Bondarenko Dmitri M. Homoarchy

Bondarenko Dmitri M. Homoarchy Bondarenko Dmitri M. Homoarchy


152 Gallwey, Henry L. 1893 Journeys in the Benin Country, West Africa. Geographical Journal 1: 122–130. 1938 Benin Altars and Compounds. Ethnologia Cranmorensis 3: 3–5. 1969/1892 Report on Visit to Ubini (Benin City) the Capital of the Benin Country. In Ryder 1969. App. 9 (pp. 345–348). Gardner, P. M. 2000 Bicultural Versatility as a Frontier Adaptation among Paliyan Foragers of South India. Lewiston, MN; New York: The Edwin Mellen Press. Geertz, Clifford 1973 The Interpretation of Cultures. New York: Basic Books. 1983 Local Knowledge: Further Essays in Interpretative Anthropology. New York: Basic Books. 2004 What is a State If It Is Not a Sovereign? Current Anthropology 45: 577–585. Gelb, I. J. 1979 Household and Family in Early Mesopotamia. In E. Lipiтski (ed.), State and Temple Economy in the Ancient Near East. Vol. I (pp. 1–97). Louvain: Peeters. Gellner, Ernest 1991/1983 Natsii i natsionalizm [Nation and Nationalism]. Moscow: Progress. 1992 Marksistskaja Kniga Bytija [The Marxist Book of Genesis]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 2: 35–51. Genicot, Lйopold 1968 Le XIII e siиcle europйen. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. Girenko, N. M. 1991 Sotsiologija plemeni. Stanovlenie sotsiologicheskoj teorii i osnovnye komponenty sotsial’noj dinamiki [The Sociology of the Tribe. The Rise of Sociological Theory and Basic Components of Social Dynamics]. Moscow: Nauka. 2000 K voprosu o sootnoshenii linij semejno-rodstvennykh i obshchinnykh struktur [On the Correlation between the Lines of the Family-kin and Community Structures]. In V. A. Popov (ed.), Rannie formy sotsial’noj organizatsii. Genezis, funksionirovanie, istoricheskaja dinamika [Early Forms of Social Organization. Genesis, Functioning, Historical Dynamics] (pp. 79–92). St. Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography Press. Glassner, Jean-Jacques 2004 Du bon usage du concept de cite-Йtat? Journal des africanistes 74: 35–45. Gledhill, John 1994 Power and Its Disguises. Anthropological Perspectives on Politics. London; Chicago: Pluto Press. Gluckman, Max (ed.) 1962 Essays on the Ritual of Social Relations. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Gluckman, Max 1965 Politics, Law and Ritual in Tribal Society. Oxford: Blackwell. 1987/1940 The Kingdom of the Zulu of South Africa. In Fortes and Evans-Pritchard 1987/1940a: 25–55. Godelier, Maurice

152<br />

Gallwey, Henry L.<br />

1893 Journeys in the Benin Country, West Africa. Geographical Journal 1: 122–130.<br />

1938 Benin Altars and Compounds. Ethnologia Cranmorensis 3: 3–5.<br />

1969/1892 Report on Visit to Ubini (Benin City) the Capital of the Benin Country. In Ryder 1969.<br />

App. 9 (pp. 345–348).<br />

Gardner, P. M.<br />

2000 Bicultural Versatility as a Frontier Adaptation among Paliyan Foragers of South India.<br />

Lewiston, MN; New York: The Edwin Mellen Press.<br />

Geertz, Clifford<br />

1973 The Interpretation of Cultures. New York: Basic Books.<br />

1983 Local Knowledge: Further Essays in Interpretative Anthropology. New York: Basic Books.<br />

2004 What is a State If It Is Not a Sovereign? Current Anthropology 45: 577–585.<br />

Gelb, I. J.<br />

1979 Household and Family in Early Mesopotamia. In E. Lipiтski (ed.), State and Temple<br />

Economy in the Ancient Near East. Vol. I (pp. 1–97). Louvain: Peeters.<br />

Gellner, Ernest<br />

1991/1983 Natsii i natsionalizm [Nation and Nationalism]. Moscow: Progress.<br />

1992 Marksistskaja Kniga Bytija [The Marxist Book of Genesis]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 2:<br />

35–51.<br />

Genicot, Lйopold<br />

1968 Le XIII e siиcle europйen. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.<br />

Girenko, N. M.<br />

1991 Sotsiologija plemeni. Stanovlenie sotsiologicheskoj teorii i osnovnye komponenty sotsial’noj<br />

dinamiki [The Sociology of the Tribe. The Rise of Sociological Theory and Basic<br />

Components of Social Dynamics]. Moscow: Nauka.<br />

2000 K voprosu o sootnoshenii linij semejno-rodstvennykh i obshchinnykh struktur [On the<br />

Correlation between the Lines of the Family-kin and Community Structures]. In V. A.<br />

Popov (ed.), Rannie formy sotsial’noj organizatsii. Genezis, funksionirovanie,<br />

istoricheskaja dinamika [Early Forms of Social Organization. Genesis, Functioning,<br />

Historical Dynamics] (pp. 79–92). St. Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology and<br />

Ethnography Press.<br />

Glassner, Jean-Jacques<br />

2004 Du bon usage du concept de cite-Йtat? Journal des africanistes 74: 35–45.<br />

Gledhill, John<br />

1994 Power and Its Disguises. Anthropological Perspectives on Politics. London; Chicago: Pluto<br />

Press.<br />

Gluckman, Max (ed.)<br />

1962 Essays on the Ritual of Social Relations. Manchester: Manchester University Press.<br />

Gluckman, Max<br />

1965 Politics, Law and Ritual in Tribal Society. Oxford: Blackwell.<br />

1987/1940 The Kingdom of the Zulu of South Africa. In Fortes and Evans-Pritchard 1987/1940a:<br />

25–55.<br />

Godelier, Maurice

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