Bondarenko Dmitri M. Homoarchy

Bondarenko Dmitri M. Homoarchy Bondarenko Dmitri M. Homoarchy


162 Cross-Cultural Research 37: 133–157. 2004 World Religions and Social Evolution of the Old World Oikumene Civilizations. A Cross- Cultural Perspective. Lewiston, MN etc.: The Edwin Mellen Press. 2005 Mirovye religii kak faktor sotsial’noj evoljutsii tsivilizatsij Starogo Sveta [World Religions as a Factor of Social Eolution of the Old World Civilizations]. In S. Yu. Malkov and A. V. Korotayev (eds.), Istorija i sinergetika: Metodologija issledovanija [History and Synergetics: Methodology of Research] (pp. 119–138). Moscow: KomKniga. Korotayev, Andrey V., and Dmitri M. Bondarenko 2000a Polygyny and Democracy: A Cross-Cultural Comparison. Cross-Cultural Research 34: 190–208. 2000b Polygyny vs Monogamy: Democracy vs Non-democracy? In Dmitri M. Bondarenko and Igor V. Sledzevski (eds.), Hierarchy and Power in the History of Civilizations. Abstracts of International Conference (pp. 65–66). Moscow: Institute for African Studies Press. 2001 Poliginija i demokratija: kross-kul’turnoe issledovanie [Polygyny and Democracy: A Cross- Cultural Study]. Algebra rodstva 7: 173–186. Korotayev, Andrey V., with Nikolay N. Kradin, Victor de Munck, and Valery A. Lynsha 2000 Alternativity of Social Evolution: Introductory Notes. In Kradin with Korotayev, Bondarenko, de Munck, and Wason 2000: 12–51. Korotayev, Andrey V., and A. A. Obolonkov 1989 Rodovaja organizatsija v sotsial’no-ekonomicheskoj strukture klassovykh obshchestv [Unilineal Descent Organization in the Socio-economic Structure of Class Societies]. Sovetskaja etnografija 2: 36–45. Kowalewski, Stephen A. 2000 Cyclical Transformations in North American Prehistory. In Kradin with Korotayev, Bondarenko, de Munck, and Wason 2000: 177–187. 2003 What is the Community? The Long View from Oaxaca, Mexico. Social Evolution and History 2 (1): 4–24. Krader, Lawrence 1968 Formation of the State. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Kradin, Nikolay N. 1991 Politogenez [State Formation]. In A. V. Korotayev and V. V. Chubarov (eds.), Arkhaicheskoe obshchestvo: uzlovye problemy sotsiologii razvitija [Archaic Society: Some Basic Problems of the Sociology of Evolution]. Vol. II (pp. 261–300). Moscow: Institute of History of the USSR Press. 1992 Kochevye obshchestva (problemy formatsionnoj kharakteristiki) [Nomadic Societies (Problems of Evolutionary Characteristics). Vladivostok: Dal’nauka. 1995 Vozhdestvo: sovremennoe sostojanie i problemy izuchenija [Chiefdom: Contemporary Situation and Problems of Studying]. In V. A. Popov (ed.), Rannie formy politicheskoj organizatsii: ot pervobytnosti k gosudarstvennosti [Early Forms of Political Organization: From Primitivity to Statehood] (pp. 11–61). Moscow: Vostochnaja literatura. 1998 “Rannee gosudarstvo”: kljuchevye aspekty kontseptsii i nekotorye momenty ejo istorii [“The Early State”: Key Aspects of the Concept and Some Episodes of Its History]. In I. V. Sledzevski and D. M. Bondarenko (eds.), Afrika: obshchestva, kul’tury, jazyki [Africa:

162<br />

Cross-Cultural Research 37: 133–157.<br />

2004 World Religions and Social Evolution of the Old World Oikumene Civilizations. A Cross-<br />

Cultural Perspective. Lewiston, MN etc.: The Edwin Mellen Press.<br />

2005 Mirovye religii kak faktor sotsial’noj evoljutsii tsivilizatsij Starogo Sveta [World Religions<br />

as a Factor of Social Eolution of the Old World Civilizations]. In S. Yu. Malkov and A. V.<br />

Korotayev (eds.), Istorija i sinergetika: Metodologija issledovanija [History and<br />

Synergetics: Methodology of Research] (pp. 119–138). Moscow: KomKniga.<br />

Korotayev, Andrey V., and <strong>Dmitri</strong> M. <strong>Bondarenko</strong><br />

2000a Polygyny and Democracy: A Cross-Cultural Comparison. Cross-Cultural Research 34:<br />

190–208.<br />

2000b Polygyny vs Monogamy: Democracy vs Non-democracy? In <strong>Dmitri</strong> M. <strong>Bondarenko</strong> and<br />

Igor V. Sledzevski (eds.), Hierarchy and Power in the History of Civilizations. Abstracts<br />

of International Conference (pp. 65–66). Moscow: Institute for African Studies Press.<br />

2001 Poliginija i demokratija: kross-kul’turnoe issledovanie [Polygyny and Democracy: A Cross-<br />

Cultural Study]. Algebra rodstva 7: 173–186.<br />

Korotayev, Andrey V., with Nikolay N. Kradin, Victor de Munck, and Valery A. Lynsha<br />

2000 Alternativity of Social Evolution: Introductory Notes. In Kradin with Korotayev,<br />

<strong>Bondarenko</strong>, de Munck, and Wason 2000: 12–51.<br />

Korotayev, Andrey V., and A. A. Obolonkov<br />

1989 Rodovaja organizatsija v sotsial’no-ekonomicheskoj strukture klassovykh obshchestv<br />

[Unilineal Descent Organization in the Socio-economic Structure of Class Societies].<br />

Sovetskaja etnografija 2: 36–45.<br />

Kowalewski, Stephen A.<br />

2000 Cyclical Transformations in North American Prehistory. In Kradin with Korotayev,<br />

<strong>Bondarenko</strong>, de Munck, and Wason 2000: 177–187.<br />

2003 What is the Community? The Long View from Oaxaca, Mexico. Social Evolution and<br />

History 2 (1): 4–24.<br />

Krader, Lawrence<br />

1968 Formation of the State. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.<br />

Kradin, Nikolay N.<br />

1991 Politogenez [State Formation]. In A. V. Korotayev and V. V. Chubarov (eds.), Arkhaicheskoe<br />

obshchestvo: uzlovye problemy sotsiologii razvitija [Archaic Society: Some Basic<br />

Problems of the Sociology of Evolution]. Vol. II (pp. 261–300). Moscow: Institute of<br />

History of the USSR Press.<br />

1992 Kochevye obshchestva (problemy formatsionnoj kharakteristiki) [Nomadic Societies<br />

(Problems of Evolutionary Characteristics). Vladivostok: Dal’nauka.<br />

1995 Vozhdestvo: sovremennoe sostojanie i problemy izuchenija [Chiefdom: Contemporary<br />

Situation and Problems of Studying]. In V. A. Popov (ed.), Rannie formy politicheskoj<br />

organizatsii: ot pervobytnosti k gosudarstvennosti [Early Forms of Political Organization:<br />

From Primitivity to Statehood] (pp. 11–61). Moscow: Vostochnaja literatura.<br />

1998 “Rannee gosudarstvo”: kljuchevye aspekty kontseptsii i nekotorye momenty ejo istorii [“The<br />

Early State”: Key Aspects of the Concept and Some Episodes of Its History]. In I. V.<br />

Sledzevski and D. M. <strong>Bondarenko</strong> (eds.), Afrika: obshchestva, kul’tury, jazyki [Africa:

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