Bondarenko Dmitri M. Homoarchy

Bondarenko Dmitri M. Homoarchy Bondarenko Dmitri M. Homoarchy


134 1993 Afrika: kul’tura ekonomika ekologija [Africa: Culture – Economy – Ecology]. Moscow: Institute of Information on Social Sciences. Blumberg, R. L., and R. F. Winch 1972 Societal Complexity and Familial Complexity: Evidence for the Curvilinear Hypothesis. American Journal of Sociology 77 898–920. Boas, Franz 1940 Race, Language and Culture. New York: Macmillan. Bobrovnikov, Vladimir O. 2000 The Berbers (19 th – Early 20 th Centuries AD). In Bondarenko and Korotayev 2000a: 175– 190. Bocharov, V. V. 1994 Individ i vlast’ v Tropicheskoj Afrike (k probleme irratsional’nogo v politike) [Person and Power in Tropical Africa (On the Issue of Irrational in Politics)]. In I. V. Sledzevski and A. N. Mosejko (eds.), Okoldovannaja real’nost’ (mir afrikanskoj mental’nosti) [Bewitched Reality (The World of African Mentality)] (pp. 123–139). Moscow: Vostochnaja literatura. 2000 Antropologija vozrasta [Anthropology of the Age]. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg University Press. Bockisch, Gabriele 1987 Heroenzeit und militдrische Demokratie. Klio 69: 374–387. Boehm, Christopher 1999 Hierarchy in the Forest: The Evolution of Egalitarian Behavior. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Bohannan, Paul, and John Middleton 1968 Kinship and Social Organization. New York: The Natural History Press. Boisragon, Alan 1898 The Benin Massacre. London: Methuen and C o . Bondarenko, Dmitri M. 1989 K voprosu o sootnoshenii klassogeneza i politogeneza v protsesse stanovlenija gosudarstva [On the Problem of Correlation of Social and Political Processes in State Formation]. In An. A. Gromyko (ed.), Pjataja Vsesojuznaja konferentsija afrikanistov [The Fifth All- Union Conference of Africanists]. Vol. II (pp. 108–111). Moscow: Institute for African Studies Press. 1990 Nekotorye aspekty sotsiokul’turnoj kharakteristiki Benina nakanune evropejskogo proniknovenija [Some Aspects of Benin Sociocultural Characteristics on the Eve of European Penetration]. In A. L. Smyshljaev (ed.), Istorija mirovoj kul’tury: traditsii, innovatsii, kontakty [History of World Culture: Traditions, Innovations, Contacts] (pp. 35– 48). Moscow: Lomonosov Moscow State University Press. 1991a Problema objoma vlasti verkhovnogo pravitelja Benina po istochnikovym dannym i v istoriografii (v svjazi s voprosom o kharaktere sotsiuma) [The Problem of the Benin Supreme Ruler’s Extension of Power by Evidence and in Historiography (In Connection with Discussion on the Society’s Nature)]. In Yu. M. Il’in with V. A. Popov and I. V. Sledzevski (eds.), Plemja i gosudarstvo v Afrike [The Tribe and the State in Africa]

134<br />

1993 Afrika: kul’tura ekonomika ekologija [Africa: Culture – Economy – Ecology]. Moscow:<br />

Institute of Information on Social Sciences.<br />

Blumberg, R. L., and R. F. Winch<br />

1972 Societal Complexity and Familial Complexity: Evidence for the Curvilinear Hypothesis.<br />

American Journal of Sociology 77 898–920.<br />

Boas, Franz<br />

1940 Race, Language and Culture. New York: Macmillan.<br />

Bobrovnikov, Vladimir O.<br />

2000 The Berbers (19 th – Early 20 th Centuries AD). In <strong>Bondarenko</strong> and Korotayev 2000a: 175–<br />

190.<br />

Bocharov, V. V.<br />

1994 Individ i vlast’ v Tropicheskoj Afrike (k probleme irratsional’nogo v politike) [Person and<br />

Power in Tropical Africa (On the Issue of Irrational in Politics)]. In I. V. Sledzevski and A.<br />

N. Mosejko (eds.), Okoldovannaja real’nost’ (mir afrikanskoj mental’nosti) [Bewitched<br />

Reality (The World of African Mentality)] (pp. 123–139). Moscow: Vostochnaja<br />

literatura.<br />

2000 Antropologija vozrasta [Anthropology of the Age]. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg University<br />

Press.<br />

Bockisch, Gabriele<br />

1987 Heroenzeit und militдrische Demokratie. Klio 69: 374–387.<br />

Boehm, Christopher<br />

1999 Hierarchy in the Forest: The Evolution of Egalitarian Behavior. Cambridge, MA: Harvard<br />

University Press.<br />

Bohannan, Paul, and John Middleton<br />

1968 Kinship and Social Organization. New York: The Natural History Press.<br />

Boisragon, Alan<br />

1898 The Benin Massacre. London: Methuen and C o .<br />

<strong>Bondarenko</strong>, <strong>Dmitri</strong> M.<br />

1989 K voprosu o sootnoshenii klassogeneza i politogeneza v protsesse stanovlenija gosudarstva<br />

[On the Problem of Correlation of Social and Political Processes in State Formation]. In<br />

An. A. Gromyko (ed.), Pjataja Vsesojuznaja konferentsija afrikanistov [The Fifth All-<br />

Union Conference of Africanists]. Vol. II (pp. 108–111). Moscow: Institute for African<br />

Studies Press.<br />

1990 Nekotorye aspekty sotsiokul’turnoj kharakteristiki Benina nakanune evropejskogo<br />

proniknovenija [Some Aspects of Benin Sociocultural Characteristics on the Eve of<br />

European Penetration]. In A. L. Smyshljaev (ed.), Istorija mirovoj kul’tury: traditsii,<br />

innovatsii, kontakty [History of World Culture: Traditions, Innovations, Contacts] (pp. 35–<br />

48). Moscow: Lomonosov Moscow State University Press.<br />

1991a Problema objoma vlasti verkhovnogo pravitelja Benina po istochnikovym dannym i v<br />

istoriografii (v svjazi s voprosom o kharaktere sotsiuma) [The Problem of the Benin<br />

Supreme Ruler’s Extension of Power by Evidence and in Historiography (In Connection<br />

with Discussion on the Society’s Nature)]. In Yu. M. Il’in with V. A. Popov and I. V.<br />

Sledzevski (eds.), Plemja i gosudarstvo v Afrike [The Tribe and the State in Africa]

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