C/o Motorable Steel Arch Bridge over river Yamne at Reglat (Bysang)

C/o Motorable Steel Arch Bridge over river Yamne at Reglat (Bysang) C/o Motorable Steel Arch Bridge over river Yamne at Reglat (Bysang)

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t 2l 15.3.* In the case of contracts in which the Cont adjustment), in the event that the Em densiqn of the valirlity period, the shall be the bid price corrected as fo Ttre price shall be increased has elapsed from the opiraJi acceptance to the succ 6. q;ab/6r of the lfoiti€l t subject to price Bidder agrees to an is selected for award each week or part of a week t-hat validity to t}le date of issue of letter of 15.4. 16. 16.1. Bid evaluation will be based on the bid prices without taking into consideration the above correction. Btd Security The Bidder shall furnish, as part of his Bid, a Bid security in the amount as shown in column 4 of the table of IFB for this particular work. This bid security shall be in favour of Employer as named in Appendix and may be in one of the following forms: Receipt in challan of cash deposit in the Govt. Treasury in India. b. c. d. e. Deposit-at-call Receipt from any scheduled Indian Bank or a foreign Bank located in India and approved by the Reserve Bank of India. Indian Post Office National Savings Certificate duly endorsed by the competent postal authority in India. Aank Cuaraniee from any scheduled Indian bank., in the format given in Volume lll. Fixed Deposit Receipt, a certified cheque or an irrevocable letter of credit, issued by any Scheduled Indian Bank or a foreign Bank approved by the Reserve Bank of India. t6.2. 16.3. t6.4. Bank guarantees (and other instruments having fixed validity) issued as surety for the bid shall be valid for 45 days beyond the validity of the bid. Any bid not accompanied by an acceptable Bid Security and not secured as indicated in sub-clauses 16.1 and 16.2 above shall be rejected by the Employer as nonresponsive. The Bid Security of unsuccessful bidders will be returned within 28 days of the end of the bid validity period specified in Sub-Clause 15. 1. 16.5. 16.6. The Bid Security of the successfu,l bidder will be discharged when the bidder signed the Agreement and furnished the required performance Security. The Bid Security may be forfeited has (a) if the Bidder withdraws the Bid after Bid operring during the period of Bid validity; (b) if the Bidder does not accept the correction of the Bid Price, pursuant 27: or to Clause Delete if the contract is for more than 12 months period C: O oti= 6 "I =O D=- 91

C:O Or^l: O (D=b t=- ol 2e (c) in the case of a successful Bidder, if the Bidder fails within the specified time limit to (i) sign the Agreement; or ill) furnistr thi required Performance Security' L7. T7.T. 18. 18.1. 18.2. 18.3. Alternative ProPosals bY Bidders Bidders shall sutriit offers it r.rny comply with the requirements of "t the bidding document including the conditions of contract (including mobilization advance or time for completion), basic technical design as indicated in tne--drawing and specifications conditional offer or alternative offers will not be consideied further in the process of tender evaluation. Format and signing "{ Pil .r{ nnc nnnw rhe d, g the The Bidder shall pref,are on-e original and one copy of t!e- documents comprlslnl bid as described * Ct..r". 12 of-these Instructionsto Bidd'ers' bound with the volume containing the "Tectrnical Bid" and "Financial Bid' in separate parts and clearly marked 'ORIGINAL'. The original and copy of the Bid shall be typed or-written in indelible ink and sha1tr be signed by a persol'* p.r"ons_ duly autrrorized to sign on behaH of the Bidder' pursuanttoSub.Clau"."+.g'AllpagesofthebidwhereentriesoramendmentsLrave been made shall be initialed by the person or persons signing the bid' The Bid shall contain no alterations or additions, except those to comply with instructionsissuedbytheEmployer,oraSnecessarytocorrectelTorsmadebythe bid.der, in which casl such corrections shall be initialed by the person or persons signing the bid. D. STIBMISSION OF BIDS 19. 19.1. Sealing and Marking of Bids Bidder shall seal the original and copy of the Bid in separate envelopes, duly marking the envelopes as *ORIG"INAL'. Tkrese two envelopes lCalea as inner envelopes) shall then be put inside one outer envelope. Each set of the inner envelope marked goRIGINAL. shall contain within it two separate envelopes marked "Technical Bid" and Financia,l Bid." with additional with additional markings as follows tr Technical Bid: To be oPened on at 1530 hrs in the office of the Executive Engineer PWD Dresence of Evaluation Committee' Financial Bid: Not to be opened except'*ittt ttr" approval of Evaluation commrttee The contents of Technical and Financial Bids wili be as specified in clause 12' I 19.2. Theinner,outer,andseparateenvelopescontainingTechnicalandFinancialBids shall (a) be addressed to the Employer at the address given in Appendix (b) bear the identification as indicated in Appendix' I I ,.t'' '',:' ' ' -.-t-

t<br />

2l<br />

15.3.*<br />

In the case of contracts in which the Cont<br />

adjustment), in the event th<strong>at</strong> the Em<br />

densiqn of the valirlity period, the<br />

shall be the bid price corrected as fo<br />

Ttre price shall be increased<br />

has elapsed from the opiraJi<br />

acceptance to the succ<br />

6. q;ab/6r<br />

of the lfoiti€l<br />

t subject to price<br />

Bidder agrees to an<br />

is selected for award<br />

each week or part of a week t-h<strong>at</strong><br />

validity to t}le d<strong>at</strong>e of issue of letter of<br />

15.4.<br />

16.<br />

16.1.<br />

Bid evalu<strong>at</strong>ion will be based on the bid prices without taking into consider<strong>at</strong>ion the<br />

above correction.<br />

Btd Security<br />

The Bidder shall furnish, as part of his Bid, a Bid security in the amount as shown in<br />

column 4 of the table of IFB for this particular work. This bid security shall be in<br />

favour of Employer as named in Appendix and may be in one of the following forms:<br />

Receipt in challan of cash deposit in the Govt. Treasury in India.<br />

b.<br />

c.<br />

d.<br />

e.<br />

Deposit-<strong>at</strong>-call Receipt from any scheduled Indian Bank or a foreign Bank loc<strong>at</strong>ed in<br />

India and approved by the Reserve Bank of India.<br />

Indian Post Office N<strong>at</strong>ional Savings Certific<strong>at</strong>e duly endorsed by the competent postal<br />

authority in India.<br />

Aank Cuaraniee from any scheduled Indian bank., in the form<strong>at</strong> given in Volume lll.<br />

Fixed Deposit Receipt, a certified cheque or an irrevocable letter of credit, issued by<br />

any Scheduled Indian Bank or a foreign Bank approved by the Reserve Bank of India.<br />

t6.2.<br />

16.3.<br />

t6.4.<br />

Bank guarantees (and other instruments having fixed validity) issued as surety for the<br />

bid shall be valid for 45 days beyond the validity of the bid.<br />

Any bid not accompanied by an acceptable Bid Security and not secured as indic<strong>at</strong>ed<br />

in sub-clauses 16.1 and 16.2 above shall be rejected by the Employer as nonresponsive.<br />

The Bid Security of unsuccessful bidders will be returned within 28 days of the end of<br />

the bid validity period specified in Sub-Clause 15. 1.<br />

16.5.<br />

16.6.<br />

The Bid Security of the successfu,l bidder will be discharged when the bidder<br />

signed the Agreement and furnished the required performance Security.<br />

The Bid Security may be forfeited<br />

has<br />

(a)<br />

if the Bidder withdraws the Bid after Bid operring during the period of Bid<br />

validity;<br />

(b)<br />

if the Bidder does not accept the correction of the Bid Price, pursuant<br />

27: or<br />

to Clause<br />

Delete if the contract is for more than 12 months period<br />

C: O oti= 6 "I =O D=- 91

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