Curr Pract Pediatr Nurs Current practice in pediatric nursing. 0361-9257 (P) 1976-1980 7606120 Curr Probl Cancer Current problems in cancer. 0147-0272 (P) 1535-6345 (E) 1976- 7702986 Curr Probl Cardiol Current problems in cardiology. 0146-2806 (P) 1976- 7701802 Curr Probl Clin Biochem Current problems in clinical biochemistry. 0300-1725 (P) 1968-1984 0353507 Curr Probl Dermatol Current problems in dermatology. 1421-5721 (P) Continues: Aktuelle Probleme der Dermatologie. Current problems in dermatology. 1968- Acid-free 0147371 Curr Probl Diagn Radiol Current problems in diagnostic radiology. 0363-0188 (P) Continues Current problems in radiology. 1976- 7607123 Curr Probl Pediatr Current problems in pediatrics. 0045-9380 (P) Continued by: Current problems in pediatric and adolescent health care. 1970-2001 1272515 Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care Current problems in pediatric and adolescent health care. 1538-5442 (P) 1538-3199 (E) Continues: Current problems in pediatrics. 2001- 101134613 Curr Probl Surg * Current problems in surgery. 0011-3840 (P) 1535-6337 (E) 1964- 0372617 Curr Protein Pept Sci Current protein & peptide science. 1389-2037 (P) 2000- 100960529 Curr Psychiatr Ther Current psychiatric therapies. 0070-2080 (P) Supersedes: Progress in psychotherapy. 1961-1986 0142101 Curr Psychiatry Rep Current psychiatry reports. 1523-3812 (P) 1535-1645 (E) 1999- 100888960 Curr Rev Pain Current review of pain. 1069-5850 (P) Continued by: Current pain and headache reports. 1994-2000 9438797 Curr Rheumatol Rep Current rheumatology reports. 1523-3774 (P) 1534-6307 (E) 1999- Acid-free 100888970 Curr Sci s) Current science. 0011-3891 (P) 1932- 0372620 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Curr Sports Med Rep Current sports medicine reports. 1537-890X (P) 1537-8918 (E) 2002- Acid-free 101134380 Curr Stud Hematol Blood Transfus Current studies in hematology and blood transfusion. 0258-0330 (P) Continues: Bibliotheca haematologica. 1986- Acid-free 8600673 Curr Surg Current surgery. 0149-7944 (P) Continues Review of surgery. 1978- 7802123 Curr Ther Endocrinol Metab Current therapy in endocrinology and metabolism. 0831-652X (P) 1985- 8601485 Curr Ther Res Clin Exp Current therapeutic research, clinical and experimental. 0011-393X (P) 1959- 0372621 Curr Top Cell Regul Current topics in cellular regulation. 0070-2137 (P) 1969- Acid-free 2984740R Curr Top Comp Pathobiol s) Current topics in comparative pathobiology. 0090-8584 (P) 1971-1973 0435531 Curr Top Dev Biol Current topics in developmental biology. 0070-2153 (P) 1966- Acid-free 0163114 Curr Top Exp Endocrinol Current topics in experimental endocrinology. 0091-7397 (P) 1971-1983 0334341 Curr Top Eye Res Current topics in eye research. 0190-2970 (P) 1979-1984 7904214 Curr Top Hematol Current topics in hematology. 0190-1486 (P) 1978-1985 7901811 Curr Top Med Chem Current topics in medicinal chemistry. 1568-0266 (P) 2001- 101119673 Curr Top Med Mycol Current topics in medical mycology. 0177-4204 (P) 1985-1997 Acid-free 8510329 Curr Top Microbiol Immunol Current topics in microbiology and immunology. 0070-217X (P) Continues Ergebnisse der Mikrobiologie, Immunitatsforschung und experimentellen Therapie. 1967- Acid-free 0110513 Curr Top Mol Endocrinol Current topics in molecular endocrinology. 0094-6761 (P) 1974-1976 7500587 2006 Curr Top Pathol Current topics in pathology. Ergebnisse der Pathologie. 0070-2188 (P) Continues: Ergebnisse der allgemeinen Pathologie und pathologischen Anatomie. 1970-2001 Acid-free 0244762 Curr Top Radiat Res Q Current topics in radiation research quarterly. 0011-3964 (P) 1965-1978 1276745 Curr Treat Options Oncol Current treatment options in oncology. 1527-2729 (P) 1534-6277 (E) 2000- 100900946 Curr Urol Rep Current urology reports. 1527-2737 (P) 1534-6285 (E) 2000- Acid-free 100900943 Curr Vasc Pharmacol Current vascular pharmacology 1570-1611 (P) 2003- 101157208 Curr Womens Health Rep Current women’s health reports. 1534-5874 (P) 1539-0837 (E) 2001-2003 101120027 Cutis Cutis; cutaneous medicine for the practitioner. 0011-4162 (P) 1965- 0006440 CVP s) CVP. 0091-4738 (P) Continued by Applied cardiology. 1973-1984 0375425 Cyberpsychol Behav Cyberpsychology & behavior: the impact of the Internet, multimedia and virtual reality on behavior and society. 1094-9313 (P) 1998- Acid-free 9804397 Cytobiologie s) Cytobiologie. 0070-2463 (P) Continued by European journal of cell biology. 1969-1979 0235440 Cytobios Cytobios. 0011-4529 (P) 1969-2001 0207227 Cytogenet Cell Genet Cytogenetics and cell genetics. 0301-0171 (P) Continued by: Cytogenetic and genome research. 1973-2001 Acid-free 0367735 Cytogenet Genome Res Cytogenetic and genome research. 1424-8581 (P) 1424-859X (E) Continues: Cytogenetics and cell genetics. 2002- 101142708 Cytogenetics Cytogenetics. 0011-4537 (P) Continued by Cytogenetics and cell genetics. 1962-1972 0367734 79

Cytokine Cytokine. 1043-4666 (P) 1096-0023 (E) 1989- 9005353 Cytokine Growth Factor Rev Cytokine & growth factor reviews. 1359-6101 (P) Continues: Progress in growth factor research. 1996- 9612306 Cytokines Cytokines. 1013-9982 (P) 1989- Acid-free 8912908 Cytokines Cell Mol Ther Cytokines, cellular & molecular therapy. 1368-4736 (P) Continues: Cytokines and molecular therapy. Absorbed: in 2005 by: Cytotherapy. 1997-2002 9713367 Cytokines Mol Ther Cytokines and molecular therapy. 1355-6568 (P) Continued by: Cytokines, cellular & molecular therapy. 1995-1996 Acid-free 9509183 Cytologia (Tokyo) s) Cytologia. 0011-4545 (P) 1929- 2984741R Cytometry Cytometry. 0196-4763 (P) 1097-0320 (E) Absorbed: Bioimaging. 1999 Split into: Cytometry. Part A; and: Cytometry. Part B, Clinical cytometry. 1980-2002 Acid-free 8102328 Cytometry A Cytometry. Part A: the journal of the International Society for Analytical Cytology. 1552-4922 (P) 1552-4930 (E) Continues in part: Cytometry. 2003- 101235694 Cytometry B Clin Cytom Cytometry. Part B, Clinical cytometry. 1552-4949 (P) 1552-4957 (E) Continues in part: Cytometry. 2003- 101235690 Cytometry Suppl Cytometry. Supplement: the journal of the Society for Analytical Cytology. 1046-7386 (P) 1987- 8914279 Cytopathology Cytopathology: official journal of the British Society for Clinical Cytology. 0956-5507 (P) 1365-2302 (E) 1990- Acid-free 9010345 Cytotechnology s) Cytotechnology. 0920-9069 (P) Absorbed: Methods in cell science. 2004 1987- Acid-free 8807027 Cytotherapy Cytotherapy. 1465-3249 (P) 1477-2566 (E) Absorbed: Cytokines, celluar and molecular therapy. 2005 1999- 100895309 Czas Stomatol Czasopismo stomatologiczne. 0011-4553 (P) 1948- 2984742R 80 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Czech Med Czechoslovak medicine. 0139-9179 (P) Continues: Review of Czechoslovak medicine. 1978-1991 7805372 D Daedalus s) Daedalus. 0011-5266 (P) 1955- 0037276 Dakar Med Dakar medical. 0049-1101 (P) Continues Bulletin de la Societe medicale d’Afrique noire de langue francaise. 1979- 7907630 Dalhousie Dent J Dalhousie dental journal. 0418-3010 (P) 1960- 9881875 Dalton Trans s) Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England: 2003) 1477-9226 (P) 1477-9234 (E) Continues: Dalton (Cambridge, England). 2003- Acid-free 101176026 Dan Med Bull Danish medical bulletin. 0907-8916 (P) 1603-9629 (E) 1954- 0066040 Dan Tidsskr Farm Dansk tidsskrift for farmaci. 0011-6513 (P) 1926-1972 0373174 Dapim Refuiim Dapim refuiim. Folia medica. 0366-9637 (P) 1935-1969 0071461 Data Bull (Cent Stud Health Syst Change) Data bulletin (Center for Studying Health System Change) 1997- 100909932 Data Strateg Benchmarks Data strategies & benchmarks: the monthly advisory for health care executives. 1094-253X (P) Continued by: Performance improvement advisor. 1997-2002 9807026 DDZ DDZ; das deutsche Zahnarzteblatt. 0011-4839 (P) Continues: Deutsche dentistische Zeitschrift. Continued by: Das Deutsche Zahnarzteblatt. 1953-1968 2984743R DE J Dent Eng DE; the journal of dental engeering. 0385-0129 (P) 1967- 1264223 Deans List Deans List. Continued by: Deans Notes. 1980-1983 9879285 Deans Notes Deans Notes. Continues: Dean’s list. 1984- 9880408 2006 Death Educ s) Death education. 0145-7624 (P) Continued by Death studies. 1977-1984 7706740 Death Stud s) Death studies. 0748-1187 (P) Continues: Death education. 1985- 8506890 Decubitus Decubitus. 0898-1655 (P) Continued by: Advances in wound care. 1988-1993 8901610 Del Med J Delaware medical journal. 0011-7781 (P) Continues Delaware state medical journal. 1960- 0370077 Del Nurse Delaware nurse. 1943-1972 0110777 Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders. 1420-8008 (P) 1421-9824 (E) Continues: Dementia (Basel, Switzerland). 1997- Acid-free 9705200 Dementia Dementia (Basel, Switzerland) 1013-7424 (P) Continued by: Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders. 1990-1996 Acid-free 9010348 Demography Demography. 0070-3370 (P) 1964- Acid-free 0226703 Dens Dens. 0304-1476 (P) Continues: Dental laboratorie bladet. 1971- 7508531 Dens (Curitiba) Dens. 0100-2775 (P) 1971- 7604963 Dens Sapiens "Dens sapiens". 0011-8443 (P) 1940- 16520190R Dent Dent, contemporary dentistry. 1015-0013 (P) 1986-1987 8800660 Dent Abstr Dental abstracts; a selection of world dental literature. 0011-8486 (P) 1956- 60110120R Dent Anaesth Sedat Dental anaesthesia and sedation. 0311-0699 (P) 1972-1984 7806536 Dent Angles Dental Angles. 0070-363X (P) 1960-19?? 9875607

Cytokine<br />

Cytokine.<br />

1043-4666 (P) 1096-0023 (E)<br />

1989- 9005353<br />

Cytokine Growth Factor Rev<br />

Cytokine & growth factor reviews.<br />

1359-6101 (P)<br />

Continues: Progress in growth factor<br />

research.<br />

1996- 9612306<br />

Cytokines<br />

Cytokines.<br />

1013-9982 (P)<br />

1989- Acid-free 8912908<br />

Cytokines Cell Mol Ther<br />

Cytokines, cellular & molecular therapy.<br />

1368-4736 (P)<br />

Continues: Cytokines and molecular therapy.<br />

Absorbed: in 2005 by: Cytotherapy.<br />

1997-2002 9713367<br />

Cytokines Mol Ther<br />

Cytokines and molecular therapy.<br />

1355-6568 (P)<br />

Continued by: Cytokines, cellular &<br />

molecular therapy.<br />

1995-1996 Acid-free 9509183<br />

Cytologia (Tokyo)<br />

s) Cytologia.<br />

0011-4545 (P)<br />

1929- 2984741R<br />

Cytometry<br />

Cytometry.<br />

0196-4763 (P) 1097-0320 (E)<br />

Absorbed: Bioimaging. 1999 Split into:<br />

Cytometry. Part A; and: Cytometry. Part B,<br />

Clinical cytometry.<br />

1980-2002 Acid-free 8102328<br />

Cytometry A<br />

Cytometry. Part A: the journal of the<br />

International Society for Analytical<br />

Cytology.<br />

1552-4922 (P) 1552-4930 (E)<br />

Continues in part: Cytometry.<br />

2003- 101235694<br />

Cytometry B Clin Cytom<br />

Cytometry. Part B, Clinical cytometry.<br />

1552-4949 (P) 1552-4957 (E)<br />

Continues in part: Cytometry.<br />

2003- 101235690<br />

Cytometry Suppl<br />

Cytometry. Supplement: the journal of the<br />

Society for Analytical Cytology.<br />

1046-7386 (P)<br />

1987- 8914279<br />

Cytopathology<br />

Cytopathology: official journal of the<br />

British Society for Clinical Cytology.<br />

0956-5507 (P) 1365-2302 (E)<br />

1990- Acid-free 9010345<br />

Cytotechnology<br />

s) Cytotechnology.<br />

0920-9069 (P)<br />

Absorbed: Methods in cell science. 2004<br />

1987- Acid-free 8807027<br />

Cytotherapy<br />

Cytotherapy.<br />

1465-3249 (P) 1477-2566 (E)<br />

Absorbed: Cytokines, celluar and molecular<br />

therapy. 2005<br />

1999- 100895309<br />

Czas Stomatol<br />

Czasopismo stomatologiczne.<br />

0011-4553 (P)<br />

1948- 2984742R<br />

80<br />

<strong>LIST</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>SERIALS</strong> <strong>INDEXED</strong><br />

Czech Med<br />

Czechoslovak medicine.<br />

0139-9179 (P)<br />

Continues: Review of Czechoslovak medicine.<br />

1978-1991 7805372<br />

D<br />

Daedalus<br />

s) Daedalus.<br />

0011-5266 (P)<br />

1955- 0037276<br />

Dakar Med<br />

Dakar medical.<br />

0049-1101 (P)<br />

Continues Bulletin de la Societe medicale<br />

d’Afrique noire de langue francaise.<br />

1979- 7907630<br />

Dalhousie Dent J<br />

Dalhousie dental journal.<br />

0418-3010 (P)<br />

1960- 9881875<br />

Dalton Trans<br />

s) Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England:<br />

2003)<br />

1477-9226 (P) 1477-9234 (E)<br />

Continues: Dalton (Cambridge, England).<br />

2003- Acid-free 101176026<br />

Dan Med Bull<br />

Danish medical bulletin.<br />

0907-8916 (P) 1603-9629 (E)<br />

1954- 0066040<br />

Dan Tidsskr Farm<br />

Dansk tidsskrift for farmaci.<br />

0011-6513 (P)<br />

1926-1972 0373174<br />

Dapim Refuiim<br />

Dapim refuiim. Folia medica.<br />

0366-9637 (P)<br />

1935-1969 0071461<br />

Data Bull (Cent Stud Health Syst Change)<br />

Data bulletin (Center for Studying Health<br />

System Change)<br />

1997- 100909932<br />

Data Strateg Benchmarks<br />

Data strategies & benchmarks: the monthly<br />

advisory for health care executives.<br />

1094-253X (P)<br />

Continued by: Performance improvement<br />

advisor.<br />

1997-2002 9807026<br />

DDZ<br />

DDZ; das deutsche Zahnarzteblatt.<br />

0011-4839 (P)<br />

Continues: Deutsche dentistische Zeitschrift.<br />

Continued by: Das Deutsche Zahnarzteblatt.<br />

1953-1968 2984743R<br />

DE J Dent Eng<br />

DE; the journal of dental engeering.<br />

0385-0129 (P)<br />

1967- 1264223<br />

Deans List<br />

Deans List.<br />

Continued by: Deans Notes.<br />

1980-1983 9879285<br />

Deans Notes<br />

Deans Notes.<br />

Continues: Dean’s list.<br />

1984- 9880408<br />

2006<br />

Death Educ<br />

s) Death education.<br />

0145-7624 (P)<br />

Continued by Death studies.<br />

1977-1984 7706740<br />

Death Stud<br />

s) Death studies.<br />

0748-1187 (P)<br />

Continues: Death education.<br />

1985- 8506890<br />

Decubitus<br />

Decubitus.<br />

0898-1655 (P)<br />

Continued by: Advances in wound care.<br />

1988-1993 8901610<br />

Del Med J<br />

Delaware medical journal.<br />

0011-7781 (P)<br />

Continues Delaware state medical journal.<br />

1960- 0370077<br />

Del Nurse<br />

Delaware nurse.<br />

1943-1972 0110777<br />

Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord<br />

Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders.<br />

1420-8008 (P) 1421-9824 (E)<br />

Continues: Dementia (Basel, Switzerland).<br />

1997- Acid-free 9705200<br />

Dementia<br />

Dementia (Basel, Switzerland)<br />

1013-7424 (P)<br />

Continued by: Dementia and geriatric<br />

cognitive disorders.<br />

1990-1996 Acid-free 9010348<br />

Demography<br />

Demography.<br />

0070-3370 (P)<br />

1964- Acid-free 0226703<br />

Dens Dens.<br />

0304-1476 (P)<br />

Continues: Dental laboratorie bladet.<br />

1971- 7508531<br />

Dens (Curitiba)<br />

Dens.<br />

0100-2775 (P)<br />

1971- 7604963<br />

Dens Sapiens<br />

"Dens sapiens".<br />

0011-8443 (P)<br />

1940- 16520190R<br />

Dent Dent, contemporary dentistry.<br />

1015-0013 (P)<br />

1986-1987 8800660<br />

Dent Abstr<br />

Dental abstracts; a selection of world<br />

dental literature.<br />

0011-8486 (P)<br />

1956- 60110120R<br />

Dent Anaesth Sedat<br />

Dental anaesthesia and sedation.<br />

0311-0699 (P)<br />

1972-1984 7806536<br />

Dent Angles<br />

Dental Angles.<br />

0070-363X (P)<br />

1960-19?? 9875607

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