Occup Environ Med Occupational and environmental medicine. 1351-0711 (P) 1470-7926 (E) Continues: British journal of industrial medicine. 1994- 9422759 Occup Health (Auckl) Occupational Health. 1967- 9881881 Occup Health (Lond) Occupational health; a journal for occupational health nurses. 0029-7917 (P) Continues: Journal for industrial nurses. 1963- 0021263 Occup Health Nurs Occupational health nursing. 0029-7933 (P) Continues the Journal of the American Association of Industrial Nurses. Continued by: AAOHN journal. 1969-1985 0200443 Occup Health Nurse (Auckl) The Occupational health nurse. Continued by: Occupational health New Zealand. 1967-1968 0254561 Occup Health Rev Occupational health review. 0029-7941 (P) Continues Industrial health review. 1953-1971 0401102 Occup Health Saf Occupational health & safety (Waco, Tex. ) 0362-4064 (P) Continues: International journal of occupational health & safety. 1976- 7610574 Occup Med Occupational medicine (Philadelphia, Pa. ) 0885-114X (P) Absorbed by: Clinics in occupational and environmental medicine. 1986-2002 8605629 Occup Med (Lond) Occupational medicine (Oxford, England) 0962-7480 (P) 1471-8405 (E) Continues: Journal of the Society of Occupational Medicine. 1992- 9205857 OCCUP Outlook Q s) Occupational outlook quarterly / United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics in cooperation with Veterans Administration. 0199-4786 (P) Continues: Occupational outlook. 1958- 9875077 Occup Ther Int Occupational therapy international. 0966-7903 (P) 1994- 9433361 OCDS Bull Ocds Bulletin. Continues: Orange County Dental Society bulletin. Continued by: Orange County Dental Society bulletin. 1959-1964 9882375 Ocul Immunol Inflamm Ocular immunology and inflammation. 0927-3948 (P) 1993- 9312169 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Odont Odont. 0105-189X (P) Continued by: Infodont. 1959-1979 7605677 Odontes Odontes. 0472-5069 (P) 1952-1970 19320020R Odontiatriki Odontiatrike. 0377-1970 (P) 1968-1976 0437224 Odontoestomatologia Odontoestomatologia. 0797-0374 (P) 1988- 9003024 Odontoiatr Prat Odontoiatria pratica. 0390-6000 (P) Continued by Rivista di odontoiatria degli Amici di Brugg. 1966-1981 7610578 Odontoiatr Rev Iberoam Med Boca Odontoiatria; revista ibero-americana de medicina de la boca. 0029-8395 (P) 1944-19?? 19320110R Odontol Atual Odontologia Atual. 0473-7865 (P) 1968- 9875642 Odontol Bull Odontological bulletin. 0029-8433 (P) Continues: Official bulletin (Odontological Society of Western Pennsylvania). Continued by: Bulletin (Dental Society of Western Pennsylvania). 1937-1989 19320300R Odontol Capixaba Odontologia capixaba. 1963-1992 19320170R Odontol Chil Odontologia chilena. 1955- 0313241 Odontol Clin Odontologia Clinica. 1986-1988 9883953 Odontol Conserv Odontologie Conservatrice. 1974- 9870007 Odontol Din Odontologia dinamica. 0078-334X (P) 1966-1968 0155161 Odontol Foren Tidskr Odontologiska foreningens tidskrift. 0029-8468 (P) Continued by: Odontologiska foreningens tidskrift alias experimentet. 1937-1991 0404450 Odontol Jalisc Odontologia Jalisciense. 1957- 9883848 Odontol Peru Odontologia Peruana. 1971- 9877854 2006 Odontol Postgrado Odontologia de postgrado. 0797-0234 (P) Continued by: Odonto postgrado. 1987-1992 8813591 Odontol Pract Odontologia practica. 0905-2070 (P) 1990-2000 9107588 Odontol Revy Odontologisk revy. 0029-8441 (P) Merged with Svensk tandlakare tidskrift. Swedish dental journal to form Swedish dental journal. 1950-1976 0404451 Odontol Revy Suppl Odontologisk revy. Supplement. 0472-5131 (P) 1952-1976 0401011 Odontol Tidskr Odontologisk tidskrift. Continued by the Scandinavian journal of dental research. 1893-1969 0270517 Odontol Urug Odontologia uruguaya. 0029-8425 (P) 1947- 0401103 Odontol [Mexico] Odontologia. 1983- 9816310 Odontologia Odontologia (Paris, France) 0244-9331 (P) Continued by: Clinic odontologia. 1980-1988 8708715 Odontologia (Lima) Odontologia. 0471-0215 (P) 1954-1972 2984091R Odontologo El Odontologo. 0472-5158 (P) Supersedes El Odontologo. 1974-1996 7605087 Odontology Odontology / the Society of the Nippon Dental University. 1618-1247 (P) 1618-1255 (E) Continues: Shigaku. 2001- 101134822 Odontoprotesi Odontoprotesi. 0029-8492 (P) 1951-1984 19320390R Odontostomatol Implantoprotesi Odontostomatologia E Implantoprotesi. Continues: Rassegna Internazionale Di Stomatologia Pratica. Continued by: Rivista Di Odontostomatologia E Implantoprotesi. 1974-1982 9883669 Odontostomatol Proodos Odontostomatologike proodos. 0029-8506 (P) 1947- 0401104 Odontostomatol Trop Odonto-stomatologie tropicale = Tropical dental journal. 0251-172X (P) Continues: Revue du SESDA. 1978- 8103679 203

Oecologia Oecologia. 0029-8549 (P) 1432-1939 (E) Supersedes in part Zeitschrift fur Morphologie und Oekologie der Tiere. 1968- 0150372 Off J Can Assoc Crit Care Nurs Official journal of the Canadian Association of Critical Care Nurses / CACCN. 1201-2580 (P) Continued by: Dynamics (Pembroke, Ont. ). 1990-1999 9815867 Off Publ Dent Hyg Assoc State N Y Official publication. Dental Hygienists’ Association of the State of New York. 0011-8621 (P) Continues the association’s News-letter. 1951-1979 16520390R Offentl Gesundheitsdienst Der Offentliche Gesundheitsdienst. Continues: Zeitschrift fur Medizinalbeamte. Continued by: Das Offentliche Gesundheitswesen. 1935-1967 19320430R Offentl Gesundheitswes Das Offentliche Gesundheitswesen. 0029-8573 (P) Continues Der Offentliche Gesundheitsdienst. Continued by: Gesundheitswesen (Bundesverband der Arzte des Offentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes (Germany). Gesundheitswesen. 1967-1991 0107170 Office s) The Office. 0030-0128 (P) Continues: Office economics. Absorbed by: Managing office technology. 1936-1993 9876429 Oftalmol Zh Oftalmologicheskii zhurnal. 0030-0675 (P) 1946- 0401105 Oftalmologia Oftalmologia (Bucharest, Romania: 1990) 1220-0875 (P) Continues: Revista de chirurgie, oncologie, radiologie, o. r. l., oftalmologie, stomatologie. Oftalmologie. 1990- 9111247 OH s) OH. Osteopathic hospitals. 0161-0007 (P) Continues The Osteopathic hospital. Continued by Osteopathic hospital leadership. 1975-1984 7800066 Ohio Dent J The Ohio dental journal. 0030-087X (P) Continues the Journal of the Ohio State Dental Association. 1959-1993 0365664 Ohio Med Ohio medicine: journal of the Ohio State Medical Association. 0892-2454 (P) Continues: The Ohio State medical journal. 1987-2001 8703563 Ohio Nurses Rev Ohio nurses review. 0030-0993 (P) Continues Ohio State Nurses’ Association. Quarterly bulletin. 1930- 19330290R 204 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Ohio State Med J The Ohio State medical journal. 0030-1124 (P) Continues: Transactions. Ohio State Medical Association. Continued by: Ohio medicine. 1905-1986 0401013 OHMS Dig s) OHMS digest 1978- 9875494 Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn Okajimas folia anatomica Japonica. 0030-154X (P) Continues Folia anatomica Japonica. 1936- 0401014 Okla Nurse The Oklahoma nurse. 0030-1787 (P) 1926- 19330740R Oligonucleotides Oligonucleotides. 1545-4576 (P) Continues: Antisense & nucleic acid drug development. 2003- 101188415 OMICS Omics: a journal of integrative biology. 1536-2310 (P) Continues: Microbial & comparative genomics. 2002- 101131135 Omnia Med Ther Omnia medica et therapeutica. 0030-2260 (P) Formed by the union of Omnia medica and Omnia therapeutica, and assumed the vol. numbering of the former. Continued by: Omnia medicamenta, which is classed separately at NLM. 1962-1974 0212414 Omvardaren Omvardaren. 0280-4123 (P) Continues: Tidskrift for sjukvardspedagoger. 1982- 8410691 ONA J ONA journal. 0098-4337 (P) 1974-1979 7508036 Oncodev Biol Med Oncodevelopmental biology and medicine: the journal of the International Society for Oncodevelopmental Biology and Medicine. 0167-1618 (P) Continued by: Tumour biology 1980-1983 8100446 Oncogene Oncogene. 0950-9232 (P) 1476-5594 (E) 1987- Acid-free 8711562 Oncogene Res Oncogene research. 0890-6467 (P) 1987-1991 8801457 Oncol Nurs Forum Oncology nursing forum. 0190-535X (P) 1538-0688 (E) Continues Oncology Nursing Society newsletter. 1977- 7809033 Oncol Rep Oncology reports. 1021-335X (P) 1994- Acid-free 9422756 2006 Oncol Res Oncology research. 0965-0407 (P) Continues: Cancer communications. 1992- Acid-free 9208097 Oncologia Oncologia. 0369-7606 (P) Continued by Oncology. 1948-1966 0134456 Oncologica Oncologica / Vereniging van Oncologie Verpleegkundigen. 0929-8703 (P) 1984- 9438654 Oncologist The oncologist. 1083-7159 (P) 1996- Acid-free 9607837 Oncology Oncology. 0030-2414 (P) 1423-0232 (E) Continues Oncologia. 1967- Acid-free 0135054 Oncology (Williston Park) Oncology (Williston Park, N. Y.) 0890-9091 (P) 1987- 8712059 Onderstepoort J Vet Res The Onderstepoort journal of veterinary research. 0030-2465 (P) Continues the Onderstepoort journal of veterinary science and animal industry. 1951- 0401107 Ondontol Bonaer Odontologia bonaerense. / FOPBA, Federacion Odontologica de la Pcia. de Bs. As. 0326-8454 (P) 1978- 9317168 One One One on one. 0270-6628 (P) Supersedes UNA communique. Continued by: Pro re nata. 1979-198? 8005054 Onkologie Onkologie. 0378-584X (P) 1423-0240 (E) Supersedes Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fur Onkologie. 1978- 7808556 Online J Curr Clin Trials The Online journal of current clinical trials [electronic resource]. 1059-2725 (E) 1992-1996 9300367A Online J Issues Nurs Online journal of issues in nursing [electronic resource]. 1091-3734 (E) 1996- 9806525 Online J Knowl Synth Nurs The online journal of knowledge synthesis for nursing [electronic resource]. 1072-7639 (E) Continued by: Worldviews on evidence-based nursing. 1993-2003 9432589 ONS News ONS news / Oncology Nursing Society. 0890-5215 (P) 1986- 8906187

Occup Environ Med<br />

Occupational and environmental medicine.<br />

1351-0711 (P) 1470-7926 (E)<br />

Continues: British journal of industrial<br />

medicine.<br />

1994- 9422759<br />

Occup Health (Auckl)<br />

Occupational Health.<br />

1967- 9881881<br />

Occup Health (Lond)<br />

Occupational health; a journal for<br />

occupational health nurses.<br />

0029-7917 (P)<br />

Continues: Journal for industrial nurses.<br />

1963- 0021263<br />

Occup Health Nurs<br />

Occupational health nursing.<br />

0029-7933 (P)<br />

Continues the Journal of the American<br />

Association of Industrial Nurses. Continued<br />

by: AAOHN journal.<br />

1969-1985 0200443<br />

Occup Health Nurse (Auckl)<br />

The Occupational health nurse.<br />

Continued by: Occupational health New<br />

Zealand.<br />

1967-1968 0254561<br />

Occup Health Rev<br />

Occupational health review.<br />

0029-7941 (P)<br />

Continues Industrial health review.<br />

1953-1971 0401102<br />

Occup Health Saf<br />

Occupational health & safety (Waco, Tex. )<br />

0362-4064 (P)<br />

Continues: International journal of<br />

occupational health & safety.<br />

1976- 7610574<br />

Occup Med<br />

Occupational medicine (Philadelphia, Pa. )<br />

0885-114X (P)<br />

Absorbed by: Clinics in occupational and<br />

environmental medicine.<br />

1986-2002 8605629<br />

Occup Med (Lond)<br />

Occupational medicine (Oxford, England)<br />

0962-7480 (P) 1471-8405 (E)<br />

Continues: Journal of the Society of<br />

Occupational Medicine.<br />

1992- 9205857<br />

OCCUP Outlook Q<br />

s) Occupational outlook quarterly / United<br />

States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor<br />

Statistics in cooperation with Veterans<br />

Administration.<br />

0199-4786 (P)<br />

Continues: Occupational outlook.<br />

1958- 9875077<br />

Occup Ther Int<br />

Occupational therapy international.<br />

0966-7903 (P)<br />

1994- 9433361<br />

OCDS Bull<br />

Ocds Bulletin.<br />

Continues: Orange County Dental Society<br />

bulletin. Continued by: Orange County<br />

Dental Society bulletin.<br />

1959-1964 9882375<br />

Ocul Immunol Inflamm<br />

Ocular immunology and inflammation.<br />

0927-3948 (P)<br />

1993- 9312169<br />

<strong>LIST</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>SERIALS</strong> <strong>INDEXED</strong><br />

Odont Odont.<br />

0105-189X (P)<br />

Continued by: Infodont.<br />

1959-1979 7605677<br />

Odontes<br />

Odontes.<br />

0472-5069 (P)<br />

1952-1970 19320020R<br />

Odontiatriki<br />

Odontiatrike.<br />

0377-1970 (P)<br />

1968-1976 0437224<br />

Odontoestomatologia<br />

Odontoestomatologia.<br />

0797-0374 (P)<br />

1988- 9003024<br />

Odontoiatr Prat<br />

Odontoiatria pratica.<br />

0390-6000 (P)<br />

Continued by Rivista di odontoiatria degli<br />

Amici di Brugg.<br />

1966-1981 7610578<br />

Odontoiatr Rev Iberoam Med Boca<br />

Odontoiatria; revista ibero-americana de<br />

medicina de la boca.<br />

0029-8395 (P)<br />

1944-19?? 19320110R<br />

Odontol Atual<br />

Odontologia Atual.<br />

0473-7865 (P)<br />

1968- 9875642<br />

Odontol Bull<br />

Odontological bulletin.<br />

0029-8433 (P)<br />

Continues: Official bulletin (Odontological<br />

Society of Western Pennsylvania). Continued<br />

by: Bulletin (Dental Society of Western<br />

Pennsylvania).<br />

1937-1989 19320300R<br />

Odontol Capixaba<br />

Odontologia capixaba.<br />

1963-1992 19320170R<br />

Odontol Chil<br />

Odontologia chilena.<br />

1955- 0313241<br />

Odontol Clin<br />

Odontologia Clinica.<br />

1986-1988 9883953<br />

Odontol Conserv<br />

Odontologie Conservatrice.<br />

1974- 9870007<br />

Odontol Din<br />

Odontologia dinamica.<br />

0078-334X (P)<br />

1966-1968 0155161<br />

Odontol Foren Tidskr<br />

Odontologiska foreningens tidskrift.<br />

0029-8468 (P)<br />

Continued by: Odontologiska foreningens<br />

tidskrift alias experimentet.<br />

1937-1991 0404450<br />

Odontol Jalisc<br />

Odontologia Jalisciense.<br />

1957- 9883848<br />

Odontol Peru<br />

Odontologia Peruana.<br />

1971- 9877854<br />

2006<br />

Odontol Postgrado<br />

Odontologia de postgrado.<br />

0797-0234 (P)<br />

Continued by: Odonto postgrado.<br />

1987-1992 8813591<br />

Odontol Pract<br />

Odontologia practica.<br />

0905-2070 (P)<br />

1990-2000 9107588<br />

Odontol Revy<br />

Odontologisk revy.<br />

0029-8441 (P)<br />

Merged with Svensk tandlakare tidskrift.<br />

Swedish dental journal to form Swedish<br />

dental journal.<br />

1950-1976 0404451<br />

Odontol Revy Suppl<br />

Odontologisk revy. Supplement.<br />

0472-5131 (P)<br />

1952-1976 0401011<br />

Odontol Tidskr<br />

Odontologisk tidskrift.<br />

Continued by the Scandinavian journal of<br />

dental research.<br />

1893-1969 0270517<br />

Odontol Urug<br />

Odontologia uruguaya.<br />

0029-8425 (P)<br />

1947- 0401103<br />

Odontol [Mexico]<br />

Odontologia.<br />

1983- 9816310<br />

Odontologia<br />

Odontologia (Paris, France)<br />

0244-9331 (P)<br />

Continued by: Clinic odontologia.<br />

1980-1988 8708715<br />

Odontologia (Lima)<br />

Odontologia.<br />

0471-0215 (P)<br />

1954-1972 2984091R<br />

Odontologo<br />

El Odontologo.<br />

0472-5158 (P)<br />

Supersedes El Odontologo.<br />

1974-1996 7605087<br />

Odontology<br />

Odontology / the Society of the Nippon<br />

Dental University.<br />

1618-1247 (P) 1618-1255 (E)<br />

Continues: Shigaku.<br />

2001- 101134822<br />

Odontoprotesi<br />

Odontoprotesi.<br />

0029-8492 (P)<br />

1951-1984 19320390R<br />

Odontostomatol Implantoprotesi<br />

Odontostomatologia E Implantoprotesi.<br />

Continues: Rassegna Internazionale Di<br />

Stomatologia Pratica. Continued by: Rivista<br />

Di Odontostomatologia E Implantoprotesi.<br />

1974-1982 9883669<br />

Odontostomatol Proodos<br />

Odontostomatologike proodos.<br />

0029-8506 (P)<br />

1947- 0401104<br />

Odontostomatol Trop<br />

Odonto-stomatologie tropicale = Tropical<br />

dental journal.<br />

0251-172X (P)<br />

Continues: Revue du SESDA.<br />

1978- 8103679<br />


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