Bondarenko Dmitri M. Homoarchy

Bondarenko Dmitri M. Homoarchy Bondarenko Dmitri M. Homoarchy


177 1954 Les Songhay. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. Rountree, Helen C., and E. Randolph Turner III 1998 The Evolution of the Powhatan Paramount Chiefdom in Virginia. In Elsa M. Redmond (ed.), Chiefdoms and Chieftaincy in the Americas (pp. 265–296). Gainesville, FL etc.: University Press of Florida. Rousseau, Jйrфme 1985 The Ideological Prerequisites of Inequality. In Henry J. M. Claessen with Pieter van de Velde and M. Estellie Smith (eds.), Development and Decline. The Evolution of Sociopolitical Organization (pp. 36–45). South Hadley, MA: Bergin and Garvey. Roussel, D. 1976 Tribu et citй: Etudes sur les groupes sociaux dans les citйs grecques aux epoques archaпque et classique. Paris: Plon. Rowlands, Michael 1993 The Good and Bad Death. Ritual Killing and Historical Transformation in a West African Kingdom. Paideuma 39: 291–301. Rowling, C. W. 1948 Notes on Land Tenure in the Benin, Kukuruku, Ishan and Asaba Divisions of Benin Province. Lagos: Temi-Asunwon. Rumann, W. B. 1914–1915 Funeral Ceremonies for the Late Ex-Oba of Benin. African Affairs 14: 35–39. Ryder, Alan F. C. 1967 The Rise of the Benin Kingdom. In Roland Anthony Oliver (ed.), The Middle Age of African History (pp. 27–33). London etc.: Oxford University Press. 1969 Benin and the Europeans. 1485 – 1897. London; Harlow: Longman. 1985 De la Volta au Cameroun. In D. T. Niane (ed.), Histoire generale de l’Afrique. Vol. IV. L’Afrique du XII e au XVI e siиcle (pp. 371–404). Paris: UNESCO. Sahlins, Marshall D. 1958 Social Stratification in Polynesia. Seattle: University of Washington Press. 1960 Evolution: Specific and General. In Marshall D. Sahlins and Elman R. Service (eds.), Evolution and Culture (pp. 12–44). Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press. 1963 Poor Man, Rich Man, Big Man, Chief: Political types in Melanesia and Polynesia. Comparative Studies in Society and History 5: 285–303. 1972 Stone Age Economics. Chicago: Aldine. Salvadorini, Vittorio A. 1972 Le Missioni a Benin e Warri nel XVII secolo. La Relazione inedita di Bonaventura da Firenze. Milano: Universita Pisa. Salzman, Philip Carl 1999 Is Inequality Universal? Current Anthropology 40: 31–44. 2004 Pastoralists: Equality, Hierarchy, and the State. Boulder, CO; Oxford: Westview Press. Samozvantsev, A. M. 2001 Sotsial’no-pravovaja organizatsija indijskogo obshchestva v kontse I tys. do n.e. – pervoj polovine I tys. n.e. [The Socio-legal Organization of Indian Society in the Late 1 st Millennium BC – First Half of the 1 st Millennium AD]. In D. N. Lielukhine and Yu. V.

177<br />

1954 Les Songhay. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.<br />

Rountree, Helen C., and E. Randolph Turner III<br />

1998 The Evolution of the Powhatan Paramount Chiefdom in Virginia. In Elsa M. Redmond (ed.),<br />

Chiefdoms and Chieftaincy in the Americas (pp. 265–296). Gainesville, FL etc.: University<br />

Press of Florida.<br />

Rousseau, Jйrфme<br />

1985 The Ideological Prerequisites of Inequality. In Henry J. M. Claessen with Pieter van de Velde<br />

and M. Estellie Smith (eds.), Development and Decline. The Evolution of Sociopolitical<br />

Organization (pp. 36–45). South Hadley, MA: Bergin and Garvey.<br />

Roussel, D.<br />

1976 Tribu et citй: Etudes sur les groupes sociaux dans les citйs grecques aux epoques archaпque et<br />

classique. Paris: Plon.<br />

Rowlands, Michael<br />

1993 The Good and Bad Death. Ritual Killing and Historical Transformation in a West African<br />

Kingdom. Paideuma 39: 291–301.<br />

Rowling, C. W.<br />

1948 Notes on Land Tenure in the Benin, Kukuruku, Ishan and Asaba Divisions of Benin Province.<br />

Lagos: Temi-Asunwon.<br />

Rumann, W. B.<br />

1914–1915 Funeral Ceremonies for the Late Ex-Oba of Benin. African Affairs 14: 35–39.<br />

Ryder, Alan F. C.<br />

1967 The Rise of the Benin Kingdom. In Roland Anthony Oliver (ed.), The Middle Age of African<br />

History (pp. 27–33). London etc.: Oxford University Press.<br />

1969 Benin and the Europeans. 1485 – 1897. London; Harlow: Longman.<br />

1985 De la Volta au Cameroun. In D. T. Niane (ed.), Histoire generale de l’Afrique. Vol. IV. L’Afrique<br />

du XII e au XVI e siиcle (pp. 371–404). Paris: UNESCO.<br />

Sahlins, Marshall D.<br />

1958 Social Stratification in Polynesia. Seattle: University of Washington Press.<br />

1960 Evolution: Specific and General. In Marshall D. Sahlins and Elman R. Service (eds.),<br />

Evolution and Culture (pp. 12–44). Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.<br />

1963 Poor Man, Rich Man, Big Man, Chief: Political types in Melanesia and Polynesia.<br />

Comparative Studies in Society and History 5: 285–303.<br />

1972 Stone Age Economics. Chicago: Aldine.<br />

Salvadorini, Vittorio A.<br />

1972 Le Missioni a Benin e Warri nel XVII secolo. La Relazione inedita di Bonaventura da Firenze.<br />

Milano: Universita Pisa.<br />

Salzman, Philip Carl<br />

1999 Is Inequality Universal? Current Anthropology 40: 31–44.<br />

2004 Pastoralists: Equality, Hierarchy, and the State. Boulder, CO; Oxford: Westview Press.<br />

Samozvantsev, A. M.<br />

2001 Sotsial’no-pravovaja organizatsija indijskogo obshchestva v kontse I tys. do n.e. – pervoj<br />

polovine I tys. n.e. [The Socio-legal Organization of Indian Society in the Late 1 st<br />

Millennium BC – First Half of the 1 st Millennium AD]. In D. N. Lielukhine and Yu. V.

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