Rev Sanid Milit Argent Revista de la sanidad militar argentina. 0048-7716 (P) Continues Revista de la sanidad militar. 1947- 0411345 Rev Saude Publica Revista de saude publica. 0034-8910 (P) Continues: Arquivos da Faculdade de Higiene e Saude Publica da Universidade de Sao Paulo. 1967- 0135043 Rev Sci Instrum s) The Review of scientific instruments. 0034-6748 (P) 1930- 0405571 Rev Sci Tech Revue scientifique et technique (International Office of Epizootics) 0253-1933 (P) 1608-0637 (E) 1982- Acid-free 8712301 Rev SESDA Revue du SESDA. 0379-8232 (P) Continued by: Odonto-stomatologie tropicale. 1972-1977 7802480 Rev Soc Argent Biol Revista de la Sociedad Argentina de Biologia. 0037-8380 (P) 1925-1980 7507470 Rev Soc Bras Med Trop Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical. 0037-8682 (P) 1967- 7507456 Rev Soc Colomb Ortod Revista. Sociedad Colombiana de Ortodoncia. 1963-1966 0027050 Rev Soc Odontol La Plata Revista de la Sociedad Odontologica de La Plata. 1988- 9506154 Rev Soc Peru Endocrinol Revista de la Sociedad Peruana de Endocrinologia. 0583-7677 (P) 1963-1966 7507476 Rev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac Revue de stomatologie et de chirurgie maxillo-faciale. 0035-1768 (P) Continues Revue de stomatologie. 1969- 0201010 Rev Stomatoodontol Nord Fr La Revue stomato-odontologique du nord de la France. 0035-4147 (P) 1946-1976 0037125 Rev Suisse Zool s) Revue suisse de zoologie; annales de la Societe zoologique suisse et du Museum d’histoire naturelle de Geneve. 0035-418X (P) Supersedes Recueil zoologique suisse. 1893- 0404500 Rev Surg Review of surgery. 0034-6780 (P) Continues Quarterly review of surgery. Continued by Current surgery. 1962-1977 0401306 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Rev Tuberc Pneumol (Paris) Revue de tuberculose et de pneumologie. 0035-1792 (P) Continues Revue de la tuberculose. Superseded by Revue francaise des maladies respiratoires. 1959-1972 0365341 Rev Venez Sanid Asist Soc Revista venezolana de sanidad y asistencia social. 0035-0583 (P) Continues the Revista de sanidad y asistencia social. 1960-1977 0421523 Rev Venez Urol Revista venezolana de urologia. 0035-0591 (P) Continues Revista de urologia, 1961-1981 0404333 Revis Biol Celular Revisiones sobre biologia celular: RBC. 0213-7119 (P) Continued by: Cell biology reviews. 1983-1991 8712458 Revmatologiia (Mosk) Revmatologiia (Moscow, Russia) 0233-7029 (P) Continues: Voprosy revmatizma. 1983-1993 8309921 Revolution Revolution (Oakland, Calif. ) 1059-0927 (P) Continues: Revolution (Staten Island, N. Y.). 2000- 100956124 Revolution Revolution (Staten Island, N. Y.) 1059-0927 (P) Continued by: Revolution (Oakland, Calif. ). 1991-1998 9211449 RGO RGO. 0103-6971 (P) Continues: Revista gaucha de odontologia. 1976- 8901001 Rheum Dis Clin North Am Rheumatic diseases clinics of North America. 0889-857X (P) Continues in part: Clinics in rheumatic diseases. 1987- 8708093 Rheumatism Rheumatism. 0370-5250 (P) 1938-1967 0127375 Rheumatol Int Rheumatology international. 0172-8172 (P) 1981- Acid-free 8206885 Rheumatol Phys Med Rheumatology and physical medicine. 0003-4908 (P) Continues Annals of physical medicine. Continued by Rheumatology and rehabilitation. 1970-1972 0355003 Rheumatol Rehabil * Rheumatology and rehabilitation. 0300-3396 (P) Continues: Rheumatology and physical medicine. Continued by: British journal of rheumatology. 1973-1982 0355004 2006 Rheumatology Rheumatology. 0080-2727 (P) 1967- 0173721 Rheumatology (Oxford) * Rheumatology (Oxford, England) 1462-0324 (P) 1462-0332 (E) Continues: British journal of rheumatology. 1999- 100883501 Rhinol Suppl Rhinology. Supplement. 1013-0047 (P) 1987- 9004674 Rhinology Rhinology. 0300-0729 (P) Continues International rhinology. 1970- 0347242 Rhod Nurse The Rhodesia nurse. 0250-4898 (P) Supersedes in part: Rhodesian nurse. Continued by: Zimbabwe Rhodesia nurse. 1978-1978 7905060 Rhod Nurse The Rhodesian nurse. 1967-1977 0233441 Rhumatologie Rhumatologie. 0249-7581 (P) Continues: Archives de rhumatologie. 1949- 0421126 Ric Clin Lab La Ricerca in clinica e in laboratorio. 0390-5748 (P) Continued by: International journal of clinical and laboratory research. 1971-1991 7613947 Ric Sci La Ricerca scientifica. 0035-5011 (P) Continues the Bollettino d’informazioni of the Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche. 1931-1976 0054204 Ric Sci 2 Ser Pt 1 Riv La Ricerca scientifica. 2. ser., pt.1: Rivista. 0556-9672 (P) Supersedes and is superseded in part by La Ricerca scientifica. 1961-1965 0054202 Ric Sci 2 Ser Pt 2 Rend [B] La Ricerca scientifica. 2. ser., pt. 2: Rendiconti. Sezione B: Biologica. 0556-9699 (P) Supersedes and is superseded in part by La Ricerca scientifica. 1961-1965 0054211 Riforma Med La Riforma medica. 0035-5259 (P) 1885-1995 0404345 Rinsho Biseibutshu Jinsoku Shindan Kenkyukai Shi Rinsho Biseibutsu Jinsoku Shindan Kenkyukai shi = JARMAM: Journal of the Association for Rapid Method and Automation in Microbiology. 0915-1753 (P) 1988- 9419185 241

Rinsho Byori Rinsho byori. The Japanese journal of clinical pathology. 0047-1860 (P) 1953- 2984781R Rinsho Hoshasen Rinsho hoshasen. Clinical radiography. 0009-9252 (P) 1956- 0413556 Rinsho Ketsueki [Rinsho ketsueki] The Japanese journal of clinical hematology. 0485-1439 (P) 1960- 2984782R Rinsho Kyobu Geka Rinsho kyobu geka = Japanese annals of thoracic surgery. 0389-7893 (P) 1981-1994 8211641 Rinsho Shika [Rinsho shika] [Clinical dentistry]. 0035-5488 (P) 1929-1992 20420070R Rinsho Shinkeigaku Rinsho shinkeigaku = Clinical neurology. 0009-918X (P) 1960- 0417466 Rinsho Shishubyo Danwakai Kaishi Rinsho Shishubyo Danwakai kaishi. Continued by: Nihon Rinsho Shishubyo Danwaka: kaishi. 1983-1984 8703870 Risk Anal s) Risk analysis: an official publication of the Society for Risk Analysis. 0272-4332 (P) 1539-6924 (E) 1981- 8109978 Risk Manage s) Risk management (New York, N. Y.) 0035-5593 (P) Continues: National insurance buyer. 1969- 9877953 RISO Rep s) Riso report. 0418-6443 (P) Continued by: Riso-R, which is cataloged separately in NLM. 1956-1978 7803386 Riv Anat Patol Oncol Rivista di anatomia patologica e di oncologia. 0048-8364 (P) 1948-1991 0404350 Riv Biol Rivista di biologia. 0035-6050 (P) 1919- 0416643 Riv Clin Pediatr Rivista di clinica pediatrica. 0035-6077 (P) Absorbed by Minerva pediatrica. 1903-1973 0404503 Riv Crit Clin Med Rivista critica di clinica medica. 0048-833X (P) 1899-1970 0436026 Riv Emoter Immunoematol Rivista di emoterapia ed immunoematologia. 0035-6204 (P) 1954-1985 0404352 242 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Riv Eur Sci Med Farmacol Rivista europea per le scienze mediche e farmacologiche = European review for medical and pharmacological sciences = Revue europeenne pour les sciences medicales et pharmacologiques. 0392-291X (P) Continued by: European review for medical and pharmacological sciences. 1979-1996 8100897 Riv Gastroenterol Rivista di gastro-enterologia. 0035-6255 (P) 1949- 20420540R Riv Inferm Rivista dell’infermiere. 1120-3803 (P) Continued by: Assistenza infermieristica e ricerca. 1982-1998 8408033 Riv Infort Mal Prof Rivista degli infortuni e delle malattie professionali. 0035-5836 (P) Continues Infortuni e malattie professionali. 1944- 0404347 Riv Ist Sieroter Ital Rivista dell’Istituto sieroterapico italiano. 0300-9904 (P) Continues Rivista di bioterapia e immunologia. 1947-1969 7505994 Riv Istochim Norm Patol Rivista di istochimica, normale e patologica. 0485-2400 (P) Continued by Basic and applied histochemistry. 1954-1978 0404353 Riv Ital Ginecol Rivista italiana di ginecologia. 0035-6840 (P) 1922-1980 0404361 Riv Ital Ig Rivista italiana d’igiene. 0035-6921 (P) 1941- 0404362 Riv Ital Odontoiatr Infant Rivista italiana di odontoiatria infantile: organo ufficiale della Societa italiana di odontoiatria infantile. 1120-8716 (P) Continued by: Italian journal of paediatric dentistry. 1990-1998 9111498 Riv Ital Odontotec Rivista italiana degli odontotecnici. 0391-5611 (P) Continues Dental press. 1978- 7806140 Riv Ital Stomatol Rivista italiana di stomatologia. 0035-6905 (P) 1946- 0404364 Riv Malariol Rivista di malariologia. 0370-565X (P) Continues Bollettino malariologica. 1926-1967 20420570R Riv Med Aeronaut Spaz Rivista di medicina aeronautica e spaziale. 0035-631X (P) Continues Rivista di medicina aeronautica. 1959-1992 0407207 2006 Riv Neurobiol Rivista di neurobiologia. 0035-6336 (P) 1955- 7501004 Riv Neurol Rivista di neurologia. 0035-6344 (P) Absorbed Annali di neurologia in Feb. 1933. Continued by: Nuova rivista di neurologia. 1928-1990 0413740 Riv Odontoiatr Amici Brugg Rivista di odontoiatria degli Amici di Brugg. 0393-4780 (P) Continues: Odontoiatria pratica. 1982- 8502436 Riv Odontostomatol Implantoprotesi Rivista di odontostomatologia e implantoprotesi. Continues: Odontostomatologia e implantoprotesi. Continued by: Odontostomatologia e implantoprotesi (Milan, Italy: 1989). 1982-1984 8411976 Riv Ostet Ginecol Rivista di ostetricia e ginecologia. 0394-977X (P) 1946-2001 0404354 Riv Ostet Ginecol Prat Rivista d’ostetricia e ginecologia pratica. 0370-6591 (P) Continued by Rivista d’ostetricia e ginecologia pratica e di medicina perinatale. 1919-1971 0333535 Riv Ostet Ginecol Prat Med Perinat Rivista di ostetricia ginecologia pratica e medicina perinatale. 0391-0970 (P) Continues Rivista d’ostetricia e ginecologia pratica e di medicina perinatale. 1973-1982 8012151 Riv Otoneurooftalmol Rivista oto-neuro-oftalmologica. 0048-8410 (P) 1923-1969 0417467 Riv Parassitol Rivista di parassitologia. 0035-6387 (P) 1937- 0404355 Riv Patol Clin Rivista di patologia e clinica. 0035-6417 (P) 1946- 0404504 Riv Patol Clin Sper Rivista di patologia clinica e sperimentale. 0035-6409 (P) Continued by: Rivista di patologia e sperimentazione clinica. 1960-1986 0404356 Riv Patol Nerv Ment Rivista di patologia nervosa e mentale. 0035-6433 (P) 1896-1984 0431335 Riv Sper Freniatr Med Leg Alien Ment Rivista sperimentale di freniatria e medicina legale delle alienazioni mentali. 0370-7261 (P) Absorbed: Archivio italiano per le malattie nervose e piu particolarmente per le alienazioni mentali. 1892 Continued by: Rivista sperimentale di freniatria. 1875-1997 9811063

Rev Sanid Milit Argent<br />

Revista de la sanidad militar argentina.<br />

0048-7716 (P)<br />

Continues Revista de la sanidad militar.<br />

1947- 0411345<br />

Rev Saude Publica<br />

Revista de saude publica.<br />

0034-8910 (P)<br />

Continues: Arquivos da Faculdade de Higiene<br />

e Saude Publica da Universidade de Sao Paulo.<br />

1967- 0135043<br />

Rev Sci Instrum<br />

s) The Review of scientific instruments.<br />

0034-6748 (P)<br />

1930- 0405571<br />

Rev Sci Tech<br />

Revue scientifique et technique<br />

(International Office of Epizootics)<br />

0253-1933 (P) 1608-0637 (E)<br />

1982- Acid-free 8712301<br />

Rev SESDA<br />

Revue du SESDA.<br />

0379-8232 (P)<br />

Continued by: Odonto-stomatologie tropicale.<br />

1972-1977 7802480<br />

Rev Soc Argent Biol<br />

Revista de la Sociedad Argentina de Biologia.<br />

0037-8380 (P)<br />

1925-1980 7507470<br />

Rev Soc Bras Med Trop<br />

Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina<br />

Tropical.<br />

0037-8682 (P)<br />

1967- 7507456<br />

Rev Soc Colomb Ortod<br />

Revista. Sociedad Colombiana de Ortodoncia.<br />

1963-1966 0027050<br />

Rev Soc Odontol La Plata<br />

Revista de la Sociedad Odontologica de La<br />

Plata.<br />

1988- 9506154<br />

Rev Soc Peru Endocrinol<br />

Revista de la Sociedad Peruana de<br />

Endocrinologia.<br />

0583-7677 (P)<br />

1963-1966 7507476<br />

Rev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac<br />

Revue de stomatologie et de chirurgie<br />

maxillo-faciale.<br />

0035-1768 (P)<br />

Continues Revue de stomatologie.<br />

1969- 0201010<br />

Rev Stomatoodontol Nord Fr<br />

La Revue stomato-odontologique du nord de la<br />

France.<br />

0035-4147 (P)<br />

1946-1976 0037125<br />

Rev Suisse Zool<br />

s) Revue suisse de zoologie; annales de la<br />

Societe zoologique suisse et du Museum<br />

d’histoire naturelle de Geneve.<br />

0035-418X (P)<br />

Supersedes Recueil zoologique suisse.<br />

1893- 0404500<br />

Rev Surg<br />

Review of surgery.<br />

0034-6780 (P)<br />

Continues Quarterly review of surgery.<br />

Continued by Current surgery.<br />

1962-1977 0401306<br />

<strong>LIST</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>SERIALS</strong> <strong>INDEXED</strong><br />

Rev Tuberc Pneumol (Paris)<br />

Revue de tuberculose et de pneumologie.<br />

0035-1792 (P)<br />

Continues Revue de la tuberculose.<br />

Superseded by Revue francaise des maladies<br />

respiratoires.<br />

1959-1972 0365341<br />

Rev Venez Sanid Asist Soc<br />

Revista venezolana de sanidad y asistencia<br />

social.<br />

0035-0583 (P)<br />

Continues the Revista de sanidad y<br />

asistencia social.<br />

1960-1977 0421523<br />

Rev Venez Urol<br />

Revista venezolana de urologia.<br />

0035-0591 (P)<br />

Continues Revista de urologia,<br />

1961-1981 0404333<br />

Revis Biol Celular<br />

Revisiones sobre biologia celular: RBC.<br />

0213-7119 (P)<br />

Continued by: Cell biology reviews.<br />

1983-1991 8712458<br />

Revmatologiia (Mosk)<br />

Revmatologiia (Moscow, Russia)<br />

0233-7029 (P)<br />

Continues: Voprosy revmatizma.<br />

1983-1993 8309921<br />

Revolution<br />

Revolution (Oakland, Calif. )<br />

1059-0927 (P)<br />

Continues: Revolution (Staten Island, N. Y.).<br />

2000- 100956124<br />

Revolution<br />

Revolution (Staten Island, N. Y.)<br />

1059-0927 (P)<br />

Continued by: Revolution (Oakland, Calif. ).<br />

1991-1998 9211449<br />

RGO RGO.<br />

0103-6971 (P)<br />

Continues: Revista gaucha de odontologia.<br />

1976- 8901001<br />

Rheum Dis Clin North Am<br />

Rheumatic diseases clinics of North America.<br />

0889-857X (P)<br />

Continues in part: Clinics in rheumatic<br />

diseases.<br />

1987- 8708093<br />

Rheumatism<br />

Rheumatism.<br />

0370-5250 (P)<br />

1938-1967 0127375<br />

Rheumatol Int<br />

Rheumatology international.<br />

0172-8172 (P)<br />

1981- Acid-free 8206885<br />

Rheumatol Phys Med<br />

Rheumatology and physical medicine.<br />

0003-4908 (P)<br />

Continues Annals of physical medicine.<br />

Continued by Rheumatology and rehabilitation.<br />

1970-1972 0355003<br />

Rheumatol Rehabil<br />

* Rheumatology and rehabilitation.<br />

0300-3396 (P)<br />

Continues: Rheumatology and physical<br />

medicine. Continued by: British journal of<br />

rheumatology.<br />

1973-1982 0355004<br />

2006<br />

Rheumatology<br />

Rheumatology.<br />

0080-2727 (P)<br />

1967- 0173721<br />

Rheumatology (Oxford)<br />

* Rheumatology (Oxford, England)<br />

1462-0324 (P) 1462-0332 (E)<br />

Continues: British journal of rheumatology.<br />

1999- 100883501<br />

Rhinol Suppl<br />

Rhinology. Supplement.<br />

1013-0047 (P)<br />

1987- 9004674<br />

Rhinology<br />

Rhinology.<br />

0300-0729 (P)<br />

Continues International rhinology.<br />

1970- 0347242<br />

Rhod Nurse<br />

The Rhodesia nurse.<br />

0250-4898 (P)<br />

Supersedes in part: Rhodesian nurse.<br />

Continued by: Zimbabwe Rhodesia nurse.<br />

1978-1978 7905060<br />

Rhod Nurse<br />

The Rhodesian nurse.<br />

1967-1977 0233441<br />

Rhumatologie<br />

Rhumatologie.<br />

0249-7581 (P)<br />

Continues: Archives de rhumatologie.<br />

1949- 0421126<br />

Ric Clin Lab<br />

La Ricerca in clinica e in laboratorio.<br />

0390-5748 (P)<br />

Continued by: International journal of<br />

clinical and laboratory research.<br />

1971-1991 7613947<br />

Ric Sci<br />

La Ricerca scientifica.<br />

0035-5011 (P)<br />

Continues the Bollettino d’informazioni of<br />

the Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche.<br />

1931-1976 0054204<br />

Ric Sci 2 Ser Pt 1 Riv<br />

La Ricerca scientifica. 2. ser., pt.1:<br />

Rivista.<br />

0556-9672 (P)<br />

Supersedes and is superseded in part by La<br />

Ricerca scientifica.<br />

1961-1965 0054202<br />

Ric Sci 2 Ser Pt 2 Rend [B]<br />

La Ricerca scientifica. 2. ser., pt. 2:<br />

Rendiconti. Sezione B: Biologica.<br />

0556-9699 (P)<br />

Supersedes and is superseded in part by La<br />

Ricerca scientifica.<br />

1961-1965 0054211<br />

Riforma Med<br />

La Riforma medica.<br />

0035-5259 (P)<br />

1885-1995 0404345<br />

Rinsho Biseibutshu Jinsoku Shindan Kenkyukai<br />

Shi Rinsho Biseibutsu Jinsoku Shindan Kenkyukai<br />

shi = JARMAM: Journal of the Association<br />

for Rapid Method and Automation in<br />

Microbiology.<br />

0915-1753 (P)<br />

1988- 9419185<br />


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