Paramed Int s) Paramedics international. 0191-6351 (P) Continued by JEMS. 1976-1979 7802924 Paraplegia Paraplegia. 0031-1758 (P) Continued by: Spinal cord. 1963-1996 Acid-free 2985038R Parasite Parasite (Paris, France) 1252-607X (P) Continues: Annales de parasitologie humaine et comparee. 1994- 9437094 Parasite Immunol Parasite immunology. 0141-9838 (P) 1365-3024 (E) 1979- Acid-free 7910948 Parasitol Int Parasitology international. 1383-5769 (P) Continues: Kiseichugaku zasshi. 1997- Acid-free 9708549 Parasitol Res Parasitology research. 0932-0113 (P) Continues: Zeitschrift fur Parasitenkunde (Berlin, Germany). 1987- Acid-free 8703571 Parasitol Today Parasitology today (Personal ed. ) 0169-4758 (P) Continued by: Trends in parasitology. 1985-2000 8605563 Parasitology Parasitology. 0031-1820 (P) 1908- 0401121 Parassitologia Parassitologia. 0048-2951 (P) 1959- 0413724 Parazitologiia Parazitologiia. 0031-1847 (P) 1967- 0101672 Parking s) Parking. 0031-2193 (P) 19??- 9892142 Parkinsonism Relat Disord Parkinsonism & related disorders. 1353-8020 (P) 1995- Acid-free 9513583 Parodontol Parodontologie (Berlin, Germany) 0937-1532 (P) 1990- 9112403 Parodontol Acad Rev Parodontologie and academy review. 0369-8092 (P) Formed by the merger of: Academy review of the California Academy of Periodontology, United Staes Section, ARPA internationale, and: Parodontologie (Zurich, Switzerland: 1954). Continued by: Parodontologie. 1967-1968 0104661 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Parodontol Stomatol (Nuova) Parodontologia e stomatologia (nuova): organo ufficiale dell’ARPA italiana, della Societa italiana Jonoforesi stomatologica e della Accademia ligustica di stomatologia. 0301-1429 (P) Continues: Parodontologia e stomatologia. 1980-1993 8703825 Parodontologie Parodontologie. 0031-2339 (P) Continues: Parodentologie and academy review. 1969-1971 0204370 Parodontologie Parodontologie (Zurich, Switzerland: 1954) Continues: Paradentologie. Merged with: Academy review of the California Academy of Periodontology, United States Section, ARPA Internationale, to become: Parodontologie and academy review. 1954-1966 9716297 Paroi Arterielle Paroi arterielle. 0398-7655 (P) 1973-1981 7606268 Part A News s) Part A news: independent news to legally maximize Medicare part A dollars. Continues: Prospective payment guide. Merged with: Health care marketer, to form: Hospital revenue report. 1987-1990 9005471 Part B News s) Part B news. 0893-8121 (P) Absorbed: Managed medicare & medicaid news. 1997 1987- 9007503 PAS Rep s) PAS reporter. 0078-7353 (P) Continues The Record. 1968-1979 0234403 Pathobiol Annu Pathobiology annual. 0362-3025 (P) 1971-1982 1305471 Pathobiology Pathobiology: journal of immunopathology, molecular and cellular biology. 1015-2008 (P) 1423-0291 (E) Formed by the union of: Experimental cell biology, and: Pathology and immunopathology research. 1990- Acid-free 9007504 Pathol Annu Pathology annual. 0079-0184 (P) Continued by: Anatomic pathology (Chicago, Ill. : annual). 1966-1996 0050610 Pathol Biol Pathologie et biologie. Continued by Pathologie-biologie. 1953-1968 0266544 Pathol Biol (Paris) Pathologie-biologie. 0369-8114 (P) 1768-3114 (E) Continues: Pathologie et biologie. 1969- 0265365 2006 Pathol Eur Pathologia Europaea. 0031-2967 (P) Continues: Revue belge de pathologie et de medecine experimentale. 1966-1976 0062702 Pathol Immunopathol Res Pathology and immunopathology research. 0257-2761 (P) Continues: Survey and synthesis of pathology research. Merged with: Experimental cell biology, to form: Pathobiology. 1986-1989 8708069 Pathol Int Pathology international. 1320-5463 (P) 1440-1827 (E) Continues: Acta pathologica japonica. 1994- 9431380 Pathol Microbiol (Basel) Pathologia et microbiologia. 0031-2959 (P) Continues Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Pathologie und Bakteriologie. Continued by Experimental cell biology. 1960-1975 0401122 Pathol Oncol Res Pathology oncology research: POR. 1219-4956 (P) 1995- 9706087 Pathol Res Pract Pathology, research and practice. 0344-0338 (P) Continues Beitrage zur Pathologie. 1978- 7806109 Pathol Vet Pathologia veterinaria. 0031-2975 (P) Continued by Veterinary pathology. 1964-1970 0311355 Pathologe Der Pathologe. 0172-8113 (P) 1979- Acid-free 8006541 Pathologica Pathologica. 0031-2983 (P) 1908- 0401123 Pathologist s) Pathologist. 0031-3017 (P) Continues: Bulletin - College of American Pathologists. 1969-1986 0200552 Pathology Pathology. 0031-3025 (P) 1969- 0175411 Pathology (Phila) Pathology (Philadelphia, Pa. ) 1041-3480 (P) 1992-1996 9208681 Pathophysiol Haemost Thromb Pathophysiology of haemostasis and thrombosis. 1424-8832 (P) 1424-8840 (E) Continues: Haemostasis. 2002- 101142710 Patient Acc Patient accounts. 0195-7775 (P) 1978- 8203286 209

Patient Care s) Patient care. 0031-305X (P) 1967- 0246161 Patient Care Manag Patient care management. 1532-8880 (P) Continues: Aspen’s advisor for nurse executives. 2000-2003 101083317 Patient Couns Health Educ s) Patient counselling and health education. 0190-2040 (P) Continued by Patient education and counseling. 1978-1983 7806110 Patient Educ Couns Patient education and counseling. 0738-3991 (P) Continues: Patient counselling and health education. 1983- 8406280 Patient Educ Newsl s) Patient education newsletter. 0278-8209 (P) Continues: Physician’s patient education newsletter. 1981-1985 9879873 Patient Focus Care s) Patient-focused care: the health care executive’s guide to organizational restructuring. 1082-8672 (P) Continued by: Patient-focused care and satisfaction. 1993-1997 9423870 Patient Focus Care Satisf Patient-focused care and satisfaction / American Health Consultants. 1097-9530 (P) Continues: Patient-focused care. 1998-2000 9802916 Patol Clin Ostet Ginecol s) Patologia e clinica ostetrica e ginecologica. 0304-0313 (P) Supersedes La Clinica ostetrica e ginecologica. 1973-1993 0434617 Patol Fiziol Eksp Ter Patologicheskaia fiziologiia i eksperimental’naia terapiia. 0031-2991 (P) 1957- 0376421 Patol Pol Patologia polska. 0031-3114 (P) Continued by: Polish journal of pathology. 1950-1993 0404244 Pavlov J Biol Sci The Pavlovian journal of biological science. 0093-2213 (P) Continues Conditonal reflex. Continued by: Integrative physiological and behavioral science. 1974-1990 0414243 PCR Methods Appl PCR methods and applications. 1054-9803 (P) Continued by: Genome research. 1991-1995 9201445 PCR Rep The PCR reporter. 0830-9604 (P) 1985-1989 8602600 210 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED PDA J Pharm Sci Technol PDA journal of pharmaceutical science and technology / PDA. 1079-7440 (P) Continues: Journal of pharmaceutical science and technology. 1994- 9439538 PDM PDM: Physicians’ drug manual. 0031-9058 (P) 1969-1978 0217255 Pediatr AIDS HIV Infect Pediatric AIDS and HIV infection. 1045-5418 (P) Absorbed by: AIDS patient care and STDs. June 1997 1990-1997 9107942 Pediatr Akus Ginekol Pediatrii a akusherstvo i ginekologii a. 0031-4048 (P) Continues: Pediatrii a (Kiev, Ukraine). 1945- 2985041R Pediatr Allergy Immunol Pediatric allergy and immunology: official publication of the European Society of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology. 0905-6157 (P) 1399-3038 (E) 1990- 9106718 Pediatr Ann Pediatric annals. 0090-4481 (P) 1972- 0356657 Pediatr Blood Cancer Pediatric blood & cancer. 1545-5009 (P) 1545-5017 (E) Continues: Medical and pediatric oncology. 2004- 101186624 Pediatr Cardiol Pediatric cardiology. 0172-0643 (P) 1979- Acid-free 8003849 Pediatr Case Rev Pediatric case reviews (Print) 1532-9798 (P) 1533-0664 (E) 2001- 101090844 Pediatr Clin North Am * Pediatric clinics of North America. 0031-3955 (P) 1954- 0401126 Pediatr Crit Care Med Pediatric critical care medicine: a journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies. 1529-7535 (P) 2000- 100954653 Pediatr Dent Pediatric dentistry. 0164-1263 (P) 1979- 7909102 Pediatr Dermatol Pediatric dermatology. 0736-8046 (P) 1525-1470 (E) 1983- 8406799 Pediatr Dev Pathol Pediatric and developmental pathology: the official journal of the Society for Pediatric Pathology and the Paediatric Pathology Society. 1093-5266 (P) Continues: Perspectives in pediatric pathology. 1998- Acid-free 9809673 2006 Pediatr Diabetes Pediatric diabetes. 1399-543X (P) 1399-5448 (E) 2000- 100939345 Pediatr Emerg Care Pediatric emergency care. 0749-5161 (P) 1535-1815 (E) 1985- 8507560 Pediatr Endocrinol Rev Pediatric endocrinology reviews: PER. 1565-4753 (P) 2003- 101202124 Pediatr Hematol Oncol Pediatric hematology and oncology. 0888-0018 (P) 1521-0669 (E) Continues: European paediatric haematology and oncology. Absorbed: International journal of pediatric hematology/oncology. 1986- Acid-free 8700164 Pediatr Infect Dis Pediatric infectious disease. 0277-9730 (P) Continued by: The Pediatric infectious disease journal. 1982-1986 8209468 Pediatr Infect Dis J The Pediatric infectious disease journal. 0891-3668 (P) Continues: Pediatric infectious disease. 1987- 8701858 Pediatr Int Pediatrics international: official journal of the Japan Pediatric Society. 1328-8067 (P) 1442-200X (E) Continues: Acta paediatrica Japonica. 1999- 100886002 Pediatr Med Chir La Pediatria medica e chirurgica: Medical and surgical pediatrics. 0391-5387 (P) 1979- 8100625 Pediatr Nephrol Pediatric nephrology (Berlin, Germany) 0931-041X (P) 1987- Acid-free 8708728 Pediatr Neurol Pediatric neurology. 0887-8994 (P) 1985- Acid-free 8508183 Pediatr Neurosci Pediatric neuroscience. 0255-7975 (P) Continues in part: Child’s brain. Continued by: Pediatric neurosurgery. 1985-1989 8601677 Pediatr Neurosurg Pediatric neurosurgery. 1016-2291 (P) 1423-0305 (E) Continues: Pediatric neuroscience. 1990- Acid-free 9114967 Pediatr Nurs Pediatric nursing. 0097-9805 (P) 1975- 7505804 Pediatr Panam Pediatria panamericana. 0325-1462 (P) 1972-1975 7511521

Paramed Int<br />

s) Paramedics international.<br />

0191-6351 (P)<br />

Continued by JEMS.<br />

1976-1979 7802924<br />

Paraplegia<br />

Paraplegia.<br />

0031-1758 (P)<br />

Continued by: Spinal cord.<br />

1963-1996 Acid-free 2985038R<br />

Parasite<br />

Parasite (Paris, France)<br />

1252-607X (P)<br />

Continues: Annales de parasitologie humaine<br />

et comparee.<br />

1994- 9437094<br />

Parasite Immunol<br />

Parasite immunology.<br />

0141-9838 (P) 1365-3024 (E)<br />

1979- Acid-free 7910948<br />

Parasitol Int<br />

Parasitology international.<br />

1383-5769 (P)<br />

Continues: Kiseichugaku zasshi.<br />

1997- Acid-free 9708549<br />

Parasitol Res<br />

Parasitology research.<br />

0932-0113 (P)<br />

Continues: Zeitschrift fur Parasitenkunde<br />

(Berlin, Germany).<br />

1987- Acid-free 8703571<br />

Parasitol Today<br />

Parasitology today (Personal ed. )<br />

0169-4758 (P)<br />

Continued by: Trends in parasitology.<br />

1985-2000 8605563<br />

Parasitology<br />

Parasitology.<br />

0031-1820 (P)<br />

1908- 0401121<br />

Parassitologia<br />

Parassitologia.<br />

0048-2951 (P)<br />

1959- 0413724<br />

Parazitologiia<br />

Parazitologiia.<br />

0031-1847 (P)<br />

1967- 0101672<br />

Parking<br />

s) Parking.<br />

0031-2193 (P)<br />

19??- 9892142<br />

Parkinsonism Relat Disord<br />

Parkinsonism & related disorders.<br />

1353-8020 (P)<br />

1995- Acid-free 9513583<br />

Parodontol<br />

Parodontologie (Berlin, Germany)<br />

0937-1532 (P)<br />

1990- 9112403<br />

Parodontol Acad Rev<br />

Parodontologie and academy review.<br />

0369-8092 (P)<br />

Formed by the merger of: Academy review of<br />

the California Academy of Periodontology,<br />

United Staes Section, ARPA internationale,<br />

and: Parodontologie (Zurich, Switzerland:<br />

1954). Continued by: Parodontologie.<br />

1967-1968 0104661<br />

<strong>LIST</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>SERIALS</strong> <strong>INDEXED</strong><br />

Parodontol Stomatol (Nuova)<br />

Parodontologia e stomatologia (nuova):<br />

organo ufficiale dell’ARPA italiana, della<br />

Societa italiana Jonoforesi stomatologica e<br />

della Accademia ligustica di stomatologia.<br />

0301-1429 (P)<br />

Continues: Parodontologia e stomatologia.<br />

1980-1993 8703825<br />

Parodontologie<br />

Parodontologie.<br />

0031-2339 (P)<br />

Continues: Parodentologie and academy review.<br />

1969-1971 0204370<br />

Parodontologie<br />

Parodontologie (Zurich, Switzerland: 1954)<br />

Continues: Paradentologie. Merged with:<br />

Academy review of the California Academy of<br />

Periodontology, United States Section, ARPA<br />

Internationale, to become: Parodontologie<br />

and academy review.<br />

1954-1966 9716297<br />

Paroi Arterielle<br />

Paroi arterielle.<br />

0398-7655 (P)<br />

1973-1981 7606268<br />

Part A News<br />

s) Part A news: independent news to legally<br />

maximize Medicare part A dollars.<br />

Continues: Prospective payment guide.<br />

Merged with: Health care marketer, to form:<br />

Hospital revenue report.<br />

1987-1990 9005471<br />

Part B News<br />

s) Part B news.<br />

0893-8121 (P)<br />

Absorbed: Managed medicare & medicaid news.<br />

1997<br />

1987- 9007503<br />

PAS Rep<br />

s) PAS reporter.<br />

0078-7353 (P)<br />

Continues The Record.<br />

1968-1979 0234403<br />

Pathobiol Annu<br />

Pathobiology annual.<br />

0362-3025 (P)<br />

1971-1982 1305471<br />

Pathobiology<br />

Pathobiology: journal of immunopathology,<br />

molecular and cellular biology.<br />

1015-2008 (P) 1423-0291 (E)<br />

Formed by the union of: Experimental cell<br />

biology, and: Pathology and immunopathology<br />

research.<br />

1990- Acid-free 9007504<br />

Pathol Annu<br />

Pathology annual.<br />

0079-0184 (P)<br />

Continued by: Anatomic pathology (Chicago,<br />

Ill. : annual).<br />

1966-1996 0050610<br />

Pathol Biol<br />

Pathologie et biologie.<br />

Continued by Pathologie-biologie.<br />

1953-1968 0266544<br />

Pathol Biol (Paris)<br />

Pathologie-biologie.<br />

0369-8114 (P) 1768-3114 (E)<br />

Continues: Pathologie et biologie.<br />

1969- 0265365<br />

2006<br />

Pathol Eur<br />

Pathologia Europaea.<br />

0031-2967 (P)<br />

Continues: Revue belge de pathologie et de<br />

medecine experimentale.<br />

1966-1976 0062702<br />

Pathol Immunopathol Res<br />

Pathology and immunopathology research.<br />

0257-2761 (P)<br />

Continues: Survey and synthesis of pathology<br />

research. Merged with: Experimental cell<br />

biology, to form: Pathobiology.<br />

1986-1989 8708069<br />

Pathol Int<br />

Pathology international.<br />

1320-5463 (P) 1440-1827 (E)<br />

Continues: Acta pathologica japonica.<br />

1994- 9431380<br />

Pathol Microbiol (Basel)<br />

Pathologia et microbiologia.<br />

0031-2959 (P)<br />

Continues Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur<br />

Pathologie und Bakteriologie. Continued by<br />

Experimental cell biology.<br />

1960-1975 0401122<br />

Pathol Oncol Res<br />

Pathology oncology research: POR.<br />

1219-4956 (P)<br />

1995- 9706087<br />

Pathol Res Pract<br />

Pathology, research and practice.<br />

0344-0338 (P)<br />

Continues Beitrage zur Pathologie.<br />

1978- 7806109<br />

Pathol Vet<br />

Pathologia veterinaria.<br />

0031-2975 (P)<br />

Continued by Veterinary pathology.<br />

1964-1970 0311355<br />

Pathologe<br />

Der Pathologe.<br />

0172-8113 (P)<br />

1979- Acid-free 8006541<br />

Pathologica<br />

Pathologica.<br />

0031-2983 (P)<br />

1908- 0401123<br />

Pathologist<br />

s) Pathologist.<br />

0031-3017 (P)<br />

Continues: Bulletin - College of American<br />

Pathologists.<br />

1969-1986 0200552<br />

Pathology<br />

Pathology.<br />

0031-3025 (P)<br />

1969- 0175411<br />

Pathology (Phila)<br />

Pathology (Philadelphia, Pa. )<br />

1041-3480 (P)<br />

1992-1996 9208681<br />

Pathophysiol Haemost Thromb<br />

Pathophysiology of haemostasis and<br />

thrombosis.<br />

1424-8832 (P) 1424-8840 (E)<br />

Continues: Haemostasis.<br />

2002- 101142710<br />

Patient Acc<br />

Patient accounts.<br />

0195-7775 (P)<br />

1978- 8203286<br />


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