Joost de Graaf Anisotropic Nanocolloids - Universiteit Utrecht

Joost de Graaf Anisotropic Nanocolloids - Universiteit Utrecht Joost de Graaf Anisotropic Nanocolloids - Universiteit Utrecht
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Summary In this thesis we considered so-called colloids, particles that are typically smaller than a thousandth of a millimetre in size. Colloids dispersed in a medium experience Brownian motion, i.e., random displacement and rotation, due to the constant bombardment by the much smaller solvent molecules. The random motion causes the particles to diffuse through the system and in principle fully sample phase space. This exploration of phase space gives rise to a strong relation between the way in which colloids organize into structures and the way in which molecular systems form phases, e.g., a gas, a liquid, and a solid. The formation of colloidal structures is referred to as self-assembly, when it is effected by Brownian motion and particle-particle interactions only. An important advantage of colloidal matter over atomic and simple molecular systems is the far greater level of structural complexity that can be achieved. This, coupled with the fact that colloid properties are more easily modified in situ - making colloids ideally suited for industrial applications - is one of the main reasons to study these particles. Moreover, the time and length scales on which colloid dynamics occurs, are experimentally accessible by conventional optical techniques. This offers a tremendous opportunity to learn by analogy about processes, such as melting, nucleation, and defect formation, in molecular systems, where it is often not possible to perform a real-time, real-space analysis. The study of colloids is therefore also of fundamental importance. Of particular interest is the way in which colloid behaviour is influenced by anisotropy. Even for seemingly simple systems consisting only of hard spheres there is a fascinating richness in the phases that can form. By considering spheres with isotropic soft (short- and long-range) interaction potentials, even more complex structures are made possible. This complexity is expected to increase further when anisotropic interactions are used. Recent advances in particle synthesis have yielded a huge variety of new colloid and nanoparticle building blocks: dumbbells, ellipsoids, cubes, tetrahedra, superballs, tetrapods, octapods, Janus particles, and many more. With these building blocks at our disposal many avenues for the creation of new phases with unprecedented properties can now be explored. It proves beneficial to perform computer simulations and theoretical calculations to complement the experimental investigation into the phase behaviour of colloidal particles. Computer simulations are essentially ‘computer experiments’ that are carried out using a simplified model of the system of interest, for which there is absolute control over the parameters that govern the system. This control allows the complex phenomenology observed in experiments to be more easily unravelled. A theoretical calculation typically employs a higher level of abstraction and a more mathematical approach to the description of the system. The sampling of phase space in theory can be considered implicit and the sampling in a simulation explicit. In this thesis we took the simulation and theory route to study the influence of anisotropy on the behaviour of colloids. We discussed three topics for which shape and/or interaction anisotropy plays an important role and for which the recent development of the aforementioned particles has had a strong impact. • The adsorption of single particles at a liquid-liquid interface. The behaviour of small particles adsorbed at a liquid-liquid interface is not only of importance to

212 Summary our understanding of phase transitions and critical phenomena in two-dimensional (2D) systems, but also has great potential for use in industry. Possible applications include the encapsulation of drugs in emulsion droplets for medical purposes and the stabilization of foams and emulsions, which are relevant to the food industry. • Crystal-structure prediction for colloidal systems and the related phase behaviour. Although there has been a tremendous increase in the ability to control the ways in which colloids and nanoparticles self-assemble, there are still many unanswered questions with regards to determining the specific particle properties that result in a desired structure. In particular, predicting crystal structures based only on knowledge of the interactions between particles has proven very challenging. However, an efficient ab initio way to predict crystal structures holds the key to designing new materials with predetermined properties and is therefore highly sought after. • The ion distribution around charged particles suspended in a dielectric medium. In many colloidal suspensions electrostatic interactions play an important role and it is therefore important to characterise the nature of such interactions using theory and simulations. However, even for systems containing only homogeneously charged spherical colloids studying the physical properties by theory or by simulations is difficult due to the long range of the Coulomb interactions. These long-range interactions coupled with the presence of mobile ions that screen the colloid’s bare charge present a complex many-body problem, which cannot be easily unravelled to yield effective colloid-colloid interactions. For anisotropic charge distributions the complexity of the problem increases significantly. In Chapter 2 we described the numerical technique of triangular tessellation, by which the surface areas and line length that are associated with a plane-particle intersection can be approximated. Our method allowed us to determine the free-energy of adsorption for a single shape-anisotropic colloid with homogeneous surface properties adsorbed at a flat interface in the Pieranski approximation. We established that prolate ellipsoids and spherocylinders absorb perpendicular to the interfacial normal. For prolate cylinders there can also be a metastable adsorption parallel to this normal. We continued our investigation in Chapter 3 where we considered the free energy in more detail and introduced simple dynamics to analyse the process of a particle attaching to the interface and relaxing to its equilibrium position and orientation. When there are metastable adsorption configurations, we showed that the orientation of a colloid at its initial contact with the interface has a strong influence on its final orientation. Within the confines of our model this resulted in an unexpectedly large domain of stability for the metastable configuration of relatively long cylindrical particles. We even encountered situations for which a particle (short cylinder) passed through the interface unhindered, despite there being deep minima in the free energy of adsorption that would ordinarily give rise to strong binding to the interface. Finally, in Chapter 4 we extended the triangular-tessellation technique to numerically determine the free energy of adsorption for a nonconvex colloidal particle with surface patterning. We showed that the equilibrium orientation of a truncated cube falls into one of three distinct categories we found; which of the three depends on the details of the contact-angle pattern. We also considered plane-particle

212 Summary<br />

our un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of phase transitions and critical phenomena in two-dimensional<br />

(2D) systems, but also has great potential for use in industry. Possible applications<br />

inclu<strong>de</strong> the encapsulation of drugs in emulsion droplets for medical purposes and<br />

the stabilization of foams and emulsions, which are relevant to the food industry.<br />

• Crystal-structure prediction for colloidal systems and the related phase behaviour.<br />

Although there has been a tremendous increase in the ability to control the ways<br />

in which colloids and nanoparticles self-assemble, there are still many unanswered<br />

questions with regards to <strong>de</strong>termining the specific particle properties that result in a<br />

<strong>de</strong>sired structure. In particular, predicting crystal structures based only on knowledge<br />

of the interactions between particles has proven very challenging. However, an<br />

efficient ab initio way to predict crystal structures holds the key to <strong>de</strong>signing new<br />

materials with pre<strong>de</strong>termined properties and is therefore highly sought after.<br />

• The ion distribution around charged particles suspen<strong>de</strong>d in a dielectric medium. In<br />

many colloidal suspensions electrostatic interactions play an important role and it is<br />

therefore important to characterise the nature of such interactions using theory and<br />

simulations. However, even for systems containing only homogeneously charged<br />

spherical colloids studying the physical properties by theory or by simulations is<br />

difficult due to the long range of the Coulomb interactions. These long-range interactions<br />

coupled with the presence of mobile ions that screen the colloid’s bare<br />

charge present a complex many-body problem, which cannot be easily unravelled to<br />

yield effective colloid-colloid interactions. For anisotropic charge distributions the<br />

complexity of the problem increases significantly.<br />

In Chapter 2 we <strong>de</strong>scribed the numerical technique of triangular tessellation, by which<br />

the surface areas and line length that are associated with a plane-particle intersection<br />

can be approximated. Our method allowed us to <strong>de</strong>termine the free-energy of adsorption<br />

for a single shape-anisotropic colloid with homogeneous surface properties adsorbed at<br />

a flat interface in the Pieranski approximation. We established that prolate ellipsoids<br />

and spherocylin<strong>de</strong>rs absorb perpendicular to the interfacial normal. For prolate cylin<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

there can also be a metastable adsorption parallel to this normal. We continued our investigation<br />

in Chapter 3 where we consi<strong>de</strong>red the free energy in more <strong>de</strong>tail and introduced<br />

simple dynamics to analyse the process of a particle attaching to the interface and relaxing<br />

to its equilibrium position and orientation. When there are metastable adsorption<br />

configurations, we showed that the orientation of a colloid at its initial contact with the<br />

interface has a strong influence on its final orientation. Within the confines of our mo<strong>de</strong>l<br />

this resulted in an unexpectedly large domain of stability for the metastable configuration<br />

of relatively long cylindrical particles. We even encountered situations for which<br />

a particle (short cylin<strong>de</strong>r) passed through the interface unhin<strong>de</strong>red, <strong>de</strong>spite there being<br />

<strong>de</strong>ep minima in the free energy of adsorption that would ordinarily give rise to strong<br />

binding to the interface. Finally, in Chapter 4 we exten<strong>de</strong>d the triangular-tessellation<br />

technique to numerically <strong>de</strong>termine the free energy of adsorption for a nonconvex colloidal<br />

particle with surface patterning. We showed that the equilibrium orientation of<br />

a truncated cube falls into one of three distinct categories we found; which of the three<br />

<strong>de</strong>pends on the <strong>de</strong>tails of the contact-angle pattern. We also consi<strong>de</strong>red plane-particle

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