Bondarenko Dmitri M. Homoarchy

Bondarenko Dmitri M. Homoarchy Bondarenko Dmitri M. Homoarchy


138 (pp. 327–350). Moscow: Vostochnaja literatura. 2001 Doimperskij Benin: formirovanie i evoljutsija sistemy sotsial’no-politicheskikh institutov [Preimperial Benin: Formation and Evolution of the Sociopolitical Institutions System]. Moscow: Institute for African Studies Press. 2002 Kingdom without State? (Max Weber on Bureaucracy, and the 13 th – 19 th Centuries Benin). In A. M. Vassiliev (ed.), African Studies in Russia 1998 – 2000 (pp. 54–60). Moscow: Institute for African Studies Press. 2003a Advent of the Second (Oba) Dynasty: Another Assessment of a Benin History Key Point. History in Africa 30: 63–85. 2003b Globalization vs. Dialogue of Civilizations: The World-System and Civilizational Approaches to History and Present. In Mahmoud ‘Ouda (ed.), Globalization and the Dialogue of Civilizations: Making of a New World (pp. 5–11). Cairo: Ain Shams University Press. 2003c Sakralizatsija verkhovnoj vlasti v srednevekovom Benine [Sacralization of Supreme Power in Medieval Benin]. In N. A. Selounskaia (ed.), Vlast’, pravo, norma: svetskoe i sakral’noe v antichnom i srednevekovom mire [Power, Law, Norm: The Profane and the Sacral in the Ancient and Medieval World] (pp. 229–264). Pt. II. Moscow: Institute of World History Press. 2004a From Local Communities to Megacommunity: Biniland in the 1 st Millennium BC – 19 th Century AD. In Grinin with Carneiro, Bondarenko, Kradin, and Korotayev 2004: 325–363. 2004b Sotsial’no-politicheskaja evoljutsija: ot ravnopolozhennosti tipov obshchiny k al’ternativnosti form nadobshchinnoj organizatsii [Socio-Political Evolution: From Equality of Community Types to Alternativity of Supracommunity Organization Forms]. In O. E. Nepomnin (ed.), Alaica. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov rossijskikh vostokovedov, podgotovlennyj k 70-letnemu jubileju professora, doktora istoricheskikh nauk L. B. Alaeva [Alaica. Festschrift for the 70 th Anniversary of Professor, Doctor of Sciences L. B. Alaev] (pp. 32–53). Moscow: Vostochnaja literatura. 2005a A Homoarchic Alternative to the Homoarchic State: Benin Kingdom of the 13 th – 19 th Centuries. Social Evolution and History 4 (2): 18–88. 2005b Benin XIII – XIX vv.: byli li verkhovnye vozhdi bjurokratami, a strana – gosudarstvom? [Benin of the 13 th – 19 th Centuries: Were Titled Chiefs Bureaucrats and Was the Country a State?]. In I. V. Sledzevski (ed.), Granitsa. Rubezh. Perekhod. Sotsiokul’yurnoe pogranichje v global’nom i regional’nom aspektakh [Frontier. Border. Passage. Sociocultural Borderline in Global and Regional Aspects] (pp. 80–88). Moscow: Institute for African Studies Press. 2005c Bini [The Binis]. In Yu. M. Osipov (ed.), Bol’shaja rossijskaja entsiklopedija [Big Russian Encyclopaedia]. Vol. III (p. 482). Moscow: Rossijskaja entsiklopedija. 2005d Dokolonial’nyj Benin pri dinastii oba: traektorija sakralizatsii verkhovnoj vlasti [Precolonial Benin under the Oba Dynasty: The Trajectory of Supreme Power’s Sacralization]. In D. M. Bondarenko (ed.), Sakralizatsija vlasti v istorii tsivilizatsij [Sacralization of Power in the History of Civilizations]. Pt. I (pp. 197–216). Moscow: Center for Civilizational and Regional Studies Press. 2005e Globalization vs. Dialogue of Civilizations: Implications for Africa. In A. M. Vassiliev

138<br />

(pp. 327–350). Moscow: Vostochnaja literatura.<br />

2001 Doimperskij Benin: formirovanie i evoljutsija sistemy sotsial’no-politicheskikh institutov<br />

[Preimperial Benin: Formation and Evolution of the Sociopolitical Institutions System].<br />

Moscow: Institute for African Studies Press.<br />

2002 Kingdom without State? (Max Weber on Bureaucracy, and the 13 th – 19 th Centuries Benin).<br />

In A. M. Vassiliev (ed.), African Studies in Russia 1998 – 2000 (pp. 54–60). Moscow:<br />

Institute for African Studies Press.<br />

2003a Advent of the Second (Oba) Dynasty: Another Assessment of a Benin History Key Point.<br />

History in Africa 30: 63–85.<br />

2003b Globalization vs. Dialogue of Civilizations: The World-System and Civilizational<br />

Approaches to History and Present. In Mahmoud ‘Ouda (ed.), Globalization and the<br />

Dialogue of Civilizations: Making of a New World (pp. 5–11). Cairo: Ain Shams<br />

University Press.<br />

2003c Sakralizatsija verkhovnoj vlasti v srednevekovom Benine [Sacralization of Supreme Power<br />

in Medieval Benin]. In N. A. Selounskaia (ed.), Vlast’, pravo, norma: svetskoe i<br />

sakral’noe v antichnom i srednevekovom mire [Power, Law, Norm: The Profane and the<br />

Sacral in the Ancient and Medieval World] (pp. 229–264). Pt. II. Moscow: Institute of<br />

World History Press.<br />

2004a From Local Communities to Megacommunity: Biniland in the 1 st Millennium BC – 19 th<br />

Century AD. In Grinin with Carneiro, <strong>Bondarenko</strong>, Kradin, and Korotayev 2004: 325–363.<br />

2004b Sotsial’no-politicheskaja evoljutsija: ot ravnopolozhennosti tipov obshchiny k<br />

al’ternativnosti form nadobshchinnoj organizatsii [Socio-Political Evolution: From<br />

Equality of Community Types to Alternativity of Supracommunity Organization Forms].<br />

In O. E. Nepomnin (ed.), Alaica. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov rossijskikh vostokovedov,<br />

podgotovlennyj k 70-letnemu jubileju professora, doktora istoricheskikh nauk L. B. Alaeva<br />

[Alaica. Festschrift for the 70 th Anniversary of Professor, Doctor of Sciences L. B. Alaev]<br />

(pp. 32–53). Moscow: Vostochnaja literatura.<br />

2005a A Homoarchic Alternative to the Homoarchic State: Benin Kingdom of the 13 th – 19 th<br />

Centuries. Social Evolution and History 4 (2): 18–88.<br />

2005b Benin XIII – XIX vv.: byli li verkhovnye vozhdi bjurokratami, a strana – gosudarstvom?<br />

[Benin of the 13 th – 19 th Centuries: Were Titled Chiefs Bureaucrats and Was the Country a<br />

State?]. In I. V. Sledzevski (ed.), Granitsa. Rubezh. Perekhod. Sotsiokul’yurnoe<br />

pogranichje v global’nom i regional’nom aspektakh [Frontier. Border. Passage. Sociocultural<br />

Borderline in Global and Regional Aspects] (pp. 80–88). Moscow: Institute for<br />

African Studies Press.<br />

2005c Bini [The Binis]. In Yu. M. Osipov (ed.), Bol’shaja rossijskaja entsiklopedija [Big Russian<br />

Encyclopaedia]. Vol. III (p. 482). Moscow: Rossijskaja entsiklopedija.<br />

2005d Dokolonial’nyj Benin pri dinastii oba: traektorija sakralizatsii verkhovnoj vlasti<br />

[Precolonial Benin under the Oba Dynasty: The Trajectory of Supreme Power’s<br />

Sacralization]. In D. M. <strong>Bondarenko</strong> (ed.), Sakralizatsija vlasti v istorii tsivilizatsij<br />

[Sacralization of Power in the History of Civilizations]. Pt. I (pp. 197–216). Moscow:<br />

Center for Civilizational and Regional Studies Press.<br />

2005e Globalization vs. Dialogue of Civilizations: Implications for Africa. In A. M. Vassiliev

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