Eura Medicophys Europa medicophysica. 0014-2573 (P) 1965- 0071035 EURO Rep Stud EURO reports and studies. 0250-8710 (P) 1979-1989 8000103 Euro Surveill Euro surveillance: bulletin europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin. 1025-496X (P) 1560-7917 (E) 1995- 100887452 Europace Europace: European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology: journal of the working groups on cardiac pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac cellular electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology. 1099-5129 (P) 1532-2092 (E) 1999- Acid-free 100883649 Eval Health Prof Evaluation & the health professions. 0163-2787 (P) 1978- 7805992 Eval Program Plann s) Evaluation and program planning. 0149-7189 (P) 1978- 7801727 Eval Rev Evaluation review. 0193-841X (P) Continues Evaluation quarterly. 1980- 8004942 Evaluation s) Evaluation. 0090-4449 (P) 1972-1976 0415527 Evid Based Cardiovasc Med Evidence-based cardiovascular medicine. 1361-2611 (P) 1532-2173 (E) 1997- 9709510 Evid Based Dent Evidence-based dentistry. 1462-0049 (P) 1476-5446 (E) 1998- 100883603 Evid Based Ment Health Evidence-based mental health. 1362-0347 (P) 1468-960X (E) 1998- Acid-free 100883413 Evid Based Nurs Evidence-based nursing. 1367-6539 (P) 1468-9618 (E) 1998- 9815947 Evid Rep Technol Assess (Summ) Evidence report/technology assessment (Summary) 1530-440X (P) 1998- 100890218 Evol Comput Evolutionary computation. 1063-6560 (P) 1530-9304 (E) 1993- 9513581 Evol Dev Evolution & development. 1520-541X (P) 1525-142X (E) 1999- Acid-free 100883432 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Evol Psychiatr (Paris) L’ Evolution psychiatrique. 0014-3855 (P) 1925- 0370706 Evolution Int J Org Evolution Evolution; international journal of organic evolution. 0014-3820 (P) 1947- 0373224 Except Child s) Exceptional children. 0014-4029 (P) Continues Journal of exceptional children. 1951- 0375042 Exec Housekeep Today s) Executive housekeeping today / the official magazine of the National Executive Housekeepers Association. 0738-6583 (P) 1980- 8915365 Exec Housekeeper s) Executive housekeeper. 0014-455X (P) 19??-1979 9876029 Exec Solut Healthc Manag Executive solutions for healthcare management. 1099-193X (P) Continues: Health system leader. 1998-2000 9808647 Exerc Immunol Rev Exercise immunology review. 1077-5552 (P) 1995- 9505535 Exerc Sport Sci Rev Exercise and sport sciences reviews. 0091-6331 (P) 1973- 0375434 Exp Aging Res Experimental aging research. 0361-073X (P) 0361-073X (E) 1975- Acid-free 7603335 Exp Anim Experimental animals / Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Science. 1341-1357 (P) Continues: Jikken dobutsu. 1995- 9604830 Exp Appl Acarol Experimental & applied acarology. 0168-8162 (P) 1985- Acid-free 8507436 Exp Biol Experimental biology. 0176-8638 (P) Continues: Revue canadienne de biologie experimentale. 1984-1990 Acid-free 8503247 Exp Biol Med Experimental biology and medicine. 0071-3384 (P) Continued by: Issues in biomedicine. 1967-1987 0114060 Exp Biol Med (Maywood) Experimental biology and medicine (Maywood, N. J.) 1535-3702 (P) 1535-3699 (E) Continues: Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine (New York, N. Y.). 2001- 100973463 2006 Exp Brain Res Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Experimentation cerebrale. 0014-4819 (P) 1966- Acid-free 0043312 Exp Cell Biol Experimental cell biology. 0304-3568 (P) Continues Pathologia et microbiologia. Merged with: Pathology and immunopathology research, to form: Pathobiology. 1976-1989 7701827 Exp Cell Res Experimental cell research. 0014-4827 (P) 1950- Acid-free 0373226 Exp Clin Endocrinol Experimental and clinical endocrinology. 0232-7384 (P) Continues: Endokrinologie. Continued by: Experimental and clinical endocrinology & diabetes. 1983-1994 8302802 Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes Experimental and clinical endocrinology & diabetes: official journal, German Society of Endocrinology [and] German Diabetes Association. 0947-7349 (P) Continues: Experimental and clinical endocrinology. 1995- 9505926 Exp Clin Immunogenet Experimental and clinical immunogenetics. 0254-9670 (P) 1984-2002 Acid-free 8411714 Exp Clin Psychopharmacol Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology. 1064-1297 (P) 1993- 9419066 Exp Clin Transplant Experimental and clinical transplantation: official journal of the Middle East Society for Organ Transplantation. 1304-0855 (P) 2003- Acid-free 101207333 Exp Dermatol Experimental dermatology. 0906-6705 (P) 1600-0625 (E) 1992- 9301549 Exp Diabesity Res Experimental diabesity research. 1543-8600 (P) 1543-8619 (E) Continues: International journal of experimental diabesity research. 2003- 101183590 Exp Embryol Teratol Experimental embryology and teratology. 0306-2090 (P) Supersedes Advances in teratology. 1974-1974 7513591 Exp Eye Res Experimental eye research. 0014-4835 (P) 1961- Acid-free 0370707 Exp Gerontol Experimental gerontology. 0531-5565 (P) 1964- 0047061 95

Exp Hematol Experimental hematology. 0301-472X (P) Supersedes Experimental hematology, published in Oak Ridge, Tenn. 1973- Acid-free 0402313 Exp Lung Res Experimental lung research. 0190-2148 (P) 1521-0499 (E) 1980- Acid-free 8004944 Exp Med Pathol Klin Experimentelle Medizin, Pathologie und Klinik. 0071-3430 (P) 1964-1972 0034007 Exp Med Surg Experimental medicine and surgery. 0014-4878 (P) 1943-1971 0435437 Exp Mol Med Experimental & molecular medicine. 1226-3613 (P) Continues: Korean journal of biochemistry. 1996- 9607880 Exp Mol Pathol Experimental and molecular pathology. 0014-4800 (P) 1962- Acid-free 0370711 Exp Mol Pathol Suppl Experimental and molecular pathology. Supplement. 0531-5522 (P) 1963-1966 0007677 Exp Mycol s) Experimental mycology. 0147-5975 (P) Continued by: Fungal genetics and biology. 1977-1995 8511210 Exp Nephrol Experimental nephrology. 1018-7782 (P) Merged with part of: Nephron, to form: Nephron. Experimental nephrology. 1993-2002 9302239 Exp Neurol Experimental neurology. 0014-4886 (P) 1959- Acid-free 0370712 Exp Neurol Suppl Experimental neurology. Supplement. 0531-559X (P) 1964-19?? 0066741 Exp Oncol Experimental oncology. 1812-9269 (P) Continues: Eksperimental nai a onkologii a. 2004- 101230541 Exp Parasitol Experimental parasitology. 0014-4894 (P) 1951- Acid-free 0370713 Exp Pathol Experimental pathology. 0232-1513 (P) Continues: Experimentelle Pathologie. Continued by: Experimental and toxicologic pathology. 1981-1991 8108218 Exp Pathol (Jena) Experimentelle Pathologie. 0014-4908 (P) Continued by: Experimental pathology. 1967-1980 0113124 96 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Exp Pathol Suppl Experimental pathology. Supplement = Experimentelle Pathologie. Supplement. 0323-6102 (P) 1975-1989 8300901 Exp Physiol Experimental physiology. 0958-0670 (P) Continues: Quarterly journal of experimental physiology (Cambridge, England). 1990- 9002940 Exp Psychol Experimental psychology. 1618-3169 (P) Continues: Zeitschrift fur experimentelle Psychologie. 2002- 101138477 Exp Toxicol Pathol Experimental and toxicologic pathology: official journal of the Gesellschaft fur Toxikologische Pathologie. 0940-2993 (P) Continues: Experimental pathology. 1992- 9208920 Experientia s) Experientia. 0014-4754 (P) Continued by: Cellular and molecular life sciences. 1945-1996 Acid-free 0376547 Experientia Suppl s) Experientia. Supplementum. 0071-335X (P) Continued by: EXS. 1953-1989 0320043 Expert Opin Biol Ther Expert opinion on biological therapy. 1471-2598 (P) 1744-7682 (E) 2001- 101125414 Expert Opin Drug Deliv Expert opinion on drug delivery. 1742-5247 (P) 2004- 101228421 Expert Opin Drug Saf Expert opinion on drug safety. 1474-0338 (P) 1744-764X (E) 2002- 101163027 Expert Opin Emerg Drugs Expert opinion on emerging drugs. 1472-8214 (P) 1744-7623 (E) Continues: Emerging drugs. 2001- 101135662 Expert Opin Investig Drugs Expert opinion on investigational drugs. 1354-3784 (P) 1744-7658 (E) Continues: Current opinion in investigational drugs. 1994- 9434197 Expert Opin Pharmacother Expert opinion on pharmacotherapy. 1465-6566 (P) 1744-7666 (E) 1999- 100897346 Expert Opin Ther Targets Expert opinion on therapeutic targets. 1472-8222 (P) 1744-7631 (E) Continues: Emerging therapeutic targets. 2001- 101127833 Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther Expert review of anti-infective therapy. 1478-7210 (P) 1744-8336 (E) 2003- 101181284 2006 Expert Rev Anticancer Ther Expert review of anticancer therapy. 1473-7140 (P) 2001- 101123358 Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther Expert review of cardiovascular therapy. 1477-9072 (P) 1744-8344 (E) 2003- 101182328 Expert Rev Med Devices Expert review of medical devices. 1743-4440 (P) 2004- 101230445 Expert Rev Mol Diagn Expert review of molecular diagnostics. 1473-7159 (P) 1744-8352 (E) 2001- 101120777 Expert Rev Mol Med Expert reviews in molecular medicine [electronic resource]. 1462-3994 (E) 1997- 100939725 Expert Rev Neurother Expert review of neurotherapeutics. 1473-7175 (P) 1744-8360 (E) 2001- 101129944 Expert Rev Proteomics Expert review of proteomics. 1478-9450 (P) 1744-8387 (E) 2004- 101223548 Expert Rev Vaccines Expert review of vaccines. 1476-0584 (P) 1744-8395 (E) 2002- 101155475 Explorer (Hayward) Explorer. Continues: Sac Explorer. Continued by: Southern Alameda County Explorer. 1969-1972 9875621 Explorer (Kansas City) The Explorer: the journal of the School of Dentistry of the University of Missouri at Kansas City. University of Missouri--Kansas City. School of Dentistry. University of Missouri at Kansas City 1970- 9875622 Expos Annu Biochim Med Exposes annuels de biochimie medicale. 0300-9076 (P) 1938-1982 0071567 EXS s) EXS. 1023-294X (P) Continues: Experientia. Supplementum. 1989- Acid-free 9204529 Extremophiles Extremophiles: life under extreme conditions. 1431-0651 (P) 1433-4909 (E) 1997- Acid-free 9706854 Eye Eye (London, England) 0950-222X (P) Continues: Transactions of the ophthalmological societies of the United Kingdom. 1987- 8703986 Eye Contact Lens Eye & contact lens. 1542-2321 (P) 1542-233X (E) Continues: CLAO journal. 2003- 101160941

Eura Medicophys<br />

Europa medicophysica.<br />

0014-2573 (P)<br />

1965- 0071035<br />

EURO Rep Stud<br />

EURO reports and studies.<br />

0250-8710 (P)<br />

1979-1989 8000103<br />

Euro Surveill<br />

Euro surveillance: bulletin europeen sur<br />

les maladies transmissibles = European<br />

communicable disease bulletin.<br />

1025-496X (P) 1560-7917 (E)<br />

1995- 100887452<br />

Europace<br />

Europace: European pacing, arrhythmias, and<br />

cardiac electrophysiology: journal of the<br />

working groups on cardiac pacing,<br />

arrhythmias, and cardiac cellular<br />

electrophysiology of the European Society of<br />

Cardiology.<br />

1099-5129 (P) 1532-2092 (E)<br />

1999- Acid-free 100883649<br />

Eval Health Prof<br />

Evaluation & the health professions.<br />

0163-2787 (P)<br />

1978- 7805992<br />

Eval Program Plann<br />

s) Evaluation and program planning.<br />

0149-7189 (P)<br />

1978- 7801727<br />

Eval Rev<br />

Evaluation review.<br />

0193-841X (P)<br />

Continues Evaluation quarterly.<br />

1980- 8004942<br />

Evaluation<br />

s) Evaluation.<br />

0090-4449 (P)<br />

1972-1976 0415527<br />

Evid Based Cardiovasc Med<br />

Evidence-based cardiovascular medicine.<br />

1361-2611 (P) 1532-2173 (E)<br />

1997- 9709510<br />

Evid Based Dent<br />

Evidence-based dentistry.<br />

1462-0049 (P) 1476-5446 (E)<br />

1998- 100883603<br />

Evid Based Ment Health<br />

Evidence-based mental health.<br />

1362-0347 (P) 1468-960X (E)<br />

1998- Acid-free 100883413<br />

Evid Based Nurs<br />

Evidence-based nursing.<br />

1367-6539 (P) 1468-9618 (E)<br />

1998- 9815947<br />

Evid Rep Technol Assess (Summ)<br />

Evidence report/technology assessment<br />

(Summary)<br />

1530-440X (P)<br />

1998- 100890218<br />

Evol Comput<br />

Evolutionary computation.<br />

1063-6560 (P) 1530-9304 (E)<br />

1993- 9513581<br />

Evol Dev<br />

Evolution & development.<br />

1520-541X (P) 1525-142X (E)<br />

1999- Acid-free 100883432<br />

<strong>LIST</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>SERIALS</strong> <strong>INDEXED</strong><br />

Evol Psychiatr (Paris)<br />

L’ Evolution psychiatrique.<br />

0014-3855 (P)<br />

1925- 0370706<br />

Evolution Int J Org Evolution<br />

Evolution; international journal of organic<br />

evolution.<br />

0014-3820 (P)<br />

1947- 0373224<br />

Except Child<br />

s) Exceptional children.<br />

0014-4029 (P)<br />

Continues Journal of exceptional children.<br />

1951- 0375042<br />

Exec Housekeep Today<br />

s) Executive housekeeping today / the official<br />

magazine of the National Executive<br />

Housekeepers Association.<br />

0738-6583 (P)<br />

1980- 8915365<br />

Exec Housekeeper<br />

s) Executive housekeeper.<br />

0014-455X (P)<br />

19??-1979 9876029<br />

Exec Solut Healthc Manag<br />

Executive solutions for healthcare<br />

management.<br />

1099-193X (P)<br />

Continues: Health system leader.<br />

1998-2000 9808647<br />

Exerc Immunol Rev<br />

Exercise immunology review.<br />

1077-5552 (P)<br />

1995- 9505535<br />

Exerc Sport Sci Rev<br />

Exercise and sport sciences reviews.<br />

0091-6331 (P)<br />

1973- 0375434<br />

Exp Aging Res<br />

Experimental aging research.<br />

0361-073X (P) 0361-073X (E)<br />

1975- Acid-free 7603335<br />

Exp Anim<br />

Experimental animals / Japanese Association<br />

for Laboratory Animal Science.<br />

1341-1357 (P)<br />

Continues: Jikken dobutsu.<br />

1995- 9604830<br />

Exp Appl Acarol<br />

Experimental & applied acarology.<br />

0168-8162 (P)<br />

1985- Acid-free 8507436<br />

Exp Biol<br />

Experimental biology.<br />

0176-8638 (P)<br />

Continues: Revue canadienne de biologie<br />

experimentale.<br />

1984-1990 Acid-free 8503247<br />

Exp Biol Med<br />

Experimental biology and medicine.<br />

0071-3384 (P)<br />

Continued by: Issues in biomedicine.<br />

1967-1987 0114060<br />

Exp Biol Med (Maywood)<br />

Experimental biology and medicine (Maywood,<br />

N. J.)<br />

1535-3702 (P) 1535-3699 (E)<br />

Continues: Proceedings of the Society for<br />

Experimental Biology and Medicine. Society<br />

for Experimental Biology and Medicine (New<br />

York, N. Y.).<br />

2001- 100973463<br />

2006<br />

Exp Brain Res<br />

Experimental brain research. Experimentelle<br />

Hirnforschung. Experimentation cerebrale.<br />

0014-4819 (P)<br />

1966- Acid-free 0043312<br />

Exp Cell Biol<br />

Experimental cell biology.<br />

0304-3568 (P)<br />

Continues Pathologia et microbiologia.<br />

Merged with: Pathology and immunopathology<br />

research, to form: Pathobiology.<br />

1976-1989 7701827<br />

Exp Cell Res<br />

Experimental cell research.<br />

0014-4827 (P)<br />

1950- Acid-free 0373226<br />

Exp Clin Endocrinol<br />

Experimental and clinical endocrinology.<br />

0232-7384 (P)<br />

Continues: Endokrinologie. Continued by:<br />

Experimental and clinical endocrinology &<br />

diabetes.<br />

1983-1994 8302802<br />

Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes<br />

Experimental and clinical endocrinology &<br />

diabetes: official journal, German Society<br />

of Endocrinology [and] German Diabetes<br />

Association.<br />

0947-7349 (P)<br />

Continues: Experimental and clinical<br />

endocrinology.<br />

1995- 9505926<br />

Exp Clin Immunogenet<br />

Experimental and clinical immunogenetics.<br />

0254-9670 (P)<br />

1984-2002 Acid-free 8411714<br />

Exp Clin Psychopharmacol<br />

Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology.<br />

1064-1297 (P)<br />

1993- 9419066<br />

Exp Clin Transplant<br />

Experimental and clinical transplantation:<br />

official journal of the Middle East Society<br />

for Organ Transplantation.<br />

1304-0855 (P)<br />

2003- Acid-free 101207333<br />

Exp Dermatol<br />

Experimental dermatology.<br />

0906-6705 (P) 1600-0625 (E)<br />

1992- 9301549<br />

Exp Diabesity Res<br />

Experimental diabesity research.<br />

1543-8600 (P) 1543-8619 (E)<br />

Continues: International journal of<br />

experimental diabesity research.<br />

2003- 101183590<br />

Exp Embryol Teratol<br />

Experimental embryology and teratology.<br />

0306-2090 (P)<br />

Supersedes Advances in teratology.<br />

1974-1974 7513591<br />

Exp Eye Res<br />

Experimental eye research.<br />

0014-4835 (P)<br />

1961- Acid-free 0370707<br />

Exp Gerontol<br />

Experimental gerontology.<br />

0531-5565 (P)<br />

1964- 0047061<br />


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