Chapter 3 - Natural Resources - Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton

Chapter 3 - Natural Resources - Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton

Chapter 3 - Natural Resources - Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton


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Integrated <strong>Natural</strong> <strong>Resources</strong> Management Plan [March 2012 - Update]<br />

of the mane. Guadalupe fur seals are solitary, non-social animals. Males are polygamous,<br />

and may mate with 4 to 12 females during a single breeding season. Males form small<br />

territories that they defend by roaring or coughing. Breeding season is June through<br />

August, with females arriving in early June; pups are born a few days after their arrival. A<br />

female will mate about a week after giving birth to her pup. Weaning occurs at around 9<br />

months. Guadalupe fur seals feed mainly at night on squid, mackerel, and lantern fish by<br />

diving up to depths of 65 ft (20 m). Guadalupe fur seals reside in the tropical waters of the<br />

southern California/Mexico region. During breeding season, they are found in coastal<br />

rocky habitats and caves. Little is known about their whereabouts during the non-breeding<br />

season (May to September). Guadalupe fur seals are non-migratory and their breeding<br />

grounds are almost entirely on Guadalupe Island, Mexico, which was declared as a<br />

pinniped sanctuary by Mexico in 1975. There are small populations off of Baja California<br />

on San Benito Island and off of southern California at San Miguel Island. Guadalupe fur<br />

seals are the only species of the Arctocephalus genus that occurs north of the equator<br />

(NOAA 2009).<br />

The Xantus's Murrelet (Synthliboram phushypoleucus) is a small black and white seabird<br />

with a small head and thin-sharp bill belonging to the family Alcidae, which includes<br />

murres and puffins. It was listed as a federal Candidate species on 4 May 2004 and<br />

Threatened by the CDFG on 22 December 2004. Murrelets spend most of their lives at sea,<br />

and eat a variety of fish and small crustaceans. They only come ashore to the California<br />

Channel Islands and six other islands off the coast of Baja California for nesting purposes,<br />

and are nocturnal in their nesting activities. They nest in crevices on steep slopes, under<br />

dense shrubs, and in sea caves. Chicks are incubated for about a month; they go to sea<br />

about two days after hatching and typically disperse north along the coast to feeding<br />

grounds. Chicks are accompanied and fed by a parent at sea until capable of supporting<br />

themselves. Predators include deer mice, barn owls, western gulls, rats, feral cats, and<br />

peregrine falcons (CDFG 2004a). Seabirds are under the jurisdictional responsibility of the<br />

USFWS.<br />

3.2.4. Federally Listed Threatened and Endangered Species at <strong>Camp</strong> <strong>Pendleton</strong><br />

Sixteen (16) federally threatened or endangered species and three (3) candidate species are<br />

found on, or transit through <strong>Camp</strong> <strong>Pendleton</strong> (Table 3-7).<br />



Common Name<br />

Scientific Name<br />

ESA Status;<br />

Date Listed<br />

Birds<br />

Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus Delisted; 2007<br />

California Brown Pelican Pelecanus occidentalis californicus Delisted; 2009<br />

California Least Tern Sternula antillarum browni Endangered; 1970<br />

Coastal California Gnatcatcher Polioptila californica californica Threatened; 1993<br />

Least Bell’s Vireo Vireo bellii pusillus Endangered; 1986<br />

Light-footed Clapper Rail Rallus longirostris levipes Endangered; 1970<br />

Southwestern Willow Empidonax trailli extimus Endangered; 1995<br />

<strong>Chapter</strong> 3 – <strong>Natural</strong> <strong>Resources</strong> 3-31

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