Bondarenko Dmitri M. Homoarchy

Bondarenko Dmitri M. Homoarchy Bondarenko Dmitri M. Homoarchy


185 Clifford and George E. Marcus (eds.), Writing Culture (pp. 122–140). Berkeley; Los Angeles: University of California Press. Tymowski, Michal 1985 The Evolution of Primitive Political Organization from Extended Family to Early State. In Henry J. M. Claessen with Pieter van de Velde and M. Estellie Smith (eds.), Development and Decline. The Evolution of Sociopolitical Organization (pp. 183–195). South Hadley, MA: Bergin and Garvey. 1987 The Early State and After in Precolonial West Sudan. Problems of the Stability of Political Organizations and the Obstacles to Their Development. In Henri J. M. Claessen and Pieter van de Velde (eds.), Early State Dynamics (pp. 54–69). Leiden: Brill. 1996 Oral Tradition, Dynastic Legend and Legitimation of Ducal Power in the Process of the Formation of the Polish State. In Claessen and Oosten 1996a: 242–255. Ugowe, Christopher Osadiaye Orumwese 1997 Benin in World History. Lagos: Hugo Books. Upham, Steadman (ed.) 1990 The Evolution of Political Systems. Sociopolitics in Small-scale Sedentary Societies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Uwaifo, H. O. 1965 Benin Custom and Law Regarding Land, Burial Rites and Inheritance. Benin City: Kopin- Dogba Press. Uwechue, R. 1970 The Awareness of History among Indigenous African Communities. Prйsence africaine 73: 143–147. Uya, Okon E. 1984 Trends and Perspectives in African History. In Erim O. Erim and Okon E. Uya (eds.), Perspectives and Methods of Studying African History (pp. 1–9). Enugu: Fourth Dimension Publishers. Vansina, Jan 1992 Kings in Tropical Africa. In Erna Beumers and Hans-Joachim Koloss (eds.), Kings of Africa. Art and Authority in Central Africa (pp. 19–26). Maastricht: Foundation Kings of Africa. 1994 Antйcйdents des royaumes kongo et teke. Muntu 9: 7–49. 1999 Pathways of Political Development in Equatorial Africa and Neo-evolutionary Theory. In McIntosh 1999a: 166–172. Vansina, Jan, with Raymond Mauny and L. V. Thomas 1964 Introductory Summary. In Jan Vansina with Raymond Mauny and L. V. Thomas (eds.), The Historian in Tropical Africa (pp. 1–103). London etc.: Oxford University Press. Vassiliev, L. S. 1983 Problemy genezisa kitajskogo gosudarstva (Formirovanie osnov sotsial’noj struktury i politicheskoj administratsii) [Problems of Genesis of the Chinese State (Formation of the Social Structure and Political Administration)]. Moscow: Nauka. Vehrencamp, S. L. 1983 A Model for the Evolution of Despotic versus Egalitarian Societies. Animal Behavior 31: 667–682.

185<br />

Clifford and George E. Marcus (eds.), Writing Culture (pp. 122–140). Berkeley; Los<br />

Angeles: University of California Press.<br />

Tymowski, Michal<br />

1985 The Evolution of Primitive Political Organization from Extended Family to Early State. In<br />

Henry J. M. Claessen with Pieter van de Velde and M. Estellie Smith (eds.), Development<br />

and Decline. The Evolution of Sociopolitical Organization (pp. 183–195). South<br />

Hadley, MA: Bergin and Garvey.<br />

1987 The Early State and After in Precolonial West Sudan. Problems of the Stability of Political<br />

Organizations and the Obstacles to Their Development. In Henri J. M. Claessen and Pieter<br />

van de Velde (eds.), Early State Dynamics (pp. 54–69). Leiden: Brill.<br />

1996 Oral Tradition, Dynastic Legend and Legitimation of Ducal Power in the Process of the<br />

Formation of the Polish State. In Claessen and Oosten 1996a: 242–255.<br />

Ugowe, Christopher Osadiaye Orumwese<br />

1997 Benin in World History. Lagos: Hugo Books.<br />

Upham, Steadman (ed.)<br />

1990 The Evolution of Political Systems. Sociopolitics in Small-scale Sedentary Societies.<br />

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.<br />

Uwaifo, H. O.<br />

1965 Benin Custom and Law Regarding Land, Burial Rites and Inheritance. Benin City: Kopin-<br />

Dogba Press.<br />

Uwechue, R.<br />

1970 The Awareness of History among Indigenous African Communities. Prйsence africaine 73:<br />

143–147.<br />

Uya, Okon E.<br />

1984 Trends and Perspectives in African History. In Erim O. Erim and Okon E. Uya (eds.),<br />

Perspectives and Methods of Studying African History (pp. 1–9). Enugu: Fourth<br />

Dimension Publishers.<br />

Vansina, Jan<br />

1992 Kings in Tropical Africa. In Erna Beumers and Hans-Joachim Koloss (eds.), Kings of Africa.<br />

Art and Authority in Central Africa (pp. 19–26). Maastricht: Foundation Kings of Africa.<br />

1994 Antйcйdents des royaumes kongo et teke. Muntu 9: 7–49.<br />

1999 Pathways of Political Development in Equatorial Africa and Neo-evolutionary Theory. In<br />

McIntosh 1999a: 166–172.<br />

Vansina, Jan, with Raymond Mauny and L. V. Thomas<br />

1964 Introductory Summary. In Jan Vansina with Raymond Mauny and L. V. Thomas (eds.), The<br />

Historian in Tropical Africa (pp. 1–103). London etc.: Oxford University Press.<br />

Vassiliev, L. S.<br />

1983 Problemy genezisa kitajskogo gosudarstva (Formirovanie osnov sotsial’noj struktury i<br />

politicheskoj administratsii) [Problems of Genesis of the Chinese State (Formation of the<br />

Social Structure and Political Administration)]. Moscow: Nauka.<br />

Vehrencamp, S. L.<br />

1983 A Model for the Evolution of Despotic versus Egalitarian Societies. Animal Behavior 31:<br />


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