RD&D-Programme 2004 - SKB

RD&D-Programme 2004 - SKB

RD&D-Programme 2004 - SKB


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20-119 Berggren J, Kyläkorpi L, 2002. Ekosystemen i Simpevarpsområdet. Sammanställning av befintlig<br />

information. <strong>SKB</strong> R-02-10, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.<br />

20-120 Berggren J, Kyläkorpi L, 2002. Ekosystemen i Forsmarksområdet. Sammanställning av befintlig<br />

information. <strong>SKB</strong> R-02-08, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.<br />

20-121 Boresjö Bronge L,Wester K, 2002. Vegetation mapping with satellite data of the Forsmark, Tierp and<br />

Oskarshamn regions. <strong>SKB</strong> R-02-06, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.<br />

20-122 Cederlund G, Hammarström A, Wallin K, 2003. Surveys of mammal populations in the areas<br />

adjacent to Forsmark and Tierp. <strong>SKB</strong> P-03-18, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.<br />

20-123 Sturesson E, 2003. Site Investigation Oskarshamn. Nyckelbiotopsinventering i Simpevarpsområdet.<br />

<strong>SKB</strong> P-03-78, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.<br />

20-124 Greger M, <strong>2004</strong>. Uptake of nuclides by plants. <strong>SKB</strong> TR-04-14, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.<br />

Chapter 21<br />

21-1 Bioclim, 2002. Modelling sequential biosphere systems under climate change for radioactive waste<br />

disposal. Deliverable D2: Consolidation of Needs of the European Waste Management Agencies<br />

and the Regulator of the Consortium. The EC Bioclim Project within the 5 th Euroatom Framework<br />

<strong>Programme</strong>.<br />

21-2 Bioclim, 2003. Modelling sequential biosphere systems under climate change for radioactive waste<br />

disposal. The EC Bioclim Project within the 5 th Euroatom Framework <strong>Programme</strong>. Joint Final Seminar.<br />

November 2003.<br />

21-3 Påsse T, 2001. An empirical model of glacio-isostatic movements and shore-level displacement in<br />

Fennoscandia. <strong>SKB</strong> R-01-41, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.<br />

21-4 Bioclim, 2001. Modelling sequential biosphere systems under climate change for radioactive waste<br />

disposal. Deliverable D1: Environmental Change Analysis. The EC Bioclim Project within the 5 th<br />

Euroatom Framework <strong>Programme</strong>.<br />

21-5 Sweclim, 2002. Annual Report 2002. Det svenska klimatforskningsprogrammet SWECLIM, SMHI,<br />

Norrköping (http://www.smhi.se/sweclim/).<br />

21-6 IPCC, 2001. Climate change 2001. Synthesis Report, A contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to<br />

the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (eds Watson R T and<br />

the Core Writing Team), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.<br />

21-7 Milne G A, Davis J L, Mitrovica J X, Scherneck H-G, Johansson J M, Vermeer M, Koivula H,<br />

2001. Space-Geodetic Constraints on Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in Fennoscandia. Science, 291,<br />

pp 2381–2385.<br />

21-8 Milne G A, 2002. Recent Advances in Predicting Glaciation-Induced Sea-Level Changes and Their<br />

Impact on Model Applications in Glacial Isostatic Adjustment and the Earth System: Sea Level, Crustal<br />

Deformation, Gravity and Rotation. AGU monograph, Geodynamics Series 29, pp 157–176.<br />

21-9 Lokrantz H, Sohlenius G, <strong>2004</strong>. Weichselian glaciation history in Scandinavia, a literature review.<br />

<strong>SKB</strong> Report, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB, (in manuscript).<br />

21-10 Greve R, Hutter K, 1995. Polythermal three-dimensional modelling of the Greenland Ice Sheet with<br />

varied geothermal heat flux. Annals of Glaciology 21, pp 8–12.<br />

21-11 Näslund J O, 1997. Subglacial preservation of valley morphology at Amundsenisen, western Dronning<br />

Mauds Land, Antarctica. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 22(5), pp 441–455.<br />

21-12 Johnson J, Fastook J L, 2002. Northern Hemisphere glaciation and its sensitivity to basal melt water.<br />

Quaternary International 95–96, pp 65–74.<br />

21-13 Näslund J O, Jansson P, Fastook J L, Johnson J, Andersson L, <strong>2004</strong>. A First realistic dataset on<br />

distributed geothermal heat flow for ice sheet modelling. Abstract inskickat till European Geosciences<br />

Union 1 st General Assembly, Nice, Frankrike, 25–30 April <strong>2004</strong>.<br />

21-14 Näslund J O, Jansson P, Fastook J L, Johnson J, <strong>2004</strong>. Modelling ice sheet basal meltwater<br />

production using realistic geothermal heat flow data. Abstract sent to International Symposium on Ice<br />

and Water Interactions: Processes across the Phase Boundary Portland State University, Oregon, USA,<br />

26–30 July <strong>2004</strong>.<br />

21-15 Fastook J L, 1993. The finite-element method for solving conservation equations in glaciology.<br />

Computational Science and Engineering 1(1), pp 55–67.<br />

21-16 Fastook J L, Prentice M, 1994. A finite-element model of Antarctica: Sensitivity test for<br />

meteorological mass-balance relationship. Journal of Glaciology, 40(134), pp 167–175.<br />

21-17 Näslund J O, Rodhe L, Fastook J L, Holmlund P, 2003. New ways of studying ice sheet flow<br />

directions and glacial erosion by computer modelling; examples from Fennoscandia. Quaternary<br />

Science Reviews, 22(2–4), pp 245–250.<br />

21-18 Boulton G, Chan T, Christiansson R, Ericsson L-O, Hartikainen J, Jensen M R, Stanchell F W,<br />

Wallroth T, 2003. Thermo-hydro-mechanical impacts of glaciation and implications for deep geologic<br />

disposal of nuclear waste. GeoProc2003, Stockholm, pp 289–294.<br />

354 RD&D-<strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2004</strong>

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