Ocular Anatomy and Variations in Laboratory Animals

Ocular Anatomy and Variations in Laboratory Animals

Ocular Anatomy and Variations in Laboratory Animals


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<strong>Ocular</strong> <strong>Anatomy</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Variations</strong> <strong>in</strong><br />

<strong>Laboratory</strong> <strong>Animals</strong><br />

Rodent, Rabbit, Primate, Dog<br />

Dick Dubielzig

<strong>Anatomy</strong> is Important<br />

• Is there an adequate body of experience <strong>in</strong> the<br />

species of choice?<br />

• Is the ocular anatomy appropriate for the<br />

procedures to be done?<br />

• What is the best species to answer the question?<br />

• Are there particular anatomic features that might<br />

impact the experimental design?<br />

• What is unique about the ocular anatomy <strong>in</strong> the<br />

different species?<br />

• What are the background lesions <strong>in</strong> each species?<br />

• Alb<strong>in</strong>o vs pigmented

Mammalian<br />


Schlemm’s Canal<br />

&<br />

Atapetal Fundus

Rat<br />

Holangiotic Ret<strong>in</strong>a<br />

Merangiotic Ret<strong>in</strong>a<br />


Is there an adequate body of<br />

experience <strong>in</strong> the species of choice?<br />

• Species often used <strong>in</strong> toxicolgy studies<br />

where the eye is a target<br />

– Macaque, Rabbit, Rats of Mice, Dogs<br />

• Species often used <strong>in</strong> basic vision science<br />

research but not toxicology studies<br />

– Cats, Ground Squirrels, Fruitfly, Chicken<br />

• Species be<strong>in</strong>g put forward as hav<strong>in</strong>g<br />

particular advantages <strong>in</strong> toxicology studies<br />

– Squirrel Monkey, M<strong>in</strong>i-pig

Is the ocular anatomy appropriate<br />

for the procedures to be done?<br />

• Is the eye size adequate size for procedures?<br />

• Does the surgical or diagnostic <strong>in</strong>strumentation<br />

work <strong>in</strong> the species?<br />

• Does the ocular anatomy impact drug delivery or<br />


Mouse Eye<br />

Is the ocular anatomy appropriate<br />

for the procedures to be done?<br />

• Is the eye size adequate size for procedures?<br />

– Problems with us<strong>in</strong>g rodents because of the small eye size <strong>and</strong><br />

the <strong>in</strong>accessibility of the vitreous<br />

• Intraocular pressure measurement is not easily done<br />

– Rebound tonometry on tra<strong>in</strong>ed mice or manometry<br />

• Intravitreous <strong>in</strong>jection or sampl<strong>in</strong>g is not easily done<br />

• Diagnostic exam<strong>in</strong>ation <strong>and</strong> procedures require experience <strong>and</strong> tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g<br />

that may or may not be automatically available even with board certified<br />

specialists<br />

– Ophthalmoscopy<br />

– Electrophysiology<br />

– Fluoresce<strong>in</strong> angiography

<strong>Ocular</strong> Dimentions<br />

Axial<br />

Length<br />

(mm)<br />

Corneal<br />

Thickness<br />

(mm)<br />

Anterior<br />

Chamber<br />

Depth<br />

(mm)<br />

Lens<br />

Thickness<br />

(mm)<br />

Vitreous<br />

Chamber<br />

Depth<br />

(mm)<br />

Reference<br />

HUMAN 23.92 0.55 3.05 4.0 16.32<br />

MONKEY 17.92 0.55 3.24 2.98 11.3<br />

CAT 22.3 0.68 4.52 8.5 8.13<br />

DOG 20.8 .64 4.29 7.85 10.02<br />

RABBIT 18.1 0.4 2.9 7.9 6.2<br />

RAT 5.98 0.25 0.87 3.87 1.51<br />

A Photon Accurate Model of the<br />

Human Eye, Deer<strong>in</strong>g, ACM Transactions<br />

on Graphics, 2005<br />

A Four-surface Schematic Eye of<br />

Macaque Money Obta<strong>in</strong>ed by An<br />

Optical Method, LAPUERTA, <strong>and</strong><br />

SCHEIN, Vision Research, 1995<br />

The Schematic Eye In The Cat<br />

Vakkur <strong>and</strong> Bishop, Vision Research, 1963<br />

Naturally Occurr<strong>in</strong>g Vitreous<br />

Chamber—Based Myopia <strong>in</strong> the<br />

Labrador Retriever, Mutti, Zadnik, <strong>and</strong><br />

Murphy, Investigative Ophthalmology &<br />

Visual Science, 1999<br />

A Schematic Eye for the Rabbit,<br />

HUGHES, Vision Research, 1972<br />

A Revision of the Rat Schematic<br />

Eye, MASSOF <strong>and</strong> CHANG, Vision<br />

Research, 1972

Rabbit<br />

Is the ocular anatomy appropriate<br />

for the procedures to be done?<br />

• Does the surgical or diagnostic <strong>in</strong>strumentation<br />

work <strong>in</strong> the species?<br />

– Tonometry <strong>in</strong> rodents<br />

– Devises designed for the human eye have to be<br />

retooled to use the rodent model<br />

– Vitrectomy <strong>in</strong>strument: Macaques vs Human<br />

– Choos<strong>in</strong>g the appropriate site for <strong>in</strong>travitrel<br />

<strong>in</strong>jection or aspiration<br />

– Glaucoma dra<strong>in</strong>age devise <strong>in</strong> the rabbit eye<br />

Tonometry<br />


Is the ocular anatomy appropriate<br />

for the procedures to be done?<br />

• Does the ocular anatomy impact drug delivery or<br />

pharmacok<strong>in</strong>etics?<br />

– The relative % of ocular surface compared to the volume of the<br />

globe is larger <strong>in</strong> rodents than large animals.<br />

– The distance between the ocular surface <strong>and</strong> <strong>in</strong>ternal ocular tissues<br />

is shorted <strong>in</strong> rodents tan large animals.<br />

Can<strong>in</strong>e<br />


What is the best species to answer the<br />

question?<br />

• Is a particular model of disease better def<strong>in</strong>ed or<br />

more authentic <strong>in</strong> a particular species?<br />

– Glaucoma models<br />

– Laser models for CNV<br />

– Transgenic mouse models of AMD<br />

• Is a more human-like anatomy <strong>and</strong> physiology<br />

important?<br />

– There is a monkey bias <strong>in</strong> the ophthalmic drug delivery<br />

world because of the marked similarity between monkey<br />

<strong>and</strong> human eyes<br />

• Fovea<br />

• Accommodation<br />

• Outflow<br />

• Lids, tear film, orbital anatomy

<strong>Ocular</strong> Anatomic Features<br />

Dog, Rabbit, Rat & Mouse, Primate<br />

Lacrimal & Hardarian Gl<strong>and</strong>s<br />

Rabbits are able to resist bl<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g for<br />

long <strong>in</strong>tervals because they have a very<br />

stable tear film. This is likely due to<br />

the contribution of a lipid contribution<br />

from the prom<strong>in</strong>ent Hardarian gl<strong>and</strong>.<br />

Absent <strong>in</strong> the primate <strong>and</strong> dog.

<strong>Ocular</strong> Anatomic Features<br />

Dog, Rabbit, Rat & Mouse, Primate<br />

Rabbit<br />

Mouse<br />

Eyelid<br />


<strong>Ocular</strong> Anatomic Features<br />

Dog, Rabbit, Rat & Mouse, Primate<br />

Primate eyelid<br />

Tarsal plate<br />

Human<br />


<strong>Ocular</strong> Anatomic Features<br />

Dog, Rabbit, Rat & Mouse, Primate<br />

Fovea<br />

Overall Globe Shape :Primate

<strong>Ocular</strong> Anatomic Features<br />

Dog, Rabbit, Rat & Mouse, Primate<br />

Overall Globe Shape :Can<strong>in</strong>e

<strong>Ocular</strong> Anatomic Features<br />

Dog, Rabbit, Rat & Mouse, Primate<br />

Overall Globe Shape :Rodent

<strong>Ocular</strong> Anatomic Features<br />

Dog, Rabbit, Rat & Mouse, Primate<br />

Primate Vestigial Nictitans<br />

Hairs<br />

Rabbit Nictitans<br />

Rat Vestigial Nictitans<br />

Nictitans (Third Eyelid)

Can<strong>in</strong>e Nictitans<br />

(Third Eyelid)

<strong>Ocular</strong> Anatomic Features<br />

Filtration Apparatus Primate<br />

Schlemm’s Cannal<br />

Scleral Spur

<strong>Ocular</strong> Anatomic Features<br />

Filtration Apparatus Dog<br />

Primary Pect<strong>in</strong>ate<br />

Angular Aqueous<br />

Plexus<br />

Ciliary Cleft

Rat<br />

Rabbit<br />

<strong>Ocular</strong> Anatomic Features<br />

Filtration Apparatus Rat & Rabbit<br />

Schlemm’s Cannal

Accommodation<br />

Ciliary Muscle

Tapetum Lucidum<br />

Eye Sh<strong>in</strong>e Can<strong>in</strong>e<br />

Nontapetal Tapetal Tapetal

Ret<strong>in</strong>a<br />

Fundus<br />

Can<strong>in</strong>e<br />

Primate<br />

Rabbit:<br />

Merangiotic<br />


Ret<strong>in</strong>a: Primate Macula

Fovea<br />

mERG<br />

Can<strong>in</strong>e Cone<br />

Arrest<strong>in</strong><br />

Primate Cone<br />


The Primate Ret<strong>in</strong>a<br />

The Cone Mosaic<br />

Mike Nork

Adaptive Optics

Cone Opso<strong>in</strong>s<br />

Green vs Red<br />

Green vs Blue

The Visual Streak <strong>and</strong> Superior<br />

Ret<strong>in</strong>a<br />

Can<strong>in</strong>e Area Centralis<br />

Rabbit Medullary Ray<br />

Rat Superior Ret<strong>in</strong>a <strong>and</strong> Phototoxic Degeneration

Primate<br />

Optic Nerve<br />

Lam<strong>in</strong>a Cribrosa<br />

Dog<br />

Rat: No Lam<strong>in</strong>a Cribrosa

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