI makes us look terrible when<br />

being compared with other hospitals. How will this be<br />

addressed?<br />

We will share raw data along with rate data when hospital rate data are<br />

presented. This will help everyone recognize that high rates may not<br />

mean poor performance. In addition, as all hospitals are approaching<br />

very, very low incidences of HAIs and zero is the ultimate goal, raw<br />

data are becoming more important to look at and share.<br />


Other Questions?<br />


So, what next?<br />

• If you have not already signed up for the HAI Learning<br />

Network and wish to, let us know.<br />

• Once signed up, provide to us the name and contact<br />

information for your Primary Contact.<br />

• Register for one of the CUSP Boot Camps at<br />

https://www.ncha.org/education/register-for-a-meeting<br />

(Scroll down the page – title is “NoCVA HAI LN CUSP Boot<br />

Camp.” All three sessions are listed, so choose the date<br />

and location you want and click on it.)<br />


HAI Learning Network Contact<br />

Information<br />

Name Title Phone Email<br />

Laini Jarrett-<br />

Echols<br />

Project Manager,<br />

NCQC<br />

919-677-4123 Ljarrettechols@ncha.org<br />

Shelby Lassiter PI Specialist, NCQC 919-677-4119 slassiter@ncha.org<br />

Jan Mangun<br />

Executive Director,<br />

<strong>Quality</strong> and Patient<br />

Safety, VHHA<br />

804-965-1202 jmangun@vhha.com<br />

Sarah Roberts Project Coordinator 919-677-4139 sroberts@ncha.org<br />


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