Text Structure PDF

Text Structure PDF

Text Structure PDF


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<strong>Text</strong> <strong>Structure</strong><br />

What organizational pattern did the author<br />

use to achieve his/her purpose?

What do you know now?<br />

• Description<br />

• How do you describe something?<br />

• Sequence/time order<br />

• How do you tell something in time order/sequence?<br />

• Comparison-contrast<br />

• How do you compare two things?<br />

• Cause-effect<br />

• How do you explain the effects of something?<br />

• Problem-solution<br />

• How do you discuss solutions to problems?

Description<br />

• Consider the purpose: Determine the qualities to<br />

describe. Elaborate on those qualities.<br />

• Look for signal word(s) in answers: Describe<br />

• Look for signal words in passages: for example, for<br />

instance, specifically, in particular, in addition

Description: Example<br />

The day after Thanksgiving was a<br />

shopping disaster. For example, some<br />

people were injured when they were<br />

shoved or actually hit by other shoppers.<br />

In addition, some people had to wait in<br />

lines for hours just to get in the door.<br />

Others waited for hours in a check-out<br />

line. Few had a good experience.

Sequence<br />

• Consider the purpose: to tell the order of steps in a<br />

process—or—to tell the order of events that occur<br />

• Look for signal word(s) in answers: steps,<br />

order of events<br />

• Look for signal words: ext, first, last, second,<br />

another, then, additionally

Sequence: Example<br />

To survive Black Friday, one must follow a<br />

process. First, the shoppers must determine<br />

exactly what they want so that they do not waste<br />

steps. Second, shoppers must be present<br />

before the doors open. They must stay focused<br />

on the objects they want without making eye<br />

contact with other shoppers. Finally, they must<br />

grab the product they want and head to the<br />

nearest check-out line. This day is not the day<br />

to look leisurely at other items.

Comparison-Contrast<br />

• Consider the purpose: to show the similarities and<br />

differences between two<br />

events/people/places/objects/ideas by examining<br />

specific traits<br />

• Look for signal word(s) in answers: compare,<br />

contrast, differ<br />

• Look for signal words: however, unlike, like, yet, in<br />

comparison, in contrast, although, similar to, different<br />


Comparison-Contrast: Example<br />

Both Black Friday and the day before<br />

Christmas are crazy shopping day; however,<br />

there are differences in shopper attitude on<br />

these two days. Shoppers on Black Friday are<br />

particular in the items they want unlike<br />

shoppers the day before Christmas, who are<br />

satisfied with any item that they can stick under<br />

the tree. Shoppers on Black Friday are intense<br />

and become emotional and angry. In contrast,<br />

shoppers on the day before Christmas may be<br />

intense but they remain happy as Christmas day<br />

is near.

Cause-Effect<br />

• Consider the purpose: to explain the<br />

result/consequences of an event<br />

• Look for signal word(s) in answers:<br />

explain why<br />

• Look for signal words: consequently,<br />

therefore, as a result, thereby, leads to

Cause-Effect: Example<br />

I went shopping the day after Thanksgiving.<br />

Consequently, I suffered much mentally. I<br />

could not find the throw I wanted. Therefore, I<br />

picked up one that did not even resemble what I<br />

wanted. I waited in line 45 minutes to pay more<br />

than I expected to pay for something I did not<br />

really want. As a result, I went home an<br />

unhappy shopper who never again wants to<br />

shop on Black Friday.

Problem-Solution<br />

• Consider the purpose: to discuss a problem that<br />

is difficult and to provide one or more possible<br />

solutions to the problem<br />

• Look for Signal Word(s) in answers: explain<br />

ways, how<br />

• Look for Signal Words: solution, possible<br />

answer, problem, alternative, therefore

: Problem-solution: Example<br />

Black Friday cannot continue as it is presently<br />

practiced. One solution is to expand Friday to<br />

an entire week. Instead of offering specials for<br />

one day only, the specials would be available for<br />

a week. This alternative would alleviate the<br />

crowds that now form. Another possible<br />

answer to the problem is to force stores to hire<br />

security guards to monitor the lines that form<br />

and the mobs that gather.

To determine text structure<br />

Number 1–<br />

Think!<br />

you already know all you need to know!

Try it without a passage<br />

1. ____ The author uses description as the<br />

structure of the passage mainly to<br />

a. describe the physical qualities of<br />

Abraham Lincoln<br />

b. show the order of events that occurred<br />

when Abraham Lincoln took office<br />

c. explain the effects of the Civil War on<br />

Abraham Lincoln’s presidency<br />

Hint: Think about what a description is.

The answer is –<br />

a. Describe the physical qualities of<br />

Abraham Lincoln

What you should do—<br />

1. Think about what you already know.<br />

2. Check your answer by re-reading the<br />


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