Text, transliteration, and translation of Akdamut at HERJC

Text, transliteration, and translation of Akdamut at HERJC

Text, transliteration, and translation of Akdamut at HERJC


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AKDAMUT (excerpts)<br />

,` ¨zEW zEixẄ§e ¨ oi ¦N ¦n zEnC ¨ §w ©`<br />

.` ¨zEW xE § o ¨n x § ©d `¨p §li ¦wẄ ` ¨l§e ©`<br />

<strong>Akdamut</strong> milin v'sharayut shuta,<br />

Avla shakil'na harman ur'shuta.<br />

,` ¨zEW §w©p §A g ©Y §t ¤` C § z ¨l §zE i x ¥ §Y i ¥aä §A<br />

.` ¨zEWi ¦X ©w §l i ¥c £r i xḧ§e ¥ i xä ¥ c § i xä ¥ §A<br />

B'vavei t'rei ut'l<strong>at</strong> d'eftach b'nakshuta,<br />

B'varei d'varei v'tarei adei l'kashishuta.<br />

,` ¨zEWi x ¦ §R w¥R ¦q ` ¨l§e Di ¥l oi ¦n §l ¨r oxEa§B<br />

¨<br />

.` ¨zẄ x § ªg l ¨M i¥p §w ,i ¥ri ¦w x § EN ¦` li¦e§B<br />

G'vuran al'min leih v'la sipeik p'rishuta,<br />

G'vil ilu r'ki-ei, k'nei kol chursh<strong>at</strong>a.<br />

,` ¨zEWi¦p §k i ¥n l ¨k§e i ¥O©i EN ¦` Fi C§<br />

.` ¨zë §W x © i ¥n §W x © §e i x ¥ §t ¨q ` ¨r x § ©` i x§i ¥ C¨<br />

D'yo ilu yamei v’chol mei k'nishuta,<br />

Day'rei ara saf'rei v'rashmei rashv<strong>at</strong>a.<br />

,`Ÿ §W ¤A©i §A hi ¦N ©W§e `Ï ©n §W i x¥<br />

¨n x c£d ©<br />

.` ¨zEW §A ©k §A Di ¥W §A ©k§e i ¦` ci ¨ ¦g§i ` ¨n §l ¨r m ¥w ¨d<br />

Hadar marei sh'maya v'shalit b'yabeshta,<br />

Hakeim alma y'chidai v'chab'sheih b'chab'shuta.<br />

,` ¨zEWẄ §z ` ¨l §aE ,Di ¥l §l §k ©W E` ¥l ` ¨l §aE<br />

.` ¨zEWẄ §n D ©A zi ¥l C § ,` ¨li ¦N ©w ` ¨z ¨` §aE<br />

Uv'la le’u shachl'leih, uv'la t'shashuta,<br />

Uv'<strong>at</strong>a kalila, d'leit bah m'shashuta.<br />

,`Ÿ ¦W i ¥nFi K ©d §A Di ¥Y ci § ¦a £r l ¨M oi ¦O©f<br />

.` ¨zẌ ¤` C § D¥i §q x§<br />

¨k i ¥l £r ,i ¦l £r Di xẅ§i ¥ xFd¥f<br />

Zamin kol avid'teih b'hach yomei shita,<br />

Zeihor y'karei ali, alei chars'yeih d'esh<strong>at</strong>a.

,` ¨zEW §n ©W §l `FA x ¦ §e oi ¦t §l ©` s ¤l«¤` lï ©g<br />

.` ¨zEW x ¨ §h d ¨`i¦B ©q ,oi x ¦ §t©v §l hFa§p oi ¦Y c § ©g<br />

Chayal elef alfin v'ribo l'shamshuta,<br />

Chadtin n'vot l'tzafrin, sagi’a t'rashuta.<br />

,`Ÿ ¦W i¥R©B lFl §M ,oi ¦t x ¨ §U oi ci ¦ ¦w§i i¥t §h<br />

.`Ÿ §W C ¦ ©` §A oi ¦wi ¦z §W oFd §l a ¥d§i §z¦i c ©r m ¥r §h<br />

T'fei y'kidin s'rafin, k'lol gapei shita,<br />

T'eim ad yity'heiv l'hon sh'tikin b'adishta.<br />

,`Ÿ §W ©W §a ` ¨l C § i¥eẄ oi ¥C o ¦n oi ¥C oEl §A ©w§i<br />

.`Ÿ §W ªc §w i ¥zFl §z ¦l ,` ¨r x § ©` l ¨k i ¥l §n x ©w§i<br />

Y'kab'lun dein min dein shavei d'la v'shashta,<br />

Y'kar m'lei chol ara, lit’lotei k'dushta.<br />

,` ¨zEWi ¦t§p i ¥n lẅ §M i C © ©W mc ¨ ¢w o ¦n lẅ §M<br />

.` ¨zẄ§e ©` §A oi ¦n §nFx §n oi ¦N©B §l©B l ¥a ¢w oi ¦aEx §M<br />

K'kal min kodam shadai k'kal mei n'fishuta,<br />

k'ruvin koveil galgalin m'rom'min b'avsh<strong>at</strong>a.<br />

Zakain, kad sh'm<strong>at</strong>un sh'vach da shir<strong>at</strong>a,<br />

K'vi’in kein tehevun b'hanhu chavur<strong>at</strong>a.<br />

V'tizkun di teitvun b'eila dar<strong>at</strong>a,<br />

Arei t'tzitun l'miloy, d'naf'kin b'hadr<strong>at</strong>a.<br />

M'romam hu elahin b'kadma uv<strong>at</strong>rayta,<br />

Tz'vi v'itr'i van um'sar lan oraita.<br />

,` ¨z xi ¨ ¦W `C ¨ g ©a §W oEY §r ©n §W c ©M ,oi ¦` ¨M©f<br />

.` ¨z xEa£g ¨ Ed§p ©d §A oEe¡d ¤Y o¥M oi ¦ri ¦a §w<br />

,` ¨z x¨<br />

c ¨ ` ¨N «¥r §A oEa §zi ¥z i C ¦ oEM§f ¦z§e<br />

.` ¨z x ¨c § ©d §A oi ¦w §t¨p C § ,iFN ¦n §l oEzi ¦v §z i x£` ¥<br />

,` ¨z§i x © §z ©aE ` ¨n c § ©w §A oi ¦d ¨l¡` `Ed m ¨nFx §n<br />

.` ¨z§i xF` © o ¨l x ©q §nE oä i ¦r x § §z ¦`§e i ¦a §v

Before reading the ten divine comm<strong>and</strong>s,<br />

Let me speak in awe two words, or three<br />

<strong>of</strong> the One who wrought the world<br />

And sustained it since time’s beginning.<br />

At God’s comm<strong>and</strong> is infinite power<br />

Which words cannot define<br />

Were all the skies parchment,<br />

And all the reeds pens, <strong>and</strong> all the oceans ink,<br />

And all who dwell on earth scribes,<br />

God’s gr<strong>and</strong>eur could not be told.<br />

Sovereign over the heavens above,<br />

God reins supreme on earth below.<br />

God launched cre<strong>at</strong>ion unaided<br />

And contains it in the bounds <strong>of</strong> God’s law.<br />

Without weariness God cre<strong>at</strong>ed,<br />

only by divine will, uttered in a gentle sound.<br />

God’s works were wrought in six days,<br />

Then was God’s glorious sovereignty established<br />

Over the life <strong>of</strong> the universe.<br />

Myriads <strong>of</strong> angelic hosts serve God,<br />

Divine messengers th<strong>at</strong> propel life’s destiny.<br />

They arise each morning to their calling.<br />

All the celestial beings join in a chorus <strong>of</strong> praise;<br />

In unison they call to one another:<br />

All the earth is full <strong>of</strong> the glory <strong>of</strong> the thrice Holy One.<br />

In a mighty roar,<br />

As the thundering noise <strong>of</strong> vast w<strong>at</strong>ers,<br />

Moving amidst the heavenly spheres<br />

The angelic hosts proclaim their words <strong>of</strong> ador<strong>at</strong>ion...<br />

O you upright who have heard the song <strong>of</strong> God’s praise,<br />

May you be ever be in the blessed circle <strong>of</strong> God’s faithful.<br />

Through all eternity, exalted be Adonai<br />

Who conferred true love upon us<br />

By entrusting to us the Torah.

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