Notes to Distributors - Herbalife

Notes to Distributors - Herbalife

Notes to Distributors - Herbalife


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Repurchase of Inven<strong>to</strong>ry<br />

<br />

The opportunity <strong>to</strong> be an <strong>Herbalife</strong> Distribu<strong>to</strong>r is entirely voluntary.<br />

A resigning Distribu<strong>to</strong>r may return unused products or sales materials which are<br />

unopened and in resalable condition, for repurchase by <strong>Herbalife</strong> under certain terms<br />

and conditions, if the products were purchased from <strong>Herbalife</strong> within the last 12 months<br />

and the resigning Distribu<strong>to</strong>r provides proof of purchase. If the conditions are fulfilled, the<br />

Distribu<strong>to</strong>r will then be directed <strong>to</strong> return the products <strong>to</strong> <strong>Herbalife</strong> along with, if<br />

appropriate, their records relative <strong>to</strong> the 70% Rule. Within 30 business days of the<br />

receipt of these items, reimbursement <strong>to</strong> the Distribu<strong>to</strong>r will be issued for the full amount<br />

paid for the returned product by the Distribu<strong>to</strong>r, less a 10% res<strong>to</strong>cking fee, if all terms<br />

and conditions have been met. Shipping, packaging & handling fees paid on the original<br />

order or in returning those items <strong>to</strong> <strong>Herbalife</strong> will not be reimbursed.<br />

<strong>Herbalife</strong> will deduct the amount of Royalty Overrides, Commissions, Production<br />

Bonuses and any other earnings or benefits paid on the returned products from the<br />

appropriate Distribu<strong>to</strong>rs, and adjust qualifications as necessary.<br />

Click here for details on how <strong>to</strong> initiate an inven<strong>to</strong>ry repurchase request.<br />

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How <strong>to</strong> Initiate a Repurchase of Inven<strong>to</strong>ry<br />

• Under Rule 9-F of the Rules of Conduct and Distribu<strong>to</strong>r Policies, as<br />

amended from time <strong>to</strong> time, you may have the right <strong>to</strong> have <strong>Herbalife</strong><br />

repurchase resalable inven<strong>to</strong>ry which you purchased from <strong>Herbalife</strong>,<br />

under certain terms and conditions.<br />

• If you want <strong>to</strong> initiate a repurchase of inven<strong>to</strong>ry the 1 st step is <strong>to</strong> click here<br />

<strong>to</strong> obtain the required Forms for the Repurchase of Inven<strong>to</strong>ry.<br />

• The forms should be mailed <strong>to</strong> the address below.<br />

<strong>Herbalife</strong> International of Hong Kong Ltd.<br />

Attention: Distribu<strong>to</strong>r Services Department<br />

503A-B Miramar Shopping Centre<br />

132 Nathan Road, Tsimshatsui<br />

• The forms must be accompanied by or preceded by a signed and<br />

witnessed resignation letter, or you may choose instead <strong>to</strong> sign the<br />

Repurchase Request Form and have that form witnessed.<br />

• Upon <strong>Herbalife</strong>’s receipt of the completed forms and resignation letter, if<br />

the conditions of Rule 9-F are satisfied, <strong>Herbalife</strong>’s Distribu<strong>to</strong>r Services<br />

Department will provide you with a Return Authorization Letter and the<br />

address <strong>to</strong> which you should ship your return. You may return only those<br />

items which comply with rule 9F. <strong>Herbalife</strong> will have no responsibility for<br />

items which you ship that are outside of Rule 9-F, and the guidelines<br />

provided.<br />

• Once <strong>Herbalife</strong> has processed your return, the payment due <strong>to</strong> you will be<br />

issued.<br />

If you have any questions regarding this process, please call <strong>Herbalife</strong>’s<br />

Distribu<strong>to</strong>r Services Hotline at (852) 2834-1821.<br />

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Forms for the Repurchase of Inven<strong>to</strong>ry<br />

The first three forms are required <strong>to</strong> process your request.<br />

Click here for the Repurchase of Inven<strong>to</strong>ry form.<br />

If your return includes <strong>Herbalife</strong> Product Inven<strong>to</strong>ry, click here for the form.<br />

If your return includes Literature/Promotional items, click here for the form.<br />

In addition, we would appreciate your feedback regarding your satisfaction with<br />

<strong>Herbalife</strong>, its services, products and overall effectiveness by completing the<br />

Repurchase Survey.<br />

If you have any questions, please contact <strong>Herbalife</strong>’s Distribu<strong>to</strong>r Services Hotline<br />

at (852) 2834-1821.<br />

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To process your request, please provide <strong>Herbalife</strong> with the details requested if you have not<br />

already done so.<br />

• I have permanently resigned my <strong>Herbalife</strong> Distribu<strong>to</strong>rship.<br />

• I have already provided <strong>Herbalife</strong> with a witnessed letter of resignation, or in lieu of a<br />

witnessed resignation letter, I will have this form witnessed.<br />

• I understand that only unopened and resalable products or sales materials which were<br />

purchased from <strong>Herbalife</strong> within the last 12 months 1 are eligible for resale <strong>to</strong> <strong>Herbalife</strong>, and in<br />

all other respects in accordance with Rule 9-F of the <strong>Herbalife</strong> Rules of Conduct and<br />

Distribu<strong>to</strong>r Policies.<br />

• I understand my reimbursement will be 90% of the amount I paid for the products, less any<br />

appropriate offsets. I understand that any shipping/package & handling charges incurred by<br />

me either at the time of purchase or in returning those items <strong>to</strong> <strong>Herbalife</strong>, are not refundable.<br />

• I understand that I will be refunded via the same method of payment that was used when I<br />

originally bought the merchandise. (If paid by check, money order, or wire transfer, the<br />

reimbursement will be refunded with a check. If paid by credit card, the same credit card will<br />

be refunded.)<br />

• I understand that <strong>Herbalife</strong> reserves the right <strong>to</strong> determine which products and quantities fall<br />

within the limits of <strong>Herbalife</strong>’s repurchase of inven<strong>to</strong>ry policy. Once the Company has<br />

reviewed my repurchase request and provided me with a Return Authorization Letter and<br />

relevant shipping details, I will return only items that are unopened and in resalable condition,<br />

that were purchased within the last 12 months, and which comply with Rule 9-F. I understand<br />

that <strong>Herbalife</strong> will have no responsibility for items returned that fall outside Rule 9-F and the<br />

guidelines provided.<br />

• I have included a complete inven<strong>to</strong>ry list of the items I would like repurchased. The items<br />

which I seek <strong>to</strong> return were purchased within the last 12 months.<br />

• I have included proof of purchase for this merchandise (copies of credit card statements,<br />

money orders or cancelled checks.)<br />

• I have included my sales records for all the products I sold from this/these order(s) (<strong>to</strong> retail<br />

cus<strong>to</strong>mers, or my downline) as specified in Rule 20-F and 9-F (in <strong>Herbalife</strong>’s Career Book,<br />

under the Rules of Conduct and Distribu<strong>to</strong>r Policies section.)<br />

This form must be signed, dated, and returned <strong>to</strong> <strong>Herbalife</strong> <strong>to</strong> initiate further processing of your<br />

request.<br />

By my signature, I acknowledge and agree <strong>to</strong> the above.<br />

____________________________________ _____________________________<br />

(Name - Please Print) (ID #)<br />

____________________________________<br />

(Signature)<br />

_____________________________<br />

(Date)<br />

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Name: _________________________________<br />

ID#:<br />

_________________________________<br />

I understand that only unopened and resalable products which were purchased from <strong>Herbalife</strong> within<br />

the last 12 months are eligible for resale <strong>to</strong> <strong>Herbalife</strong>, and in all other respects in accordance with Rule<br />

9-F of the <strong>Herbalife</strong> Rules of Conduct and Distribu<strong>to</strong>r Policies. I represent and warrant that the<br />

products which are listed below and which I wish <strong>to</strong> return <strong>to</strong> <strong>Herbalife</strong> meet these standards.<br />

• I also understand, <strong>Herbalife</strong> reserves the right <strong>to</strong> determine which products and quantities fall<br />

within the limits of <strong>Herbalife</strong>’s repurchase of inven<strong>to</strong>ry policy, and that I may return only those<br />

items, that are unopened and in resalable condition, that were purchased from <strong>Herbalife</strong><br />

within the last 12 months, and which comply with Rule 9-F. I understand that <strong>Herbalife</strong> will<br />

have no responsibility for items returned which it determines that fall outside Rule 9-F and the<br />

guidelines provided.<br />

S<strong>to</strong>ck# Product Description # of<br />

Cases<br />

or # of<br />

Units<br />

Office Use<br />

Only<br />

____________________________________ _____________________________<br />

(Signature) (ID #)<br />

____________________________<br />

(Date)<br />

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Name: _________________________________<br />

ID#:<br />

_________________________________<br />

I understand that only resalable sales materials which were purchased from <strong>Herbalife</strong> within the last 12<br />

months are eligible for resale <strong>to</strong> <strong>Herbalife</strong>, and in all other respects in accordance with Rule 9-F of the<br />

<strong>Herbalife</strong> Rules of Conduct and Distribu<strong>to</strong>r Policies. I represent and warrant that the sales materials<br />

which are listed below and which I wish <strong>to</strong> return <strong>to</strong> <strong>Herbalife</strong> meet these standards.<br />

• I also understand, <strong>Herbalife</strong> reserves the right <strong>to</strong> determine which products and quantities fall<br />

within the limits of <strong>Herbalife</strong>’s repurchase of inven<strong>to</strong>ry policy, and that I may return, only items<br />

that are unopened and in resalable condition, that were purchased within the last 12 months,<br />

and which comply with Rule 9-F. I understand that <strong>Herbalife</strong> will have no responsibility for<br />

items returned which it determines that fall outside Rule 9-F and the guidelines provided.<br />

S<strong>to</strong>ck# Literature / Promotional Items # of Sets # of Units Office Use Only<br />

____________________________________ _____________________________<br />

(Signature) (ID #)<br />

____________________________________<br />

(Date)<br />

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Repurchase Survey<br />

Name: _________________________________<br />

ID#:<br />

_________________________________<br />

Date: _________________________________<br />

1. How important were the following reasons in your decision <strong>to</strong> resign your <strong>Herbalife</strong> distribu<strong>to</strong>rship? (Please check<br />

one box in each row.)<br />

Not achieving my health or weight-loss goals after using the products<br />

The effectiveness of the products<br />

The amount of personal selling required<br />

The difficulty of selling the products<br />

Not understanding all the requirements of the business until after<br />

applying<br />

Lack of support from my sponsor<br />

Lack of training<br />

Conflict with other commitments<br />

Something else not included above<br />

Low. Not<br />

Important At All<br />

Somewhat Important<br />

Extremely<br />

Important<br />

2. If <strong>Herbalife</strong> fixed the "extremely important" items you checked above, how likely would you be <strong>to</strong> reactivate your distribu<strong>to</strong>rship?<br />

(Check ONE answer only.)<br />

Extremely likely<br />

Somewhat likely<br />

Neither likely nor unlikely<br />

Somewhat likely<br />

Completely unlikely<br />

3. Were you a consumer before you signed the Distribu<strong>to</strong>r Application, or not? (Check ONE answer only.)<br />

No, I was not a consumer first<br />

Yes, I was a consumer first<br />

4. Below, please check a box on the 1-<strong>to</strong>-5 scale, where '1' means 'completely agree' and '5' means 'completely disagree'. How<br />

much do you agree that <strong>Herbalife</strong> products are...?<br />

Low Completely<br />

Agree<br />

Agree<br />

Completely<br />

Disagree<br />

The highest quality 1 2 3 4 5<br />

Extremely effective/really work 1 2 3 4 5<br />

Great tasting (refers <strong>to</strong> the shakes and drinks) 1 2 3 4 5<br />

Extremely easy <strong>to</strong> purchase 1 2 3 4 5<br />

Extremely easy <strong>to</strong> prepare and/or consume 1 2 3 4 5<br />

Extremely easy <strong>to</strong> retail 1 2 3 4 5<br />

Better than the competition 1 2 3 4 5<br />

Based on the latest science 1 2 3 4 5<br />

In the best packaging/containers 1 2 3 4 5<br />

Great value for the money 1 2 3 4 5<br />

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5. Please indicate how easy or difficult each of the following was for you, personally, <strong>to</strong> do.<br />

Extremely Easy Easy Extremely<br />

Difficult<br />

Sign up new cus<strong>to</strong>mers 1 2 3 4 5<br />

Actively support your cus<strong>to</strong>mers on the program 1 2 3 4 5<br />

Convert retail cus<strong>to</strong>mers <strong>to</strong> distribu<strong>to</strong>rs 1 2 3 4 5<br />

6. How satisfied were you with your sponsor on his or her...?<br />

Extremely<br />

Satisfied<br />

Somewhat Satisfied<br />

Extremely<br />

Dissatisfied<br />

Availability 1 2 3 4 5<br />

Motivation 1 2 3 4 5<br />

Training and direction 1 2 3 4 5<br />

Providing of information 1 2 3 4 5<br />

Assistance when needed 1 2 3 4 5<br />

Understanding of your unique situation 1 2 3 4 5<br />

7. Which one of the following best describes how you first learned of <strong>Herbalife</strong>? (Check ONE answer only.)<br />

A friend (referral)<br />

U.S. mail, email or by phone<br />

<strong>Herbalife</strong>'s Internet web site<br />

A flyer, sign or public posting, Newspaper ad<br />

An event hosted by <strong>Herbalife</strong> or an <strong>Herbalife</strong> distribu<strong>to</strong>r<br />

Other<br />

8. What was your one, primary reason for becoming an <strong>Herbalife</strong> distribu<strong>to</strong>r? (Check ONE answer only.)<br />

To purchase product for yourself at a discounted price<br />

To supplement your household's income<br />

The opportunity for high income<br />

To become your own boss-job freedom<br />

The opportunity <strong>to</strong> work from home<br />

Some other reason<br />

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