Vet Res Commun Veterinary research communications. 0165-7380 (P) Continues: Veterinary science communications. 1980- 8100520 Vet Surg Veterinary surgery: VS: the official journal of the American College of Veterinary Surgeons. 0161-3499 (P) Continues: Journal of veterinary surgery. 1978- 8113214 Vet Ther Veterinary therapeutics: research in applied veterinary medicine. 1528-3593 (P) 2000- 100936368 Veterinarian The Veterinarian. 1963-1969 21510270R Veterinariia Veterinariia. 0042-4846 (P) Continues Sovetskaia veterinariia. 1941- 0412751 Veterinarstvi s) Veterinarstvi. 0506-8231 (P) 1950-19?? 0102017 Viata Med Rev Inf Prof Stiint Cadrelor Medii Sanit Viata medicala; revista de informare profesionala si stiintifica a cadrelor medii sanitare. Continues Munca sanitara. 1974-1990 7609486 Vida Odontol Vida Odontologica. 1978-???? 9880753 Vie Med Can Fr La Vie medicale au Canada francais. 0301-1534 (P) Continues: Laval medical. 1972-1982 0316264 Vierteljahrsschr Schweiz Sanitatsoff Vierteljahrsschrift fur schweizerische Sanitatsoffiziere. Journal trimestriel des officiers suisses du service de sante. Rivista trimestrale degli ufficiali sanitari svizzeri. Continued by Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Militarmedizin. 1924-1966 0126374 Vigilando Vigilando. Continues: Johns Hopkins Nurses’ alumni magazine. 1991-1992 9307041 VINA Q Vina quarterly. 0049-6464 (P) Superseded by: Vina news. 1964-1967 0031221 Violence Against Women Violence against women. 1077-8012 (P) 1995- Acid-free 9506308 Violence Vict Violence and victims. 0886-6708 (P) 1986- 8916436 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Viral Immunol Viral immunology. 0882-8245 (P) 1987- 8801552 Virchows Arch Virchows Archiv: an international journal of pathology. 0945-6317 (P) Merger of: Virchows Archiv. A, Pathological anatomy and histopathology, and: Virchows Archiv. B, Cell pathology including molecular pathology, and continues the numbering of the former. 1994- 9423843 Virchows Arch A Pathol Anat Histol Virchows Archiv. A, Pathological anatomy and histology. 0340-1227 (P) Continues: Virchows Archiv. A, Pathology. Pathologische Anatomie. Continued by: Virchows Archiv. A, Pathological anatomy and histopathology. 1974-1982 7505137 Virchows Arch A Pathol Anat Histopathol Virchows Archiv. A, Pathological anatomy and histopathology. 0174-7398 (P) Continues: Virchows Archiv. A, Pathological anatomy and histology. Merged with: Virchows Archiv. B, Cell pathology including molecular pathology, to form: Virchows Archiv. 1982-1993 Acid-free 8302198 Virchows Arch A Pathol Pathol Anat Virchows Archiv. A: Pathology. Pathologische Anatomie. 0042-6423 (P) Continued by Virchows Archiv. A, Pathological anatomy and histology. 1968-1973 0141343 Virchows Arch B Cell Pathol Virchows Archiv. B: Cell pathology. 0340-6075 (P) Formed in part by the union of Virchows Archiv fur pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie und fur klinische Medizin; and Frankfurter Zeitschrift fur Pathologie. Continued by: Virchows Archiv. B, Cell pathology including molecular pathology. 1968-1979 Acid-free 0437105 Virchows Arch B Cell Pathol Incl Mol Pathol Virchows Archiv. B, Cell pathology including molecular pathology. 0340-6075 (P) Continues: Virchows Archiv. B, Cell pathology. Merged with: Virchows Archiv. A, Pathological anatomy and histopathology, to form: Virchows Archiv. 1979-1993 Acid-free 9316922 Virchows Arch Pathol Anat Physiol Klin Med Virchows Archiv fur pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie und fur klinische Medizin. Continues Archiv fur pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie und fur klinische Medizin. Merged with Frankfurter Zeitschrift fue Pathologie to form Virchows Archiv. A: Pathology. Pathologische Anatomie; and Virchows Archiv. B: cell pathology. 1903-1968 0217007 Virol J Virology journal [electronic resource]. 1743-422X (E) 2004- 101231645 2006 Virol Monogr Virology monographs. Die Virusforschung in Einzeldarstellungen. 0083-6591 (P) Supersedes Handbook of virus research. 1968-1981 0170663 Virologie Virologie. 0377-8177 (P) Continues Revue roumaine de virologie. Continued by: Revue roumaine de virologie (Bucharest, Romania: 1990). 1975-1989 7605765 Virology Virology. 0042-6822 (P) 1955- Acid-free 0110674 Virus Genes Virus genes. 0920-8569 (P) 1987- Acid-free 8803967 Virus Res Virus research. 0168-1702 (P) 1984- Acid-free 8410979 Virus Res Suppl Virus research. Supplement. 0921-2590 (P) 1985- 8611941 Vis Neurosci Visual neuroscience. 0952-5238 (P) 1469-8714 (E) 1988- 8809466 Vision Res Vision research. 0042-6989 (P) Absorbed: Clinical vision sciences. 1961- Acid-free 0417402 Vital Health Stat 1 Vital and health statistics. Ser. 1, Programs and collection procedures. 0083-2014 (P) Supersedes Health statistics, ser. A, of the U. S. National Health Survey. 1963- 0414006 Vital Health Stat 10 Vital and health statistics. Series 10, Data from the National Health Survey. 0083-1972 (P) 1963- 7604043 Vital Health Stat 11 Vital and health statistics. Series 11, Data from the national health survey. 0083-1980 (P) 1964- 0414007 Vital Health Stat 13 Vital and health statistics. Series 13, Data from the National Health Survey. 0083-2006 (P) Absorbed: Vital and health statistics. Series 12, Data from the national health survey. 1966- 0403032 Vital Health Stat 14 Vital & health statistics. Series 14, Data from the national health survey. Continues: Vital & health statistics. Series 14, Data from the national inventory of family planning services. 1982-1989 8900574 269

Vital Health Stat 14 Vital & health statistics. Series 14, Data from the national inventory of family planning services. Continues: Vital and health statistics. Series 14, Data on national health resources. Continued by: Vital & health statistics. Series 14, Data from the national health survey. 1982-1982 8900451 Vital Health Stat 14 Vital and health statistics. Series 14, Data on national health resources. 0083-1999 (P) Continued by: Vital & health statistics. Series 14, Data from the national inventory of family planning services. 1968-1981 0165703 Vital Health Stat 2 Vital and health statistics. Series 2, Data evaluation and methods research. 0083-2057 (P) Supersedes National Health Survey’s Health statistics, ser. D. 1963- 0330122 Vital Health Stat 20 Vital and health statistics. Series 20, Data from the National Vital Statistics System. 0083-2022 (P) 1965- 0044071 Vital Health Stat 21 Vital and health statistics. Series 21, Data from the National Vital Statistics System. 0083-2030 (P) Continued by: Vital and health statistics. Series 21, Data on natality, marriage, and divorce. 1964-1989 0032510 Vital Health Stat 21 Vital and health statistics. Series 21, Data on natality, marriage, and divorce. 1057-7629 (P) Continues: Vital and health statistics. Series 21, Data from the National Vital Statistics System. Continued by: Vital and health statistics. Series 21, Data from the national vital statistics system (1997). 1989-1996 9105104 Vital Health Stat 21 Data Natl Vital Stat Syst Vital and health statistics. Series 21, Data from the national vital statistics system (1997) Continues: Vital and health statistics. Series 21. Data on natality, marriage, and divorce. 1997-2000 101184808 Vital Health Stat 23 Vital and health statistics. Series 23, Data from the National Survey of Family Growth. 0278-5234 (P) 1977- 7901947 Vital Health Stat 3 Vital & health statistics. Series 3, Analytical and epidemiological studies / [U. S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Center for Health Statistics]. 0886-4691 (P) Continues: Vital and health statistics. Series 3, Analytical studies. 1983- 8405154 270 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Vital Health Stat 3 Vital and health statistics. Series 3, Analytical studies. 0083-2065 (P) Continued by Vital & health statistics. Series 3, Analytical and epidemiological studies. 1964-1981 0403031 Vital Health Stat 4 Vital and health statistics. Ser. 4: Documents and committee reports. 0083-2073 (P) 1965- 0036665 Vital Health Stat 5 Vital and health statistics. Series 5, Comparative international vital and health statistics reports. 0892-8959 (P) 1984- 8406579 Vital Signs Vital Signs. 1976- 9877427 Vital Speeches Day s) Vital speeches of the day. 0042-742X (P) 1934- 9877798 Vitam Horm Vitamins and hormones. 0083-6729 (P) 1943- Acid-free 0413601 Vnitr Lek Vnitrni lekarstvi. 0042-773X (P) Supersedes Lekarske listy. 1955- 0413602 Voeding Voeding. 0042-7926 (P) Continued by: Voeding nu. 1939-1998 0413603 Voen Med Zh Voenno-meditsinskii zhurnal. 0026-9050 (P) 1823- 2984871R Voix Dent La Voix dentaire. 0042-8353 (P) 1934-1968 21530650R Vojen Zdrav Listy Vojenske zdravotnicke listy. 0372-7025 (P) 1925- 0230326 Vojenskozdrav Knih Vojenskozdravotnicka knihovna. 1947-1966 21530680R Vojnosanit Pregl Vojnosanitetski pregled. Military-medical and pharmaceutical review. 0042-8450 (P) 1944- 21530700R Volunt Action Leadersh s) Voluntary action leadership. 0149-6492 (P) Absorbed: Voluntary action news. Continued by: Leadership (Washington, D. C.: 1993). 19??-1992 9878119 Volunt Adm s) Volunteer administration. 0362-773X (P) Continued by: Journal of volunteer administration. 1967-1982 9877807 2006 Volunt Leader The Volunteer leader. 0005-1861 (P) Continues: Auxiliary leader. 1969-1999 0253612 Vopr Biokhim Mozga Voprosy biokhimii mozga. 0507-2972 (P) 1964-1980 0036162 Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult Voprosy kurortologii, fizioterapii, i lechebnoi fizicheskoi kultury. 0042-8787 (P) Supersedes Voprosy kurortologii, which ceased publication with 1941, no. 4. 1955- 2984868R Vopr Med Khim Voprosy medit s inskoi khimii. 0042-8809 (P) Continued by: Biomedit s inskai a khimii a. 1955-2002 0416601 Vopr Neirokhir Voprosy neirokhirurgii. 0042-8817 (P) Continued by: Zhurnal voprosy neirokhirurgii imeni N. N. Burdenko. 1937-1976 0424743 Vopr Okhr Materin Det Voprosy okhrany materinstva i detstva. 0042-8825 (P) Continued by: Materinstvo i detstvo. 1956-1991 0416600 Vopr Onkol Voprosy onkologii. 0507-3758 (P) Supersedes earlier publication with the same title, issued 1928-38. 1955- 0413775 Vopr Pitan Voprosy pitaniia. 0042-8833 (P) 1932- 2984870R Vopr Psikhiatr Nevropatol Voprosy psikhiatrii i nevropatologii; sbornik trudov. 1957-1976 21540350R Vopr Revm Voprosy revmatizma. 0042-885X (P) Supersedes an earlier publication with the same title issued 1929-40. Continued by Revmatlogiia (Moscow, Russia). 1961-1982 0064753 Vopr Virusol Voprosy virusologii. 0507-4088 (P) 1956- 0417337 Vox Sang Vox sanguinis. 0042-9007 (P) 1423-0410 (E) Continues the Bulletin of the Centraal Laboratorium van de Bloedtransfusiedienst of the Nederlandse Rode Kruis. 1953- Acid-free 0413606 Vrach Delo Vrachebnoe delo. 0049-6804 (P) Continued by: Likars’ka sprava. 1918-1991 0413607 Vt Regist Nurse Vermont registered nurse. 0191-1880 (P) Absorbed by: Vermont nurse connection. 19??-1999 7900230

Vital Health Stat 14<br />

Vital & health statistics. Series 14, Data<br />

from the national inventory of family<br />

planning services.<br />

Continues: Vital and health statistics.<br />

Series 14, Data on national health resources.<br />

Continued by: Vital & health statistics.<br />

Series 14, Data from the national health<br />

survey.<br />

1982-1982 8900451<br />

Vital Health Stat 14<br />

Vital and health statistics. Series 14,<br />

Data on national health resources.<br />

0083-1999 (P)<br />

Continued by: Vital & health statistics.<br />

Series 14, Data from the national inventory<br />

of family planning services.<br />

1968-1981 0165703<br />

Vital Health Stat 2<br />

Vital and health statistics. Series 2, Data<br />

evaluation and methods research.<br />

0083-2057 (P)<br />

Supersedes National Health Survey’s Health<br />

statistics, ser. D.<br />

1963- 0330122<br />

Vital Health Stat 20<br />

Vital and health statistics. Series 20,<br />

Data from the National Vital Statistics<br />

System.<br />

0083-2022 (P)<br />

1965- 0044071<br />

Vital Health Stat 21<br />

Vital and health statistics. Series 21,<br />

Data from the National Vital Statistics<br />

System.<br />

0083-2030 (P)<br />

Continued by: Vital and health statistics.<br />

Series 21, Data on natality, marriage, and<br />

divorce.<br />

1964-1989 0032510<br />

Vital Health Stat 21<br />

Vital and health statistics. Series 21,<br />

Data on natality, marriage, and divorce.<br />

1057-7629 (P)<br />

Continues: Vital and health statistics.<br />

Series 21, Data from the National Vital<br />

Statistics System. Continued by: Vital and<br />

health statistics. Series 21, Data from the<br />

national vital statistics system (1997).<br />

1989-1996 9105104<br />

Vital Health Stat 21 Data Natl Vital Stat<br />

Syst Vital and health statistics. Series 21,<br />

Data from the national vital statistics<br />

system (1997)<br />

Continues: Vital and health statistics.<br />

Series 21. Data on natality, marriage, and<br />

divorce.<br />

1997-2000 101184808<br />

Vital Health Stat 23<br />

Vital and health statistics. Series 23,<br />

Data from the National Survey of Family<br />

Growth.<br />

0278-5234 (P)<br />

1977- 7901947<br />

Vital Health Stat 3<br />

Vital & health statistics. Series 3,<br />

Analytical and epidemiological studies / [U.<br />

S. Dept. of Health and Human Services,<br />

Public Health Service, National Center for<br />

Health Statistics].<br />

0886-4691 (P)<br />

Continues: Vital and health statistics.<br />

Series 3, Analytical studies.<br />

1983- 8405154<br />

270<br />

<strong>LIST</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>SERIALS</strong> <strong>INDEXED</strong><br />

Vital Health Stat 3<br />

Vital and health statistics. Series 3,<br />

Analytical studies.<br />

0083-2065 (P)<br />

Continued by Vital & health statistics.<br />

Series 3, Analytical and epidemiological<br />

studies.<br />

1964-1981 0403031<br />

Vital Health Stat 4<br />

Vital and health statistics. Ser. 4:<br />

Documents and committee reports.<br />

0083-2073 (P)<br />

1965- 0036665<br />

Vital Health Stat 5<br />

Vital and health statistics. Series 5,<br />

Comparative international vital and health<br />

statistics reports.<br />

0892-8959 (P)<br />

1984- 8406579<br />

Vital Signs<br />

Vital Signs.<br />

1976- 9877427<br />

Vital Speeches Day<br />

s) Vital speeches of the day.<br />

0042-742X (P)<br />

1934- 9877798<br />

Vitam Horm<br />

Vitamins and hormones.<br />

0083-6729 (P)<br />

1943- Acid-free 0413601<br />

Vnitr Lek<br />

Vnitrni lekarstvi.<br />

0042-773X (P)<br />

Supersedes Lekarske listy.<br />

1955- 0413602<br />

Voeding<br />

Voeding.<br />

0042-7926 (P)<br />

Continued by: Voeding nu.<br />

1939-1998 0413603<br />

Voen Med Zh<br />

Voenno-meditsinskii zhurnal.<br />

0026-9050 (P)<br />

1823- 2984871R<br />

Voix Dent<br />

La Voix dentaire.<br />

0042-8353 (P)<br />

1934-1968 21530650R<br />

Vojen Zdrav Listy<br />

Vojenske zdravotnicke listy.<br />

0372-7025 (P)<br />

1925- 0230326<br />

Vojenskozdrav Knih<br />

Vojenskozdravotnicka knihovna.<br />

1947-1966 21530680R<br />

Vojnosanit Pregl<br />

Vojnosanitetski pregled. Military-medical<br />

and pharmaceutical review.<br />

0042-8450 (P)<br />

1944- 21530700R<br />

Volunt Action Leadersh<br />

s) Voluntary action leadership.<br />

0149-6492 (P)<br />

Absorbed: Voluntary action news. Continued<br />

by: Leadership (Washington, D. C.: 1993).<br />

19??-1992 9878119<br />

Volunt Adm<br />

s) Volunteer administration.<br />

0362-773X (P)<br />

Continued by: Journal of volunteer<br />

administration.<br />

1967-1982 9877807<br />

2006<br />

Volunt Leader<br />

The Volunteer leader.<br />

0005-1861 (P)<br />

Continues: Auxiliary leader.<br />

1969-1999 0253612<br />

Vopr Biokhim Mozga<br />

Voprosy biokhimii mozga.<br />

0507-2972 (P)<br />

1964-1980 0036162<br />

Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult<br />

Voprosy kurortologii, fizioterapii, i<br />

lechebnoi fizicheskoi kultury.<br />

0042-8787 (P)<br />

Supersedes Voprosy kurortologii, which<br />

ceased publication with 1941, no. 4.<br />

1955- 2984868R<br />

Vopr Med Khim<br />

Voprosy medit s inskoi khimii.<br />

0042-8809 (P)<br />

Continued by: Biomedit s inskai a khimii a.<br />

1955-2002 0416601<br />

Vopr Neirokhir<br />

Voprosy neirokhirurgii.<br />

0042-8817 (P)<br />

Continued by: Zhurnal voprosy neirokhirurgii<br />

imeni N. N. Burdenko.<br />

1937-1976 0424743<br />

Vopr Okhr Materin Det<br />

Voprosy okhrany materinstva i detstva.<br />

0042-8825 (P)<br />

Continued by: Materinstvo i detstvo.<br />

1956-1991 0416600<br />

Vopr Onkol<br />

Voprosy onkologii.<br />

0507-3758 (P)<br />

Supersedes earlier publication with the same<br />

title, issued 1928-38.<br />

1955- 0413775<br />

Vopr Pitan<br />

Voprosy pitaniia.<br />

0042-8833 (P)<br />

1932- 2984870R<br />

Vopr Psikhiatr Nevropatol<br />

Voprosy psikhiatrii i nevropatologii;<br />

sbornik trudov.<br />

1957-1976 21540350R<br />

Vopr Revm<br />

Voprosy revmatizma.<br />

0042-885X (P)<br />

Supersedes an earlier publication with the<br />

same title issued 1929-40. Continued by<br />

Revmatlogiia (Moscow, Russia).<br />

1961-1982 0064753<br />

Vopr Virusol<br />

Voprosy virusologii.<br />

0507-4088 (P)<br />

1956- 0417337<br />

Vox Sang<br />

Vox sanguinis.<br />

0042-9007 (P) 1423-0410 (E)<br />

Continues the Bulletin of the Centraal<br />

Laboratorium van de Bloedtransfusiedienst of<br />

the Nederlandse Rode Kruis.<br />

1953- Acid-free 0413606<br />

Vrach Delo<br />

Vrachebnoe delo.<br />

0049-6804 (P)<br />

Continued by: Likars’ka sprava.<br />

1918-1991 0413607<br />

Vt Regist Nurse<br />

Vermont registered nurse.<br />

0191-1880 (P)<br />

Absorbed by: Vermont nurse connection.<br />

19??-1999 7900230

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