Bondarenko Dmitri M. Homoarchy

Bondarenko Dmitri M. Homoarchy Bondarenko Dmitri M. Homoarchy


184 Comparative Legislation: 94–101. 1910c Marriage Law and Customs of the Edo-speaking Peoples of Nigeria. African Affairs 10: 85– 93. 1915–1916, 1919–1920 Totemism in Southern Nigeria. Anthropos 10–11: 234–248; 14–15: 543– 545. 1920 Notes on Edo Burial Customs. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland: 410–411. Tokarev, S. A. 1978 Istorija zarubezhnoj etnografii [A History of Foreign Ethnography]. Moscow: Vysshaja shkola. Tomanovskaya, O. S. 1973 Izuchenie problemy genezisa gosudarstva na afrikanskom materiale [A Study of the Problem of State Genesis Based on African Evidence]. In Yu V. Bromley (ed.), Osnovnye problemy afrikanistiki. Etnografija. Istorija. Filologija. K 70-letiju chlena-korrespondenta AN SSSR D. A. Olderogge [Basic Problems of Africanistics. Ethnography. History. Philology. For the 70 th Anniversary of the Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR D. A. Olderogge] (pp. 273–283). Moscow: Nauka. Tomasson, Richard S. 1980 Iceland: The First New Society. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Tong, Raymond 1958 Figures in Ebony. Past and Present in a West African City. London: Cassell. Trepavlov, Vadim V. 1995 The Nogay Alternative: From a State to a Chiefdom and Backwards. In Kradin and Lynsha 1995: 144–151. Trigger, Bruce G. 1985 Generalized Coercion and Inequality: The Basis of State Power in the Early Civilizations. In Henry J. M. Claessen with Pieter van de Velde and M. Estellie Smith (eds.), Development and Decline. The Evolution of Sociopolitical Organization (pp. 46–61). South Hadley, MA: Bergin and Garvey. 1993 Early Civilizations: Ancient Egypt in Context. Cairo: The American University in Cairo Press. 2003 Understanding Early Civilizatons: A Comparative Study. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Tuden, Arthur, and Catherine Marshall 1972 Political Organization: Cross-Cultural Codes 4. Ethnology 11: 436–464. Tumans, Harijs 2002 Rozhdenie Afiny. Afinskij put’ k demokratii: ot Gomera do Perikla (VIII – V vv. do n.e.) [The Birth of Athena. The Athenian Pathway to Democracy: From Homer to Pericles (8 th – 5 th Centuries BC)]. St. Petersburg: Gumanitarnaja akademija. Turner, Victor Witter 1967 The Forest of Symbols: Aspects of Ndembu Rituals. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. Tyler, Stephen A. 1986 Post-Modern Ethnography: From Document of the Occult to Occult Document. In James

184<br />

Comparative Legislation: 94–101.<br />

1910c Marriage Law and Customs of the Edo-speaking Peoples of Nigeria. African Affairs 10: 85–<br />

93.<br />

1915–1916, 1919–1920 Totemism in Southern Nigeria. Anthropos 10–11: 234–248; 14–15: 543–<br />

545.<br />

1920 Notes on Edo Burial Customs. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great<br />

Britain and Ireland: 410–411.<br />

Tokarev, S. A.<br />

1978 Istorija zarubezhnoj etnografii [A History of Foreign Ethnography]. Moscow: Vysshaja<br />

shkola.<br />

Tomanovskaya, O. S.<br />

1973 Izuchenie problemy genezisa gosudarstva na afrikanskom materiale [A Study of the Problem<br />

of State Genesis Based on African Evidence]. In Yu V. Bromley (ed.), Osnovnye problemy<br />

afrikanistiki. Etnografija. Istorija. Filologija. K 70-letiju chlena-korrespondenta AN SSSR<br />

D. A. Olderogge [Basic Problems of Africanistics. Ethnography. History. Philology. For<br />

the 70 th Anniversary of the Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the<br />

USSR D. A. Olderogge] (pp. 273–283). Moscow: Nauka.<br />

Tomasson, Richard S.<br />

1980 Iceland: The First New Society. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.<br />

Tong, Raymond<br />

1958 Figures in Ebony. Past and Present in a West African City. London: Cassell.<br />

Trepavlov, Vadim V.<br />

1995 The Nogay Alternative: From a State to a Chiefdom and Backwards. In Kradin and Lynsha<br />

1995: 144–151.<br />

Trigger, Bruce G.<br />

1985 Generalized Coercion and Inequality: The Basis of State Power in the Early Civilizations. In<br />

Henry J. M. Claessen with Pieter van de Velde and M. Estellie Smith (eds.), Development<br />

and Decline. The Evolution of Sociopolitical Organization (pp. 46–61). South<br />

Hadley, MA: Bergin and Garvey.<br />

1993 Early Civilizations: Ancient Egypt in Context. Cairo: The American University in Cairo<br />

Press.<br />

2003 Understanding Early Civilizatons: A Comparative Study. Cambridge: Cambridge University<br />

Press.<br />

Tuden, Arthur, and Catherine Marshall<br />

1972 Political Organization: Cross-Cultural Codes 4. Ethnology 11: 436–464.<br />

Tumans, Harijs<br />

2002 Rozhdenie Afiny. Afinskij put’ k demokratii: ot Gomera do Perikla (VIII – V vv. do n.e.) [The<br />

Birth of Athena. The Athenian Pathway to Democracy: From Homer to Pericles (8 th – 5 th<br />

Centuries BC)]. St. Petersburg: Gumanitarnaja akademija.<br />

Turner, Victor Witter<br />

1967 The Forest of Symbols: Aspects of Ndembu Rituals. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.<br />

Tyler, Stephen A.<br />

1986 Post-Modern Ethnography: From Document of the Occult to Occult Document. In James

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