Neurologija Neurologija. 0350-9559 (P) Continues Neuropsihijatrija. Continued by: Neurolgia croatia. 1977-1990 7808791 Neurologist The neurologist. 1074-7931 (P) 1995- 9503763 Neurology * Neurology. 0028-3878 (P) 1526-632X (E) 1951- 0401060 Neuromolecular Med Neuromolecular medicine. 1535-1084 (P) 2002- 101135365 Neuromuscul Disord Neuromuscular disorders: NMD. 0960-8966 (P) 1991- 9111470 Neuron Neuron. 0896-6273 (P) 1988- 8809320 Neuropadiatrie Neuropadiatrie. 0028-3797 (P) Continued by: Neuropediatrics. 1969-1980 0260671 Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol Neuropathology and applied neurobiology. 0305-1846 (P) 1365-2990 (E) 1975- 7609829 Neuropathology Neuropathology: official journal of the Japanese Society of Neuropathology. 0919-6544 (P) 1440-1789 (E) Continues: Shinkei byorigaku. 1993- Acid-free 9606526 Neuropatol Pol Neuropatologia polska. 0028-3894 (P) Continued by: Folia neuropathologica. 1963-1993 0020712 Neuropediatrics Neuropediatrics. 0174-304X (P) Continues: Neuropadiatrie. 1980- 8101187 Neuropeptides Neuropeptides. 0143-4179 (P) 1980- Acid-free 8103156 Neuropharmacology Neuropharmacology. 0028-3908 (P) Continues the International journal of neuropharmacology. 1970- Acid-free 0236217 Neurophysiol Clin Neurophysiologie clinique = Clinical neurophysiology. 0987-7053 (P) Continues: Revue d’electroencephalographie et de neurophysiologie clinique. 1988- 8804532 Neuropsihijatrija Neuropsihijatrija. 0047-9438 (P) Continued by Neurologija. 1953-1976 0400776 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Neuropsychiatr Enfance Adolesc Neuropsychiatrie de l’enfance et de l’adolescence. 0222-9617 (P) Continues: Revue de neuropsychiatrie infantile et d’hygiene mentale de l’enfance. 1979- 7905300 Neuropsychiatry Neuropsychol Behav Neurol Neuropsychiatry, neuropsychology, and behavioral neurology. 0894-878X (P) 1537-0887 (E) Continued by: Cognitive and behavioral neurology. 1988-2002 8811108 Neuropsychobiology Neuropsychobiology. 0302-282X (P) 1423-0224 (E) Absorbed: International pharmacopsychiatry, 1983. 1975- Acid-free 7512895 Neuropsychol Dev Cogn C Child Neuropsychol Neuropsychology, development, and cognition. Section C, Child neuropsychology: a journal on normal and abnormal development in childhood and adolescence. 0929-7049 (P) 1995- 9512515 Neuropsychol Rehabil Neuropsychological rehabilitation. 0960-2011 (P) 1991- 9112672 Neuropsychol Rev Neuropsychology review. 1040-7308 (P) 1990- 9009029 Neuropsychologia Neuropsychologia. 0028-3932 (P) 1963- Acid-free 0020713 Neuropsychology Neuropsychology. 0894-4105 (P) 1987- 8904467 Neuropsychopharmacol Hung Neuropsychopharmacologia Hungarica: a Magyar Pszichofarmakologiai Egyesulet lapja = official journal of the Hungarian Association of Psychopharmacology. 1419-8711 (P) 1999- Acid-free 100961631 Neuropsychopharmacology Neuropsychopharmacology: official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 0893-133X (P) 1987- 8904907 Neuroradiology Neuroradiology. 0028-3940 (P) 1432-1920 (E) 1970- Acid-free 1302751 Neurorehabil Neural Repair Neurorehabilitation and neural repair. 1545-9683 (P) Continues: Journal of neurologic rehabilitation. 1999- 100892086 NeuroRehabilitation NeuroRehabilitation. 1053-8135 (P) 1991- 9113791 Neuroreport Neuroreport. 0959-4965 (P) 1473-558X (E) 1990- 9100935 2006 NeuroRx NeuroRx: the journal of the American Society for Experimental NeuroTherapeutics. 1545-5343 (P) 1545-5351 (E) 2004- Acid-free 101189456 Neurosci Behav Physiol Neuroscience and behavioral physiology. 0097-0549 (P) Continues Neuroscience translations. 1972- 0330471 Neurosci Biobehav Rev Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews. 0149-7634 (P) Continues Biobehavioral reviews. 1978- Acid-free 7806090 Neurosci Lett Neuroscience letters. 0304-3940 (P) 1975- Acid-free 7600130 Neurosci Lett Suppl Neuroscience letters. Supplement. 0167-6253 (P) 1978- Acid-free 7908180 Neurosci Res Neuroscience research. 0168-0102 (P) 1984- Acid-free 8500749 Neurosci Res (N Y) Neurosciences research. 0077-7846 (P) 1968-1973 0435453 Neurosci Res Program Bull Neurosciences Research Program bulletin. 0028-3967 (P) 1963-1982 7509226 Neurosci Res Suppl Neuroscience research. Supplement: the official journal of the Japan Neuroscience Society. 0921-8696 (P) 1985- Acid-free 8508422 Neuroscience Neuroscience. 0306-4522 (P) 1976- 7605074 Neuroscientist The Neuroscientist: a review journal bringing neurobiology, neurology and psychiatry. 1073-8584 (P) 1995- 9504819 Neurosignals Neuro-Signals. 1424-862X (P) 1424-8638 (E) Continues: Biological signals and receptors. 2002- 101134359 Neurosurg Clin N Am Neurosurgery clinics of North America. 1042-3680 (P) 1990- 9008004 Neurosurg Focus Neurosurgical focus [electronic resource]. 1092-0684 (E) 1996- 100896471 Neurosurg Rev Neurosurgical review. 0344-5607 (P) 1978- 7908181 Neurosurgery Neurosurgery. 0148-396X (P) 1524-4040 (E) 1977- 7802914 195

Neurotox Res Neurotoxicity research. 1029-8428 (P) 1476-3524 (E) 1999- Acid-free 100929017 Neurotoxicol Teratol Neurotoxicology and teratology. 0892-0362 (P) Continues: Neurobehavioral toxicology and teratology. 1987- Acid-free 8709538 Neurotoxicology Neurotoxicology. 0161-813X (P) 1979- 7905589 Neurotoxins Neurotoxins. 1357-7115 (P) 1994-1994 9508903 Neurourol Urodyn Neurourology and urodynamics. 0733-2467 (P) 1520-6777 (E) 1982- Acid-free 8303326 Nev Nurses Assoc Q Newsl Nevada Nurses Association Quarterly Newsletter. Continued by: Nevada Rnformation. 1969-1970 9875612 Nev Rnformation Nevada RNformation. 0273-4117 (P) 1972- 9878814 New Biol The New biologist. 1043-4674 (P) 1989-1992 Acid-free 9000976 New Dent The New dentist: the official journal of the American Student Dental Association. 0161-8431 (P) Continues: ASDA news. Continued by: ASDA news (American Student Dental Association: 1981) 1979-1981 8109096 New Dir Child Adolesc Dev New directions for child and adolescent development. 1520-3247 (P) Continues: New directions for child development. 1998- 100886823 New Dir Child Dev s) New directions for child development. 0195-2269 (P) Continued by: New directions for child and adolescent development. 1978-1998 Acid-free 8104414 New Dir Ment Health Serv New directions for mental health services. 0193-9416 (P) Continued by: New directions for youth development. 1979-2001 Acid-free 7905590 New Dir Youth Dev New directions for youth development. 1533-8916 (P) Continues: New directions for mental health services. 2002- 101090644 New Era Nurs Image Int New era nursing image international: NENI. 0794-4373 (P) 1985-1989 8612860 196 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED New Horiz New horizons (Baltimore, Md. ) 1063-7389 (P) 1993-1999 Acid-free 9416195 New Istanbul Contrib Clin Sci New Istanbul contribution to clinical science. 0028-5447 (P) Continues: Istanbul contribution to clinical science. Continued by: Turkish journal of haematology. 1954-1982 0377267 New Microbiol The new microbiologica: official journal of the Italian Society for Medical, Odontoiatric, and Clinical Microbiology (SIMMOC). 1121-7138 (P) Continues: Microbiologica. 1993- 9516291 New Physician s) The New physician. 0028-6451 (P) Continues the Journal of the Student American Medical Association. Beginning with v. 15, 1966- includes: Doctor and the law, which retains separate vol. numbering. 1957- 0377016 New Phytol The New phytologist. 0028-646X (P) 1469-8137 (E) 1902- Acid-free 9882884 New Sci s) New scientist (1971) 0262-4079 (P) Continues: New scientist and science journal. 1971- 9815377 New World Ir Nurs The New world of Irish nursing: official journal of Irish Nurses Organisation and National Council of Nurses. Continues: World of Irish nursing. Continued by: World of Irish nursing (Dublin, Ireland: 1995). 1993-1994 9312538 News Bull Indian Dent Assoc News Bulletin - Indian Dental Association. 1970-19?? 9877634 News Lett Florence Nightingale Int Nurs Assoc News Letter; Florence Nightingale International Nurses Association. 1968-19?? 9875611 News Lett Maine State Nurses Assoc News letter. Maine State Nurses’ Association. Continued by: Maine R. N.. Continued by: News letter. Main State Nurses’ Association. 1955-1966 1300154 News Lett Maine State Nurses Assoc News letter. Maine State Nurses’ Association. 0464-5855 (P) Supersedes a publication with the same title. 1966-1983 1300155 News Lett Maine State Nurses Assoc News letter. Maine State Nurses’ Association. Continued by: Maine R. N.. Continued by: News letter. Main State Nurses’ Association. 1955-1966 1300154 News Notes Ohio Dent J News Notes / Ohio Dental Journal. 1040-4945 (P) Continued by: Focus On Ohio Dentistry. 1973-1988 9875297 2006 News Physiol Sci News in physiological sciences: an international journal of physiology produced jointly by the International Union of Physiological Sciences and the American Physiological Society. 0886-1714 (P) 1522-161X (E) Continued by: Physiology (Bethesda, Md. ). 1986-2004 Acid-free 8609378 News Views News & Views: Rhode Island Nursing Magazine. Continues: Professional flashes. 19??-???? 9878932 Newsette Newsette - Department of Health National League of Nurses, Manila, Philippines. 0418-7199 (P) 1961-1986 7507318 Newsl Am Acad Health Adm s) Newsletter - American Academy of Health Administration. American Academy of Health Administration. 0196-450X (P) Continues Association of Management in Public Health. Newsletter. 1970-1978 7906915 Newsl Am Acad Implant Dent Newsletter. American Academy of Implant Dentistry. Absorbed by: Oral implantology. 1967-1969 0256711 Newsl Biomed Saf Stand s) The Newsletter of biomedical safety & standards. 1080-9775 (P) Continued by: Biomedical safety & standards. 1971-1984 0352003 Newsl Br Soc Hist Sci s) Newsletter. British Society for the History of Science. 1980- 9886698 Newsl Int Acad Periodontol Newsletter (International Academy of Periodontology) 0963-5742 (P) 1991- 9211941 Newsl Int Coll Dent India Sect Newsletter. International College of Dentists. India Section. 1965-19?? 1260704 Newsl Ky Nurses Assoc Newsletter. Kentucky Nurses Association. 0023-0316 (P) Continued by Kentucky nurse 1953-1982 0045354 Newsl Scand Soc Forensic Odontol News letter. Scandinavian Society of Forensic Odontology. 0581-9504 (P) 1967-1972 0100712 Newsl Soc Welf Hist Group s) Newsletter-Social Welfare History Group. Social Welfare History Group. 0560-3870 (P) 1956-19?? 9883135 Newsl Springfield Dent Soc Newsletter - Springfield Dental Society. Continued by: Greater Ozarks Dental Health Newsletter. 1976-1980 9877609 Newsl Wis League Nurs Newsletter. Wisconsin League for Nursing. 1959-197? 0242753

Neurotox Res<br />

Neurotoxicity research.<br />

1029-8428 (P) 1476-3524 (E)<br />

1999- Acid-free 100929017<br />

Neurotoxicol Teratol<br />

Neurotoxicology and teratology.<br />

0892-0362 (P)<br />

Continues: Neurobehavioral toxicology and<br />

teratology.<br />

1987- Acid-free 8709538<br />

Neurotoxicology<br />

Neurotoxicology.<br />

0161-813X (P)<br />

1979- 7905589<br />

Neurotoxins<br />

Neurotoxins.<br />

1357-7115 (P)<br />

1994-1994 9508903<br />

Neurourol Urodyn<br />

Neurourology and urodynamics.<br />

0733-2467 (P) 1520-6777 (E)<br />

1982- Acid-free 8303326<br />

Nev Nurses Assoc Q Newsl<br />

Nevada Nurses Association Quarterly<br />

Newsletter.<br />

Continued by: Nevada Rnformation.<br />

1969-1970 9875612<br />

Nev Rnformation<br />

Nevada RNformation.<br />

0273-4117 (P)<br />

1972- 9878814<br />

New Biol<br />

The New biologist.<br />

1043-4674 (P)<br />

1989-1992 Acid-free 9000976<br />

New Dent<br />

The New dentist: the official journal of<br />

the American Student Dental Association.<br />

0161-8431 (P)<br />

Continues: ASDA news. Continued by: ASDA<br />

news (American Student Dental Association:<br />

1981)<br />

1979-1981 8109096<br />

New Dir Child Adolesc Dev<br />

New directions for child and adolescent<br />

development.<br />

1520-3247 (P)<br />

Continues: New directions for child<br />

development.<br />

1998- 100886823<br />

New Dir Child Dev<br />

s) New directions for child development.<br />

0195-2269 (P)<br />

Continued by: New directions for child and<br />

adolescent development.<br />

1978-1998 Acid-free 8104414<br />

New Dir Ment Health Serv<br />

New directions for mental health services.<br />

0193-9416 (P)<br />

Continued by: New directions for youth<br />

development.<br />

1979-2001 Acid-free 7905590<br />

New Dir Youth Dev<br />

New directions for youth development.<br />

1533-8916 (P)<br />

Continues: New directions for mental health<br />

services.<br />

2002- 101090644<br />

New Era Nurs Image Int<br />

New era nursing image international: NENI.<br />

0794-4373 (P)<br />

1985-1989 8612860<br />

196<br />

<strong>LIST</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>SERIALS</strong> <strong>INDEXED</strong><br />

New Horiz<br />

New horizons (Baltimore, Md. )<br />

1063-7389 (P)<br />

1993-1999 Acid-free 9416195<br />

New Istanbul Contrib Clin Sci<br />

New Istanbul contribution to clinical<br />

science.<br />

0028-5447 (P)<br />

Continues: Istanbul contribution to clinical<br />

science. Continued by: Turkish journal of<br />

haematology.<br />

1954-1982 0377267<br />

New Microbiol<br />

The new microbiologica: official journal of<br />

the Italian Society for Medical,<br />

Odontoiatric, and Clinical Microbiology<br />

(SIMMOC).<br />

1121-7138 (P)<br />

Continues: Microbiologica.<br />

1993- 9516291<br />

New Physician<br />

s) The New physician.<br />

0028-6451 (P)<br />

Continues the Journal of the Student<br />

American Medical Association. Beginning<br />

with v. 15, 1966- includes: Doctor and the<br />

law, which retains separate vol. numbering.<br />

1957- 0377016<br />

New Phytol<br />

The New phytologist.<br />

0028-646X (P) 1469-8137 (E)<br />

1902- Acid-free 9882884<br />

New Sci<br />

s) New scientist (1971)<br />

0262-4079 (P)<br />

Continues: New scientist and science journal.<br />

1971- 9815377<br />

New World Ir Nurs<br />

The New world of Irish nursing: official<br />

journal of Irish Nurses Organisation and<br />

National Council of Nurses.<br />

Continues: World of Irish nursing.<br />

Continued by: World of Irish nursing<br />

(Dublin, Ireland: 1995).<br />

1993-1994 9312538<br />

News Bull Indian Dent Assoc<br />

News Bulletin - Indian Dental Association.<br />

1970-19?? 9877634<br />

News Lett Florence Nightingale Int Nurs Assoc<br />

News Letter; Florence Nightingale<br />

International Nurses Association.<br />

1968-19?? 9875611<br />

News Lett Maine State Nurses Assoc<br />

News letter. Maine State Nurses’<br />

Association.<br />

Continued by: Maine R. N.. Continued by:<br />

News letter. Main State Nurses’ Association.<br />

1955-1966 1300154<br />

News Lett Maine State Nurses Assoc<br />

News letter. Maine State Nurses’<br />

Association.<br />

0464-5855 (P)<br />

Supersedes a publication with the same title.<br />

1966-1983 1300155<br />

News Lett Maine State Nurses Assoc<br />

News letter. Maine State Nurses’<br />

Association.<br />

Continued by: Maine R. N.. Continued by:<br />

News letter. Main State Nurses’ Association.<br />

1955-1966 1300154<br />

News Notes Ohio Dent J<br />

News Notes / Ohio Dental Journal.<br />

1040-4945 (P)<br />

Continued by: Focus On Ohio Dentistry.<br />

1973-1988 9875297<br />

2006<br />

News Physiol Sci<br />

News in physiological sciences: an<br />

international journal of physiology produced<br />

jointly by the International Union of<br />

Physiological Sciences and the American<br />

Physiological Society.<br />

0886-1714 (P) 1522-161X (E)<br />

Continued by: Physiology (Bethesda, Md. ).<br />

1986-2004 Acid-free 8609378<br />

News Views<br />

News & Views: Rhode Island Nursing Magazine.<br />

Continues: Professional flashes.<br />

19??-???? 9878932<br />

Newsette<br />

Newsette - Department of Health National<br />

League of Nurses, Manila, Philippines.<br />

0418-7199 (P)<br />

1961-1986 7507318<br />

Newsl Am Acad Health Adm<br />

s) Newsletter - American Academy of Health<br />

Administration. American Academy of Health<br />

Administration.<br />

0196-450X (P)<br />

Continues Association of Management in<br />

Public Health. Newsletter.<br />

1970-1978 7906915<br />

Newsl Am Acad Implant Dent<br />

Newsletter. American Academy of Implant<br />

Dentistry.<br />

Absorbed by: Oral implantology.<br />

1967-1969 0256711<br />

Newsl Biomed Saf Stand<br />

s) The Newsletter of biomedical safety &<br />

standards.<br />

1080-9775 (P)<br />

Continued by: Biomedical safety & standards.<br />

1971-1984 0352003<br />

Newsl Br Soc Hist Sci<br />

s) Newsletter. British Society for the History<br />

of Science.<br />

1980- 9886698<br />

Newsl Int Acad Periodontol<br />

Newsletter (International Academy of<br />

Periodontology)<br />

0963-5742 (P)<br />

1991- 9211941<br />

Newsl Int Coll Dent India Sect<br />

Newsletter. International College of<br />

Dentists. India Section.<br />

1965-19?? 1260704<br />

Newsl Ky Nurses Assoc<br />

Newsletter. Kentucky Nurses Association.<br />

0023-0316 (P)<br />

Continued by Kentucky nurse<br />

1953-1982 0045354<br />

Newsl Scand Soc Forensic Odontol<br />

News letter. Scandinavian Society of<br />

Forensic Odontology.<br />

0581-9504 (P)<br />

1967-1972 0100712<br />

Newsl Soc Welf Hist Group<br />

s) Newsletter-Social Welfare History Group.<br />

Social Welfare History Group.<br />

0560-3870 (P)<br />

1956-19?? 9883135<br />

Newsl Springfield Dent Soc<br />

Newsletter - Springfield Dental Society.<br />

Continued by: Greater Ozarks Dental Health<br />

Newsletter.<br />

1976-1980 9877609<br />

Newsl Wis League Nurs<br />

Newsletter. Wisconsin League for Nursing.<br />

1959-197? 0242753

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