Biol Bull The Biological bulletin. 0006-3185 (P) Continues: Zoological bulletin. 1899- 2984727R Biol Bull Acad Sci USSR Biology bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 0098-2164 (P) Continued by: Izvestiia Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Seriia biologicheskaia. English. Biology bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 1974-1991 7513560 Biol Cell Biology of the cell / under the auspices of the European Cell Biology Organization. 0248-4900 (P) 1768-322X (E) Continues: Biologie cellulaire. 1981- 8108529 Biol Chem Biological chemistry. 1431-6730 (P) Continues: Biological chemistry Hoppe-Seyler. 1996- 9700112 Biol Chem Hoppe Seyler Biological chemistry Hoppe-Seyler. 0177-3593 (P) Continues: Hoppe-Seyler’s Zeitschrift fur physiologische Chemie. Continued by: Biological chemistry. 1985-1996 8503054 Biol Cybern Biological cybernetics. 0340-1200 (P) Continues Kybernetik. 1975- Acid-free 7502533 Biol Gastroenterol (Paris) Biologie et gastro-enterologie. 0006-3258 (P) Merged with Archives francaises des maladies de l’appareil digestif to form Gastroenterologie clinique et biologique. Supplement to: Archives francaises des maladies de l’appareil digestif. 1968-1976 0146364 Biol Lat Biologica Latina. 0006-3150 (P) Supersedes Annali di biologia normale e patologica. 1948-1969 0372521 Biol Mass Spectrom s) Biological mass spectrometry. 1052-9306 (P) Continues: Biomedical & environmental mass spectrometry. Merged with: OMS, Organic mass spectrometry, to form: Journal of mass spectrometry. 1991-1994 Acid-free 9102982 Biol Med (Paris) Biologie medicale. 0006-3266 (P) Continued by: Biologie medicale. 1903-1971 0356566 Biol Med (Paris) Biologie medicale. 0006-3266 (P) Supersedes another periodical with the same title. 1971-1975 0347257 Biol Met s) Biology of metals. 0933-5854 (P) Continued by: Biometals. 1988-1991 Acid-free 8915662 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Biol Neonat Biologia neonatorum. Neo-natal studies. 0523-6525 (P) Continues Etudes neo-natales. Issued under the auspices of the Centre international de l’enfance. Continued by Biology of the neonate. 1959-1969 0067712 Biol Neonate Biology of the neonate. 0006-3126 (P) 1421-9727 (E) Continues Biologia neonatorum. 1970- Acid-free 0247551 Biol Pharm Bull Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin. 0918-6158 (P) Continues: Journal of pharmacobio-dynamics. 1993- 9311984 Biol Psychiatry Biological psychiatry. 0006-3223 (P) Supersedes: Recent advances in biological psychiatry. 1969- Acid-free 0213264 Biol Psychol Biological psychology. 0301-0511 (P) 1973- Acid-free 0375566 Biol Reprod Biology of reproduction. 0006-3363 (P) 1529-7268 (E) 1969- Acid-free 0207224 Biol Res Biological research. 0716-9760 (P) Continues: Archivos de biologia y medicina experimentales. 1992- 9308271 Biol Res Nurs Biological research for nursing. 1099-8004 (P) 1999- Acid-free 9815758 Biol Res Pregnancy Perinatol Biological research in pregnancy and perinatology. 0724-438X (P) Continues: International journal of biological research in pregnancy. 1983-1987 8302758 Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 1464-7931 (P) Continues: Biological reviews and biological proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 1935- 0414576 Biol Sci Space s) Uchu seibutsu kagaku 0914-9201 (P) 1987- 100972048 Biol Signals Biological signals. 1016-0922 (P) Continued by: Biological signals and receptors. 1992-1997 Acid-free 9210083 Biol Signals Recept Biological signals and receptors. 1422-4933 (P) Continues: Biological signals. Continued by: Neuro-Signals. 1998-2001 Acid-free 9808792 2006 Biol Struct Morphog s) Biological structures and morphogenesis. 0989-8972 (P) Continues: Archives d’anatomie microscopique et de morphologie experimentale. 1988-1992 8807439 Biol Trace Elem Res Biological trace element research. 0163-4984 (P) 1979- Acid-free 7911509 Biologia (Bratisl) Biologia. 0006-3088 (P) Continues the Biologicky sbornik. 1953- 0370624 Biologica (Santiago) Biologica (Santiago, Chile) 0300-9866 (P) 1944-1967 0376537 Biologicals Biologicals: journal of the International Association of Biological Standardization. 1045-1056 (P) Continues: Journal of biological standardization. 1990- Acid-free 9004494 Biologist (London) Biologist (London, England) 0006-3347 (P) Continues: Institute of Biology journal. 1969- 9108399 Biom J Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift. 0323-3847 (P) 1521-4036 (E) Continues: Biometrische Zeitschrift. 1977- 7708048 Biom Z Biometrische Zeitschrift. 0006-3452 (P) Continued by Biometrical journal. 1959-1976 0372670 Biomacromolecules Biomacromolecules. 1525-7797 (P) 1526-4602 (E) 2000- 100892849 Biomarkers Biomarkers: biochemical indicators of exposure, response, and susceptibility to chemicals. 1354-750X (P) 1996- 9606000 Biomater Artif Cells Artif Organs Biomaterials, artificial cells, and artificial organs. 0890-5533 (P) Continues: Biomaterials, medical devices, and artificial organs. Continued by: Biomaterials, artificial cells, and immobilization biotechnology. 1987-1991 Acid-free 8802605 Biomater Artif Cells Immobilization Biotechnol Biomaterials, artificial cells, and immobilization biotechnology: official journal of the International Society for Artificial Cells and Immobilization Biotechnology. 1055-7172 (P) Continued by: Artificial cells, blood substitutes, and immobilization biotechnology. 1991-1993 Acid-free 9111988 43

Biomater Med Devices Artif Organs Biomaterials, medical devices, and artificial organs. 0090-5488 (P) Continued by: Biometerials, artificial cells, and artificial organs. 1973-1986 0356630 Biomaterials Biomaterials. 0142-9612 (P) 1980- 8100316 Biomech Model Mechanobiol Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology. 1617-7959 (P) 1617-7940 (E) 2002- Acid-free 101135325 Biomed Biochim Acta Biomedica biochimica acta. 0232-766X (P) Continues: Acta biologica et medica Germanica. 1983-1991 8304435 Biomed Chromatogr Biomedical chromatography: BMC. 0269-3879 (P) 1986- 8610241 Biomed Commun s) Biomedical communications. 0092-8607 (P) 1973-1984 0353474 Biomed Eng Biomedical engineering. 0006-2898 (P) Continued by: Journal of medical engineering & technology. 1965-1976 0076362 Biomed Eng (NY) Biomedical engineering. 0006-3398 (P) 1967- 0140672 Biomed Eng Online Biomedical engineering online [electronic resource]. 1475-925X (E) 2002- 101147518 Biomed Environ Mass Spectrom s) Biomedical & environmental mass spectrometry. 0887-6134 (P) Continues: Biomedical mass spectrometry. Continued by: Biological mass spectrometry. 1986-1990 Acid-free 8603224 Biomed Environ Sci Biomedical and environmental sciences: BES. 0895-3988 (P) 1988- Acid-free 8909524 Biomed Instrum Bio-Medical instrumentation. 1964-1964 0003354 Biomed Instrum Technol Biomedical instrumentation & technology / Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation. 0899-8205 (P) Formed by the merger of: Medical instrumentation, and: Biomedical technology today. 1989- 8905560 Biomed Khim Biomedit s inskai a khimii a. Continues: Voprosy medit s inskoi khimii. 2003- 101196966 44 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Biomed Mass Spectrom s) Biomedical mass spectrometry. 0306-042X (P) Continued by: Biomedical & environmental mass spectrometry. 1974-1985 0430246 Biomed Mater Eng Bio-medical materials and engineering. 0959-2989 (P) 1991- Acid-free 9104021 Biomed Microdevices Biomedical microdevices. 1387-2176 (P) 1998- 100887374 Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub Biomedical papers of the Medical Faculty of the University Palacky, Olomouc, Czechoslovakia. 1213-8118 (P) Continues: Polythematical collected reports of the Medical Faculty of the Palacky University, Olomouc, Czechoslovakia. Vols. 53-144, published 1985-2000, issued as a subseries of Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis Facultatis Medicae. Issued independently, continung the numbering of the earlier main series, beginning with v. 145, no. 1 (Sept. 2001). 1985- 101140142 Biomed Pept Proteins Nucleic Acids Biomedical peptides, proteins & nucleic acids: structure, synthesis & biological activity. 1353-8616 (P) 1994-1997 9506699 Biomed Pharmacother Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie. 0753-3322 (P) Continues: Biomedicine. 1982- 8213295 Biomed Res Biomedical research (Tokyo, Japan) 0388-6107 (P) 1980- 8100317 Biomed Sci Biomedical science. 0955-9701 (P) 1990-1991 Acid-free 9010320 Biomed Sci Instrum Biomedical sciences instrumentation. 0067-8856 (P) 1963- 0140524 Biomed Sci Technol s) Biomedical science and technology. 1051-2020 (P) 1991-1992 9104836 Biomed Tech (Berl) Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical engineering. 0013-5585 (P) Continues Elektro-Medizin. 1971- 1262533 Biomedica Biomedica: revista del Instituto Nacional de Salud. 0120-4157 (P) 1981- 8205605 2006 Biomedicine Biomedicine / [publiee pour l’A. A.I.C.I.G.]. 0300-0893 (P) Continues: Revue europeenne d’etudes cliniques et biologiques. Continued by: Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy. 1973-1981 0361342 Biomembranes Biomembranes. 0067-8864 (P) 1971-1984 2984282R Biometals Biometals: an international journal on the role of metal ions in biology, biochemistry, and medicine. 0966-0844 (P) Continues: Biology of metals. 1992- Acid-free 9208478 Biometrics Biometrics. 0006-341X (P) 1945- 0370625 Biometrika Biometrika. 0006-3444 (P) 1901- 0413661 Biomol Eng Biomolecular engineering. 1389-0344 (P) Continues: Genetic analysis. 1999- 100928062 Bioorg Chem s) Bioorganic chemistry. 0045-2068 (P) 1971- 1303703 Bioorg Khim Bioorganicheskaia khimiia. 0132-3423 (P) 1975- 7804941 Bioorg Med Chem Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry. 0968-0896 (P) 1464-3391 (E) 1993- 9413298 Bioorg Med Chem Lett Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters. 0960-894X (P) 1464-3405 (E) 1991- 9107377 Biopharm Drug Dispos Biopharmaceutics & drug disposition. 0142-2782 (P) 1979- Acid-free 7911226 Biophys Chem Biophysical chemistry. 0301-4622 (P) 1973- Acid-free 0403171 Biophys J Biophysical journal. 0006-3495 (P) 1542-0086 (E) 1960- 0370626 Biophys Struct Mech s) Biophysics of structure and mechanism. 0340-1057 (P) Continued by European biophysics journal. 1974-1984 7502020 Biophysik Biophysik. 0006-3517 (P) Continued by Radiation and environmental biophysics. 1963-1973 0413060

Biomater Med Devices Artif Organs<br />

Biomaterials, medical devices, and<br />

artificial organs.<br />

0090-5488 (P)<br />

Continued by: Biometerials, artificial<br />

cells, and artificial organs.<br />

1973-1986 0356630<br />

Biomaterials<br />

Biomaterials.<br />

0142-9612 (P)<br />

1980- 8100316<br />

Biomech Model Mechanobiol<br />

Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology.<br />

1617-7959 (P) 1617-7940 (E)<br />

2002- Acid-free 101135325<br />

Biomed Biochim Acta<br />

Biomedica biochimica acta.<br />

0232-766X (P)<br />

Continues: Acta biologica et medica<br />

Germanica.<br />

1983-1991 8304435<br />

Biomed Chromatogr<br />

Biomedical chromatography: BMC.<br />

0269-3879 (P)<br />

1986- 8610241<br />

Biomed Commun<br />

s) Biomedical communications.<br />

0092-8607 (P)<br />

1973-1984 0353474<br />

Biomed Eng<br />

Biomedical engineering.<br />

0006-2898 (P)<br />

Continued by: Journal of medical engineering<br />

& technology.<br />

1965-1976 0076362<br />

Biomed Eng (NY)<br />

Biomedical engineering.<br />

0006-3398 (P)<br />

1967- 0140672<br />

Biomed Eng Online<br />

Biomedical engineering online [electronic<br />

resource].<br />

1475-925X (E)<br />

2002- 101147518<br />

Biomed Environ Mass Spectrom<br />

s) Biomedical & environmental mass spectrometry.<br />

0887-6134 (P)<br />

Continues: Biomedical mass spectrometry.<br />

Continued by: Biological mass spectrometry.<br />

1986-1990 Acid-free 8603224<br />

Biomed Environ Sci<br />

Biomedical and environmental sciences: BES.<br />

0895-3988 (P)<br />

1988- Acid-free 8909524<br />

Biomed Instrum<br />

Bio-Medical instrumentation.<br />

1964-1964 0003354<br />

Biomed Instrum Technol<br />

Biomedical instrumentation & technology /<br />

Association for the Advancement of Medical<br />

Instrumentation.<br />

0899-8205 (P)<br />

Formed by the merger of: Medical<br />

instrumentation, and: Biomedical technology<br />

today.<br />

1989- 8905560<br />

Biomed Khim<br />

Biomedit s inskai a khimii a.<br />

Continues: Voprosy medit s inskoi khimii.<br />

2003- 101196966<br />

44<br />

<strong>LIST</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>SERIALS</strong> <strong>INDEXED</strong><br />

Biomed Mass Spectrom<br />

s) Biomedical mass spectrometry.<br />

0306-042X (P)<br />

Continued by: Biomedical & environmental<br />

mass spectrometry.<br />

1974-1985 0430246<br />

Biomed Mater Eng<br />

Bio-medical materials and engineering.<br />

0959-2989 (P)<br />

1991- Acid-free 9104021<br />

Biomed Microdevices<br />

Biomedical microdevices.<br />

1387-2176 (P)<br />

1998- 100887374<br />

Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc<br />

Czech Repub<br />

Biomedical papers of the Medical Faculty of<br />

the University Palacky, Olomouc,<br />

Czechoslovakia.<br />

1213-8118 (P)<br />

Continues: Polythematical collected reports<br />

of the Medical Faculty of the Palacky<br />

University, Olomouc, Czechoslovakia. Vols.<br />

53-144, published 1985-2000, issued as a<br />

subseries of Acta Universitatis Palackianae<br />

Olomucensis Facultatis Medicae. Issued<br />

independently, continung the numbering of<br />

the earlier main series, beginning with v.<br />

145, no. 1 (Sept. 2001).<br />

1985- 101140142<br />

Biomed Pept Proteins Nucleic Acids<br />

Biomedical peptides, proteins & nucleic<br />

acids: structure, synthesis & biological<br />

activity.<br />

1353-8616 (P)<br />

1994-1997 9506699<br />

Biomed Pharmacother<br />

Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine &<br />

pharmacotherapie.<br />

0753-3322 (P)<br />

Continues: Biomedicine.<br />

1982- 8213295<br />

Biomed Res<br />

Biomedical research (Tokyo, Japan)<br />

0388-6107 (P)<br />

1980- 8100317<br />

Biomed Sci<br />

Biomedical science.<br />

0955-9701 (P)<br />

1990-1991 Acid-free 9010320<br />

Biomed Sci Instrum<br />

Biomedical sciences instrumentation.<br />

0067-8856 (P)<br />

1963- 0140524<br />

Biomed Sci Technol<br />

s) Biomedical science and technology.<br />

1051-2020 (P)<br />

1991-1992 9104836<br />

Biomed Tech (Berl)<br />

Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical<br />

engineering.<br />

0013-5585 (P)<br />

Continues Elektro-Medizin.<br />

1971- 1262533<br />

Biomedica<br />

Biomedica: revista del Instituto Nacional<br />

de Salud.<br />

0120-4157 (P)<br />

1981- 8205605<br />

2006<br />

Biomedicine<br />

Biomedicine / [publiee pour l’A. A.I.C.I.G.].<br />

0300-0893 (P)<br />

Continues: Revue europeenne d’etudes<br />

cliniques et biologiques. Continued by:<br />

Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy.<br />

1973-1981 0361342<br />

Biomembranes<br />

Biomembranes.<br />

0067-8864 (P)<br />

1971-1984 2984282R<br />

Biometals<br />

Biometals: an international journal on the<br />

role of metal ions in biology, biochemistry,<br />

and medicine.<br />

0966-0844 (P)<br />

Continues: Biology of metals.<br />

1992- Acid-free 9208478<br />

Biometrics<br />

Biometrics.<br />

0006-341X (P)<br />

1945- 0370625<br />

Biometrika<br />

Biometrika.<br />

0006-3444 (P)<br />

1901- 0413661<br />

Biomol Eng<br />

Biomolecular engineering.<br />

1389-0344 (P)<br />

Continues: Genetic analysis.<br />

1999- 100928062<br />

Bioorg Chem<br />

s) Bioorganic chemistry.<br />

0045-2068 (P)<br />

1971- 1303703<br />

Bioorg Khim<br />

Bioorganicheskaia khimiia.<br />

0132-3423 (P)<br />

1975- 7804941<br />

Bioorg Med Chem<br />

Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry.<br />

0968-0896 (P) 1464-3391 (E)<br />

1993- 9413298<br />

Bioorg Med Chem Lett<br />

Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters.<br />

0960-894X (P) 1464-3405 (E)<br />

1991- 9107377<br />

Biopharm Drug Dispos<br />

Biopharmaceutics & drug disposition.<br />

0142-2782 (P)<br />

1979- Acid-free 7911226<br />

Biophys Chem<br />

Biophysical chemistry.<br />

0301-4622 (P)<br />

1973- Acid-free 0403171<br />

Biophys J<br />

Biophysical journal.<br />

0006-3495 (P) 1542-0086 (E)<br />

1960- 0370626<br />

Biophys Struct Mech<br />

s) Biophysics of structure and mechanism.<br />

0340-1057 (P)<br />

Continued by European biophysics journal.<br />

1974-1984 7502020<br />

Biophysik<br />

Biophysik.<br />

0006-3517 (P)<br />

Continued by Radiation and environmental<br />

biophysics.<br />

1963-1973 0413060

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