Coll Relat Res Collagen and related research. 0174-173X (P) Continued by: Matrix (Stuttgart, Germany). 1981-1988 8102998 Coll Rev s) College review (Denver, Colo. ) 0742-8057 (P) Continued by: College view. 1984-1998 8500687 Coll Works Cardiopulm Dis Collected works on cardio-pulmonary disease. 0069-5319 (P) 1959-1982 0413664 Collegian Collegian (Royal College of Nursing, Australia) 1322-7696 (P) 1994- 9612493 Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces Colloids and surfaces. B, Biointerfaces. 0927-7765 (P) Continues in part: Colloids and surfaces. 1993- 9315133 Colo Med Colorado medicine. 0199-7343 (P) Continues Rocky Mountain medical journal. 1980- 8003550 Colo Nurse Colorado nurse. 0010-1680 (P) Continued by Colorado nurse update. 19??-1984 16320400R Colo Nurse Colorado nurse (1985) 8750-846X (P) Continues: Colorado nurse update. 1985- 8502809 Colorectal Dis Colorectal disease: the official journal of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland. 1462-8910 (P) 1463-1318 (E) 1999- Acid-free 100883611 Columbus Dent Soc Bull Bulletin. Columbus Dental Society. Continued by: Columbus bulletin. 194?-19?? 9875021 Comb Chem High Throughput Screen Combinatorial chemistry & high throughput screening. 1386-2073 (P) 1998- 9810948 Commitment s) Commitment. 0145-8698 (P) 1976-1982 7700182 Common Factor Common factor (Stoughton, Mass. ) 1992-1999 9310060 Commun Agric Appl Biol Sci Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences. 1379-1176 (P) Continues: Mededelingen (Rijksuniversiteit te Gent. Fakulteit van de Landbouwkundige en Toegepaste Biologische Wetenschappen). 2003- 101200320 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Commun Behav Biol Communications in behavioral biology. Part A: [Original articles]. 0010-3608 (P) Continued by Behavioral biology. 1968-1971 0326114 Commun Dis Intell Communicable diseases intelligence. 0725-3141 (P) 198?- 9108419 Commun Dis Public Health Communicable disease and public health / PHLS. 1462-1843 (P) Merger of: Communicable disease report. CDR review; and: PHLS microbiology digest. 1998-2004 Acid-free 9808711 Commun Dis Rep CDR Rev Communicable disease report. CDR review. 1350-9349 (P) Continues: CDR (London, England: Review). Merged with: PHLS microbiology digest, to form: Communicable disease and public health. 1992-1997 9312372 Commun Dis Rep CDR Suppl Communicable disease report. CDR supplement. 0264-1607 (P) 1991- 9314041 Commun Dis Rep CDR Wkly Communicable disease report. CDR weekly. 1350-9357 (P) Continues: CDR (London, England: Weekly). Continued by: CDR weekly. 1992-2000 9312012 Commun Newsl Communique Newsletter. Supersedes: Newsletter; Wisconsin League For Nursing. Superseded by: Communique. 1977-1981 9878931 Commun Nurs Res Communicating nursing research. 0160-1652 (P) 1968- 7707277 Commun Psychopharmacol Communications in psychopharmacology. 0145-5699 (P) 1977-1980 7706729 Communique Communique (Milwaukee, Wis. ) 0887-4557 (P) Continues: Newsletter (Wisconsin League for Nursing). 1979- 9879661 Community Based Public Health Policy Pract Community-based public health policy & practice / Partnership for the Public’s Health. 2001-2004 101140094 Community Dent Health Community dental health. 0265-539X (P) 1984- 8411261 Community Dent Oral Epidemiol Community dentistry and oral epidemiology. 0301-5661 (P) 1600-0528 (E) 1973- 0410263 Community Genet s) Community genetics. 1422-2795 (P) 1422-2833 (E) 1998- Acid-free 9810770 2006 Community Health (Bristol) Community health. 0010-3837 (P) Supersedes the Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygiene journal. Continued by: Community medicine. 1969-1978 0226630 Community Health Stud Community health studies. 0314-9021 (P) Continued by: Australian journal of public health. 1977-1990 7808693 Community Jr Coll J s) Community and junior college journal. 0190-3160 (P) Continues: Junior college journal. Continued in Aug. /Sept. 1985 by: Community, technical, and junior college journal. 1972-1985 9877754 Community Med Community medicine. 0142-2456 (P) Continues: Community health. Continued by: Journal of public health medicine. 1979-1989 7907617 Community Ment Health J Community mental health journal. 0010-3853 (P) 1965- 0005735 Community Ment Health Rev s) Community mental health review. 0363-1605 (P) Continued by Prevention in human services. 1976-1981 7609235 Community Nurs Community nursing. 0898-4891 (P) 1984-1986 8506876 Community Nurse Community nurse. 1351-1416 (P) Continues: Community outlook. Absorbed by: Professional nurse (London, England). Sept. 2001 1995-2001 9508559 Community Outlook Community outlook. 0262-8759 (P) Continued by: Community nurse. 1977-1995 7900730 Community Pract Community practitioner: the journal of the Community Practitioners’ & Health Visitors’ Association. 1462-2815 (P) Continues: Health visitor. 1998- 9809060 Comp Biochem Physiol s) Comparative biochemistry and physiology. 0010-406X (P) Split into: Comparative biochemistry and physiology. A, Comparative physiology, and: Comparative biochemistry and physiology. B, Comparative biochemistry, and: Comparative biochemistry and physiology. C, Comparative pharmacology. 1960-1970 7502545 71

Comp Biochem Physiol A s) Comparative biochemistry and physiology. A, Comparative physiology. 0300-9629 (P) Continues in part: Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Continued by: Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Comparative physiology. 1971-1992 Acid-free 1276312 Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology. 1095-6433 (P) 1531-4332 (E) Continues: Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Physiology. 1998- 9806096 Comp Biochem Physiol A Physiol s) Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Physiology. 1096-4940 (P) Continues: Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Physiology. Continued by: Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular and integrative physiology. 1994-1997 Acid-free 9516062 Comp Biochem Physiol B s) Comparative biochemistry and physiology. B, Comparative biochemistry. 0305-0491 (P) Continues in part: Comparative biochemistry and physiology, and adopts its numbering. Continued by: Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Biochemistry and molecular biology. 1971-1993 Acid-free 2984730R Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part B, Biochemistry & molecular biology. 1096-4959 (P) Continues: Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Biochemistry and molecular biology. 1994- Acid-free 9516061 Comp Biochem Physiol Biochem Mol Biol s) Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Biochemistry and molecular biology. Continues: Comparative biochemistry and physiology. B, Comparative biochemistry. Continued by: Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part B, Biochemistry & molecular biology. 1994-1994 Acid-free 9430606 Comp Biochem Physiol C s) Comparative biochemistry and physiology. C, Comparative pharmacology and toxicology. 0742-8413 (P) Continues: Comparative biochemistry and physiology. C, Comparative pharmacology. Continued by: Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Pharmacology, toxicology, and endocrinology. 1983-1993 Acid-free 8310013 Comp Biochem Physiol C s) Comparative biochemistry and physiology. C: Comparative pharmacology. 0306-4492 (P) Continues in part: Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Continued by: Comparative biochemistry and physiology. C, Comparative pharmacology and toxicology. 1975-1982 7503763 72 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Comp Biochem Physiol C Pharmacol Toxicol Endocrinol Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part C, Pharmacology, toxicology & endocrinology. 1367-8280 (P) Continues: Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Pharmacology, toxicology and endocrinology. Continued by: Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Toxicology & pharmacology. 1994-1999 Acid-free 9516060 Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Toxicology & pharmacology: CBP. 1532-0456 (P) Continues: Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part C, Pharmacology, toxicology & endocrinology. 2000- 100959500 Comp Biochem Physiol Comp Physiol s) Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Comparative physiology. Continues: Comparative biochemistry and physiology. A, Comparative physiology. Continued by: Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Physiology. 1992-1994 9441449 Comp Biochem Physiol Pharmacol Toxicol Endocrinol s) Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Pharmacology, toxicology and endocrinology. Continues: Comparative biochemistry and physiology. C, Comparative pharmacology and toxicology. Continued by: Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part C, Pharmacology, toxicology & endocrinology. 1994-1994 Acid-free 9430518 Comp Biochem Physiol Physiol s) Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Physiology. Continues: Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Comparative physiology. Continued by: Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Physiology. 1994-1994 Acid-free 9441448 Comp Gen Pharmacol Comparative and general pharmacology. 0010-4035 (P) Continued by General pharmacology. 1970-1974 7600504 Comp Immunol Microbiol Infect Dis Comparative immunology, microbiology and infectious diseases. 0147-9571 (P) 1978- Acid-free 7808924 Comp Med Comparative medicine. 1532-0820 (P) Continues: Laboratory animal science. 2000- 100900466 Comp Med East West Comparative medicine East and West. 0147-2917 (P) Continues The American journal of Chinese medicine. Continued by The American journal of Chinese medicine. 1977-1978 7801707 Compend Contin Educ Dent The Compendium of continuing education in dentistry. 0734-0338 (P) Continues: Compendium on continuing education in general dentistry. Continued by: Compendium (Newtown, Pa. ). 1980-1986 8110106 2006 Compend Contin Educ Dent Compendium of continuing education in dentistry (Jamesburg, N. J.: 1995) 1548-8578 (P) Continues: Compendium (Newtown, Pa. ). 1995- 9600713 Compend Contin Educ Dent Suppl Compendium of continuing education in dentistry. (Jamesburg, N.J.: 1995). Supplement. Continues: Compendium (Newtown, Pa. ). Supplement. 1996-2001 101094904 Compend Contin Educ Gen Dent The Compendium on continuing education in general dentistry. 0196-1756 (P) Continued by: Compendium of continuing education in dentistry. 1980-1980 8210675 Compend Suppl Compendium (Newtown, Pa. ). Supplement. Continues: Compendium of continuing education in dentistry. Supplement. Continued by: Compendium of continuing education in dentistry. (Jamesburg, N.J.: 1995). Supplement. 1987-1994 9110139 Compendium Compendium (Newtown, Pa. ) 0894-1009 (P) Continues: Compendium of continuing education in dentistry. Continued by: Compendium of continuing education in dentistry (Jamesburg, N. J.: 1995). 1986-1995 8702480 Compens Benefits Rev s) Compensation and benefits review. 0886-3687 (P) Continues: Compensation review. 1985- 9881799 Compens Rev s) Compensation review. 0010-4248 (P) Continued by: Compensation and benefits review. 1969-198? 9877814 Complement Complement (Basel, Switzerland) 0253-5076 (P) Continued by: Complement and inflammation. 1984-1988 8409977 Complement Inflamm Complement and inflammation. 1012-8204 (P) Continues: Complement (Basel, Switzerland). 1989-1991 8903074 Complement Ther Clin Pract Complementary therapies in clinical practice. 1744-3881 (P) Continues: Complementary therapies in nursing & midwifery. 2005- 101225531 Complement Ther Med Complementary therapies in medicine. 0965-2299 (P) Continues: Complementary medical research. 1993- Acid-free 9308777 Complement Ther Nurs Midwifery Complementary therapies in nursing & midwifery. 1353-6117 (P) Continued by: Complementary therapies in clinical practice. 1995-2004 Acid-free 9506953

Coll Relat Res<br />

Collagen and related research.<br />

0174-173X (P)<br />

Continued by: Matrix (Stuttgart, Germany).<br />

1981-1988 8102998<br />

Coll Rev<br />

s) College review (Denver, Colo. )<br />

0742-8057 (P)<br />

Continued by: College view.<br />

1984-1998 8500687<br />

Coll Works Cardiopulm Dis<br />

Collected works on cardio-pulmonary disease.<br />

0069-5319 (P)<br />

1959-1982 0413664<br />

Collegian<br />

Collegian (Royal College of Nursing,<br />

Australia)<br />

1322-7696 (P)<br />

1994- 9612493<br />

Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces<br />

Colloids and surfaces. B, Biointerfaces.<br />

0927-7765 (P)<br />

Continues in part: Colloids and surfaces.<br />

1993- 9315133<br />

Colo Med<br />

Colorado medicine.<br />

0199-7343 (P)<br />

Continues Rocky Mountain medical journal.<br />

1980- 8003550<br />

Colo Nurse<br />

Colorado nurse.<br />

0010-1680 (P)<br />

Continued by Colorado nurse update.<br />

19??-1984 16320400R<br />

Colo Nurse<br />

Colorado nurse (1985)<br />

8750-846X (P)<br />

Continues: Colorado nurse update.<br />

1985- 8502809<br />

Colorectal Dis<br />

Colorectal disease: the official journal of<br />

the Association of Coloproctology of Great<br />

Britain and Ireland.<br />

1462-8910 (P) 1463-1318 (E)<br />

1999- Acid-free 100883611<br />

Columbus Dent Soc Bull<br />

Bulletin. Columbus Dental Society.<br />

Continued by: Columbus bulletin.<br />

194?-19?? 9875021<br />

Comb Chem High Throughput Screen<br />

Combinatorial chemistry & high throughput<br />

screening.<br />

1386-2073 (P)<br />

1998- 9810948<br />

Commitment<br />

s) Commitment.<br />

0145-8698 (P)<br />

1976-1982 7700182<br />

Common Factor<br />

Common factor (Stoughton, Mass. )<br />

1992-1999 9310060<br />

Commun Agric Appl Biol Sci<br />

Communications in agricultural and applied<br />

biological sciences.<br />

1379-1176 (P)<br />

Continues: Mededelingen (Rijksuniversiteit<br />

te Gent. Fakulteit van de Landbouwkundige<br />

en Toegepaste Biologische Wetenschappen).<br />

2003- 101200320<br />

<strong>LIST</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>SERIALS</strong> <strong>INDEXED</strong><br />

Commun Behav Biol<br />

Communications in behavioral biology. Part<br />

A: [Original articles].<br />

0010-3608 (P)<br />

Continued by Behavioral biology.<br />

1968-1971 0326114<br />

Commun Dis Intell<br />

Communicable diseases intelligence.<br />

0725-3141 (P)<br />

198?- 9108419<br />

Commun Dis Public Health<br />

Communicable disease and public health /<br />

PHLS.<br />

1462-1843 (P)<br />

Merger of: Communicable disease report. CDR<br />

review; and: PHLS microbiology digest.<br />

1998-2004 Acid-free 9808711<br />

Commun Dis Rep CDR Rev<br />

Communicable disease report. CDR review.<br />

1350-9349 (P)<br />

Continues: CDR (London, England: Review).<br />

Merged with: PHLS microbiology digest, to<br />

form: Communicable disease and public health.<br />

1992-1997 9312372<br />

Commun Dis Rep CDR Suppl<br />

Communicable disease report. CDR supplement.<br />

0264-1607 (P)<br />

1991- 9314041<br />

Commun Dis Rep CDR Wkly<br />

Communicable disease report. CDR weekly.<br />

1350-9357 (P)<br />

Continues: CDR (London, England: Weekly).<br />

Continued by: CDR weekly.<br />

1992-2000 9312012<br />

Commun Newsl<br />

Communique Newsletter.<br />

Supersedes: Newsletter; Wisconsin League For<br />

Nursing. Superseded by: Communique.<br />

1977-1981 9878931<br />

Commun Nurs Res<br />

Communicating nursing research.<br />

0160-1652 (P)<br />

1968- 7707277<br />

Commun Psychopharmacol<br />

Communications in psychopharmacology.<br />

0145-5699 (P)<br />

1977-1980 7706729<br />

Communique<br />

Communique (Milwaukee, Wis. )<br />

0887-4557 (P)<br />

Continues: Newsletter (Wisconsin League for<br />

Nursing).<br />

1979- 9879661<br />

Community Based Public Health Policy Pract<br />

Community-based public health policy &<br />

practice / Partnership for the Public’s<br />

Health.<br />

2001-2004 101140094<br />

Community Dent Health<br />

Community dental health.<br />

0265-539X (P)<br />

1984- 8411261<br />

Community Dent Oral Epidemiol<br />

Community dentistry and oral epidemiology.<br />

0301-5661 (P) 1600-0528 (E)<br />

1973- 0410263<br />

Community Genet<br />

s) Community genetics.<br />

1422-2795 (P) 1422-2833 (E)<br />

1998- Acid-free 9810770<br />

2006<br />

Community Health (Bristol)<br />

Community health.<br />

0010-3837 (P)<br />

Supersedes the Royal Institute of Public<br />

Health and Hygiene journal. Continued by:<br />

Community medicine.<br />

1969-1978 0226630<br />

Community Health Stud<br />

Community health studies.<br />

0314-9021 (P)<br />

Continued by: Australian journal of public<br />

health.<br />

1977-1990 7808693<br />

Community Jr Coll J<br />

s) Community and junior college journal.<br />

0190-3160 (P)<br />

Continues: Junior college journal.<br />

Continued in Aug. /Sept. 1985 by: Community,<br />

technical, and junior college journal.<br />

1972-1985 9877754<br />

Community Med<br />

Community medicine.<br />

0142-2456 (P)<br />

Continues: Community health. Continued by:<br />

Journal of public health medicine.<br />

1979-1989 7907617<br />

Community Ment Health J<br />

Community mental health journal.<br />

0010-3853 (P)<br />

1965- 0005735<br />

Community Ment Health Rev<br />

s) Community mental health review.<br />

0363-1605 (P)<br />

Continued by Prevention in human services.<br />

1976-1981 7609235<br />

Community Nurs<br />

Community nursing.<br />

0898-4891 (P)<br />

1984-1986 8506876<br />

Community Nurse<br />

Community nurse.<br />

1351-1416 (P)<br />

Continues: Community outlook. Absorbed by:<br />

Professional nurse (London, England). Sept.<br />

2001<br />

1995-2001 9508559<br />

Community Outlook<br />

Community outlook.<br />

0262-8759 (P)<br />

Continued by: Community nurse.<br />

1977-1995 7900730<br />

Community Pract<br />

Community practitioner: the journal of the<br />

Community Practitioners’ & Health Visitors’<br />

Association.<br />

1462-2815 (P)<br />

Continues: Health visitor.<br />

1998- 9809060<br />

Comp Biochem Physiol<br />

s) Comparative biochemistry and physiology.<br />

0010-406X (P)<br />

Split into: Comparative biochemistry and<br />

physiology. A, Comparative physiology, and:<br />

Comparative biochemistry and physiology. B,<br />

Comparative biochemistry, and: Comparative<br />

biochemistry and physiology. C, Comparative<br />

pharmacology.<br />

1960-1970 7502545<br />


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