Chapter 3 - Natural Resources - Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton

Chapter 3 - Natural Resources - Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton

Chapter 3 - Natural Resources - Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton


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Integrated <strong>Natural</strong> <strong>Resources</strong> Management Plan [March 2012 - Update]<br />

California brown pelican and Initiation of a 5-Year Review was approved by the USFWS.<br />

This finding was based upon significant scientific evidence of recovery of the subspecies<br />

throughout its range as presented in the petition (USFWS 2006h). On 20 February 2008, a<br />

12-Month Petition Finding and Proposed Rule to delist the California brown pelican by the<br />

USFWS recommended that the species be removed from the Federal List of Endangered<br />

and Threatened Wildlife due to recovery; delisting was finalized on 17 December 2009.<br />

The California brown pelican remains protected under the MBTA, the Fish and Wildlife<br />

Coordination Act, and the Estuary Protection Act (USFWS 2008k & 2009i).<br />

California Status<br />

The CDFG listed the brown pelican as an endangered, fully protected species on 27 June<br />

1971 (CDFG 2005). On 19 December 2008, the California brown pelican was<br />

recommended as a State Candidate for Delisting (SCD) by the CDFG, and on 5 February<br />

2009 the recommendation for delisting was adopted (CDFG 2008 & SCFGC 2008). The<br />

CDFG finding was based upon the following criteria: 1) the breeding population size of the<br />

California brown pelican in the Channel Islands has increased from 1969 to the present,<br />

after the banning of DDT, and now exceeds the five-year mean 3,000 pair standard noted in<br />

the recovery plan (current Channel Islands population size for 2006 is roughly 8,500<br />

breeding pairs); 2) California brown pelicans have gradually expanded their nesting sites in<br />

the Channel Islands to former breeding sites, and numbers on Santa Barbara Island have<br />

increased substantially since 2001; 3) productivity has increased to 0.7 and now meets or<br />

exceeds the five-year mean 0.7 standard noted in the recovery plan for downlisting; 4)<br />

relative to the five-year mean standard for fledged young in the recovery plan, brown<br />

pelicans at West Anacapa Island have achieved the 2,700 fledgling standard for delisting 9<br />

times from 1997-2005; 5) in spite of known threats (e.g., oil spills, human disturbance,<br />

starvation events, domoic acid poisoning, fish hook/line mortality), the breeding population<br />

of brown pelicans in California has increased substantially; and 6) nesting sites are under<br />

generally-protective NPS ownership or management. The California brown pelican will<br />

remain a fully protected species under Fish and Game Code section 3511(b)(2) (SCFGC<br />

2008).<br />

Regional Status<br />

The California brown pelican is a covered species in the following southern California<br />

NCCP documents:<br />

• Cal. Dept. of Corrections Statewide Electrified Fence Project.<br />

• MHCP, City of Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan.<br />

• MSCP, City of Chula Vista Subarea Plan.<br />

• MSCP, City of La Mesa Subarea Plan.<br />

• MSCP, City of Poway Subarea Plan.<br />

• MSCP, City of San Diego Subarea Plan.<br />

• MSCP, County of San Diego Subarea Plan.<br />

• SDG&E.<br />

<strong>Chapter</strong> 3 – <strong>Natural</strong> <strong>Resources</strong> 3-37

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