Recent Adv Biol Psychiatry Recent advances in biological psychiatry. 0376-2122 (P) Continues: Biological psychiatry. Society of Biological Psychiatry. Superseded by: Biological psychiatry. 1959-1968 0213316 Recent Adv Clin Nucl Med Recent advances in clinical nuclear medicine. 0308-2458 (P) 1975-1975 7513008 Recent Adv Nurs Recent advances in nursing. 0144-6592 (P) 1981-1990 8011213 Recent Adv Stud Cardiac Struct Metab Recent advances in studies on cardiac structure and metabolism. 0363-5872 (P) 1972-1978 0325677 Recent Dev Alcohol Recent developments in alcoholism: an official publication of the American Medical Society on Alcoholism, the Research Society on Alcoholism, and the National Council on Alcoholism. 0738-422X (P) 1983- 8301996 Recent Prog Horm Res Recent progress in hormone research. 0079-9963 (P) Absorbed by: Endocrine reviews. 1947-2004 Acid-free 0404471 Recent Results Cancer Res Recent results in cancer research. Fortschritte der Krebsforschung. Progres dans les recherches sur le cancer. 0080-0015 (P) 1965- Acid-free 0044671 Recenti Prog Med Recenti progressi in medicina. 0034-1193 (P) 1946- 0401271 Recept Signal Transduct Receptors & signal transduction. 1087-8475 (P) Continues: Receptor. 1996-1997 Acid-free 9617134 Receptor Receptor. 1052-8040 (P) Continued by: Receptors & signal transduction. 1991-1995 Acid-free 9109671 Receptors Channels Receptors & channels. 1060-6823 (P) 1607-856X (E) Absorbed: Pharmacology reviews and communications. 2003 1993- 9315376 Rech Soins Infirm Recherche en soins infirmiers. 0297-2964 (P) 1985- 9715370 Recomb DNA Tech Bull Recombinant DNA technical bulletin. 0196-0229 (P) Continues Nucleic acid recombinant scientific memoranda. 1977-1993 7807151 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Reconstr Surg Traumatol Reconstruction surgery and traumatology. 0080-0260 (P) Continues Wiederherstellungschirurgie und Traumatologie. Reconstruction surgery and traumatology. 1968-1990 0136516 Record (Washington) Record. 0160-0036 (P) Supersedes The Social and rehabilitation record. Superseded by Forum. 1977-1977 7708448 Recruit Retain Recruit & retain: a monthly publication for professionals concerned with nurse recruitment and retention. 0278-2766 (P) 198?- 9879301 Recruit Retent Rep Recruitment & retention report. 1044-0666 (P) Continued by: Recruitment, retention & restructuring report. 1988-1994 9312216 Recruit Retent Restruct Rep Recruitment, retention & restructuring report. Continues: Recruitment & retention report. Continued by: Nursing management. Feb. 1999 1994-1998 9436564 Redox Rep Redox report: communications in free radical research. 1351-0002 (P) 1743-2928 (E) 1994- 9511366 Ref Guide Health Care Technol Ind Reference guide for the health care technology industry. 1082-6858 (P) 1993-1995 9413191 Reflect Nurs Leadersh Reflections on nursing leadership / Sigma Theta Tau International, Honor Society of Nursing. 1527-6538 (P) Continues: Reflections. 2000- 100911064 Reflections Reflections / Sigma Theta Tau. 0885-8144 (P) Continued by: Reflections on nursing leadership. 1975-1999 9302919 Refract Corneal Surg Refractive & corneal surgery. 1042-962X (P) Continues: Journal of refractive surgery. Continued by: Journal of refractive and corneal surgery. 1989-1993 8908429 Refuat Hapeh Vehashinayim Refuat ha-peh veha-shinayim (1993) 0792-9935 (P) Continues: Refuat ha-shinayim (Tel Aviv, Israel: 1983). 1993- 9816240 Refuat Hapeh Vehashinayim Refuat ha-peh veha-shinayim (Tel Aviv, Israel: 1969) 0034-3161 (P) Continued by: Refuat ha-shinayim (Tel Aviv, Israel: 1983). 1969-1983 0227721 2006 Refuat Hashinayim Refuat ha-shinayim (Tel Aviv, Israel: 1944) 1944-1968 0227735 Refuat Hashinayim Refuat ha-shinayim (Tel Aviv, Israel: 1983) 0334-1402 (P) Continues: Refuat ha-peh veha-shinayim (Tel Aviv, Israel: 1969). Continued by: Refuat ha-peh veha-shinayim (1993). 1983-199? 8500286 Reg Anaesth Regional-Anaesthesie. 0171-1946 (P) 1978-1991 Acid-free 8309693 Reg Anesth Regional anesthesia. 0146-521X (P) Continued by: Regional anesthesia and pain medicine. 1976-1997 7707549 Reg Anesth Pain Med Regional anesthesia and pain medicine. 1098-7339 (P) 1532-8651 (E) Continues: Regional anesthesia. 1998- 9804508 Reg Immunol Regional immunology. 0896-0623 (P) 1988-1994 9001013 Regan Rep Nurs Law The Regan report on nursing law. 0034-3196 (P) Continued by: Nursing law’s Regan report. 1960-1999 0352140 Regist Nurse Registered nurse (Toronto, Ont. ) 0840-8831 (P) Continued by: Registered nurse journal. 1989-1995 8907459 Regul Anal Med Waste Regulatory analyst. Medical waste. 1065-1063 (P) Continued by: Medical waste analyst. 1992-1993 Acid-free 9434067 Regul Pept Regulatory peptides. 0167-0115 (P) 1980- Acid-free 8100479 Regul Pept Suppl Regulatory peptides. Supplement. 0169-5134 (P) 1980-1985 8308791 Regul Toxicol Pharmacol Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology: RTP. 0273-2300 (P) 1981- Acid-free 8214983 Regulation s) Regulation. 0147-0590 (P) 1977-1988 7807387 Rehab Manag Rehab management. 0899-6237 (P) 1988- 9216135 Rehabil Lit Rehabilitation literature. 0034-3579 (P) Continues the society’s Bulletin on current literature. 1956-1986 0401274 229

Rehabil Nurs Rehabilitation nursing: the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses. 0278-4807 (P) Continues: ARN journal. 1981- 8104825 Rehabil Rec Rehabilitation record. 0034-3587 (P) Merged with Human needs to form the Social and rehabilitation record. 1960-1973 2985050R Rehabilitation (Bonn) Rehabilitation: Sozialmedizin, physikalische Medizin, Praventivmedizin; internationale Zeitschrift mit Zentralblatt. 0048-7147 (P) Continues Rehabilitation; internationale Zeitschrift fur physikalische Medizin und Rehabilitation mit Zentralblatt. 1970-1996 1302716 Rehabilitation (Stuttg) Die Rehabilitation. 0034-3536 (P) 1962- 0401273 Rein Foie Rein et foie, maladies de la nutrition; actualites. 0085-5464 (P) Supersedes Annales medicales de Vittel. 1960-1980 0401276 Rejuvenation Res Rejuvenation research. 1549-1684 (P) Continues: Journal of anti-aging medicine. 2004- 101213381 Ren Fail Renal failure. 0886-022X (P) 1525-6049 (E) Continues: Uremia investigation. 1987- 8701128 Ren Physiol Renal physiology. 0378-5858 (P) Continued by: Renal physiology and biochemistry. 1978-1987 7901911 Ren Physiol Biochem Renal physiology and biochemistry. 1011-6524 (P) Continues: Renal physiology. Continued by: Kidney & blood pressure research. 1988-1995 Acid-free 8906670 Rep Carcinog Report on carcinogens: carcinogen profiles / U. S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Toxicology Program. 1551-8272 (P) 1551-8280 (E) Merger of: Report on carcinogens. Summary, and: National Toxicology Program (U. S.). Report on carcinogens. Full report. 2000- 101157309 Rep Comm Accredit Rehabil Facil s) Report - Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities. 0045-7590 (P) 1968- 7704349 230 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Rep Congr (Ser) Report to Congress (United States. Physician Payment Review Commission: Series) Merged with: Background paper (United States. Physician Payment Review Commission), to form: Physician Payment Review Commission (Series). 1989-1989 9417781 Rep Congr Eur Orthod Soc Report of the congress. European Orthodontic Society. Continues: Transactions. European Orthodontic Society. Continued by: Transactions of the European Orthodontic Society. 1935-1969 0261425 Rep Congr Physician Paym Rev Comm Report to Congress / Physician Payment Review Commission. United States. Physician Payment Review Commission. Continues: Medicare physician payment. United States. Physician Payment Review Commission. Continued by: Annual report to Congress. United States. Physician Payment Review Commission. 1988-1988 9316884 Rep Del Nurses Assoc Reporter (Wilmington, Del. ) 0418-5412 (P) Supersedes: Delaware nurse. Continued by: DNA reporter. 1968-19?? 7507435 Rep Group Adv Psychiatry Report (Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry: 1984) 0888-3394 (P) Continues: Publication - Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry. 1984- 8500115 Rep Group Adv Psychiatry Report (Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry) 0072-775X (P) Continued by: Publication (Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry). 1947-1976 7507434 Rep Health Soc Subj (Lond) Reports on health and social subjects. 0300-8045 (P) Absorbed: Reports on public health and medical subjects. 1972- 0351235 Rep Natl Forum Hosp Health Aff A report of the... National Forum on Hospital and Health Affairs / conducted by the Graduate Program in Hospital Administration of Duke University. National Forum on Hospital and Health Affairs. 1965-???? 100961267 Rep Nav Med Neuropsychiatr Res Unit Report - Navy Medical Neuropsychiatric Research Unit. 1962-1974 7706104 Rep Popul Fam Plann Reports on population/family planning. 0079-3892 (P) 1969-1977 0342340 Rep Public Health Med Subj (Lond) Reports on public health and medical subjects. 0072-6117 (P) Supersedes Reports on public health and medical subjects. Absorbed by Reports on health and social subjects. 1920-1979 7507439 2006 Rep Rheum Dis Reports on rheumatic diseases. 0048-7279 (P) Continued by: Rheumatic diseases (London, England: 1984) 1959-1983 0401277 Rep US Army Med Res Lab Report. U.S. Army Medical Research Laboratory. 0097-5362 (P) 1947-???? 22120420R Rep US Army Med Res Nutr Lab Denver Report. United States. Army Medical Research and Nutrition Laboratory, Denver. Continues the Report of the Army Medical Nutrition Laboratory, Denver. 1958-1974 22211040R Rep US Nav Submar Med Cent Report (U. S. Naval Submarine Medical Center) 0730-8515 (P) Continues: Report (U. S. Naval Medical Research Laboratory). Continued by: Report (Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory) 1964-1972 0046347 Rep US Navy Exp Diving Unit Report. United States. Navy Experimental Diving Unit, Washington, D. C. 1944-1967 22421120R Reprod Abstr Ser Reproduction (Cambridge, England). Abstract series 1476-3990 (P) Continues: Journal of reproduction and fertility. Abstract series. 2001- 100972078 Reprod Biol Reproductive biology. 1642-431X (P) 2001- Acid-free 101160559 Reprod Biol Endocrinol Reproductive biology and endocrinology [electronic resource]: RB&E. 1477-7827 (E) 2003- 101153627 Reprod Biomed Online Reproductive biomedicine online. 1472-6483 (P) 1472-6491 (E) 2000- Acid-free 101122473 Reprod Domest Anim Reproduction in domestic animals = Zuchthygiene. 0936-6768 (P) 1439-0531 (E) Continues: Zuchthygiene. 1990- 9015668 Reprod Fertil Dev Reproduction, fertility, and development. 1031-3613 (P) Continues: Clinical reproduction and fertility. Continues in part: Australia journal of biological sciences. 1989- 8907465 Reprod Health Matters Reproductive health matters. 0968-8080 (P) 1460-9576 (E) 1993- 9420826 Reprod Nutr Dev s) Reproduction, nutrition, development. 0181-1916 (P) Continues Annales de biologie animale, biochimie, biophysique. Continued by: Reproduction, nutrition, development. 1980-1988 8005903

Recent Adv Biol Psychiatry<br />

Recent advances in biological psychiatry.<br />

0376-2122 (P)<br />

Continues: Biological psychiatry. Society<br />

of Biological Psychiatry. Superseded by:<br />

Biological psychiatry.<br />

1959-1968 0213316<br />

Recent Adv Clin Nucl Med<br />

Recent advances in clinical nuclear medicine.<br />

0308-2458 (P)<br />

1975-1975 7513008<br />

Recent Adv Nurs<br />

Recent advances in nursing.<br />

0144-6592 (P)<br />

1981-1990 8011213<br />

Recent Adv Stud Cardiac Struct Metab<br />

Recent advances in studies on cardiac<br />

structure and metabolism.<br />

0363-5872 (P)<br />

1972-1978 0325677<br />

Recent Dev Alcohol<br />

Recent developments in alcoholism: an<br />

official publication of the American Medical<br />

Society on Alcoholism, the Research Society<br />

on Alcoholism, and the National Council on<br />

Alcoholism.<br />

0738-422X (P)<br />

1983- 8301996<br />

Recent Prog Horm Res<br />

Recent progress in hormone research.<br />

0079-9963 (P)<br />

Absorbed by: Endocrine reviews.<br />

1947-2004 Acid-free 0404471<br />

Recent Results Cancer Res<br />

Recent results in cancer research.<br />

Fortschritte der Krebsforschung. Progres<br />

dans les recherches sur le cancer.<br />

0080-0015 (P)<br />

1965- Acid-free 0044671<br />

Recenti Prog Med<br />

Recenti progressi in medicina.<br />

0034-1193 (P)<br />

1946- 0401271<br />

Recept Signal Transduct<br />

Receptors & signal transduction.<br />

1087-8475 (P)<br />

Continues: Receptor.<br />

1996-1997 Acid-free 9617134<br />

Receptor<br />

Receptor.<br />

1052-8040 (P)<br />

Continued by: Receptors & signal<br />

transduction.<br />

1991-1995 Acid-free 9109671<br />

Receptors Channels<br />

Receptors & channels.<br />

1060-6823 (P) 1607-856X (E)<br />

Absorbed: Pharmacology reviews and<br />

communications. 2003<br />

1993- 9315376<br />

Rech Soins Infirm<br />

Recherche en soins infirmiers.<br />

0297-2964 (P)<br />

1985- 9715370<br />

Recomb DNA Tech Bull<br />

Recombinant DNA technical bulletin.<br />

0196-0229 (P)<br />

Continues Nucleic acid recombinant<br />

scientific memoranda.<br />

1977-1993 7807151<br />

<strong>LIST</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>SERIALS</strong> <strong>INDEXED</strong><br />

Reconstr Surg Traumatol<br />

Reconstruction surgery and traumatology.<br />

0080-0260 (P)<br />

Continues Wiederherstellungschirurgie und<br />

Traumatologie. Reconstruction surgery and<br />

traumatology.<br />

1968-1990 0136516<br />

Record (Washington)<br />

Record.<br />

0160-0036 (P)<br />

Supersedes The Social and rehabilitation<br />

record. Superseded by Forum.<br />

1977-1977 7708448<br />

Recruit Retain<br />

Recruit & retain: a monthly publication for<br />

professionals concerned with nurse<br />

recruitment and retention.<br />

0278-2766 (P)<br />

198?- 9879301<br />

Recruit Retent Rep<br />

Recruitment & retention report.<br />

1044-0666 (P)<br />

Continued by: Recruitment, retention &<br />

restructuring report.<br />

1988-1994 9312216<br />

Recruit Retent Restruct Rep<br />

Recruitment, retention & restructuring<br />

report.<br />

Continues: Recruitment & retention report.<br />

Continued by: Nursing management. Feb. 1999<br />

1994-1998 9436564<br />

Redox Rep<br />

Redox report: communications in free<br />

radical research.<br />

1351-0002 (P) 1743-2928 (E)<br />

1994- 9511366<br />

Ref Guide Health Care Technol Ind<br />

Reference guide for the health care<br />

technology industry.<br />

1082-6858 (P)<br />

1993-1995 9413191<br />

Reflect Nurs Leadersh<br />

Reflections on nursing leadership / Sigma<br />

Theta Tau International, Honor Society of<br />

Nursing.<br />

1527-6538 (P)<br />

Continues: Reflections.<br />

2000- 100911064<br />

Reflections<br />

Reflections / Sigma Theta Tau.<br />

0885-8144 (P)<br />

Continued by: Reflections on nursing<br />

leadership.<br />

1975-1999 9302919<br />

Refract Corneal Surg<br />

Refractive & corneal surgery.<br />

1042-962X (P)<br />

Continues: Journal of refractive surgery.<br />

Continued by: Journal of refractive and<br />

corneal surgery.<br />

1989-1993 8908429<br />

Refuat Hapeh Vehashinayim<br />

Refuat ha-peh veha-shinayim (1993)<br />

0792-9935 (P)<br />

Continues: Refuat ha-shinayim (Tel Aviv,<br />

Israel: 1983).<br />

1993- 9816240<br />

Refuat Hapeh Vehashinayim<br />

Refuat ha-peh veha-shinayim (Tel Aviv,<br />

Israel: 1969)<br />

0034-3161 (P)<br />

Continued by: Refuat ha-shinayim (Tel Aviv,<br />

Israel: 1983).<br />

1969-1983 0227721<br />

2006<br />

Refuat Hashinayim<br />

Refuat ha-shinayim (Tel Aviv, Israel: 1944)<br />

1944-1968 0227735<br />

Refuat Hashinayim<br />

Refuat ha-shinayim (Tel Aviv, Israel: 1983)<br />

0334-1402 (P)<br />

Continues: Refuat ha-peh veha-shinayim (Tel<br />

Aviv, Israel: 1969). Continued by: Refuat<br />

ha-peh veha-shinayim (1993).<br />

1983-199? 8500286<br />

Reg Anaesth<br />

Regional-Anaesthesie.<br />

0171-1946 (P)<br />

1978-1991 Acid-free 8309693<br />

Reg Anesth<br />

Regional anesthesia.<br />

0146-521X (P)<br />

Continued by: Regional anesthesia and pain<br />

medicine.<br />

1976-1997 7707549<br />

Reg Anesth Pain Med<br />

Regional anesthesia and pain medicine.<br />

1098-7339 (P) 1532-8651 (E)<br />

Continues: Regional anesthesia.<br />

1998- 9804508<br />

Reg Immunol<br />

Regional immunology.<br />

0896-0623 (P)<br />

1988-1994 9001013<br />

Regan Rep Nurs Law<br />

The Regan report on nursing law.<br />

0034-3196 (P)<br />

Continued by: Nursing law’s Regan report.<br />

1960-1999 0352140<br />

Regist Nurse<br />

Registered nurse (Toronto, Ont. )<br />

0840-8831 (P)<br />

Continued by: Registered nurse journal.<br />

1989-1995 8907459<br />

Regul Anal Med Waste<br />

Regulatory analyst. Medical waste.<br />

1065-1063 (P)<br />

Continued by: Medical waste analyst.<br />

1992-1993 Acid-free 9434067<br />

Regul Pept<br />

Regulatory peptides.<br />

0167-0115 (P)<br />

1980- Acid-free 8100479<br />

Regul Pept Suppl<br />

Regulatory peptides. Supplement.<br />

0169-5134 (P)<br />

1980-1985 8308791<br />

Regul Toxicol Pharmacol<br />

Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology: RTP.<br />

0273-2300 (P)<br />

1981- Acid-free 8214983<br />

Regulation<br />

s) Regulation.<br />

0147-0590 (P)<br />

1977-1988 7807387<br />

Rehab Manag<br />

Rehab management.<br />

0899-6237 (P)<br />

1988- 9216135<br />

Rehabil Lit<br />

Rehabilitation literature.<br />

0034-3579 (P)<br />

Continues the society’s Bulletin on current<br />

literature.<br />

1956-1986 0401274<br />


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