Bondarenko Dmitri M. Homoarchy

Bondarenko Dmitri M. Homoarchy Bondarenko Dmitri M. Homoarchy


135 (pp. 132–149). Moscow: Institute for African Studies Press. 1991b Proizvodstvennaja i sotsial’naja oranizatsija gorodov joruba i edo (bini) v “predjevropejskij” period (XIV XV vv.) [Productive and Social Organization of the Yoruba and Edo [Bini] Towns in the “Pre-European” Period (14 th 15 th Centuries)]. Sovetskaja etnografija 4: 109–115. 1991c Sakral’naja funktsija pozdnepotestarnogo verkhovnogo pravitelja i kharakter predgosudarstvennogo obshchestva (po beninskim materialam) [The Sacral Duties of Latepotestal Ruler and the Nature of the Prestate Society (By the Benin Evidence)]. In N. N. Kradin (ed.), Pervaja Dal’nevostochnaja konferentsija molodykh istorikov [The First Far Eastern Conference of Young Historians] (pp. 10–12). Vladivostok: Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography Press. 1991d Vozniknovenie klassov i gosudarstva i nekotorye osobennosti ikh funktsionirovanija v dokapitalisticheskikh obshchestvakh [Classes and State Formation and Some Specific Features of Their Functioning in Precapitalist Societies]. In K. M. Truevtsev (ed.), Kontseptsii obshchestvennogo progressa. Tochka zrenija afrikanistov [Concepts of Social Progress. The Africanists’ Viewpoint] (pp. 141–165). Moscow: Institute for African Studies Press. 1992a Estestvennaja sreda i tsivilizatsii [Natural Environment and Civilizations]. In V. S. Krisachenko and S. S. Tesljuk (eds.), Priroda. Ljudina. Etnos [Nature. Person. Ethnicity]. Vol. I (pp. 29–30). Lutsk: Industrial Institute Press. 1992b Mificheskoe i real’noe prostranstvo homo beninus: problema neraschlenimosti i identichnosti [Mythical and Real Space of Homo Beninus: The Problem of Nondismemberness and Identity]. In I. V. Sledzevski (ed.), Prostranstvo i vremja v arkhaicheskikh kul’turakh [Time and Space in Archaic Cultures] (pp. 40–43). Moscow: Institute for African Studies Press. 1993a Privilegirovannye kategorii naselenija v Benine nakanune pervykh kontaktov s evropejtsami [Privileged Categories of the Benin Population on the Eve of the First Contacts with Europeans]. In V. A. Popov (ed.), Rannie formy sotsial’noj stratifikatsii: genezis, istoricheskaja dinamika, potestarno-politicheskie funktsii [Early Forms of Social Stratification: Genesis, Historical Dynamics, Potestal-and-Political Functions] (pp. 145– 168). Moscow: Vostochnaja literatura. 1993b Stanovlenie gosudarstvennogo obshchestva. Pervyj vyzov vechnoj probleme v postsovetskoj etnologii [State Society Formation. The First Challenge to Eternal Problem in Post-Soviet Ethnology]. Vostok/Oriens 5: 185–197. 1994 Precolonial Benin: Person, Authority and the Structure of Society. In Jeremy A. Sabloff and Makhan Lal (eds.), State, City and Society (pp. 1–10). New Delhi: World Archaeological Congress–3. 1995a Benin nakanune pervykh kontaktov s evropejtsami: chelovek, obshchestvo, vlast’ [Benin on the Eve of the First Contacts with Europeans: Person, Society, Authority]. Moscow: Institute for African Studies Press. 1995b Megacommunity as a Variant of Structure and Type of Society: Precolonial Benin. In Kradin and Lynsha 1995: 100–108. 1995c Spetsifika struktury goroda Tropicheskoj Afriki (po materialam dokolonial’nykh “gorodov-

135<br />

(pp. 132–149). Moscow: Institute for African Studies Press.<br />

1991b Proizvodstvennaja i sotsial’naja oranizatsija gorodov joruba i edo (bini) v<br />

“predjevropejskij” period (XIV XV vv.) [Productive and Social Organization of the<br />

Yoruba and Edo [Bini] Towns in the “Pre-European” Period (14 th 15 th Centuries)].<br />

Sovetskaja etnografija 4: 109–115.<br />

1991c Sakral’naja funktsija pozdnepotestarnogo verkhovnogo pravitelja i kharakter<br />

predgosudarstvennogo obshchestva (po beninskim materialam) [The Sacral Duties of Latepotestal<br />

Ruler and the Nature of the Prestate Society (By the Benin Evidence)]. In N. N. Kradin<br />

(ed.), Pervaja Dal’nevostochnaja konferentsija molodykh istorikov [The First Far Eastern<br />

Conference of Young Historians] (pp. 10–12). Vladivostok: Institute of History, Archaeology<br />

and Ethnography Press.<br />

1991d Vozniknovenie klassov i gosudarstva i nekotorye osobennosti ikh funktsionirovanija v<br />

dokapitalisticheskikh obshchestvakh [Classes and State Formation and Some Specific<br />

Features of Their Functioning in Precapitalist Societies]. In K. M. Truevtsev (ed.),<br />

Kontseptsii obshchestvennogo progressa. Tochka zrenija afrikanistov [Concepts of Social<br />

Progress. The Africanists’ Viewpoint] (pp. 141–165). Moscow: Institute for African<br />

Studies Press.<br />

1992a Estestvennaja sreda i tsivilizatsii [Natural Environment and Civilizations]. In V. S.<br />

Krisachenko and S. S. Tesljuk (eds.), Priroda. Ljudina. Etnos [Nature. Person. Ethnicity].<br />

Vol. I (pp. 29–30). Lutsk: Industrial Institute Press.<br />

1992b Mificheskoe i real’noe prostranstvo homo beninus: problema neraschlenimosti i<br />

identichnosti [Mythical and Real Space of Homo Beninus: The Problem of Nondismemberness<br />

and Identity]. In I. V. Sledzevski (ed.), Prostranstvo i vremja v<br />

arkhaicheskikh kul’turakh [Time and Space in Archaic Cultures] (pp. 40–43). Moscow:<br />

Institute for African Studies Press.<br />

1993a Privilegirovannye kategorii naselenija v Benine nakanune pervykh kontaktov s evropejtsami<br />

[Privileged Categories of the Benin Population on the Eve of the First Contacts with<br />

Europeans]. In V. A. Popov (ed.), Rannie formy sotsial’noj stratifikatsii: genezis,<br />

istoricheskaja dinamika, potestarno-politicheskie funktsii [Early Forms of Social<br />

Stratification: Genesis, Historical Dynamics, Potestal-and-Political Functions] (pp. 145–<br />

168). Moscow: Vostochnaja literatura.<br />

1993b Stanovlenie gosudarstvennogo obshchestva. Pervyj vyzov vechnoj probleme v<br />

postsovetskoj etnologii [State Society Formation. The First Challenge to Eternal Problem<br />

in Post-Soviet Ethnology]. Vostok/Oriens 5: 185–197.<br />

1994 Precolonial Benin: Person, Authority and the Structure of Society. In Jeremy A. Sabloff and<br />

Makhan Lal (eds.), State, City and Society (pp. 1–10). New Delhi: World Archaeological<br />

Congress–3.<br />

1995a Benin nakanune pervykh kontaktov s evropejtsami: chelovek, obshchestvo, vlast’ [Benin on<br />

the Eve of the First Contacts with Europeans: Person, Society, Authority]. Moscow:<br />

Institute for African Studies Press.<br />

1995b Megacommunity as a Variant of Structure and Type of Society: Precolonial Benin. In<br />

Kradin and Lynsha 1995: 100–108.<br />

1995c Spetsifika struktury goroda Tropicheskoj Afriki (po materialam dokolonial’nykh “gorodov-

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