Bondarenko Dmitri M. Homoarchy

Bondarenko Dmitri M. Homoarchy Bondarenko Dmitri M. Homoarchy


157 Ingram, Alan 1904/1588 A Relation Concerning a Voyage Set Foorth by M. John Newton, and M. John Bird, Merchants of London to the Kingdoms and Citie of Benin ... Anno 1588. In Richard Hakluyt (publ.), The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation... Vol. IV (pp. 297–302). Glasgow: Hakluyt Society. Ionov, I. N. 1992 Istoricheskij subject i al’ternativy sotsial’noj dejatel’nosti [The Historical Subject and Alternatives of Social Activities]. Al’ternativnost’ istorii 3: 109–131. Irons, William 1975 The Yomut Turkmen: A Study of Social Organization among a Central Asian Turkic-speaking Population. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press. 1979 Natural Selection, Adaptation, and Human Social Behavior. In Chagnon and Irons 1979: 4– 39. 1994 Why Are the Yomut Not More Stratified? In C. Chang and H. A. Koster (eds.), Pastoralists at the Periphery (pp. 175–196). Tucson, AZ; London: University of Arizona Press. Isaacs, Deborath, and Elizabeth Isaacs 1994 Benin: An African Kingdom. The Storybook. Traditional Stories. Warwick: International Broadcasting Trust. Isichei, Elizabeth 1983 A History of Nigeria. London etc.: Longman. Ivanov, Yu. M. 1998a Ot pervobytnosti k tsivilizatsii (kritika marksistskoj skhemy) [From the Primitive Society to Civilization (A Criticism on the Marxist Scheme]. Moscow: n.p. 1998b Vostok – metodologicheskie etjudy [The East – Methodological Essays]. Moscow: TEIS. Izard, Michel 1992 L’odyssйe du pouvoir. Un royaume africain: Йtat, societй, destin individuel. Paris: йditions de l’EHESS. Jajlenko, V. P. 1983 Arkhaicheskaja Gretsija [Archaic Greece]. In E. S. Golubtsova (ed.), Antichnaja Gretsija. Problemy razvitija polisa [Ancient Greece. Problems of the Polis’ Development]. Vol. I. Stanovlenie i razvitie polisa [Formation and Development of the Polis] (pp. 128–193). Moscow: Nauka. Jakobson, V. A. (ed.) 1997a Istoija Vostoka [History of the East]. Vol. I. Vostok v drevnosti [The East in Antiquity]. Moscow: Nauka. Jakobson, V. A. 1997b Gosudarstvo kak sotsial’naja organizatsija (teoreticheskie problemy) [State as Social Organization (Theoretical Aspects)]. Vostok/Oriens 1: 5–15. Jaspers, Karl 1953/1949 The Origin and Goal of History. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. Johnson, Allen W., and Timothy Earle 2000 The Evolution of Human Societies. From Foraging Group to Agrarian State. 2 nd ed. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

157<br />

Ingram, Alan<br />

1904/1588 A Relation Concerning a Voyage Set Foorth by M. John Newton, and M. John Bird,<br />

Merchants of London to the Kingdoms and Citie of Benin ... Anno 1588. In Richard<br />

Hakluyt (publ.), The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the<br />

English Nation... Vol. IV (pp. 297–302). Glasgow: Hakluyt Society.<br />

Ionov, I. N.<br />

1992 Istoricheskij subject i al’ternativy sotsial’noj dejatel’nosti [The Historical Subject and<br />

Alternatives of Social Activities]. Al’ternativnost’ istorii 3: 109–131.<br />

Irons, William<br />

1975 The Yomut Turkmen: A Study of Social Organization among a Central Asian Turkic-speaking<br />

Population. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.<br />

1979 Natural Selection, Adaptation, and Human Social Behavior. In Chagnon and Irons 1979: 4–<br />

39.<br />

1994 Why Are the Yomut Not More Stratified? In C. Chang and H. A. Koster (eds.), Pastoralists<br />

at the Periphery (pp. 175–196). Tucson, AZ; London: University of Arizona Press.<br />

Isaacs, Deborath, and Elizabeth Isaacs<br />

1994 Benin: An African Kingdom. The Storybook. Traditional Stories. Warwick: International<br />

Broadcasting Trust.<br />

Isichei, Elizabeth<br />

1983 A History of Nigeria. London etc.: Longman.<br />

Ivanov, Yu. M.<br />

1998a Ot pervobytnosti k tsivilizatsii (kritika marksistskoj skhemy) [From the Primitive Society to<br />

Civilization (A Criticism on the Marxist Scheme]. Moscow: n.p.<br />

1998b Vostok – metodologicheskie etjudy [The East – Methodological Essays]. Moscow: TEIS.<br />

Izard, Michel<br />

1992 L’odyssйe du pouvoir. Un royaume africain: Йtat, societй, destin individuel. Paris: йditions<br />

de l’EHESS.<br />

Jajlenko, V. P.<br />

1983 Arkhaicheskaja Gretsija [Archaic Greece]. In E. S. Golubtsova (ed.), Antichnaja Gretsija.<br />

Problemy razvitija polisa [Ancient Greece. Problems of the Polis’ Development]. Vol. I.<br />

Stanovlenie i razvitie polisa [Formation and Development of the Polis] (pp. 128–193).<br />

Moscow: Nauka.<br />

Jakobson, V. A. (ed.)<br />

1997a Istoija Vostoka [History of the East]. Vol. I. Vostok v drevnosti [The East in Antiquity].<br />

Moscow: Nauka.<br />

Jakobson, V. A.<br />

1997b Gosudarstvo kak sotsial’naja organizatsija (teoreticheskie problemy) [State as Social<br />

Organization (Theoretical Aspects)]. Vostok/Oriens 1: 5–15.<br />

Jaspers, Karl<br />

1953/1949 The Origin and Goal of History. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.<br />

Johnson, Allen W., and Timothy Earle<br />

2000 The Evolution of Human Societies. From Foraging Group to Agrarian State. 2 nd ed.<br />

Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

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