Tob Control Tobacco control. 0964-4563 (P) 1468-3318 (E) 1992- 9209612 Todays FDA Today’s FDA: official monthly journal of the Florida Dental Association. 1048-5317 (P) Merger of: Dental times dispatch, and: Florida dental journal. 1989- 9012957 Todays Nurs Home s) Today’s nursing home. 0274-5089 (P) Continued by: Today’s nursing home & Retirement housing today quarterly. 1980-1988 8101403 Todays OR Nurse Today’s OR nurse. 0194-5181 (P) Continued by: Today’s surgical nurse. 1979-1996 7911719 Todays Surg Nurse Today’s surgical nurse. 1087-1667 (P) Continues: Today’s OR nurse. 1996-1999 9606921 Tohoku J Exp Med The Tohoku journal of experimental medicine. 0040-8727 (P) 1920- 0417355 Tohoku Shika Daigaku Gakkai Shi Tohoku Shika Daigaku Gakkai shi. 0385-0161 (P) Continued by: Ou Daigaku shigakushi. 1974-1988 8709317 Tokai J Exp Clin Med The Tokai journal of experimental and clinical medicine. 0385-0005 (P) 1976- 7704186 Tokoginecol Pract s) Toko-ginecologia practica. 0040-8867 (P) 1936- 0404557 Tokushima J Exp Med The Tokushima journal of experimental medicine. 0040-8875 (P) Continued by: Journal of medical investigation. 1954-1996 0417356 Tokyo Ika Shika Daigaku Iyo Kizai Kenkyusho Hokoku Iyo Kizai Kenkyujo hokoku. Reports of the Institute for Medical and Dental Engineering, Tokyo Medical and Dental University. 0082-4739 (P) Continues in part: Tokyo Ika Shika Daigaku Shika Zairyo Kenkyujo hokoku. Continued by: Seitai Zairyo Kogaku Kenkyujo hokoku,. 1967-1998 0165447 Top Clin Nurs Topics in clinical nursing. 0164-0534 (P) Continued by: Holistic nursing practice. 1979-1986 7906353 Top Curr Chem s) Topics in current chemistry. 0340-1022 (P) Continues Fortschritte der chemischem Forschung. 1973- Acid-free 0432204 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Top Emerg Med s) Topics in emergency medicine. 0164-2340 (P) 1979- 7906354 Top Health Care Financ Topics in health care financing. 0095-3814 (P) Continued by: Journal of health care finance. 1974-1994 Acid-free 7509107 Top Health Inf Manage Topics in health information management. 1065-0989 (P) Continues: Topics in health record management. 1992-2003 9212861 Top Health Rec Manage Topics in health record management. 0270-5230 (P) Continued by: Topics in health information management. 1980-1992 8100921 Top HIV Med Topics in HIV medicine: a publication of the International AIDS Society, USA. 1542-8826 (P) Continues: Improving the management of HIV disease. ????- Acid-free 100954650 Top Hosp Pharm Manage Topics in hospital pharmacy management / Aspen Systems Corporation. 0271-1206 (P) Continued by: Pharmacy practice management quarterly. 1981-1995 8110018 Top Magn Reson Imaging Topics in magnetic resonance imaging: TMRI. 0899-3459 (P) 1536-1004 (E) 1988- 8913523 Top Stroke Rehabil Topics in stroke rehabilitation. 1074-9357 (P) 1994- Acid-free 9439750 Torace Il Torace. 0390-5357 (P) Continues Giornale di pneumologia. 1973-1979 7511829 Torax El Torax. 0049-4143 (P) Supersedes Revista de tuberculosis del Uruguay. 1952-1983 0417357 Tort Insur Law J s) Tort & insurance law journal. 0885-856X (P) Continues: Forum (Chicago, Ill. ). Continued by: Tort trial & insurance practice law journal. 1985-2002 9892369 Tort Trial Insur Pract Law J s) Tort trial & insurance practice law journal. 1543-3234 (P) Continues: Tort & insurance law journal. 2002- 101180799 Toxic Rep Ser Toxicity report series. 1521-4621 (P) Continues: NTP TOX. 199?- 101122696 2006 Toxicol Appl Pharmacol Toxicology and applied pharmacology. 0041-008X (P) 1959- Acid-free 0416575 Toxicol Eur Res Toxicological European research. Recherche europeenne en toxicologie. 0249-6402 (P) Supersedes European journal of toxicology and environmental hygiene. Journal europeen de toxicologie. 1978-1983 7901212 Toxicol In Vitro Toxicology in vitro: an international journal published in association with BIBRA. 0887-2333 (P) 1987- 8712158 Toxicol Ind Health Toxicology and industrial health. 0748-2337 (P) 1985- 8602702 Toxicol Lett Toxicology letters. 0378-4274 (P) 1977- Acid-free 7709027 Toxicol Pathol Toxicologic pathology. 0192-6233 (P) 1533-1601 (E) Continues: Bulletin of the Society of Pharmacological and Environmental Pathologists. 1978- Acid-free 7905907 Toxicol Rev Toxicological reviews. 1176-2551 (P) Continues: Adverse drug reactions and toxicological reviews. 2003- 101162874 Toxicol Sci Toxicological sciences: an official journal of the Society of Toxicology. 1096-6080 (P) 1096-0929 (E) Continues: Fundamental and applied toxicology. 1998- 9805461 Toxicology Toxicology. 0300-483X (P) 1973- Acid-free 0361055 Toxicon Toxicon: official journal of the International Society on Toxinology. 0041-0101 (P) 1962- 1307333 Tr Akad Nauk SSSR Inst Genet Trudy. Akademiia nauk SSSR. Institut genetiki. 1935-???? 14710380R Tr Inst Fiz Akad Nauk Gruz Ssr Trudy Instituta fiziologii, Akademiia nauk Gruzinskoi SSR. Continues Trudy of Institut fiziologii of Universitet, Tiflis. 194?-1965 7507618 Tr Inst Im Pastera Trudy Instituta imeni Pastera. 0202-1447 (P) Continues: Trudy Leningradskogo nauchno- issledovatelskogo instituta epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni Pastera. 1975-1992 7709028 261

Tr Leningr Inst Epidemiol Mikrobiol Trudy Leningradskogo instituta epidemiologii i mikrobiologii im. Pastera. Continues: Trudy Leningradskogo instituta epidemiologii, mikrobiologii, i gigieny im. Pastera. Continued by: Trudy Leningradskogo nauchno-issledovatelskogo instituta epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni Pastera. 1961-1961 9427271 Tr Leningr Nauchnoissled Inst Epidemiol Mikrobiol Trudy Leningradskogo nauchno- issledovatelskogo instituta epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni Pastera. 0131-4955 (P) Continues: Trudy Leningradskogo instituta epidemiologii i mikrobiologii im. Pastera. Continued by: Trudy Instituta imeni Pastera. 1963-1974 7507641 Trab Inst Cajal Trabajos del Instituto Cajal / Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas. 0211-8343 (P) Continues: Trabajos del Instituto Cajal de investigaciones biologicas. 1980-1984 8509522 Trab Inst Cajal Invest Biol Trabajos del Instituto Cajal de investigaciones biologicas. 0020-3696 (P) Continues Travaux du Laboratoire de recherches biologiques de l’Universite de Madrid. Continued by Trabajos del Instituto Cajal. 1940-1979 7503687 Track Rep Tracking report [electronic resource] / Center for Studying Health System Change. 1553-0787 (E) 2002- 101161177 Tradimus Tradimus: the magazine for RCN nursing students. 0269-0977 (P) Absorbed by: Nursing standard. 1985-1989 8612916 Traffic Traffic (Copenhagen, Denmark) 1398-9219 (P) 1600-0854 (E) 2000- 100939340 Traffic Inj Prev Traffic injury prevention. 1538-9588 (P) 1538-957X (E) Continues: Crash prevention and injury control. 2002- Acid-free 101144385 Train Dev J s) Training and development journal. 0041-0861 (P) Continues: Training directors journal. Continued by: Training & development (Alexandria, Va. ). 1966-1991 9877738 Train Sch Bull (Vinel) The Training school bulletin. 0041-0918 (P) Continues The Training School. 1913-1974 0414174 Training s) Training (New York, N. Y.) 0095-5892 (P) Continues: Training in business and industry. 1974- 9877757 262 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Trans Am Acad Insur Med Transactions of the American Academy of Insurance Medicine: Annual Meeting. American Academy of Insurance Medicine. Meeting. 1064-4709 (P) Continues: Transactions of the Association of Life Insurance Medical Directors of America, annual meeting. 1992-1993 9316679 Trans Am Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol Transactions - American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology. American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology. 0002-7154 (P) Continues: Transactions of the annual meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology. Absorbed: American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology. Bulletin. Split into: American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology. Transactions. Section on Ophthalmology, and: American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology. Transactions. Section on Otolaryngology. 1940-1974 7506085 Trans Am Assoc Genitourin Surg Transactions of the American Association of Genito-Urinary Surgeons. 0065-7204 (P) 1906-1979 7506098 Trans Am Clin Climatol Assoc Transactions of the American Clinical and Climatological Association. 0065-7778 (P) Continues: Transactions. American Climatological and Clinical Association. 1933- 7507559 Trans Am Laryngol Assoc Transactions of the... annual meeting of the American Laryngological Association. American Laryngological Association. Meeting. 0891-1940 (P) 1879- 14830200R Trans Am Laryngol Rhinol Otol Soc Transactions of the American Laryngological, Rhinological and Otological Society, Inc. 0065-9037 (P) 1896-1989 7506103 Trans Am Microsc Soc s) Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 0003-0023 (P) Continues: Proceedings. American Microscopical Society. Continued by: Invertebrate biology. 1895-1994 7506104 Trans Am Neurol Assoc Transactions of the American Neurological Association. 0065-9479 (P) 1875-1981 7506105 Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc Transactions of the American Ophthalmological Society. 0065-9533 (P) 1545-6110 (E) 1864- Acid-free 7506106 Trans Am Otol Soc Transactions of the American Otological Society. 0096-6851 (P) 1868- 7506107 2006 Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs Transactions - American Society for Artificial Internal Organs. 0066-0078 (P) Merged with: ASAIO journal, to form: ASAIO transactions. 1955-1985 7506088 Trans Annu Meet Am Bronchoesophagol Assoc Transactions of the... Annual Meeting of the American Broncho-Esophagological Association. American Broncho- Esophagological Association. Meeting. 0065-7603 (P) Continues Transactions of the annual meeting of the American Bronchoscopic Society. 1940- 14740770R Trans Assoc Am Physicians Transactions of the Association of American Physicians. 0066-9458 (P) Continued by: Proceedings of the Association of American Physicians. 1886-1993 7506109 Trans Assoc Ind Med Off The Transactions of the Association of Industrial Medical Officers. Continued by the Transactions of the Society of Occupational Medicine. 1951-1965 7506110 Trans Assoc Life Insur Med Dir Am Transactions of the Association of Life Insurance Medical Directors of America. 0066-9598 (P) Continues the association’s Abstract of the proceedings of the annual meeting. Continued by: American Academy of Insurance Medicine. Meeting. Transactions of the American Academy of Insurance Medicine. 1941-1991 7506111 Trans Aust Coll Ophthalmol Transactions of the Australian College of Ophthalmologists. 0067-1789 (P) Supersedes Transactions of the Ophthalmological Society of Australia. Superseded by Australian journal of ophthalmology. 1969-1971 7506112 Trans Br Soc Study Orthod Transactions of the British Society for the Study of Orthodontics. 0068-2527 (P) Merged with: Orthodontist, to form: British journal of orthodontics. 1908-1971 7513095 Trans Eur Orthod Soc Transactions. European Orthodontic Society. Continues the society’s Report of the congress. 1969-1977 0261426 Trans Indiana Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol Transactions - Indiana Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology. 0073-6740 (P) Continued by Annual meeting - Indiana Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology. 1918-1971 7506092 Trans Int Conf Endod Transaction of the International Conference on Endodontics. International Conference on Endodontics. 0074-3054 (P) Continues International Congress on Endodontics. Transactions of the International Congress on Endodontics. 1958-1973 7704718

Tob Control<br />

Tobacco control.<br />

0964-4563 (P) 1468-3318 (E)<br />

1992- 9209612<br />

Todays FDA<br />

Today’s FDA: official monthly journal of<br />

the Florida Dental Association.<br />

1048-5317 (P)<br />

Merger of: Dental times dispatch, and:<br />

Florida dental journal.<br />

1989- 9012957<br />

Todays Nurs Home<br />

s) Today’s nursing home.<br />

0274-5089 (P)<br />

Continued by: Today’s nursing home &<br />

Retirement housing today quarterly.<br />

1980-1988 8101403<br />

Todays OR Nurse<br />

Today’s OR nurse.<br />

0194-5181 (P)<br />

Continued by: Today’s surgical nurse.<br />

1979-1996 7911719<br />

Todays Surg Nurse<br />

Today’s surgical nurse.<br />

1087-1667 (P)<br />

Continues: Today’s OR nurse.<br />

1996-1999 9606921<br />

Tohoku J Exp Med<br />

The Tohoku journal of experimental medicine.<br />

0040-8727 (P)<br />

1920- 0417355<br />

Tohoku Shika Daigaku Gakkai Shi<br />

Tohoku Shika Daigaku Gakkai shi.<br />

0385-0161 (P)<br />

Continued by: Ou Daigaku shigakushi.<br />

1974-1988 8709317<br />

Tokai J Exp Clin Med<br />

The Tokai journal of experimental and<br />

clinical medicine.<br />

0385-0005 (P)<br />

1976- 7704186<br />

Tokoginecol Pract<br />

s) Toko-ginecologia practica.<br />

0040-8867 (P)<br />

1936- 0404557<br />

Tokushima J Exp Med<br />

The Tokushima journal of experimental<br />

medicine.<br />

0040-8875 (P)<br />

Continued by: Journal of medical<br />

investigation.<br />

1954-1996 0417356<br />

Tokyo Ika Shika Daigaku Iyo Kizai Kenkyusho<br />

Hokoku<br />

Iyo Kizai Kenkyujo hokoku. Reports of the<br />

Institute for Medical and Dental<br />

Engineering, Tokyo Medical and Dental<br />

University.<br />

0082-4739 (P)<br />

Continues in part: Tokyo Ika Shika Daigaku<br />

Shika Zairyo Kenkyujo hokoku. Continued by:<br />

Seitai Zairyo Kogaku Kenkyujo hokoku,.<br />

1967-1998 0165447<br />

Top Clin Nurs<br />

Topics in clinical nursing.<br />

0164-0534 (P)<br />

Continued by: Holistic nursing practice.<br />

1979-1986 7906353<br />

Top Curr Chem<br />

s) Topics in current chemistry.<br />

0340-1022 (P)<br />

Continues Fortschritte der chemischem<br />

Forschung.<br />

1973- Acid-free 0432204<br />

<strong>LIST</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>SERIALS</strong> <strong>INDEXED</strong><br />

Top Emerg Med<br />

s) Topics in emergency medicine.<br />

0164-2340 (P)<br />

1979- 7906354<br />

Top Health Care Financ<br />

Topics in health care financing.<br />

0095-3814 (P)<br />

Continued by: Journal of health care finance.<br />

1974-1994 Acid-free 7509107<br />

Top Health Inf Manage<br />

Topics in health information management.<br />

1065-0989 (P)<br />

Continues: Topics in health record<br />

management.<br />

1992-2003 9212861<br />

Top Health Rec Manage<br />

Topics in health record management.<br />

0270-5230 (P)<br />

Continued by: Topics in health information<br />

management.<br />

1980-1992 8100921<br />

Top HIV Med<br />

Topics in HIV medicine: a publication of<br />

the International AIDS Society, USA.<br />

1542-8826 (P)<br />

Continues: Improving the management of HIV<br />

disease.<br />

????- Acid-free 100954650<br />

Top Hosp Pharm Manage<br />

Topics in hospital pharmacy management /<br />

Aspen Systems Corporation.<br />

0271-1206 (P)<br />

Continued by: Pharmacy practice management<br />

quarterly.<br />

1981-1995 8110018<br />

Top Magn Reson Imaging<br />

Topics in magnetic resonance imaging: TMRI.<br />

0899-3459 (P) 1536-1004 (E)<br />

1988- 8913523<br />

Top Stroke Rehabil<br />

Topics in stroke rehabilitation.<br />

1074-9357 (P)<br />

1994- Acid-free 9439750<br />

Torace<br />

Il Torace.<br />

0390-5357 (P)<br />

Continues Giornale di pneumologia.<br />

1973-1979 7511829<br />

Torax El Torax.<br />

0049-4143 (P)<br />

Supersedes Revista de tuberculosis del<br />

Uruguay.<br />

1952-1983 0417357<br />

Tort Insur Law J<br />

s) Tort & insurance law journal.<br />

0885-856X (P)<br />

Continues: Forum (Chicago, Ill. ). Continued<br />

by: Tort trial & insurance practice law<br />

journal.<br />

1985-2002 9892369<br />

Tort Trial Insur Pract Law J<br />

s) Tort trial & insurance practice law journal.<br />

1543-3234 (P)<br />

Continues: Tort & insurance law journal.<br />

2002- 101180799<br />

Toxic Rep Ser<br />

Toxicity report series.<br />

1521-4621 (P)<br />

Continues: NTP TOX.<br />

199?- 101122696<br />

2006<br />

Toxicol Appl Pharmacol<br />

Toxicology and applied pharmacology.<br />

0041-008X (P)<br />

1959- Acid-free 0416575<br />

Toxicol Eur Res<br />

Toxicological European research. Recherche<br />

europeenne en toxicologie.<br />

0249-6402 (P)<br />

Supersedes European journal of toxicology<br />

and environmental hygiene. Journal europeen<br />

de toxicologie.<br />

1978-1983 7901212<br />

Toxicol In Vitro<br />

Toxicology in vitro: an international<br />

journal published in association with BIBRA.<br />

0887-2333 (P)<br />

1987- 8712158<br />

Toxicol Ind Health<br />

Toxicology and industrial health.<br />

0748-2337 (P)<br />

1985- 8602702<br />

Toxicol Lett<br />

Toxicology letters.<br />

0378-4274 (P)<br />

1977- Acid-free 7709027<br />

Toxicol Pathol<br />

Toxicologic pathology.<br />

0192-6233 (P) 1533-1601 (E)<br />

Continues: Bulletin of the Society of<br />

Pharmacological and Environmental<br />

Pathologists.<br />

1978- Acid-free 7905907<br />

Toxicol Rev<br />

Toxicological reviews.<br />

1176-2551 (P)<br />

Continues: Adverse drug reactions and<br />

toxicological reviews.<br />

2003- 101162874<br />

Toxicol Sci<br />

Toxicological sciences: an official journal<br />

of the Society of Toxicology.<br />

1096-6080 (P) 1096-0929 (E)<br />

Continues: Fundamental and applied<br />

toxicology.<br />

1998- 9805461<br />

Toxicology<br />

Toxicology.<br />

0300-483X (P)<br />

1973- Acid-free 0361055<br />

Toxicon<br />

Toxicon: official journal of the<br />

International Society on Toxinology.<br />

0041-0101 (P)<br />

1962- 1307333<br />

Tr Akad Nauk SSSR Inst Genet<br />

Trudy. Akademiia nauk SSSR. Institut<br />

genetiki.<br />

1935-???? 14710380R<br />

Tr Inst Fiz Akad Nauk Gruz Ssr<br />

Trudy Instituta fiziologii, Akademiia nauk<br />

Gruzinskoi SSR.<br />

Continues Trudy of Institut fiziologii of<br />

Universitet, Tiflis.<br />

194?-1965 7507618<br />

Tr Inst Im Pastera<br />

Trudy Instituta imeni Pastera.<br />

0202-1447 (P)<br />

Continues: Trudy Leningradskogo nauchno-<br />

issledovatelskogo instituta epidemiologii i<br />

mikrobiologii imeni Pastera.<br />

1975-1992 7709028<br />


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