Bondarenko Dmitri M. Homoarchy

Bondarenko Dmitri M. Homoarchy Bondarenko Dmitri M. Homoarchy


147 Dennett, Robert E. 1906 At the Back of the Black Man’s Mind Or Notes on the Kingly Office in West Africa. London; New York: Macmillan and C o . 1910 Nigerian Studies Or The Religious and Political System of the Yoruba. London: Macmillan and C o . Deryagina, M. A., and M. L. Butovskaya 2004 Sistematika i povedenie primatov [Systematics and Behavior of the Primates]. Moscow: Entsiklopedija rossijskikh dereven’. Diagne, P. 1970 Contribution а l’analyse des rйgimes et systиmes politiques traditionnels en Afrique de l’Ouest. Bulletin de l’Institut Fondamental d’Afrique Noire (Sйr. B) 32: 845–887. 1981 Le pouvoir en Afrique. In P. Diagne (ed.), Le concept de pouvoir en Afrique (pp. 28–55). Paris: Les Presses de l’UNESCO. Diakonoff, I. M. 1985 Extended Families in Old Babylonian Ur. Zeitschrift fьr Assyriologie 75: 47–65. Diakonoff, I. M., and V. A. Jakobson 1982 “Nomovye gosudarstva”, “territorial’nye tsarstva”, “polisy” i “imperii”. Problemy tipologii [“Nome States”, “Territorial Kingdoms”, “Poleis”, and “Empires”. Problems of Typology]. Vestnik drevnej istorii 2: 3–16. 1998 Grazhdanskoe obshchestvo v drevnosti [Civil Society in Antiquity]. Vestnik drevnej istorii 1: 22–30. Diakonoff, I. M., with V. D. Neronova and I. S. Sventsitskaja (eds.) 1989 Istorija drevnego mira [Ancient History]. Vols. I–III. Moscow: Nauka. Dictionary n.d. Web Dictionary of Cybernetics and Systems. Diesner, Hans-Joachim 1966 Das Vandalenreich. Aufstieg und Untergang. Stuttgart etc.: Kohlhammer Verlag. Dike, K. O. 1959 Benin – srednevekovoe gosudarstvo Nigerii [Benin, A Medieval Nigerian State]. Kur’er JuNESKO 10: 13–14. Diop, Cheikh Anta 1960 L’Afrique Noire prйcoloniale. Йtude comparйe des systems politiques et sociaux de l’Europe et de l’Afrique Noire, de l’antiquitй б la formation des йtats modernes. Paris: Prйsence africaine. Diop, Thomas 1958–1959 Forme traditionnelle de gouvernment en Afrique Noire. Presence Africaine 23: 1–16. Divale, William T. 1974 Migration, External Warfare, and Matrilocal Residence. Behavior Science Research 9: 75– 133. Dozhdev, Dmitri V. 1990 Individualizm pravosoznanija v arkhaicheskom Rime [Individualism of Legal Consciousness in Archaic Rome]. In M. V. Dmitriev (ed.), Stili myshlenija i povedenija v istorii mirovoj

147<br />

Dennett, Robert E.<br />

1906 At the Back of the Black Man’s Mind Or Notes on the Kingly Office in West Africa. London;<br />

New York: Macmillan and C o .<br />

1910 Nigerian Studies Or The Religious and Political System of the Yoruba. London: Macmillan<br />

and C o .<br />

Deryagina, M. A., and M. L. Butovskaya<br />

2004 Sistematika i povedenie primatov [Systematics and Behavior of the Primates]. Moscow:<br />

Entsiklopedija rossijskikh dereven’.<br />

Diagne, P.<br />

1970 Contribution а l’analyse des rйgimes et systиmes politiques traditionnels en Afrique de<br />

l’Ouest. Bulletin de l’Institut Fondamental d’Afrique Noire (Sйr. B) 32: 845–887.<br />

1981 Le pouvoir en Afrique. In P. Diagne (ed.), Le concept de pouvoir en Afrique (pp. 28–55).<br />

Paris: Les Presses de l’UNESCO.<br />

Diakonoff, I. M.<br />

1985 Extended Families in Old Babylonian Ur. Zeitschrift fьr Assyriologie 75: 47–65.<br />

Diakonoff, I. M., and V. A. Jakobson<br />

1982 “Nomovye gosudarstva”, “territorial’nye tsarstva”, “polisy” i “imperii”. Problemy tipologii<br />

[“Nome States”, “Territorial Kingdoms”, “Poleis”, and “Empires”. Problems of Typology].<br />

Vestnik drevnej istorii 2: 3–16.<br />

1998 Grazhdanskoe obshchestvo v drevnosti [Civil Society in Antiquity]. Vestnik drevnej istorii 1:<br />

22–30.<br />

Diakonoff, I. M., with V. D. Neronova and I. S. Sventsitskaja (eds.)<br />

1989 Istorija drevnego mira [Ancient History]. Vols. I–III. Moscow: Nauka.<br />

Dictionary<br />

n.d. Web Dictionary of Cybernetics and Systems.<br />

Diesner, Hans-Joachim<br />

1966 Das Vandalenreich. Aufstieg und Untergang. Stuttgart etc.: Kohlhammer Verlag.<br />

Dike, K. O.<br />

1959 Benin – srednevekovoe gosudarstvo Nigerii [Benin, A Medieval Nigerian State]. Kur’er<br />

JuNESKO 10: 13–14.<br />

Diop, Cheikh Anta<br />

1960 L’Afrique Noire prйcoloniale. Йtude comparйe des systems politiques et sociaux de l’Europe<br />

et de l’Afrique Noire, de l’antiquitй б la formation des йtats modernes. Paris: Prйsence<br />

africaine.<br />

Diop, Thomas<br />

1958–1959 Forme traditionnelle de gouvernment en Afrique Noire. Presence Africaine 23: 1–16.<br />

Divale, William T.<br />

1974 Migration, External Warfare, and Matrilocal Residence. Behavior Science Research 9: 75–<br />

133.<br />

Dozhdev, <strong>Dmitri</strong> V.<br />

1990 Individualizm pravosoznanija v arkhaicheskom Rime [Individualism of Legal Consciousness<br />

in Archaic Rome]. In M. V. <strong>Dmitri</strong>ev (ed.), Stili myshlenija i povedenija v istorii mirovoj

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