RD&D-Programme 2004 - SKB

RD&D-Programme 2004 - SKB

RD&D-Programme 2004 - SKB


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Chapter 14<br />

14-1 <strong>SKB</strong>, <strong>2004</strong>. Interim main report of the safety assessment SR-Can. <strong>SKB</strong> TR-04-11,<br />

Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.<br />

14-2 <strong>SKB</strong>, 1999. Deep repository for spent nuclear fuel. SR 97 – Post-closure safety. Main Report,<br />

Volumes I and II. Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.<br />

14-3 Posiva, 2003. Nuclear waste management of the Olkiluoto and Loviisa power plants: <strong>Programme</strong> for<br />

research, development and technical design for <strong>2004</strong>–2006. TKS-2003, Posiva Oy, Olkiluoto, Finland.<br />

14-4 <strong>SKB</strong>, 2003. Planning report for the safety assessment SR-Can. <strong>SKB</strong> TR-03-08,<br />

Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.<br />

14-5 Hedin A, <strong>2004</strong>. Integrated near field evolution model for an SNF repository. <strong>SKB</strong> R-04-36,<br />

Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.<br />

14-6 Hedin A, 2002. Integrated Analytic Radionuclide Transport Model for a Spent Nuclear Fuel Repository<br />

in Saturated Fractured Rock. Nuclear Technology 138(2002):2 pp 179–205.<br />

14-7 Romero L, 1995. The near-field transport in a repository for high-level nuclear waste. Ph.D. Thesis,<br />

TRITA-KET R21, The Royal Institute of Technology.<br />

14-8 Norman S, Kjellbert N, 1990. FARF31 – A far field radionuclide migration code for use in the Proper<br />

package. <strong>SKB</strong> TR 90-01, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.<br />

14-9 Romero L, Thompson A, Moreno L, Neretnieks I, Widén H, Boghammar A, 1999. Comp23/<br />

Nuctran User’s Guide. <strong>SKB</strong> TR-99-29, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.<br />

14-10 Bergström U, Nordlinder S, Aggeryd I, 1999. Models for dose assessments. Modules for various<br />

biosphere types. <strong>SKB</strong> TR-99-14, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.<br />

Chapter 15<br />

15-1 <strong>SKB</strong>, 2003. Plan 2003. Costs for management of the radioactive waste products from nuclear power<br />

production. Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.<br />

15-2 <strong>SKB</strong>, 1999. SR 97, Main Report, Volume I. Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.<br />

15-3 Olander D, <strong>2004</strong>. Thermal spike theory of a thermal diffusion of fission products due to alpha decay of<br />

actinides in spent fuel (UO 2 ). <strong>SKB</strong> TR-04-17. Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.<br />

15-4 Håkansson R, 1999. Beräkning av nuklidinnehåll, resteffekt, aktivitet samt doshastighet för utbränt<br />

kärnbränsle. <strong>SKB</strong> R-99-74, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.<br />

15-5 Agrenius L, 2002. Criticality safety calculations of storage canisters. <strong>SKB</strong> TR-02-17,<br />

Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.<br />

15-6 Cui D, Low J, Lundström M, Spahiu K, <strong>2004</strong>. Spent fuel leaching under anoxic conditions and<br />

the effect of canister materials. In Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XXVII, Materials<br />

Research Society Symposium Proceedings (V M Oversby and L O Werme eds), Vol 807, pp 89–94.<br />

15-7 Spahiu K, Eklund U-B, Cui D, Lundström M, 2002. The influence of near field redox conditions<br />

on spent fuel leaching. In Scientific Basis for Nuclear waste management XXV, Materials Research<br />

Society Symposium Series, Vol 713 (B Peter McGrail and G Cragnolino eds), pp 633–638.<br />

15-8 Cui D, Spahiu K, 2002. The reduction of U(VI) on corroded iron under anoxic groundwater conditions<br />

Radiochimica Acta, 90, pp 1–6.<br />

15-9 Spahiu K, Devoy J, Cui D, Lundström M, 2003. The reduction of U(VI) by near field hydrogen in<br />

the presence of UO 2 (s). Presented at Migration 2003 Conference, Radiochimica Acta (in press).<br />

15-10 Ollila K, Lindqvist K, 2003. Air oxidation tests with Gd-doped UO 2 . Preliminary dissolution<br />

experiments with pre-oxidized Gd-doped UO 2+x . Posiva Report 2003-08, Posiva OY.<br />

15-11 Ollila K, Albinsson Y, Oversby V, Cowper M, 2003. Dissolution rates of unirradiated UO 2 , UO 2<br />

doped with 233 U, and spent fuel under normal atmospheric conditions and under reducing conditions<br />

using an isotope dilution method. <strong>SKB</strong> TR-03-13, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.<br />

15-12 <strong>SKB</strong>, 1999. SR 97, Main Report, Volume II. Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.<br />

15-13 Sellin P, 2001. SR 97: Hydromechanical evolution in a defective canister. In Scientific Basis for<br />

Nuclear waste management XXVI, Materials Research Society Symposium Series, Vol 663,<br />

(Hart K P and Lumpkin G R eds), pp 755–763.<br />

15-14 Spahiu K, Werme L, Eklund U-B, 2000. The influence of near field hydrogen on actinide solubilities<br />

and spent fuel leaching. Radiochimica Acta, 88, pp 507–511.<br />

15-15 Guppy R M, Atkinson A, Valentine T M, 1989. Studies of the solubility of technetium under a range<br />

of redox conditions. Harwell ARE-R 13467, DOE/RW/89/102.<br />

15-16 Cui D, Eriksen T, 1996. Reduction of Tc(VII) and Np(V) in solution by ferrous iron.<br />

A laboratory study of homogeneous and heterogeneous redox processes. <strong>SKB</strong> TR-96-03,<br />

Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.<br />

15-17 Spahiu K, Cui D, Lundström M, 2003. The fate of radiolytic oxidants during spent fuel leaching in<br />

the presence of dissolved near field hydrogen. Presented at Migration 2003 Conference, Radiochimica<br />

Acta (in press).<br />

340 RD&D-<strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2004</strong>

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