RD&D-Programme 2004 - SKB

RD&D-Programme 2004 - SKB

RD&D-Programme 2004 - SKB


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<strong>Programme</strong><br />

The Apse experiment is being conducted during <strong>2004</strong>. A complete evaluation will be made in<br />

2005.<br />

The strategy for site-descriptive rock mechanical modelling is being applied and developed<br />

within the framework of the site investigations (Deep Repository Project).<br />

In-depth analysis will be carried out in connection with the evaluation of the Apse experiment<br />

regarding calibration of the strategy for site-descriptive rock mechanical modelling, mainly<br />

based on comparison between predicted properties and experimental results.<br />

19.2.6 Thermal movement<br />

Conclusions in RD&D 2001 and its review<br />

General plans for construction of descriptive rock mechanical models were described in RD&D<br />

2001. The risk of canister damage due to thermomechanical loading was addressed in RD&D<br />

2001 under the process “reactivation” and can in practice be set equal to zero, provided that it<br />

can be assumed that no canister holes will be intersected by fractures with a minimum length of<br />

700 metres in the dip direction /19-36/.<br />

The authorities note the absence of a reference in RD&D-<strong>Programme</strong> 2001 supporting the claim<br />

that thermomechanical loading does not cause canister damage. SKI believes this remains to be<br />

shown.<br />

Newfound knowledge since RD&D 2001<br />

Within the Decovalex project, the rock’s thermohydromechanical response to tunnel excavation<br />

and heating has been analyzed with a number of different tools, including the commercially<br />

available code Abaqus. The evaluation and reporting of the <strong>SKB</strong> work, i.e. simulation of the<br />

Febex experiment, is under way.<br />

<strong>Programme</strong><br />

The Apse experiment is continuing with updated analyses of the thermally generated movements<br />

and stress changes.<br />

Within the framework of the design process (stage D2 in <strong>SKB</strong>’s planning), thermomechanical<br />

numerical analyses will be carried out using site data. General thermomechanical 3DEC<br />

analyses may be done first as reference cases, where the rock is assumed to have continuum<br />

properties equivalent to those obtained from the first versions of the site models. Other input<br />

data, i.e. thermal loads, canister spacing etc, will be determined on the basis of the latest thermal<br />

dimensioning analyses.<br />

19.2.7 Reactivation – movements along existing fractures<br />

Conclusions in RD&D 2001 and its review<br />

In RD&D 2001 it was noted that the risks of induced fracture movements had been overestimated<br />

in SR 97 due to the exaggerated safety margins that had been applied in the numerical<br />

analyses. Furthermore, RD&D 2001 described plans to broaden the body of numerical data for<br />

assessment of potential seismically induced fracture movements by defining and executing a<br />

programme of dynamic calculations.<br />

RD&D-<strong>Programme</strong> <strong>2004</strong> 251

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