Bondarenko Dmitri M. Homoarchy

Bondarenko Dmitri M. Homoarchy Bondarenko Dmitri M. Homoarchy


153 1982 La Production des Grands Hommes. Paris: Fayard. Godelier, Maurice, and Marilyn Strathern (eds.) 1991 Big Men and Great Men: Personification of Power in Melanesia. Cambridge etc.: Cambridge University Press; Paris: Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme. Godina, Vesna V. 1996 What is Wrong with the Concept of Human (Social) Evolution? Theoretical Anthropology 2: 3–16. Godiner, E. S. 1982 Vozniknovenie i evoljutsija gosudarstva v Bugande [The Rise and Evolution of the State in Buganda]. Moscow: Nauka. 1991 Politicheskaja antropologija o proiskhozhdenii gosudarstva [Political Anthropology and the Origin of the State]. In S. Ya. Kozlov and P. I. Puchkov (eds.), Etnologicheskaja nauka za rubezhom: problemy, poiski, reshenija [Ethnology Abroad: Problems, Approaches, Solutions] (pp. 51–77). Moscow: Nauka. Goldenweiser, Alexander A. 1922 Early Civilization. An Introduction to Anthropology. New York: Knopf. Goldman, Irving 1970 Ancient Polynesian Society. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Gomerov, I. N. 2002 Gosudarstvo i gosudarstvennaja vlast’ [The State and State Power]. Moscow: JuKEA. Goody, Jack (ed.) 1973 The Character of Kinship. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Gossiaux, J.-F. 2000 Communautй. In Pierre Bonte and Michel Izard (eds.), Dictionnaire de l’ethnologie et de l’anthropologie (pp. 165–166). Paris: Quadrige / Presses Universitaires de France. Gowdy, John (ed.) 1998 Limited Wants, Unlimited Means: A Reader on Hunter-Gatherer Economics and the Environment. Washington, D.C.: Island. Griffin, James B. 1983 The Midlands. In J. D. Jennings (ed.), Ancient North Americans (pp. 243–301). San Francisco: Freeman. Grinin, Leonid E. 1997 Formatsii i tsivilizatsii. Gl. 4. Sotsial’no-politicheskie, etnicheskie i dukhovnye aspekty sotsiologii istorii [Formations and Civilizations. Ch. 4. Socio-political, Ethnic, and Spiritual Aspects of the Sociology of History]. Filosofija i obshchestvo 5: 5–64. 2000a Politogenez: general’naja i bokovye linii [Evolution of Political Organization: General and Lateral Branches]. Volgograd: Uchitel. 2000b Proizvoditel’nye sily i istoricheskij protsess [Productive Forces and Historical Process]. Moscow: TEIS. 2004a Early State and Democracy. In Grinin with Carneiro, Bondarenko, Kradin, and Korotayev 2004: 419–463. 2004b The Early State and Its Analogues: A Comparative Analysis. In Grinin with Carneiro, Bondarenko, Kradin, and Korotayev 2004: 88–136.

153<br />

1982 La Production des Grands Hommes. Paris: Fayard.<br />

Godelier, Maurice, and Marilyn Strathern (eds.)<br />

1991 Big Men and Great Men: Personification of Power in Melanesia. Cambridge etc.: Cambridge<br />

University Press; Paris: Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme.<br />

Godina, Vesna V.<br />

1996 What is Wrong with the Concept of Human (Social) Evolution? Theoretical Anthropology 2:<br />

3–16.<br />

Godiner, E. S.<br />

1982 Vozniknovenie i evoljutsija gosudarstva v Bugande [The Rise and Evolution of the State in<br />

Buganda]. Moscow: Nauka.<br />

1991 Politicheskaja antropologija o proiskhozhdenii gosudarstva [Political Anthropology and the<br />

Origin of the State]. In S. Ya. Kozlov and P. I. Puchkov (eds.), Etnologicheskaja nauka za<br />

rubezhom: problemy, poiski, reshenija [Ethnology Abroad: Problems, Approaches,<br />

Solutions] (pp. 51–77). Moscow: Nauka.<br />

Goldenweiser, Alexander A.<br />

1922 Early Civilization. An Introduction to Anthropology. New York: Knopf.<br />

Goldman, Irving<br />

1970 Ancient Polynesian Society. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.<br />

Gomerov, I. N.<br />

2002 Gosudarstvo i gosudarstvennaja vlast’ [The State and State Power]. Moscow: JuKEA.<br />

Goody, Jack (ed.)<br />

1973 The Character of Kinship. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.<br />

Gossiaux, J.-F.<br />

2000 Communautй. In Pierre Bonte and Michel Izard (eds.), Dictionnaire de l’ethnologie et de<br />

l’anthropologie (pp. 165–166). Paris: Quadrige / Presses Universitaires de France.<br />

Gowdy, John (ed.)<br />

1998 Limited Wants, Unlimited Means: A Reader on Hunter-Gatherer Economics and the<br />

Environment. Washington, D.C.: Island.<br />

Griffin, James B.<br />

1983 The Midlands. In J. D. Jennings (ed.), Ancient North Americans (pp. 243–301). San<br />

Francisco: Freeman.<br />

Grinin, Leonid E.<br />

1997 Formatsii i tsivilizatsii. Gl. 4. Sotsial’no-politicheskie, etnicheskie i dukhovnye aspekty<br />

sotsiologii istorii [Formations and Civilizations. Ch. 4. Socio-political, Ethnic, and<br />

Spiritual Aspects of the Sociology of History]. Filosofija i obshchestvo 5: 5–64.<br />

2000a Politogenez: general’naja i bokovye linii [Evolution of Political Organization: General and<br />

Lateral Branches]. Volgograd: Uchitel.<br />

2000b Proizvoditel’nye sily i istoricheskij protsess [Productive Forces and Historical Process].<br />

Moscow: TEIS.<br />

2004a Early State and Democracy. In Grinin with Carneiro, <strong>Bondarenko</strong>, Kradin, and Korotayev<br />

2004: 419–463.<br />

2004b The Early State and Its Analogues: A Comparative Analysis. In Grinin with Carneiro,<br />

<strong>Bondarenko</strong>, Kradin, and Korotayev 2004: 88–136.

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