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Calijuri, M.L.; Bastos, R.K.X.; Magalhães, T.B.; Capelete, B.C. & Dias, E.H.O. (2009). Tratamento de esgotos sanitários em sistemas reatores UASB/wetlands construídas de fluxo horizontal: eficiência e estabilidade de remoção de matéria orgânica, sólidos, nutrientes e coliformes. Engenharia Sanitária Ambiental, v.14, n.3, 421-430. Chernicharo, C. A.L. (1997). Princípios do tratamento biológico de águas residuárias. Reatores anaeróbios. Depto. Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental - UFMG, Belo Horizonte - MG, vol. 5, 246 p. Mazolla, M.; Roston, D M. & Valentim, M. A. A. (2005). Uso de leitos cultivados de fluxo vertical por batelada no pós-tratamento de efluente de reator anaeróbio compartimentado. Revista Brasileira Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, v.9, n.2, 276-283. Paulo, P.L.; Braga, A. F. M.; Maximovitch, A. C. & Boncz, M. A. (2007). Tratamento de água cinza em uma unidade residencial de banhados construídos. In: 24º Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental. Belo Horizonte/MG. Sentelhas, P.C.; Pereira, A.R.; Marin, F.R.; Angelocci, L.R.; Alfonsi, R.R.; Caramori, P.H. & Swart, S. (2009) BHBRASIL: Balanços hídricos climatológicos de 500 localidades brasileiras. Disponível em: Acesso em: 05 fev. 2009. Silva, E. M. & Roston, D. M. (2010). Tratamento de efluentes de sala de ordenha de bovinocultura: lagoas de estabilização seguidas de leito cultivado. Revista Brasileira Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, v.30, n.1, 67-73. Sim, C. H.; Yusoff, M. K.; Shutes,B.; HO, S. C. & Mansor, M. (2008) Nutrient removal in a pilot and full scale constructed wetland, Putrajaya city, Malaysia. Journal of Environmental Management 88, 307–317. Souza, J. T.; Haandel, A. C. & Cabral, R. P. B. (2000). Desempenho de sistemas wetlands no pós-tratamento de esgotos sanitários pré-tratados em reatores UASB. In: Simpósio lusobrasileiro de engenharia sanitária e ambiental, 9 a 14 de abr. 2000, Porto Seguro. Proceedings... Porto Seguro: ABES. 1 CD-ROM. Tucci, C. E. M.; Hespanhol, I. & Cordeiro Netto O. M. (2001) Gestão da água no Brasil. Brasília: UNESCO. 156p. Wood, A. (1995). Constructed wetlands in water pollution control, fundamentals to their understanding. Water Technology. 32 (3). 21-29. Wu, Y.; Hu, Z. & Yang, L. (2010). Hierarchical eco-restoration: A systematical approach to removal of COD and dissolved nutrients from an intensive agricultural area. Environmental Pollution 158, 3123-3129. Zhang, X.; Liu, P.; Yang, Y. & Chen, W. (2007). Phytoremediation of urban wastewater by model wetlands with ornamental hydrophytes. Journal of Environmental Sciences 19, 902– 909. Yousefi, Z. & Mohseni-Bandpei, A. (2010). Nitrogen and phosphorus removal from wastewater by subsurface wetlands planted with Iris pseudacorus. Ecological Engineering 36, 777–782.

IMPORTANCE OF DRY GEAR MASS CULTURE OF SUNFLOWER INCORPORATED INTO THE SOIL ROSA H. AGUIAR 1,2* ; DURVAL R. P. JUNIOR 1 ; ARTUR B. O. ROCHA 1,2 1 Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp)/ Faculdade de Engenharia Agrícola (Feagri) – Av. Marechal Candido Rondon, n.501, Barão Geraldo, Campinas, São Paulo State, postcode: 13083-875, Brazil. 2 PhD student in agriculture engineering * Corresponding author : ABSTRACT Cover plants, incorporated or not the soil as green manure intercropped with crop practices is aimed at the sustainability of agricultural soil, in order to reduce erosion and restore physical, chemical and biological characteristics of soil from the incorporation of dry mass. The objective of this study was to evaluate the accumulation of dry matter and yield performance of sunflower grown using treated sewage by/for two reactors, Compartmented Anaerobic Reactor (RAC) and the Upflow Anaerobic Upflow Sludge Blanket and (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket - UASB). Assessments began at 21 days after emergence to the collection of leaves at regular intervals of 15 days, then dried and weighed to determine dry matter. The accumulation of dry matter of leaf followed a parabolic trend over the development of plants, with accumulation (15 g), 75 days after emergence. After this period, there is a decrease because of senescence. This is due to the strong mobilizing capacity of assimilates exerted by the chapter that metabolic drains are in constant development by the end of the cycle. Keywords: dry matter, reactor, sewage treated. 1. INTRODUCTION The sunflower is a plant that presents important agronomic characteristics such as resistance to drought, cold and heat that most species grown in Brazil. Adaptability to different climatic conditions present and your income is little influenced by the photoperiod. Thanks to these characteristics, presents itself as an option in the systems of rotation and succession of cultures in grain-producing regions (Aeasa, 2008).The organic matter of the soil is an important factor in agricultural productivity and one of the ways to increase or preserve the organic matter content is the practice of green fertilization. Legumes are plants used in green fertilization primarily by incorporate large amounts of N the ground, through biological fixation of atmospheric N2 and make vigorous root system and branched. Physical properties also influences, chemical and biological properties of soil, structuring and stabilizing the soil particles, increasing the availability of nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur through the process of digestion, increases water holding capacity, favouring the growth of plant roots and consequently the whole plant. The basis of this analysis is based on the fact that, on average, 90% of accumulated organic matter over plant growth resulting from photosynthetic activity and the rest of the absorption of minerals from the soil.Through sequential measures, quantifies the plant dry matter, thereby providing a basis for assessing the contribution of various bodies in total growth (Lessa et al., 2008). The goal of this work was to evaluate the mass of dry matter accumulation of sewage treated by sunflower planted using two Anaerobic Reactor, reactor Chambered (RAC) and bottom-up flow Anaerobic Reactor and sludge Blanket (UASB Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket ).

Calijuri, M.L.; Bastos, R.K.X.; Magalhães, T.B.; Capelete, B.C. & Dias, E.H.O. (2009).<br />

Tratamento de esgotos sanitários em sistemas reatores UASB/wetlands construídas de fluxo<br />

horizontal: eficiência e estabilidade de remoção de matéria orgânica, sólidos, nutrientes e<br />

coliformes. Engenharia Sanitária Ambiental, v.14, n.3, 421-430.<br />

Chernicharo, C. A.L. (1997). Princípios do tratamento biológico de águas residuárias.<br />

Reatores anaeróbios. Depto. Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental - UFMG, Belo Horizonte -<br />

MG, vol. 5, 246 p.<br />

Mazolla, M.; Roston, D M. & Valentim, M. A. A. (2005). Uso de leitos cultivados de fluxo<br />

vertical por batelada no pós-tratamento de efluente de reator anaeróbio compartimentado.<br />

Revista Brasileira Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, v.9, n.2, 276-283.<br />

Paulo, P.L.; Braga, A. F. M.; Maximovitch, A. C. & Boncz, M. A. (2007). Tratamento de água<br />

cinza em uma unidade residencial de banhados construídos. In: 24º Congresso Brasileiro de<br />

Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental. Belo Horizonte/MG.<br />

Sentelhas, P.C.; Pereira, A.R.; Marin, F.R.; Angelocci, L.R.; Alfonsi, R.R.; Caramori, P.H. &<br />

Swart, S. (2009) BHBRASIL: Balanços hídricos climatológicos de 500 localidades<br />

brasileiras. Disponível em: Acesso<br />

em: 05 fev. 2009.<br />

Silva, E. M. & Roston, D. M. (2010). Tratamento de efluentes de sala de ordenha de<br />

bovinocultura: lagoas de estabilização seguidas de leito cultivado. Revista Brasileira<br />

Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, v.30, n.1, 67-73.<br />

Sim, C. H.; Yus<strong>of</strong>f, M. K.; Shutes,B.; HO, S. C. & Mansor, M. (2008) Nutrient removal in a<br />

pilot and full scale constructed wetland, Putrajaya city, Malaysia. Journal <strong>of</strong> Environmental<br />

Management 88, 307–317.<br />

Souza, J. T.; Haandel, A. C. & Cabral, R. P. B. (2000). Desempenho de sistemas wetlands<br />

no pós-tratamento de esgotos sanitários pré-tratados em reatores UASB. In: Simpósio lusobrasileiro<br />

de engenharia sanitária e ambiental, 9 a 14 de abr. 2000, Porto Seguro.<br />

Proceedings... Porto Seguro: ABES. 1 CD-ROM.<br />

Tucci, C. E. M.; Hespanhol, I. & Cordeiro Netto O. M. (2001) Gestão da água no Brasil.<br />

Brasília: UNESCO. 156p.<br />

Wood, A. (1995). Constructed wetlands in water pollution control, fundamentals to their<br />

understanding. Water Technology. 32 (3). 21-29.<br />

Wu, Y.; Hu, Z. & Yang, L. (2010). Hierarchical eco-restoration: A systematical approach to<br />

removal <strong>of</strong> COD and dissolved nutrients from an intensive agricultural area. Environmental<br />

Pollution 158, 3123-3129.<br />

Zhang, X.; Liu, P.; Yang, Y. & Chen, W. (2007). Phytoremediation <strong>of</strong> urban wastewater by<br />

model wetlands with ornamental hydrophytes. Journal <strong>of</strong> Environmental Sciences 19, 902–<br />

909.<br />

Yousefi, Z. & Mohseni-Bandpei, A. (2010). Nitrogen and phosphorus removal from<br />

wastewater by subsurface wetlands planted with Iris pseudacorus. Ecological <strong>Engineering</strong><br />

36, 777–782.

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