India TVET Qualification Framework

India TVET Qualification Framework India TVET Qualification Framework


Key Features of NVEQF (contd..) 6 Capacity building of teachers and trainers Sharing of resources Quality assurance system Vinay Swarup Mehrotra; 3/20/2013

Scheme of Study 7 NVEQ level Vocational Education and Training/Skill Component (in hrs) Vinay Swarup Mehrotra; General Education/Theory component (in hrs) 7 700 300 6 450 550 5 400 600 4 350 650 3 350 650 2 250 750 1 200 800 3/20/2013

Key Features of NVEQF (contd..)<br />

6<br />

Capacity building of teachers and trainers<br />

Sharing of resources<br />

Quality assurance system<br />

Vinay Swarup Mehrotra;<br />


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